add days to month not exceeding last day of the month php - php

I have date in this form - - 20160428000000 (28th April 2016) i.e yyyymmdd...
I need that if some days(eg. 3) are added to this date - it should add them but not exceed the month(04) - expected output - 20160430000000 - 30th April
Similarly, 20160226000000 + 5days should return 20160229000000 i.e leap year Feb. That means, it should not jump to another month.
Any hints/Ideas ?

Another alternative would be to use DateTime classes to check it out:
First of course create your object thru the input. Then, set the ending day of the month object.
After that, make the addition then check if it exceeds the ending day. If yes, set it to the end, if not, then get the result of the addition:
$day = 5; // days to be added
$date = '20160226000000'; // input date
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat('YmdHis', $date); // create the input date
$end = clone $dt; // clone / copy the input
$end->modify('last day of this month'); // and set it to last day
$dt->add(DateInterval::createFromDateString("+{$day} days")); // add x days
// make comparision
$final_date = ($dt > $end) ? $end->format('YmdHis') : $dt->format('YmdHis');
echo $final_date;

For this you can try like this:
$given_date = 20160428000000;
$no_of_day = 3;
if(date('m',strtotime($given_date)) < date('m',strtotime($given_date ." +".$no_of_day."days"))){
echo "Exceeded to next month <br/>";
echo "Last date of month should be: ".date("t M Y", strtotime($given_date));
else {
echo "Next date will be after ".$no_of_day." day(s)<br/>";
echo date('d M Y',strtotime($given_date ." +".$no_of_day."days"));
If month will jump to next month then it will show the current month last date.
other wise it will show date after number of days extended.

If the added date exceeds last day, will select the last day as the new date.
$date_orig = 20160226000000;
$add_day = 5; # No. of days to add
$added_date = strtotime($date_orig. ' + '.$add_day.' days'); // Add $add_day to $date_orig
$last_date = strtotime(date("YmtHis", strtotime($date_orig))); // Last day of $date_orig
$new_date = ($added_date > $last_date) ? $last_date : $added_date; // check the added date exceeds the last date
$new_date_format = date("YmdHis", $new_date); // Format Date
echo $new_date_format;

$month_end = date('t-m-Y'); // Gets the last day of the month; e.g 31-07-2019
echo $month_end;


count occurrence of date (e.g 14th) between two dates

How can I count occurrences of 14th of a month between two dates
For example between 07.05.2018 and 04.07.2018
I have 2 occurrences of the 14th
Try this. Note that I've changed your date format, but you can just do a createFromFormat if you're really keen on your own format.
$startDate = new DateTime('2018-05-07');
$endDate = new DateTime('2018-07-04');
$dateInterval = new DateInterval('P1D');
$datePeriod = new DatePeriod($startDate, $dateInterval, $endDate);
$fourteenths = [];
foreach ($datePeriod as $dt) {
if ($dt->format('d') == '14') { // Note this is loosely checked!
$fourteenths[] = $dt->format('Y-m-d');
echo count($fourteenths) . PHP_EOL;
See it in action here:
This is probably not an optimal solution as you loop through every day in the date period and check whether it's the fourteenth. Probably easier is to modify the start date up to the next 14th and then check with an interval of P1M.
You don't need to loop at all.
Here's a solution that does not loop at all and uses the less memory and performance hungry date opposed to DateTime.
$start = "2018-05-07";
$end = "2018-07-04";
$times = 0;
// Check if first and last month in the range has a 14th.
if(date("d", strtotime($start)) <= 14) $times++;
if(date("d", strtotime($end)) >= 14) $times++;
// Create an array with the months between start and end
$months = range(strtotime($start . "+1 month"), strtotime($end . "-1 month"), 86400*30);
// Add the count of the months
$times += count($months);
echo $times; // 2

php get last year range date

I have a user in a database with a creation_date. This user can run a job in my app UI, but he is limited by a number of job to run in one year.
This user has been created in 2014. I would like to do something like :
function runJob($user){
$nbRemainingJob = findReminingJobs($user);
if ($nbRemainingJob > 0){
else {
die("no more credits";)
$dateRangeStart = ?; //start date to use
$endRangeStart = ?; //end date to use
$sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM jobs WHERE user_id=?";
$sql .= "AND job_created_at BETWEEN ($dateRangeStart AND $endRangeStart)";
$res = $pdo->execute($sql, [$user->id]);
$done = $res->fetchOne();
return ($user->max_jobs - $done);
Every user's creation birthday, the $user->max_jobs is reset.
The question is how to find starting/ending date ? in other words, I would like to get a range of date starting from the user's creation date.
For example, if the user was created on 2014-04-12, my start_date should be 2018-04-12 and my end_date = 2019-04-11.
Any idea ?
First get the user register date from db and split it into Year, Month and Day like
$register= explode('-', $userCridate);
$month = $register[0];
$day = $register[1];
$year = $register[2];
Then get the current year like
$year = date("Y");
$dateRangeStart = $year."-".$month."-".$day; //start date to use
Now, check if this date is greater then today date, then use last year as starting date
$previousyear = $year -1;
$dateRangeStart = $previousyear ."-".$month."-".$day; //start date to use
$endRangeStart = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dateRangeStart))
. " + 365 day"));
It is a idea, check if it work for you.
function getRange($registrationDate) {
$range = array();
// Split registration date components
list($registrationYear, $registrationMonth, $registrationDay) = explode('-', $registrationDate);
// Define range start year
$currentYear = date('Y');
$startYear = $registrationYear < $currentYear ? $currentYear : $registrationYear;
// Define range boudaries
$range['start'] = "$startYear-$registrationMonth-$registrationDay";
$range['end'] = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($range['start'] . ' + 364 day'));
return $range;
And for your example:
[start] => 2018-04-12
[end] => 2019-04-11
[start] => 2018-09-13
[end] => 2019-09-12
$dateEnding = strtotime($newDate);
$dateEnding = date('Y-m-d',strtotime("+1 year",$dateEnding));
$dateEnding = strtotime($newDate);
$dateEnding = date('Y-m-d',strtotime("+1 year",$dateEnding));
echo 'starting date is: '.$newDate;
echo '</br>';
echo 'ending date is: '.$dateEnding;
This code will get the date you have and match it with the current year. If the year of the date you provided is equal or above the current year the start date will be your date and end date will be current date +1 year. Otherwise if the year is below our current year (2014) it will replace it with the current year and add 1 year for the end date. Some example outputs:
For input
The output is :
starting date is: 2018-04-12
ending date is: 2019-04-12
But for input
The outpus is :
starting date is: 2025-04-12
ending date is: 2026-04-12
The solution that match my need :
$now = new DateTime();
$created_user = date_create($created);
$diff = $now->diff($created_user)->format('%R%a');
$diff = abs(intval($diff));
$year = intval($diff / 365);
if ($year == 0){
$startDate=$created_user->add(new DateInterval("P".$year."Y"))->format("Y-m-d");
The problem was to define the starting date that is comprised in the one year range max from the current date and starting from the user's creation date.
So if the user's creation_date is older than one year, than I do +1 year, if not, take this date. the starting date must not be greater than the current date_time
thanks to all for your help

PHP select the dates of a custom week range

PHP 7.1.7
There's a work function I'm dealing with that has a custom "week" (where a "week" for this function is Saturday through Friday).
For any given day of the week, how could I set two variables to contain the start of the custom defined week (Saturday) and the end of the custom defined week (Friday).
So, if I had a date of 8-11-17, I would need to come up with a a start date variable holding 8-05-17 and an end date variable holding 8-11-17.
Not sure if I understood the question correct but is this what you are looking for?
It uses strtotime() to find previous saturday from input. Then next friday from that saturday.
$Input = "08/12/2017";
if(date("l", strtotime($Input)) == "Saturday"){
$Saturday = strtotime($Input);
$Saturday = strtotime($Input . " previous saturday");
$Friday = strtotime(date("m/d/Y", $Saturday) . " next friday");
echo date("m/d/Y", $Saturday) . " to " . date("m/d/Y", $Friday);
EDIT; I just noticed if the Input is a saturday my code choosed the wrong dates. Corrected.
you could use date('w') to determine the day of week for given date.
If the number found is less than 6, move that number + 1 backwards. That's your starting date. End date will be 7 days later:
$date = new DateTime('08-11-2017');
$daynumber = $date->format('w');
if($daynumber < 6) {
$tomove = $daynumber + 1;
$date->modify('-' . $tomove.'day');
$startdate = $date;
$enddate = clone $date;
echo $startdate->format('d-m-y');
echo $enddate->format('d-m-y');
forgot the word "day" in modify

How do I get next occurrence of a certain day of the month

I am trying to get stripe to set a end_trial date on the next occurrence of whatever day of the month the user chooses. i.e. If today is the 16th and the user chooses the 15th I need the unix timestamp for the 15th of the next month. However if today was the 14th I need the timestamp for tomorrow.
I tried the solution found on this SO question Find the date for next 15th using php .
When i ran the code suggested in that question and substituted 15 for 31
$nextnth = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n') + (date('j') >= 31), 31);
echo date('Y-m-d', $nextnth);
The result is 2013-03-03
I also tried this one Get the date of the next occurrence of the 18th .
The second one would actually give me 2013-03-31 when i ran it one 2013-1-31.
Both had unexpected results. Is february the problem? Any guidance will be much appreciated.
Here is a way to do it.
function nextDate($userDay){
$today = date('d'); // today
$target = date('Y-m-'.$userDay); // target day
if($today <= $userDay){
$return = strtotime($target);
$thisMonth = date('m') + 1;
$thisYear = date('Y');
if($userDay >= 28 && $thisMonth == 2){
$userDay = 28;
if($thisMonth == 13){
$thisMonth = 1;
$return = strtotime($thisYear.'-'.$thisMonth.'-'.$userDay);
return $return;
// usage
echo date('Y-m-d',nextDate(29));
We get the user's choice and compare it today.
If today is less than or equal to user choice, we return the timestamp for this month.
If today is greater than user choice, we loop through dates, adding a month (or a year if it's $thisMonth hits 13). Once this date does exist again, we have our answer.
We check the dates using php's checkdate function, strtotime and date.
I really don't understand the question completely. You can easily determine the date for next 30 days for example
$next_ts = time() + 30 * 86400; // add 30 days to current timestamp
$next = date('Y-m-d', $next_ts); // format string as Y-m-d
echo $next;
If that is not what you need, please explain the problem.

Find a specific day of week based on a date

I would like to be able to find the date which "Sunday" falls on for a given date, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
... How would this be achieved in PHP?
strtotime() may help you, it accepts GNU-Date-input-formats like "next Sunday"
echo date('Y-m-d',strtotime('sunday',strtotime("2011-07-04 Z")));
Look at the time function for php.
If you can't find a library that does this, then:
Come up with a reference date (January 1, 1970?) for which you know the day of the week.
Calculate the number of days between the reference date and your given date.
Take that answer modulo 7.
Convert to a day of the week.
Here you have a full example with multiples values
it is for PHP or any other lenguage that uses epoch time (or similar)
function prevSunday($paramDay){
$aDay = 24*60*60;
$aWeek = $aDay * 7;
$sunday = $aDay + $paramDay - (($paramDay - 3 * $aDay) % $aWeek);
return $sunday;
$randDay = 1309819423 + rand(0, 9000000); // this contanis a random day (and hours, minutes, seconds)
$aSaterday = strtotime("20110702");
$aSunday = strtotime("20110703");
$aMonday = strtotime("20110704");
echoTwoDays($aSuterday, prevSunday($aSuterday));
echoTwoDays($aSunday, prevSunday($aSunday));
echoTwoDays($aMonday, prevSunday($aMonday));
/* echoes
day1: Saturday 20110702
day2: Sunday 20110626
day1: Sunday 20110703
day2: Sunday 20110703
day1: Monday 20110704
day2: Sunday 20110703
echoTwoDays($randDay, prevSunday($randDay)); // echoes a random date and perv sunday
function echoTwoDays ($day1, $day2) {
echo "day1: " . date("l Ymd", $day1) ."<br>"; // remove l as your request
echo "day2: " . date("l Ymd", $day2) ."<br><br>"; // remove l as your request
function prevSunday($paramDay){
$aDay = 24*60*60;
$aWeek = $aDay * 7;
$sunday = $aDay + $paramDay - (($paramDay - 3 * $aDay) % $aWeek);
return $sunday;
