Problems using Joomlas JPagination class. Error 404 page not found - php

I've created a module for Joomla that fetches some data from a database and creates a table with it. I added JPagination to my module and I got the footer buttons to show and everything.
public function addPagination($params)
$count = $params->get("count");
$multiPage = $params->get("multiple_pages");
//Add controls for changing pages
$limitStart = 0;
$pagination = new JPagination(count($this->vacanciesRows) , $limitStart, $count);
echo $pagination->getListFooter();
but when I click some of the pages (all except the first one) I'm getting error 404. I'm sure I've missed something but I have very little to none experience with Joomla. I'll include pastebins with my helper.php and my mod_xxx_xxx.php

A module can't have a pagination. It has no own URL. Only components have that. If you check the links your module creates, you'll notice that they are invalid. You can try to do Ajax magic but then you need a component providing the data.
In Joomla only components can react to incoming URLs directly.


drupal username hyperlink missing site url - ahref from user_load($node->uid)

I'm using the drupal FAQ module which sends an email to the admin including the authors username as hyperlink, defined via:
'creator' => theme('username', array('account' => user_load($node->uid), 'plain' => TRUE)),
unfortunately it only links to /users/joeblock and thus missing the site url which means it won't work in emails.
Joe Block
I already tried the module pathologic hoping it adds the site url but didn't help (perhaps because the rendered ahref includes a / infront of it).
Is it possible to modify the hyperlink just for this instance to insert the siteurl?
adding $variables['link_options']['absolute'] = true;into includes/ worked.
function theme_username($variables) {
if (isset($variables['link_path'])) {
// We have a link path, so we should generate a link using l().
// Additional classes may be added as array elements like
// $variables['link_options']['attributes']['class'][] = 'myclass';
$variables['link_options']['absolute'] = true;
$output = l($variables['name'] . $variables['extra'], $variables['link_path'], $variables['link_options']);
Yes, it's possible! the faq module uses the theme username. This theme is defined in includes/ function theme_username
In your custom theme you can implement the template_process_username hook and alter the $variables array.
The theme username uses the url function to create the url. This function accepts the absolute attribute to build an absolute url.
to create this function you can create a custom theme and put the yourthemename_process_username function inside the template.php file of your custom theme.
Otherwise you can add the function in a custom module.
Let's do an example with a custom module (with the markus name) because is much more common to create a custom module than a custom theme.
Create the site/all/modules/custom/markus directory.
Inside this directory create the markus.module file with this content:
function markus_node_presave($node){
if( $node->type == 'faq' ){
drupal_static('markus_faq_node_save', true);
function markus_process_username( &$variables ){
if( drupal_static('markus_faq_node_save', false) ){
// alter the link_options only when you came from the ask module otherwise, without
// this if, all the username links in drupal will be absolute url.
// Actually this is not a problem but it may be overkilling
$variables['link_options']['absolute'] = true;
create the file inside the markus directory with this content:
name = markus
description = "my custom module"
core = 7.x
package = "markus"
Now from the admin menu enable your theme.
It's better to implement the markus_process_username function in a custom module and not to edit the includes/ file because in this way you can update drupal much more easly. The drupal core should never be edited :)

Strategery - InfiniteScroll Not Working

I wanted to implement infinite scrolling in my magento website so I installed the Strategery - InfiniteScroll extension but it is not working, first I thought it is because I still have pagination, but even after removing the paging toolbar it is not working.
I removed those toolbar divs
<div class="toolbar-top">
<?php echo $this->getToolbarHtml() ?>
from top and bottom.
Can you please help me to configure Strategery - InfiniteScroll extension?
If you copy the 'infinitescroll' folder on your webroot, the files
will end up under the default theme. This should be ok in most
installations because Magento falls back to the default theme when it
can find files in the custom themes. The rest of this article covers
the scenario where the plugin isn't loaded correctly from the default
The first thing you should do is move them to the package/theme you're
using, just to be sure they'll be loaded.
Browse the repository to see where the files are located. Those that are inside the 'app/design/frontend/default/default' should be
moved to your package/theme: 'app/design/frontend/package/theme'.
Visit the following url: and make sure there's
some Javascript being printed. If you get a 404 then the module is not
loaded properly. If its blank or you get an exception then the module
probably has trouble finding the layout or template files.
Once the URL above returns javascript, visit a page in your catalog and view its source. Make sure you can find the following
string within the source: "infinitescroll/js" - it should exist as
part of the URL for a SCRIPT tag. If you can't find it then you have a
compatibility problem with the layout file (which in the repository is
located at
If the string exists however then the plugin is loaded and configured properly.
Finally, once you know the plugin is being loaded, you will have to adjust the options under System -> Configuration -> Catalog ->
Infinite Scroll in order to configure InfiniteScroll options properly.
You will find two types of selectors. The first one is the container, by default called "category-products", which "contains" all
the items. category-products
Then you will find another selector called "products-grid" which is
the item selector. item
This two selectors are the ones you must enter in the Infinite Scroll
configuration under Content and Items.category-products
Next: next
You can get the code by doing a second click on the screen and picking
"Inspect element" in any modern browser.
For this extension to work with any theme, the theme must have a
container div, like category-products and also a item div like
Also the theme must have the pager active, otherwise the extension
wont work because of the lack of some selectors.
For more information on how to configure the options follow this link:
If problem not solved then
After the installation
Add the following in layout.xml:
Copy from app/design/frontend/base/default/template/strategery path to the same path in your theme
Copy from skin/frontend/base/default/js/infinitescroll path to the same path in your skin-theme
Make sure that the /js/jquery/infinitescroll path exist and have four *.js files inside
Configure plugin:
always set Yes on Include jQuery field
always view that your product-list div class is same as in Content field. In default theme is ".category-products" class (with the dot is
a first sign in class name)
always set No on Hide Toolbar field
Of cource you should flash all possible cache :) If not working - do this:
On the page set grid mode manually an you can see "mode=grid" in url. Thats all, guys :)
Cause of some extensions that modify the output of the system in JSON and not in HTML - I solved it this way:
in JQuery-ias.js, on line 340
return $.get(loadEvent.url, null, $.proxy(function(data) {
$itemContainer = $(this.itemsContainerSelector, data).eq(0);
if (0 === $itemContainer.length) {
$itemContainer = $(data).filter(this.itemsContainerSelector).eq(0);
if ($itemContainer) {
$itemContainer.find(this.itemSelector).each(function() {
}'loaded', [data, items]);
if (callback) {
timeDiff = +new Date() - timeStart;
if (timeDiff < delay) {
setTimeout(function() {, data, items);
}, delay - timeDiff);
} else {, data, items);
}, self), 'html');
I've changed it like this:
return $.get(loadEvent.url, null, $.proxy(function(data) {
data = data['maincontent']; // HERE TO CATCH THE RIGHT HTML CONTENT
$itemContainer = $(this.itemsContainerSelector, data).eq(0);
if (0 === $itemContainer.length) {
$itemContainer = $(data).filter(this.itemsContainerSelector).eq(0);
if ($itemContainer) {
$itemContainer.find(this.itemSelector).each(function() {
}'loaded', [data, items]);
if (callback) {
timeDiff = +new Date() - timeStart;
if (timeDiff < delay) {
setTimeout(function() {, data, items);
}, delay - timeDiff);
} else {, data, items);
}, self), 'json'); // I've changed html by JSon

how to make queries to db in custom script using zen cart?

hi i have a custom script that I call with ajax to retrieve some db info but for some reason it will not allow me to make the calls from this file. yet when i put the code in a page in the templates diretory lets say tpl_products_all_default.php they run fine. what do i need to do to be able to run queries from a custom script?
$sql = "select products_model from products where products_model = :productMdel:";
$sql = $db->bindVars($sql, ':productMdel:', 'C021', 'string');
$result = $db->Execute($sql);
if ($result->RecordCount() > 0) {
echo 'Model number = ' . $result->fields['products_model'];
} else {
echo 'Sorry, no record found for product number ' . $theProductId;
I may have an answer for you, though I'll admit it's not an optimal setup as it requires your custom file to be placed into the root directory.
If your custom file is being placed in the root (/your_custom_file.php) you can do the following to get access to the $db with the following require statement:
This will initialize all of the globals, and also call the includes/initsystem.php, which will spin through the values in the autoloader and include each script. The auto_loader can be viewed at includes/auto_loaders/config.core.php. In v1.5, you can see it finally includes the init_database.php script on lines 81-82. The init_database.php file finally initializes $db.
I initially ran into the same issue you had, and almost missed this setup because I had originally added my custom files to a custom directory like /my_module_extensions/my_file.php which failed. It seems the application_top.php loads everything with relative paths, so when executing under a directory other than the root, it would fail.
I hope this helps!
EDIT: Originally thought you were talking about an admin customization. I reworded this to relate to the public side. This also works from the admin side, if you need to extend the admin console.
Not true you can use an include from anywhere.
such as:

How to display a Drupal 6.20 menu in WordPress?

Is is possible to display (via php) the main menu of a Drupal 6.20 site in a WordPress theme template file located in a subdirectory on the same domain?
Right now, I'm displaying the menu by copying the static html from the Drupal site and adding it to header.php in the WordPress template in the site located in But of course that's not going to work when another menu item is added to the Drupal site, or the Drupal menu is changed in any way.
So is there a Drupal php function that will pull the menu into the WP file?
Failing that, is there a way with php to parse a Drupal page for the html of the menu (yes, this would be ugly) and display it in WP?
The first part of the challenge is to output only the menu, with as little (or none) of the surrounding HTML as possible, so you have as little work to do in parsing the HTML as possible.
The second part is to take that output from Drupal and actually display it on your WordPress site.
You could add the Drupal database as a secondary database in WordPress using the a new instance of the $wpdb object, write the query to get the right content from the tables, and format the results. That could work, but might be overkill.
An alternative workable option may be to use JSON to format the output of the primary links, using the drupal_json function in Drupal, then consume the JSON feed in Wordpress.
I'm assuming:
you have admin access to login to the Drupal site, which you'll need to create nodes, and clear the theme cache
you want to output the Primary Links menu, which 90%+ of Drupal sites use. This is probably true, but it is possible your site uses custom menus. If so, this is still possible, you'd just write slightly different code in step 3.
The steps would be:
Create a Drupal node (you can call it anything, it's just a placeholder)
Get the node id of your dummy page (ie., node/234). From the node id, create a one-off page template in your Drupal site's themes folder. It should be called page-node-xxxx.tpl.php, with xxxx being your node id
Add this code to page-node-xxxx.tpl.php:
drupal_json(menu_navigation_links(variable_get('menu_primary_links_source', 'primary-links')));
This will create a JSON feed of your menu items.
Clear the theme cache of your Drupal site by visiting and visit to see the raw JSON feed.
You should now be able to use a jQuery method like $.getJSON or $.ajax in your Wordpress theme to consume and display the JSON feed, or possibly use json_decode and curl to output your array as HTML.
A good thing about Drupal's drupal_json function is that it already sends the correct JSON headers, so now all you have to do is write the jQuery or PHP that does what you need.
I'm assumed you are more of a Wordpress specialist and have a working knowledge of Drupal but maybe not a lot of familiarity with its inner workings. So, sorry if it seemed too basic (or not basic enough :).
The Drupal theming engine is very modular - you may be able to make an appropriate PHP call into Drupal to get just the menu rendered, then emit that HTML as a part of your WordPress page.
g_thom's answer is very good and if you wish to create a very simple module to output the main navigation you can write something like this:
function getmenus_help($path, $arg) {
// implementing the help hook ... well, not doing anything with it just now actually
function getmenus_all() {
$page_content = '';
$page_content = json_encode(menu_navigation_links(variable_get('menu_primary_links_source', 'primary-links')));
// fill $page_content with the menu html
print $page_content;
return NULL;
function getmenus_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['getmenus'] = array(
'title' => 'Get Menus',
'page callback' => 'getmenus_all',
'access arguments' => array('access getmenus'),
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
// permissions
function getmenus_perm() {
return array('access getmenus');
In your PHP code you can then write something like:
function primary_links() {
$primary_links = file_get_contents(SITE_URL . '/getmenus');
$primary_links = json_decode($primary_links);
$primary_links = (array)$primary_links;
$i = 0;
$last = count($primary_links);
$output = '';
foreach ($primary_links as $pm) {
$href = $pm->href;
if (strpos($pm->href, 'http://') === FALSE) {
if ($pm->href == '<front>') {
$href = SITE_URL . '/';
} else {
$href = SITE_URL . '/' . $pm->href;
$output .= '
return $output;
I hope this helps!
PS: Make sure you update the module's permissions to allow anonymous users to have access to the path you set in your module - otherwise you will get a 403 Permission Denied.

How to use wildcards in drupal

I have a website where drupal manage the contents, but another application handle the e-commerce (my customer doesnt like to change his own e-commerce)
I dont like to have the e-commerce to looks differently from the rest of the websites, so i've made a drupal Page node with php code in the body, that simply include the external app and initialize it.
It works well, but the problem is the other link the e-commerce generate: #The Page node i've created, this work #here comes the trouble!
The external app handle the url by its own, so what i need is to tell drupal to redirect all the url that begin with shop to his shop Page node... something like* => load
What is the best practices to do that?
If you create a module rather than a node this will be quite easy.
use hook_menu() to match the URL string
function example_menu() {
$menu = array()
$menu['shop'] = array(
'page callback' = 'example_callback';
function example_callback() {
// use arg() to get arguments.
return shop_php();
Creating a callback with hook menu allows you to call your own code, the value returned by the callback will be displayed in the page. When drupal sees a URL which matches shop* it will call the function example_callback. In this function you can put the code you currently have in your page node. And return the content you wish to display in the page.
After googlin around, i found the Drupal custom_url_rewrite_inbound that does exactly what i need.
I inserted the function in my /sites/default/settings.php:
function custom_url_rewrite_inbound(&$result, $path, $path_language) {
if(preg_match("/^shop(\/)/", $path, $matches)) {
$result = 'node/XX'; //XX is the ID of my Page Node with the ecommerce code.
It works like a charm!
