I have a lot of tables in my SQL database, and I want to delete from all tables from it where the IP matches a certain IP in one statement/Query. Is there a way to do it quickly?
Something like:
DELETE FROM * tables where ip = '$ip';
Is there a way to do this?
Like this
$tables = ['table1','table2','table3'];
foreach($tables as $table){
//DELETE FROM `$table` tables where ip = :ip;
Just make absolutely certain you are using prepared statements, and "canned" table names. Never concatenate user input into your sql.
Imagine this $ip = "1' OR 1=1"; Now all your data has been deleted. AKA sql Injection.
Because your innocent query:
DELETE FROM table where ip = '$ip'
DELETE FROM table where ip = '1' OR 1=1
AND 1 is always equal to 1
If you can't see the data your putting in when you look at the query, use prepared statements. Because, you never know when you will re-purpose a piece of code and if it's not done right from the get go, your setting yourself up for a lot of headaches.
This may be a one time thing you are doing, but if you plan to leave the code around, I would still use prepared statements.
Can't you just separate them by a semicolon?
DELETE FROM table1 WHERE id = 1;
DELETE FROM table2 WHERE id = 1;
DELETE FROM table3 WHERE id = 1;
Looking into the details of the question that you have provided. You can do this with the help of Dynamic SQL.
Step 1) With the help of information_schema, prepare the dynamic SQL to delete the record from the table. You will get dynamic SQL like below
Delete from table1 where ColumnName = 'IPAddress';
Delete from table2 where ColumnName = 'IPAddress';
Step 2) With the help of Execute Statement. Run that dynamic SQL and this will delete all the records from those tables where the record has IP address in that column.
We need to update various columns on 3 different tables via an input form. most of this is functional however when we try to update the other 2 tables that have been joined (publisher and category), it updates that record and every other record with the same input.
(for example if we change the genre from metal to jazz then all of the metal CD's will change to Jazz as well)
Below is the code we have so far for the update.
$sql = "UPDATE nmc_cd, nmc_category, nmc_publisher
SET CDTitle ='$title', CDYear = '$year', nmc_publisher.pubID = '$publisherID', nmc_category.catID = '$categoryID', CDPrice = '$price', pubName ='$pubName', catDesc='$catDesc'
AND nmc_category.catID = nmc_cd.catID
AND nmc_publisher.pubID = nmc_cd.pubID";
I am relatively new to this site so please if anything such as code, names of variables/functions etc. is needed please say and I will edit my post or reply.
Thanks in advance!
A couple of recommendations.
1) qualify all column references in SQL statement that references more than one table, even when the column references aren't ambiguous to MySQL. (Also consider assigning a short alias to each table.) Several reasons for this, but one big one is that it lets a human reader know which table each referenced column is in.
2) ditch the old school comma operator for join operations, and use the JOIN keyword. Also move the join predicates from the WHERE clause to the appropriate ON clause.
3) for a multitable update, first write a SELECT statement, get that working and tested, and then convert that to an UPDATE statement
4) avoid SQL Injection vulnerabilities. The preferred pattern is to use prepared statements with bind placeholders. Or (less optimal) at a minimum, all potentially unsafe values that are included in the SQL text must be properly escaped.
Ignoring SQL Injection vulnerabilities (assuming that the contents of the variables have already been properly escaped)...
I would first write a SELECT statement that returns the current values of the columns we're planning to update, along with the new values we're planning to assign to those columns. For example:
SELECT cd.cdtitle AS old_cd_cdtitle
, '$title' AS new_cd_cdtitle
, cd.cdyear AS old_cdyear
, '$year' AS new_cdyear
, pub.pubid AS old_pub_pubid
, '$publisherID' AS new_pub_pubid
, cat.catid AS old_cat_catid
, '$categoryID' AS new_cat_catid
, cd.cdprice AS old_cd_cdprice
, '$price' AS new_cd_cdprice
, pub.pubName AS old_pub_pubname
, '$pubName' AS new_pub_pubname
, cat.catDesc AS old_cat_catdesc
, '$catDesc' AS new_cat_catdesc
FROM nmc_cd cd
JOIN nmc_category cat
ON cat.catID = cd.catid
JOIN nmc_publisher pub
ON pub.pubID = cd.pubid
WHERE cd.cdid = $id
(That is really just a guess, I'm not sure what you are actually trying to achieve.)
It seems really odd to assign a new value to the catid column, when that's referenced in a join predicate. To maintain the relationship between the rows in cd and cat, the catid in column in both tables would need to be updated, unless we're depending on an ON UPDATE CASCADE rule to propagate the change.
Without understanding what this statement is attempting to achieve, it's not possible to recommend any particular statement.
In terms of converting the SELECT into an UPDATE statement, replace the SELECT ... FROM with the keyword UPDATE.
And before the WHERE clause, add a SET statement. Taking the expresssions for old_cd_cdyear and new_cd_cdyear from the SELECT list, convert that into a SET clause like this:
SET cd.cdyear = '$year'
Subsequent assignments, use a comma in place of the SET keyword, e.g.
, cd.cdprice = '$price'
I want to perform a mysql UPDATE query and then get an array of ids that were effected in the change.
This is my update query
mysql_query("UPDATE table SET deleted='1' WHERE id='$id' OR foo='$foo' OR bar='$bar'");
I know that I can do something like this to get the created id from an INSERT query
mysql_query("INSERT INTO table (id,foo,bar) VALUES ('$id','$foo','$bar')");
$newid = mysql_insert_id();
I don't think MySQL has anything like the OUTPUT or RETURNING clauses that other databases support. You can get the list of ids by running a select before the update:
create table temp_table ids_to_update as
FROM table
WHERE (deleted <> '1' or deleted is null) and *id='$id' OR foo='$foo' OR bar='$bar');
Note that MySQL doesn't do an update when the value doesn't change. Hence the first condition -- which you may or may not find important.
Then, to ensure integrity (in the event of intervening transactions that change the data), you can do:
update table t join
temp_table tt
on t.id = tt.id
set deleted = '1';
You could also wrap the two queries in a single transaction, but I think using a temp table to store the ids is probably easier.
I am using php to query a database for one piece of information from each of 10 separate tables currently. The problem with using multiple queries is that it is extremely slow when accessing the web page that uses all of this information. I cannot seem to get all of the information back that I am wanting when one of the values does not exist due to the WHERE... statement.
For instance, my single queries are all in this format:
SELECT eval_id FROM eval WHERE user_id = $id;
My multiple table query looks like this:
SELECT eval_id,list_id,tab_id
FROM eval,list,tab
WHERE eval.user_id = $id
AND list.user_id = $id
AND tab.user_id = $id;
I tried to combine these queries into one large query, but when the user_id of one does not exist in the table, the comparison in the WHERE... statement screws up the entire query. Does anyone know the best way to retrieve all of this information?
Assume that the tables are "eval, list, and tab," and their id's are *_id respectively. What would be the best way to query this even if eval does not contain a result where the user_id = $id?
SELECT eval.eval_id, list.list_id
FROM user
JOIN eval ON eval.user_id = user.id
JOIN list ON list.user_id = user.id
WHERE user.id = $id
Hope it can help you.
Update: Just think about other solution:
SELECT eval_id as id, "eval" as table
FROM eval WHERE eval.user_id = $id
SELECT list_id as id, "list" as table
FROM list WHERE list.user_id = $id
You could use either of the following to your query in the WHERE statement:
AND TABLE.TABLE_id <> null //null
AND TABLE.TABLE_id <> 'null' //String null
AND TABLE.TABLE_id <> '' //empty String
Check your database to see what kind of empty value your id is returning and choose the addition that matches it.
Also, while LEFT JOINs may be better looking in a query, they are not always faster so make sure you test it before using.
I am trying to create a temporary table from the results of multiple tables that are alike (same table structure). After creating the temporary table and runing the subsequent queries, I would like to store the results from the temporary table in an array to be accessible later in the script/program. I have tried searching for an answer and can't seem to find one.
I have tried nextRowset() as well as separating the queries, but nothing seems to be working like I expect it to work.
Here is my code:
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=".$_SESSION['server'].";dbname=data".$_SESSION['sysident'],$user,$pass);
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tabletocreate;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE $tabletocreate LIKE table1;
INSERT INTO $tabletocreate (SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE (MISC LIKE '%:memno%' OR MEMNO = :memno)) UNION (SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE (MISC LIKE '%:memno%' OR MEMNO = :memno)) UNION (SELECT * FROM table3 WHERE (MISC LIKE '%:memno%' OR MEMNO = :memno)) ORDER BY SLIPNO;
SELECT * FROM $tabletocreate");
$test = $stmt->fetchAll();
I am unsure as to why the results are not being stored into the array. From what I can tell, everything seems right and no errors occur when the script is ran. I appreciate any help that anyone can offer.
UPDATE - I found out why the query wasn't working. I was using a "-" in the table name I was trying to create which isn't allowed.
You cannot run multiple queries in a single ->query() call. This is a security measure in the underlying PHP mysql drivers, to prevent some form of SQL injection attacks. Doesn't matter which DB interface library you're using, because they all use the same underlying drivers. You'll have to run each seperate query separately:
->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ...");
->query("INSERT INTO ...");
I was trying to create a table name with a "-" in the table name. After removing this from the table name, all the queries executed successfully and my PHP code worked as intended.
I have a bunch of tables that are like Client# and the # changes. Is there a way to create a query to query that table based on the client number you get from logging in as their use?
Example to give idea:
$q2 = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '".$_SESSION['username']."'";
$result2 = mysql_query($q2,$conn);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2);
$q2 = "SELECT * FROM client+".$_CLIENT_ID."";
Is there a better way to do this?
I'm trying to keep clients in their own tables so they do not get to massive.
I'm trying to keep clients in their own tables so they do not get to massive.
This is almost always the wrong strategy. The table size isn't as important as how you have indexed it for access, and it can be partitioned later, should that become necessary. The proper way to handle this is simply a column in one table which identifies the client id.
With a proper client-identifying column you can query as:
SELECT othertable.*
JOIN othertable ON users.CLIENTID = othertable.CLIENTID
WHERE users.username = '$_SESSION['username']'
Dealing with dynamic table names becomes troublesome not only because it is more difficult to query against. You cannot, for example, use a placeholder in place of a table name with many parameterized query APIs like PDO & MySQLi:
// Won't work with a PDO prepared statement. :clienttable place holder isn't allowed
SELECT * FROM :clienttable WHERE value=:someval