New count when month starts/ ends - php

I want to make a counter in php using only year, month and numbers. For example
Today's date is: 201710--- Where last 3 dash are variable. It could be any number in between 1-999.( I will add an auto increment in last 3 dash line ).
After end of October the dash line should start again from 1 for example
Example : 201711001 ....201711002....201711901.....201712001...201712010 etc
How can I do it ? Any Help ?
$patid = date("Ym").$patient_count;

If you can keep track of the last used date and (obviously) $patient_count:
//retrieve $lastdate and $patientcount (from database or file)
$newdate = date ("Ym");
if ($newdate != $lastdate) {
else {
$patient_count = 1;
$patid = $newdate.$patient_count;
$lastdate = $newdate;
//store $lastdate and $patientcount


auto generated purchase order number base from year in laravel

I have this code which should generate purchase number automatically with year attached to the number.
$record = Ponumbers::latest()->first();
$expNum = explode('-', $record->purchase_num);
//check first day in a year
if ( date('l',strtotime(date('Y-01-01'))) ){
$nextPoNumber = 'po'.date('Y').'-000001';
} else {
//increase 1 with last invoice number
$nextPoNumber = $expNum[0].'-'. $expNum[1]+1;
but it doesn't seems to work because it display only the this,
I am guessing it only displayed what's in this line
$nextPoNumber = 'po'.date('Y').'-000001';
any suggestion? thanks you so much in advance!
date('l',strtotime(date('Y-01-01'))) returns first weekday name for 2019, which is Tuesday. That is truthy value so the if is always true and $nextPoNumber is always po2019-000001.
If I understand your code correctly this is what you like it to do:
$record = Ponumbers::latest()->first();
$expNum = explode('-', $record->purchase_num);
$nextPoNumber = 'po'.date('Y').'-'.sprintf("%06d",$expNum[1]+1);
Try this :
$record = Ponumbers::latest()->first();
$expNum = explode('-', $record->purchase_num);
//check first day in a year
$first_day = gmdate('j', strtotime('first day of january this year'));
if (date('j') == $first_day){
$nextPoNumber = 'po'.date('Y').'-000001';
} else {
//increase 1 with last invoice number
$nextPoNumber = $expNum[0].'-'. $expNum[1]+1;

php get last year range date

I have a user in a database with a creation_date. This user can run a job in my app UI, but he is limited by a number of job to run in one year.
This user has been created in 2014. I would like to do something like :
function runJob($user){
$nbRemainingJob = findReminingJobs($user);
if ($nbRemainingJob > 0){
else {
die("no more credits";)
$dateRangeStart = ?; //start date to use
$endRangeStart = ?; //end date to use
$sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM jobs WHERE user_id=?";
$sql .= "AND job_created_at BETWEEN ($dateRangeStart AND $endRangeStart)";
$res = $pdo->execute($sql, [$user->id]);
$done = $res->fetchOne();
return ($user->max_jobs - $done);
Every user's creation birthday, the $user->max_jobs is reset.
The question is how to find starting/ending date ? in other words, I would like to get a range of date starting from the user's creation date.
For example, if the user was created on 2014-04-12, my start_date should be 2018-04-12 and my end_date = 2019-04-11.
Any idea ?
First get the user register date from db and split it into Year, Month and Day like
$register= explode('-', $userCridate);
$month = $register[0];
$day = $register[1];
$year = $register[2];
Then get the current year like
$year = date("Y");
$dateRangeStart = $year."-".$month."-".$day; //start date to use
Now, check if this date is greater then today date, then use last year as starting date
$previousyear = $year -1;
$dateRangeStart = $previousyear ."-".$month."-".$day; //start date to use
$endRangeStart = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dateRangeStart))
. " + 365 day"));
It is a idea, check if it work for you.
function getRange($registrationDate) {
$range = array();
// Split registration date components
list($registrationYear, $registrationMonth, $registrationDay) = explode('-', $registrationDate);
// Define range start year
$currentYear = date('Y');
$startYear = $registrationYear < $currentYear ? $currentYear : $registrationYear;
// Define range boudaries
$range['start'] = "$startYear-$registrationMonth-$registrationDay";
$range['end'] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($range['start'] . ' + 364 day'));
return $range;
And for your example:
[start] => 2018-04-12
[end] => 2019-04-11
[start] => 2018-09-13
[end] => 2019-09-12
$dateEnding = strtotime($newDate);
$dateEnding = date('Y-m-d',strtotime("+1 year",$dateEnding));
$dateEnding = strtotime($newDate);
$dateEnding = date('Y-m-d',strtotime("+1 year",$dateEnding));
echo 'starting date is: '.$newDate;
echo '</br>';
echo 'ending date is: '.$dateEnding;
This code will get the date you have and match it with the current year. If the year of the date you provided is equal or above the current year the start date will be your date and end date will be current date +1 year. Otherwise if the year is below our current year (2014) it will replace it with the current year and add 1 year for the end date. Some example outputs:
For input
The output is :
starting date is: 2018-04-12
ending date is: 2019-04-12
But for input
The outpus is :
starting date is: 2025-04-12
ending date is: 2026-04-12
The solution that match my need :
$now = new DateTime();
$created_user = date_create($created);
$diff = $now->diff($created_user)->format('%R%a');
$diff = abs(intval($diff));
$year = intval($diff / 365);
if ($year == 0){
$startDate=$created_user->add(new DateInterval("P".$year."Y"))->format("Y-m-d");
The problem was to define the starting date that is comprised in the one year range max from the current date and starting from the user's creation date.
So if the user's creation_date is older than one year, than I do +1 year, if not, take this date. the starting date must not be greater than the current date_time
thanks to all for your help

add days to month not exceeding last day of the month php

I have date in this form - - 20160428000000 (28th April 2016) i.e yyyymmdd...
I need that if some days(eg. 3) are added to this date - it should add them but not exceed the month(04) - expected output - 20160430000000 - 30th April
Similarly, 20160226000000 + 5days should return 20160229000000 i.e leap year Feb. That means, it should not jump to another month.
Any hints/Ideas ?
Another alternative would be to use DateTime classes to check it out:
First of course create your object thru the input. Then, set the ending day of the month object.
After that, make the addition then check if it exceeds the ending day. If yes, set it to the end, if not, then get the result of the addition:
$day = 5; // days to be added
$date = '20160226000000'; // input date
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat('YmdHis', $date); // create the input date
$end = clone $dt; // clone / copy the input
$end->modify('last day of this month'); // and set it to last day
$dt->add(DateInterval::createFromDateString("+{$day} days")); // add x days
// make comparision
$final_date = ($dt > $end) ? $end->format('YmdHis') : $dt->format('YmdHis');
echo $final_date;
For this you can try like this:
$given_date = 20160428000000;
$no_of_day = 3;
if(date('m',strtotime($given_date)) < date('m',strtotime($given_date ." +".$no_of_day."days"))){
echo "Exceeded to next month <br/>";
echo "Last date of month should be: ".date("t M Y", strtotime($given_date));
else {
echo "Next date will be after ".$no_of_day." day(s)<br/>";
echo date('d M Y',strtotime($given_date ." +".$no_of_day."days"));
If month will jump to next month then it will show the current month last date.
other wise it will show date after number of days extended.
If the added date exceeds last day, will select the last day as the new date.
$date_orig = 20160226000000;
$add_day = 5; # No. of days to add
$added_date = strtotime($date_orig. ' + '.$add_day.' days'); // Add $add_day to $date_orig
$last_date = strtotime(date("YmtHis", strtotime($date_orig))); // Last day of $date_orig
$new_date = ($added_date > $last_date) ? $last_date : $added_date; // check the added date exceeds the last date
$new_date_format = date("YmdHis", $new_date); // Format Date
echo $new_date_format;
$month_end = date('t-m-Y'); // Gets the last day of the month; e.g 31-07-2019
echo $month_end;

Reset of Serial Numbers By Each Number by each month in php

I would like to create a serial number the following way.
The serial number should go back to 01 with the start of each month.
$stockno=dofetch(doquery("Select count(id) from vehicle",$dblink));
$stock_no= date("Ymd")."-".$stockno=$stockno["count(id)"]+1;
output is
but need Result below format, when new month start serials will be reset
new month start again reset to 1
Here you go,
you just need to get last inserted serial value.
$dateString = "20150424-03"; // get Last entry's date from database. ( date("Ymd"). Ex. 20150424-03
$dtData = split('-',$dateString); // $dtData[0] = date part, $dtData[1] = Prefix part
$month1 = date("m",strtotime($dtData[0])); //Get the month of retrived date
//$date2 = date("Ymd"); // Get current date
// OR
$date2 = date("Ymd", strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($dtData[0]))); // OR Increment last-date by one day
$month2 = date("m",strtotime($date2)); // Get updated date's month
// now calculate month difference between dates. if months are same, prefix will be increased else prefix will be reset to 1
$prefix = (($month2-$month1) == 0) ? str_pad(++$dtData[1], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : str_pad(1, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
echo $date2. '-'. $prefix;
Simple and doesn't need any changes in database

Omitting redundant months and years in date range list

I have got strange issue with dates of events and I have tried hard to get it fixed but unable to do it.
I am attaching a screenshot of how I want to display the dates on the page :
In the picture the first event Deine Energie in Aktion! is a combination of 5 events with each event having its start date and end date.
The first part of the event is 1 day event which starts on 4th April and ends on 4th April. Similarly the second part is on 7th April, 3rd part on 9th April and 4th part on 20th April
The last part starts on 5th May and ends on 10th May.
The dates are stored in database in this format :
I am showing the dates for last part of event.
Event Start Date : 2013-05-05 00:00:00
Event End Date : 2013-05-10 00:00:00
So I want to display dates in the format shown in the picture.
There are multiple cases:
First is if all the dates are coming within a single month then we display the month name at the end only once.
Second is if months are changed then the month name will be shown after the date when the month is changed.
I am getting events dates in a while loop, so how do I compare the current event date with the coming event date in a loop.
This is the code I have used so far to get the dates from the database..
$nid = $row->nid;
$get_product_id = "SELECT product_id from {uc_product_kits} where nid='$nid'";
$res = db_query($get_product_id);
while ($get_product_id_array_value = db_fetch_array($res)) {
$prductid = $get_product_id_array_value['product_id'];
$start_date = db_query("select event_start,event_end from {event} where nid=%d",$prductid);
$start_date_value = db_fetch_object($start_date);
$end_value = $start_date_value->event_start;
$event_end_date = $start_date_value->event_end;
$TotalStart = date("d M Y", strtotime($end_value));
$TotalEnd = date("d M Y", strtotime($event_end_date));
$onlyMonthStart = date("M", strtotime($end_value));
$onlyMonthEnd = date("M", strtotime($event_end_date));
//$groupMonth = db_query("select event_start,event_end, month from {event} where nid=%d group by ",$prductid);
if($TotalStart == $TotalEnd ){
$startDay = date("d", strtotime($end_value));
$startMonth = date("M", strtotime($end_value));
if(in_array($startMonth,$newMonth)) {
echo $onlstartdate;
else {
$onlstartdate = date("d", strtotime($end_value));
echo $onlstartdate;
$tempStorage[] = $startMonth
//$newMonth[] = $startMonth;
Easiest would be to first collect all data from your query into e.g. array.
Only then iterate over the array. Having all data together will allow you to compare two consecutive date ranges to decide level of details you need to print for each.
Commented example:
// collect data from SQL query into structure like this:
$events = array(
array("event_start" => "2013-4-4", "event_end" => "2013-4-4"),
array("event_start" => "2013-4-7", "event_end" => "2013-4-7"),
array("event_start" => "2013-4-9", "event_end" => "2013-4-9"),
array("event_start" => "2013-4-20", "event_end" => "2013-4-20"),
array("event_start" => "2013-5-5", "event_end" => "2013-5-10"),
array("event_start" => "2014-1-1", "event_end" => "2014-1-2"),
// the actual code for range list generation:
for ($i = 0; $i < count($events); $i++)
// parse start and end of this range
$this_event = $events[$i];
$this_start_date = strtotime($this_event["event_start"]);
$this_end_date = strtotime($this_event["event_end"]);
// extract months and years
$this_start_month = date("M", $this_start_date);
$this_end_month = date("M", $this_end_date);
$this_start_year = date("Y", $this_start_date);
$this_end_year = date("Y", $this_end_date);
$last = ($i == count($events) - 1);
// parse start and end of next range, if any
if (!$last)
$next_event = $events[$i + 1];
$next_start_date = strtotime($next_event["event_start"]);
$next_end_date = strtotime($next_event["event_end"]);
$next_start_month = date("M", $next_start_date);
$next_end_month = date("M", $next_end_date);
$next_start_year = date("Y", $next_start_date);
$next_end_year = date("Y", $next_end_date);
// ranges with different starting and ending months always go
// on their own line
if (($this_start_month != $this_end_month) ||
($this_start_year != $this_end_year))
echo date("j M", $this_start_date);
// print starting year only if it differs from ending year
if ($this_start_year != $this_end_year)
echo " ".date("Y", $this_start_date);
echo "-".date("j M Y", $this_end_year)." <br/>\n";
// this is range starting and ending in the same month
echo date("j", $this_start_date);
// different starting and ending day
if ($this_start_date != $this_end_date)
echo "-".date("j", $this_end_date);
$newline = false;
// print month for the last range;
// and for any range that starts(=ends) in different month
// than the next range ends
if ($last ||
($this_start_month != $next_end_month))
echo " ".date("M", $this_start_date);
$newline = true;
// print year for the last range;
// and for any range that starts(=ends) in different year
// than next range ends
if ($last ||
($this_start_year != $next_end_year) ||
($next_start_month != $next_end_month))
echo " ".date("Y", $this_start_date);
$newline = true;
if ($newline)
echo " <br/>\n";
// month (and year) will be printed for some future range
// on the same line
echo ", ";
This outputs:
4, 7, 9, 20 Apr <br/>
5-10 May 2013 <br/>
1-2 Jan 2014 <br/>
A possibility to check if you need to print the month for the current date item is actually to check in the next item. Let me try to explain with pseudocode:
$month = 0; // Initialize $month variable to unset
// Loop over all your events
foreach($dates as $date) {
// Convert $date to a timestamp
// If the 'month' of the current $timestamp is unequal to $month
// it means we switch months and we have to print the $month first
if(date('m', $timestamp) != $month) {
echo $month; // Of course format how you want it to be displayed
// Set $month to the new month
$month = date('m', $timestamp);
// Print the rest of the event, like day numbers here
Well, since you need to compare value from one loop to another, you won't be able to use echo directly.
You need to use temp variables. So with the first loop for the start date, you store $tmp_day_1 and $tmp_month_1 then with the end date loop you can compare both months and check if they are diferents. Then you can use echo. I hope I make my point :)
