HelloSign bundle not working in Symfony - php

I have installed the Hello Sign PHP SDK in a Symfony project and it does not work and requesting to add a "use" statement which I added and still not working. (https://github.com/HelloFax/hellosign-php-sdk)
This is the error I get when I used SDK
Attempted to load class "Client" from namespace
"AppBundle\Controller\HelloSign". Did you forget a "use" statement for
e.g. "HelloSign\Client", "Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\Client",
"Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Client" or "GuzzleHttp\Client"
Then I used a PHP wrapper for Hello Sign called "bukashk0zzz/hellosign-bundle". And that too is requesting to add a "use" statement which I added but not working. (https://github.com/Bukashk0zzz/HelloSignBundle)
Here's that error.
Attempted to load class "TemplateSignatureRequest" from namespace
"AppBundle\Controller\HelloSign". Did you forget a "use" statement for
My code is
$client = new HelloSign\Client('apikey');
$account = $client->getAccount();
How can I fix this?

Did you try:
$client = new \HelloSign\Client('apikey');
$account = $client->getAccount();
if hellosign-php-sdk is installed with composer

Hellosign has API developer support at apisupport#hellosign.com if you have any other questions. Please feel free to reach out there as well. Sounds like you got your answer though.


Laravel 5 add nusoap

I am unable to install nusoap to my existing laravel 5 application. Ive done the following:
Created a new Folder in App/Http/Controllers/ - namend "Soap" - and copied the libary into it.
composer dump-autoload
So i am able to use
use nusoap_client;
But i am always getting an error:
Class 'App\Http\Controllers\nusoap_client' not found
I thought that laravel automatically load all classes from the "app" directory, but how can i use it here?
Tried with:
$wsdl = "test.xx/_vti_bin/lists.asmx?wsdl";
$client = new nusoap_client($wsdl, true);
Thanks for any help!
Just add these lines to your controller:
include 'nusoap.php';
use nusoap_client;
As a simple way, you can add a backslash in front of nusoap_client, like this:
$client = new \nusoap_client($wsdl, true);

Using angelleye paypal with simplemvc framework

I have used composer to download the Angell EYE PayPal library into my vendor directory. Now I'm trying to call the class within a controller.
I've tried various methods:
Use \angelleye\PayPal;
at the top of page. I've tried using the require() method.
Within the controller I have used
$paypal = PayPal::PayPal($payment);
And a few other ways, but I just get the error Class not found at line 179 and I'm not sure why.
You just need to load a config file (depending on your framework) and the autoloader.
Of course, adjust the paths to suit where you have those saved, but the autoloader is what makes the classes available to you.
If you want more direct help you can submit a ticket here.
Thanks for response.
I actually managed to get it working on the framework.
I did nt have to load anything or require the class as the composer autoload must do it for me in the framework.
I simply added :
$PayPal = new \angelleye\PayPal\PayPal($PayPalConfig);
and it started to work.
Im guessing if i want to use the PayFlow i would call using:
$PayPal = new \angelleye\PayPal\PayFlow($PayPalConfig);
I will definately post back if the rest of the proccess fails to work.

OAuth 2.0 and php slim

I am following this guide (http://www.lornajane.net/posts/2013/oauth-middleware-for-slim) to setup oAuth2 with php SLIM.
I dont't understand this part:
$auth = new \Service\Mysql\AuthService($this->mysql, $this->config);
$validated_user_id = $auth->verifyOAuth($authHeader);
$this->app->user_id = $validated_user_id;
Where can I take the class \Service\Mysql\AuthService and what is the variable config ?
Otherwise is there another guide with more details also without direct SLIM implementation ?
That's the service class that will actually do the loading and storing of user details.
Then you should put your own class.
This could be useful: https://github.com/alexbilbie/oauth2-example-resource-server

PHP-FFMpeg prerequisites

I'm attempting to implement https://github.com/PHP-FFMpeg/PHP-FFMpeg
I copied the src/FFMpeg folder to my includes folder and made sure my autoloader knows where to find everything.
as a test I made a script that simply does:
$ffmpeg = FFMpeg\FFMpeg::create();
$video = $ffmpeg->open('video.mpg');
I get:
Fatal error: Class 'Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache' not found in /var/www/php/include/FFMpeg/FFProbe.php on line 203
My question is: does PHP-FFMPeg require Doctrine, because that is not stated in the documentation. What version do I need? Are there other prerequisites?
I could create a new question for this, but I'm not sure if I should. I now have PHP-ffmpeg implemented. I'm using Laravel, however that should be irrelevant for this question. I'm trying to enable progress monitoring. It works, however I need to pass in an ID so I can update the correct key in memcache.
$id = 12345;
$format->on('progress', function ($audio, $format, $percentage) {
//this works perfect, but doesn't tell me which item is being updated
Cache::put("progress", $percentage, .25);
//this does not work as I am unable to pass in $id, if I add it as the 4th argument above it will display the number of threads or something
//Cache::put("{$id}_progress", $percentage, .25);
I need clarification on the "on" method. I looked through https://ffmpeg-php.readthedocs.org/en/latest/_static/API/ and was not able to figure out how this method works. Any help would be appreciated.
You should follow the recommended instructions in the README.
Composer is the easiest way to install PHP-FFMpeg dependencies
The "on" method called on the format is an implementation of EventEmitter.
As you can see here : https://ffmpeg-php.readthedocs.org/en/latest/_static/API/FFMpeg/Format/ProgressableInterface.html it extends the EventEmitterInterface of https://github.com/igorw/evenement.
If you're really interested about how it works under the hood, have a look at here :
The progress listener is created here : https://github.com/PHP-FFMpeg/PHP-FFMpeg/blob/master/src/FFMpeg/Format/Audio/DefaultAudio.php#L96 and added at execution here https://github.com/PHP-FFMpeg/PHP-FFMpeg/blob/master/src/FFMpeg/Media/Video.php#L151
This is actually possible because FFMpegDriver extends the Driver provided by https://github.com/alchemy-fr/BinaryDriver
Hope this helps :)

Drupal 7 xautoload composer

So I have the Paypal REST API installed ( https://github.com/paypal/rest-api-sdk-php ) with Composer in my_drupal_module/lib/Drupal/ and now I want to use the namespaces in a function in my module. I understood that I need something like xautoload ( https://drupal.org/project/xautoload ) to do that so I tried something like:
$payer = new \Drupal\vendor\PayPal\Api\Payer;
with and without the first slash, and with and without parentheses at the end but it didn't work. I added:
require DIR . '/lib/Drupal/vendor/autoload.php';
but still nothing so I commented it. Meanwhile I found this: https://drupal.org/node/1976206 that explains this issue but it is unclear to me what exactly to write in hook_xautoload() or direct registration for the setup that I have. Can someone please help?
Nevermind. I solved it. Thanks to proloy03 who gave me the idea: https://drupal.org/node/2096621
You don't need xautoload to load the classes and namespace just implement hook_init to require it like so:
function my_module_init() {
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
and then in your function write:
$payer = new PayPal\Api\Payer();
and it all works.
With xautload you can do something like this...
In mymodule.module
function mymodule_libraries_info() {
'paypal' => array(
'name' => 'PayPal SDK',
'xautoload' => function($adapter) {
Declaring this allow you to use the namespace. Like
use PayPal\Api\Amount;
Check xautoload.api.php
Your assumption that you need XAutoload to use the Paypal API installed by Composer is wrong.
The only thing you need to make any code installed by Composer available is to include the Composer autoloader in your code execution path when you need any of the provided classes. The easiest form of this is to simply require the Composer autoloader in the very first index.php (or whatever Drupal uses) file that answers every request (possibly instantiating more Drupal classes, modules and stuff).
Once the code execution comes to your own code, the autoloading allows your code to include all the classes you included with Composer.
How to use the code? Don't invent your own namespace for the existing code, it will not work. "\Drupal\vendor\PayPal\Api\Payer" sounds pretty wrong to me, I suspect the correct namespace is "\PayPal\Api\Payer". And yes, that file does indeed exist. So you have to use that.
If it still does not work, complaining the class could not be loaded, then the Composer autoloader file is not included in your scripts code path.
