Base64 image decode in Laravel - php

I have function for image upload:
public function upload(UploadImageRequest $request)
$image = $request->file('image')->storeAs('public/images', time().'_'.$request->file('image')->getClientOriginalName());
$url = Storage::url($image);
$image = Image::make([]);
$image->path = $storagePath.$url;
$image->url = "$url";
return Response::json($image, ResponseHttp::HTTP_CREATED);
It's work fine, but I want to add fucntionality if frontend send me picture in base64. How it decode?

To decode base64 image use this -
$decode = base64_decode(preg_replace('#^data:image/\w+;base64,#i', '', $image));
Hope this will help you.


malformed utf-8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded

I have encoded image to base64 in iOS and sending it to server and then using base64_decode() on that string. But it is giving an error
malformed utf-8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded
i am doing this in laravel and using php core function;
public function createIdea(Request $request) {
$filename = str_random(8);
$imageStr = $request->input('idea_image');
$decodeImage = base64_decode($imageStr);
$image = imagecreatefromstring($decodeImage);
if ($request->hasFile($image)) {
$filename = $request->file($image)->getClientOriginalName();
$moveImage = $request->file($image)->move('images', $filename);
$idea = new Idea();
$idea->idea_title = $request->input('idea_title');
$idea->idea_info = $request->input('idea_info');
$idea->idea_image = "images/".$filename;
$idea->idea_location = $request->input('idea_location');
$idea->idea_description = $request->input('idea_description');
$idea->idea_description = $request->input('selection');
$idea->user_id = \Auth::id();
$ideaId = $idea->id;
if ( ! $idea->id ) {
$statusCode =404;
response()->json(array('Status:' => 'Idea Creation FAILED'),$statusCode);
$response = $idea->toJson();
$statusCode =200;
return response()->json(array('Status:' => 'Idea Created Successfully', 'ideaId' => $ideaId, 'image' => $imageStr),$statusCode);
Any help would be appreciated.
Encoding the blob in base64 before serving the data in any language will allow you to transfer BLOB data as safe strings!

convert binary and save this to video format on php language

I try an API to get video content. The problem is, the return of the api is binary. How can I get a video file?
When I want to get an image, I just run this code:
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$aa = base64_encode($response);
$data = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,'.$aa;
list($type, $data) = explode(';', $data);
list(, $data) = explode(',', $data);
$data = base64_decode($data);
file_put_contents('image2.jpg', $data);
but I think it doesn't work when I want to convert into video.

How to save base64 string as image server-side

I want to save a base64 string as an image (.png or .jpg) on my server.
The string I get looks like this:
I tried this:
$data = $_POST['form_new_data'];
list($type, $data) = explode(';', $data);
list(, $data) = explode(',', $data);
$data = base64_decode($data);
but it is not working (maybe because the base64 string is a jpeg?).. Please help..
try this
$data = $_POST['form_new_data'];
file_put_contents('img.jpg', base64_decode(preg_replace('#^data:image/\w+;base64,#i', '', $data)));

I want to decode base64 encoded data which is image/gif? How can I do that in php?

I am using the below code from the library
I tried to convert the code given below to a gif image file but could not achieve it.
var encoder = new GIFEncoder();
var st = '|100:167.1,D,Pencil,3,#000|100:167.1,U|100:167.1,D|102:163.1,M|135:125.1|206:97.1|289:99.1|323:134.1|3\
var frames_array = st.split('|');
$.each(frames_array,function(index,value) {
var binary_gif =;
var data_url = 'data:image/gif;base64,'+encode64(binary_gif);
What I get for data_url is as given below
I need to convert this encoded code to an gif image file. How can I achieve it further
try this , may this will help you
function base64url_decode($data) {
return base64_decode(str_pad(strtr($data, '-_', '+/'), strlen($data) % 4, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT));
Use this (PHP pseudo-code):
function imagegif_from_base64($base64)
return imagecreatefromstring(base64_decode(substr($base64, 22) /* remove the "data:image/gif;base64," string */));
related get image from base64 string
AS you are using jsgif library you You can do like this to decode image
$imgstr = '‏';
$imgstr = base64_decode($imgdata[1]);
// or choose any name instead sample.gif
file_put_contents("sample.gif", base64_decode($imgstr));
If you just wanna use PHP try this:
$str = '...';
$data = str_replace('data:image/gif;base64,', '', $str);
$data = str_replace(' ', '+', $data);
$data = base64_decode($data); // base64 decoded image data
$source_img = imagecreatefromstring($data);
$file = uniqid() .'.gif';
$success = file_put_contents($file, $data);
This will save the .gif image in the same folder the php file is located.

why does json_decode break when passed specific strings?

here is my function in a class called getminecraftprofile.php
basically it takes data from
dependant on the UUID of the user and gets an array that i can pick formation from.
the URL strings are base64 encoded so it decodes that as well.
public function getSkin()
$properties = $this->properties;
$encoded = json_encode($properties);
$imgUrl = json_decode(base64_decode(json_decode($encoded,true)[0]['value']),true) ['textures']['SKIN']['url'];
$img = file_get_contents($imgUrl);
this is the file that is passing in what user profile to find and get the skin of that profile. for most profiles it works perfectly and you can see it in action at
include ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/test/src/getminecraftprofile.php' )?>
$profile = ProfileUtils::getProfile("useruser3");
//$result = $profile->getSkin();
$properties = $profile->getProperties();
$encoded = json_encode($properties);
$imgUrl = json_decode(base64_decode(json_decode($encoded,true)[0]['value']),true)['textures']['SKIN']['url'];
$img = file_get_contents($imgUrl);
echo('Texture URL Decoded: ' . $imgUrl );
it all grinds to a halt however if i say
$profile = ProfileUtils::getProfile("_jeb");
then it throws this at me
Warning: file_get_contents(): Filename cannot be empty in /Applications/AMPPS/www/test/src/getskin.php on line 10
string(908) "[{"name":"textures","value":"eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE0MDM0ODE0Mjk2NDMsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6IjdmM2ZjY2ZjYzUzOTQzNTdhZmEwMjExYTYyODc3MWU0IiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJfamViIiwiaXNQdWJsaWMiOnRydWUsInRleHR1cmVzIjp7fX0=","signature":"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"}]" Texture URL Decoded:
i know there is data there because its visible before the base64 decode.
where is it going wrong?
here is an example of what is being parsed
