So I have a search form for offices and delete for offices, also edit it those 2 were working before. But after I changed and fix edit form and button those are not working anymore the search is not working it shows this error
Undefined variable: building (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\Eguide\resources\views\search.blade.php)
The delete also show this error but it works after I go back to the office page it deleted it but it shows an error message:
Trying to get property 'name' of non-object (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\Eguide\resources\views\building.blade.php)
DD offices result
This is the controller for search and delete
public function index()
$search = \Request::get('search');
$offices = Office::where('name','like','%'.$search.'%')->get();
return view('search',compact('offices','search'));
public function store(Request $request, $id)
$office = new Office();
$office->name =$request->officename;
$office->floor = $request->floor;
$office->building_id = $id;
\Session::flash('building_flash', 'Created successfully!');
return redirect()->route('building', $id);
public function show($id)
$office = Office::find($id);
return view('office')->withOffice($office);
public function edit($id, $office_id) {
$office = Office::find($office_id);
return view('editoffice', compact('office', 'id'));
public function update(Request $request, $id, $office_id)
// echo $id.'--'.$office_id;exit;
//$office = Office::find($id);
$office = Office::find($office_id);
$office->name = $request->officename;
$office->floor = $request->floor;
\Session::flash('building_flash', 'Updated successfully!');
return redirect()->route('building', $id);
public function destroy($id)
$office = Office::find($id);
\Session::flash('building_flash_delete', 'Deleted successfully!');
return redirect()->route('building', $id);
No error in search when I remove this
<div class="search">
{!! Form::open(['method'=> 'GET','url'=>'offices','role'=>'search']) !!}
<div class="input-group col-xs-4 col-md-6" >
<input type="text" name="search" class="form-control" placeholder="Search...">
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-info btn-md">Search
{!! Form::close()!!}
<table class="table">
<th>Office Name</th>
<th>Belongs to</th>
<th>Office Floor</th>
#foreach($offices as $office)
<td class="a">
I also have Building.php in app folder it has code like this
class Building extends Model
public $table = 'buildings';
public function offices(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Office');
class Office extends Model
public function building(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Building');
Route::get('/', 'BuildingController#index')->name('index');
Route::get('building/{id}', 'PageController#show')->name('building');
Route::get('office/{id}', 'OfficeController#show')->name('officeMenu');
Route::get('offices', 'OfficeController#index');
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth']], function () {
Route::get('buildings/create', 'BuildingController#create')->name('createbform');
Route::post('building/create/store', 'BuildingController#saveBuilding')->name('createbuilding');
Route::get('building/{id}/edit', 'BuildingController#edit');
Route::post('building/{id}/edit', 'BuildingController#update')->name('editbuilding');
Route::get('building/{id}/delete', 'BuildingController#destroy');
Route::get('building/{id}/offices/create', 'OfficeController#create')->name('createofficeform');
Route::post('building/{id}/offices/create/store', 'OfficeController#store')->name('createoffice');
Route::get('building/{id}/offices/{office_id}/edit', 'OfficeController#edit')->name('editofficeform');
Route::post('building/{id}/offices/{office_id}/edit', 'OfficeController#update')->name('editoffice');
Route::get('offices/{id}/delete', 'OfficeController#destroy')->name('deleteoffice');
<div class="officebg">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="Bldgttl">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<img src="{{URL::to('/assets')}}/{{$building->picture}}" alt="" style="height:300px; width:500px;">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<div class="rows">
<div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
<div class="col-xs-4 col-md-6">
Create an Office
{!! Form::open(['method'=> 'GET','url'=>'offices','role'=>'search']) !!}
<div class="input-group col-xs-4 col-md-6" >
<input type="text" name="search" class="form-control" placeholder="Search...">
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-info btn-md">Search</i>
{!! Form::close()!!}
<table class="table">
<div class="ttitle">
<th>Office Name</th>
<th>Office Floor</th>
#foreach($offices as $office)
<td class="a">
You don't have a building defined in show.
public function show($id)
$office = Office::find($id);
return view('office')->withOffice($office);
What you can do is to load a building in show method
public function show($id)
$office = Office::find($id);
$building = Building::first();//some logic to find building
return view('office',['building' => $building, 'office' => $office]);
Your building.blade.php is trying to access the $building variable. Your show method in your controller is only passing $office as data. Since $building doesn't exist trying to get the name property of it is returning an error.
You need to either pass $building from the controller to the view, or if it is part of $office extrapolate $building from that variable.
public function show($id)
$office = Office::find($id);
$building = Buildng::where('id', '=', $office->building_id)->firstOrFail();
return view('office',compact('office', 'building'));
I am running Laravel 7 and have a list of tasks (would be posts if it were a blog) and I need to make sure that when the task is deleted, that all subsequent images are deleted in both the database and in the disc. When I click the delete button, the page throws an error: Invalid argument supplied for foreach().
Unfortunately, this is a vague error and can be caused by a variety of causes. My hopes are that someone can take a look at my code and see if I am missing something. I am relatively new to Laravel so tracking down this issue has been more than a challenge. Than you in advance for helping my work out this issue.
In my Task.php model, I have:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use App\Image;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
class Task extends Model
protected $fillable = [
'task_name', 'task_priority', 'task_assigned_to', 'task_assigned_by', 'task_description', 'task_to_be_completed_date', 'task_status',
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
public function image()
// return $this->hasMany('App\Image');
return $this->hasMany(Image::class);
public static function boot()
self::deleting(function ($task) {
foreach ($task->images as $image) {
In my Image.php model, I have
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use App\Task;
class Image extends Model
protected $fillable = [
protected $uploads = '/task-images/';
public function getFileAttribute($image)
return $this->uploads . $image;
public function task()
// return $this->belongsTo('App\Task', 'task_id');
return $this->belongsTo(Task::class);
public static function boot()
self::deleting(function ($image) {
In my TasksController.php, (all code in case something is causing a conflict here) here is what I have:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Task;
use App\Image;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
class TasksController extends Controller
public function index()
$tasks = Task::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(10);
return view('/tasks')->with('tasks', $tasks);
public function create()
return view('tasks.create');
public function store(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'task_name' => 'required',
'task_description' => 'required',
// Create Task
$user = Auth::user();
$task = new Task();
$data = $request->all();
$task->user_id = $user->id;
$task = $user->task()->create($data);
if ($request->hasFile('images')) {
$files = $request->file('images');
foreach ($files as $file) {
$name = time() . '-' . $file->getClientOriginalName();
$name = str_replace(' ', '-', $name);
$file->move('task-images', $name);
$task->image()->create(['name' => $name]);
$images = new Image;
$images->name = $name;
$task->task_name = $request->input('task_name');
$task->task_description = $request->input('task_description');
$task->task_priority = $request->input('task_priority');
$task->task_assigned_by = $request->input('task_assigned_by');
$task->task_assigned_to = $request->input('task_assigned_to');
$task->task_to_be_completed_date = $request->input('task_to_be_completed_date');
$task->task_notes = $request->input('task_notes');
$task->task_status = $request->task_status;
return redirect('/home')->with('success', 'Task Created');
public function edit($id)
$task = Task::find($id);
return view('tasks.edit', ['task' => $task]);
public function update(Request $request, $id)
$this->validate($request, [
'task_name' => 'required',
'task_description' => 'required',
$task = Task::find($id);
$task->task_name = $request->input('task_name');
$task->task_description = $request->input('task_description');
$task->task_priority = $request->input('task_priority');
$task->task_assigned_by = $request->input('task_assigned_by');
$task->task_assigned_to = $request->input('task_assigned_to');
$task->task_to_be_completed_date = $request->input('task_to_be_completed_date');
$task->task_notes = $request->input('task_notes');
$task->task_status = $request->input('task_status');
if ($request->hasFile('images')) {
$files = $request->file('images');
foreach ($files as $file) {
$name = time() . '-' . $file->getClientOriginalName();
$name = str_replace(' ', '-', $name);
$file->move('task-images', $name);
$task->image()->create(['name' => $name]);
return redirect('/home')->with('success', 'Task Updated');
public function show($id)
$task = Task::find($id);
return view('')->with('task', $task);
public function destroy($id)
$task = Task::findOrFail($id);
// dd($task);
return redirect('home')->with('success', 'Task Deleted');
And in the home page where I am calling the delete function, `home.blade.php`, I have:
<div class="custom-container">
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="card w-100">
<div class="card-header text-white" style="background-color: #605ca8;">
<h3 class="card-title">Tasks</h3>
<div class="card-tools">
<a href="tasks/create" class="btn btn-success">
<i class="fas fa-tasks"></i> Add New Task
<!-- /.card-header -->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header">
<h3 class="card-title">Ongoing Tasks</h3>
<div class="card-tools">
<div class="input-group input-group-sm" style="width: 150px;">
<input type="text" name="table_search" class="form-control float-right" placeholder="Search">
<div class="input-group-append">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default"><i class="fas fa-search"></i></button>
<!-- /.card-header -->
<div class="card-body table-responsive p-0">
<table class="table table-hover text-nowrap">
<th>Assigned To</th>
<th>Test Environment Date</th>
#if($tasks->count() > 0)
#foreach($tasks as $task)
<td>{{ $task->task_name }}</td>
<td>{{ $task->task_priority }}</td>
<td>{{ $task->task_assigned_to }}</td>
<td>{{$task->task_to_be_completed_date }}</td>
<td>{{ $task->task_status }}</td>
<a href="tasks/{{$task->id}}/edit" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm mr-2">
<i class="fa fa-edit"></i> Edit
<form action="tasks/{{$task->id}}" method="POST" style="display: inline" class="">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger ml-1 mr-1">
<i class="fa fa-trash"></i> Delete
<p class="ml-4 pt-2">No Tasks Found. Please Add one.</p>
<!-- /.card-body -->
<!-- /.card -->
{{ $tasks->links() }}
In my filesystem.php under the config folder, I have(just for storage):
'disks' => [
'local' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app'),
// 'root' => public_path('task-images'),
If I missed anything or codes, please let me know so I can edit my question. Thank you again in advance for helping me with this issue.
You are trying to access a property named images on your instance of Task but there isn't an attribute named images and there isn't a relationship named images, so null is being returned: $task->images == null. You named your relationship image not images, though images would be more correct since this relationship can return many; plural. Change the name of the relationship to images:
public function images()
return $this->hasMany(Image::class);
Or reference it by its current name: $task->image
I am currently working on my final project, but I got this error and I have tried to change the route action on my html to {{ route('voluntier.submit.get') }} but it still shows the error. Could anyone help me to find the solution.
Thank you so much
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Event;
use App\City;
use App\User;
use App\VoluntierProfile;
use App\Submission;
class VoluntierController extends Controller
public function index()
$data = Event::select('events.job_desk', 'events.location', '', 'events.job_description', 'events.fee', ' as city', 'job_desks.job_desk')
->leftJoin('job_desks', 'events.job_desk', '')
->leftJoin('cities', '', '')
$data_category_liaison = Event::select('events.job_desk')
->where('id' , '=', 2)
// dd($data_category);
return view('voluntier.index', compact('data', 'data_category_liaison'));
public function profile()
return view('voluntier.profile');
public function createProfile()
$city = City::all()->where('id', '!=', '0');
return view('voluntier.profile-edit', compact('city'));
public function storeProfile(Request $request)
$profile = new VoluntierProfile();
$profile->voluntier_id = $request->input('voluntier_id');
$profile->about = $request->input('tentang');
$profile->city_id = $request->input('kota');
$profile->address = $request->input('alamat');
$profile->latest_education = $request->input('pendidikan_terakhir');
public function submitCreate($id)
$event = Event::find($id)->first();
$voluntier = Voluntier::find(Auth::user()->id)->get();
// dd($voluntier);
return view('voluntier.submit', compact('data'));
public function submitStore($id, Request $request)
$event = Event::find($id);
$voluntier = Auth::user();
$submission = new Submission();
$submission->event_id = $event->id;
$submission->voluntier_id = $voluntier->id;
$submission->status_id = $request->input('status');
return redirect('voluntier/dashboard');
#foreach($data as $row)
<td><a href="{{ route('voluntier.submit.get', $row->id) }}" class="job-item d-block d-md-flex align-items-center border-bottom fulltime">
<div class="company-logo blank-logo text-center text-md-left pl-3">
<img src="images/company_logo_blank.png" alt="Image" class="img-fluid mx-auto">
<div class="job-details h-100">
<div class="p-3 align-self-center">
<h3>{{ $row->job_desk }}</h3>
<div class="d-block d-lg-flex">
<div class="mr-3"><span class="icon-suitcase mr-1"></span>{{ $row->location }}</div>
<div class="mr-3"><span class="icon-room mr-1"></span>{{ $row->city }}</div>
<div><span class="icon-money mr-1"></span>Rp. {{ $row->fee }}</div>
<!-- <div class="job-category align-self-center">
<div class="p-3">
<span class="text-info p-2 rounded border border-info">Full Time</span>
</div> -->
<form action="{{ route('', $event->id) }}" method="post" class="p-5 bg-white">
My route
Route::prefix('voluntier')->group(function() {
Route::get('/login', 'Auth\LoginController#showVoluntierLoginForm')->name('voluntier.login.get');
Route::post('/login/post', 'Auth\LoginController#voluntierLogin')->name('');
Route::get('/register', 'Auth\RegisterController#showVoluntierRegisterForm')->name('voluntier.register.get');
Route::post('/register/post', 'Auth\RegisterController#createVoluntier')->name('');
Route::get('/dashboard', 'VoluntierController#index')->middleware('auth:voluntier')->name('voluntier.dashboard');
Route::get('/profile', 'VoluntierController#profile')->middleware('auth:voluntier')->name('voluntier.get');
Route::get('/profile/get', 'VoluntierController#createProfile')->middleware('auth:voluntier')->name('voluntier.profile.get');
Route::post('/profile/post', 'VoluntierController#storeProfile')->name('');
Route::get('/submit/{id}', 'VoluntierController#submitCreate')->middleware('auth:voluntier')->name('voluntier.submit.get');
Route::post('submit/post/{id}', 'VoluntierController#submitStore')->name('');
Okay i'm trying get "likes" and "users" in Posts by relationship hasOne.
here is my Post.php Model
class Posts extends Model
protected $table = 'posts';
public function User()
return $this->hasOne(User::class, 'id', 'user_id');
public function Like()
return $this->hasOne(Like::class, 'post_id', 'id');
My Blade template
#foreach ($showdeals as $deal)
<div class="tab-pane active" id="home" role="tabpanel">
<div class="card-body">
<div class="profiletimeline">
<div class="sl-item">
<div class="sl-left"> <img src=" {{asset( '/assets/images/users/2.jpg')}}" alt="user" class="img-circle"> </div>
<div class="sl-right">
<div> {{$deal->user->username}} || {{$deal->subject}} <Br> <span class="sl-date">{{$deal->created_at}}</span>
<div class="m-t-20 row">
<div class="col-md-3 col-xs-12"><img src="{{$deal->image}}" alt="user" class="img-responsive radius"></div>
<div class="col-md-9 col-xs-12">
<p> {{$deal->body}} </p> עבור למוצר </div>
<div class="like-comm m-t-20"> 2 תגובות <i class="fa fa-heart text-danger"></i> 5 לייקים </div>
And there is my Controller
class PostsController extends Controller
public function showdeals()
$showdeals = Posts::with( 'User', 'Like')->get();
return view('', compact('showdeals'));
public function helpnewview(){
return view('posts.anew');
public function helpnew(Request $request){
//User pick link
$userlink = $request['userlink'];
return \Redirect::route('newdeal', compact('userlink'));
public function new(Request $request)
//Emdeb user link
$link = Embed::create($request['userlink']);
$linke = $request['userlink'];
return view('', compact('link', 'userlink', 'linke'));
public function create(Request $request)
$posts = New Posts;
$posts->user_id = Auth::User()->id;
$posts->subject = $request['subject'];
$posts->body = $request['body'];
$posts->link = $request['link'];
$posts->price = $request['price'];
$posts->image = $request['image'];
$posts->tag = $request['tag'];
return back();
Now if I do something like {{$deal->user->email}} its will work,
if I go to something like this {{$deal->like->status}} its does not work,
am I missing something ?
If you want multiple relationships to be eagerly loaded you need to use an array of relationships: Model::with(['rl1', 'rl2'])->get();
public function showdeals()
$showdeals = Posts::with(['User', 'Like'])->get();
From that json in the comments that I see, there is no attribute named status in your Like model so thats probably the root of the problem
Controller edit this code
public function showdeals()
$showdeals = Posts::all();
return view('', compact('showdeals'));
And blade file code
#foreach ($showdeals as $deal)
<div class="tab-pane active" id="home" role="tabpanel">
<div class="card-body">
<div class="profiletimeline">
{{ $deal->Like->status }}
{{ $deal->User->email }}
I think everything is good except
{{$deal->like->status}} {{$deal->user->email}}
Please try as
Hello i have two models Adress and Kontokorrent they have a one to one relationship. I would like to make a search function and search after Adress and Kontokorrent columns
My models:
Adress Model
class Adress extends Model
protected $table = "Adressen";
protected $primaryKey = 'Adresse';
public $timestamps = false;
public function scopeSearchAdress($query, $searchTerm)
return $query->where('LieferOrt', 'LIKE', '%'.$searchTerm.'%')
->orWhere('Name1', 'LIKE', '%'.$searchTerm.'%')
->orWhere('LieferStrasse', 'LIKE', '%'.$searchTerm.'%');
public function kontokorrent()
return $this->hasOne(Kontokorrent::class, 'Adresse');
Kontokorrent Model
class Kontokorrent extends Model
protected $table = "Kontokorrent";
protected $primaryKey = 'Adresse';
public $timestamps = false;
public function scopeSearchKto($query, $searchTerm)
return $query->where('Kto', 'LIKE', '%'.$searchTerm.'%');
public function adress()
return $this->belongsTo(Adress::class, 'Adresse');
class AdressesController extends Controller
public function index(Request $request)
$searchTerm = $request->input('searchTerm');
$adresses = Adress::whereHas('kontokorrent', function($query) use($searchTerm) {
$query->where('KtoArt', 'D')
->searchKto('K75688'); // this is working
// -> searchKto($searchTerm); this is NOT working
return view('adresse.index', compact('adresses', 'searchTerm'));
The search function in Adress model is working. Now i would like to search after the customer ID (Kto) in Kontokorrent. So i made a scope in Kontokorrent and chain it to the contoller search function.
->searchKto('K75688') .... this is working i get a result
->searchKto($searchTerm) .... this is not working when i entry the customer id in my input field and hit enter. I get a 0 row table.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-12">
<form role="search" method="GET" action="/adresses">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="searchTerm" value="{{ isset($searchTerm) ? $searchTerm : '' }}" placeholder="Suche nach Name, Straße, Ort">
<div class="input-group-btn">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-search btn-default">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-12">
<table class="table table-bordered">
#if(count($adresses) > 0)
#foreach($adresses as $adress)
<th scope="row">{{ $loop->iteration }}</th>
{{$adress->Anrede}} {{ $adress->Name1}}
<small>{{ $adress->kontokorrent->Kto }}</small>
<td>{{ $adress->LieferStrasse }}</td>
<td>{{ $adress->LieferOrt }}</td>
<td>{{ $adress->LieferPLZ }}</td>
<td>{{ $adress->LieferLand }}</td>
<tr><td colspan="6" class="text-center">Kein Eintrag gefunden.</td></tr>
{{ $adresses->appends(['searchTerm' => $searchTerm])->links() }}
I don't understand why I get an empty table.
Here, I retrieve two tables to be displayed on one view page. The images are in the users table. When I clicked the profile tab, it displayed an error message:
Trying to get property of non-object.
What is wrong with my codes referring to the error message?
<div id="templatemo_sidebar">
<div id="login">logged in as :</div>
#foreach($users as $users)
<div id="img">
<img src="{!! '/profiles/'.$users->filePath !!}">{{$users->filePath}}
{!! Form::open(['action'=>'ProfileController#store', 'files'=>true]) !!}
<div class="form-group">
{!! Form::label('image', 'Choose an image') !!}
{!! Form::file('image') !!}
<div class="form-group">
{!! Form::submit('Save', array( 'class'=>'btn btn-danger form-control' )) !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}
#foreach($profiles as $profile)
<div id="profile_sidebar">
<td><mark>Status : {{$profile->status}}</mark></td>
public function store(Request $request)
$users = Auth::user();
if($request->hasFile('image')) {
$file = Input::file('image');
//getting timestamp
//$timestamp = str_replace([' ', ':'], '-', Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString());
//$name = $timestamp. '-' .$file->getClientOriginalName();
$users->filePath = $name;
$file->move(public_path().'/profiles/', $name);
$users = Auth::user();
$users = Profile::where('student_id', $users->student_id)->get();
$profiles = Profile::all();
return view('profile', compact('users', 'profiles'));
class Profile extends Model
protected $table='profiles';
protected $fillable = ['student_id','student_name', 'program','faculty'];
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('users');
public function setFirstNameAttribute($value) {
$this->attributes['faculty'] = ucfirst($value);
public function setLastNameAttribute($value) {
$this->attributes['program'] = ucfirst($value);
public function profilePicture(){
return $this->belongsTo('User', 'student_id');
In your first foreach you have to use a different variable for iterating through the users collection, like this:
#foreach($users as $user)