Ok, so i have the same problem.
To fix it i had to install oracle instant client and an NTS dll of oci8_12c
when i start my WAMP i get this error:
[20-Feb-2018 13:40:38 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'd:/wamp64/bin/php/php5.6.31/ext/php_oci8_12c.dll'
in Unknown on line 0
I also added the ext folder and oracle instant client to PATH
PHP version: 5.6.31
Oracle instant client x64
NTS x64 php_oci8_12c.dll
I downloaded Visual Studio 2005 (required for the oracle instant client)
I have a 64 bit windows 10 system
What do I do?
extension=php_oci8_12c.dll without ";"
Thead-safe dll gives the same issue
I enabled oci8 in wamp64 after to do this:
copy oci.dll, oraociei12.dll, and oraons.dll to apache/bin folder.
Reference: https://community.oracle.com/thread/4178182
I hope you solved your problem, I'm posting for the next ones to face this problem.
I finally found, after 4 days, the solution to my problem.
If, after adding to your PATH environment variables the complete path to instant client, e.g: C:\instantclient_{version}
and after restarting your web server (IIS, WAMP, XAMP, etc.) you still get one of those error messages:
There is something wrong with your system - please check that PATH includes the directory with Oracle Instant Client libraries
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:/wamp64/bin/php/php5.6.38/ext/php_oci8_12c.dll' - The specified procedure cannot be found.
It is because PHP still can't access the files from Instant Client.
To solve that problem, you have to add the complete path to your instant client, but on the System variables, not in the User variables.
That being done, simply restart your web server, and you're done :)
I have a problem. I am trying to query the db2 database with php 7 on Windows. So I have read a lot about connecting to db2 etc, and I have tried a lot of things and still I have the problem.
This is php.ini file:
And this is an error I get every time:
[05-Oct-2017 13:44:55 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\xampp\php\ext\php_ibm_db2.dll' - The specified module could not be found. in Unknown on line 0
I have tried both versions thread safe and non thread safe, but I can't get it to work.
I have done it with the php version 5.5.38 but I would like to use the latest one.
Additional information:
I am running the windows 10 64bit.
I have downloaded 1.9.9 dll from the pecl library.
I have put it in the php.ini where all the other extensions are and in the following folder described down:
Of course there is the file in the php\ext\php_ibm_db2.dll
I am the administrator, so permissions are full.
Please if you have some solutions tell me.
Thanks in advance.
I'm currently setting up a Windows 10 Pro x64 machine to work with Apache, PHP and its oci8 extension.
I successfully managed to get oci8 working on OSX 10.11 and Windows 2012 Server before, so I thought I knew what to do. But this was 32bit – now it's 64.
The software now installed is:
Apache 2.4.18 x64
PHP 7.0.3 TS x64
Oracle Instant Client x64 (instantclient-basic-windows.x64-
oci8 2.1.0 TS x64
I don't get it to work. The error message is:
Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'ext\php_oci8_12c.dll' - Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. (Module not found.)
in Unknown on line 0
Extension 'oci8' not present.
I installed the Oracle Instant Client by writing its directory into the PATH variable and copied the php_oci8_12c.dll file to the PHP ext dir and uncommented the corresponding line in the php.ini. Shouldn't that be enough?
I've read many postings here on Stackoverflow and other websites about similar problems, things I've tried:
Moving all DLLs to C:\Windows\system32
Include the PHP extension dir in the PATH variable
Re-checked that every component is 64bit
Created ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_BASE variables (which shouldn't be necessary)
If I change the php_oci8_12c.dll x64 to the 32bit one, I get a different error message:
Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'ext\php_oci8_12c.dll' - %1 ist keine zulässige Win32-Anwendung. (%1 is not a valid Win32 program.)
in Unknown on line 0
Extension 'oci8' not present.
Any ideas what's wrong with all that?
Thank You!
To sum it all up,
One more thing... NTS assumes that PHP does not run as Apache module,
is that correct? Are you using FastCGI? – Álvaro González
was the way to go. If anyone's having troubles with the same, here are the exact steps I took:
PHP 7.0.3 VC14 x64 Thread Safe from windows.php.net/download/
Apache 2.4.18 x64 from apachehaus.com/cgi-bin/download.plx
Oracle Instant Client x64 from oracle.com/technetwork/topics/winx64soft-089540.html
(Get the current Thread Safe oci8 DLL from pecl.php.net/package/oci8, but PHP comes with a version of it - worked with either for me)
Install PHP as an Apache module. Unzip the Instant Client and move it to your desired location. Add this location to your PATH system variable. Restart your machine and it should show up under 'PATH' in your phpinfo().
Then I had to make the PHP extension_dir an absolute path. So no 'ext', but 'C:/Program Files/php-7.0.3/ext'. With only 'ext' set to the extension_dir I could connect to a remote Oracle DB via 'php.exe filename.php'. But Apache would throw me an error in error.log that it cannot find the DLL.
No DLL copying is needed if you choose to keep the oci DLL that comes with PHP. No more environment variables than PATH have to be changed/created.
At least in my case :-)
I have a Windows 2012 R2 server with XAMPP installed. I need to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database but I saw the mssql-library is no longer supported and I was redirected to the official Microsoft package SqlSrv.
I've unzipped all files to d:\xampp\php\ext and I've added extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_56_nts.dll in my php.ini.
Using XAMPP's controlpanel I've restarted Apache but it didn't work. I'm always getting the errors:
[20-Apr-2015 08:38:08 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'D:\xampp\php\ext\php_pdo_sqlsrv_56_nts.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
in Unknown on line 0
[20-Apr-2015 08:38:08 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'D:\xampp\php\ext\php_pdo_sqlsrv_56_nts.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
in Unknown on line 0
I've checked a few times to be sure the filename is correct. The file truely exists. All system users have full control over the file (any file in the \ext directory for that matter). It also doesn't matter to switch to a ts or non-pdo variant.
I'm running PHP 5.6.3. Any suggestions? I'm out of ideas to look for the issue...
Update 1:
Via several form posts I came across a C++ Redistributable to install, so I've got that covered. But still I'm missing out on some DLL's according do depends.exe (Dependency Walker).
To this point I'm missing the following DLL's:
I assume they're part of a package I'm missing. I also saw some posts about installing the latest SQL Server Native Client. But as far as I found the latest version is 11, but is too old for Windows 2012R2.
Update 2:
On this forum page I saw a useful reaction (in German) telling SqlSrv can't work with the latest available XAMPP PHP version. So I've reinstalled XAMPP with PHP 5.5.19 now, but this still didn't help.
How to proceed?
Okay, I've found out what's wrong.
At this moment I'm succesfully running SqlSrv on my Windows 2012R2 machine with XAMPP. The main problem was I was using the *nts.dll files. Using Dependency Walker I was able to get a list of dll's that were not loaded succesfully. One of the DLL's listed there was php5.dll. It took me a while to figure out that would be strange. I've inspectected my php folder and I saw the file php5ts.dll in there, but no php5.dll So I Googled for sqlsrv php5.dll and I came across this page from Microsoft.
That page lists which drivers work with which DLL for PHP. I've switched the modules from nts to ts and now everything is working as expected. At this moment I've also installed the C++ redistributable to fix the MSVCP110.dll issue but I'm not sure if that was mandatory to get it working. If you run into the same issue maybe you'll also have to install this patch (Microsoft downloadpage, I've downloaded VSU_4\vcredist_x86.exe)
Good luck future solution seekers!
I'm using XAMPP and trying to configure Oracle connection for sql.
I uncommented the line extension=php_oci8.dll and at first it ended up with an error (that oci.dll is missing), but later I downloaded instantclient from Oracle web pages. I tried with versions 10.2, 11.2, and 12.1 but neither worked. Obviously I've added the path to those libraries to my PATH env variable.
The warning I'm getting at the startup of Apache is: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: in Unknown on line 0
The error when I'm trying to connect is: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function oci_connect() in ...
I've tried with php_oci8.dll and php_oci8_11g.dll. Those files are in my php/ext directory (they were included in xampp), my instantclient is added to PATH and the warning doesn't show up if I disable those modules. I've tried restarting services and computer.
Can you help me find a solution how to configure it correctly? I'm using Windows 8.1 with administrative privileges.
BTW. My phpinfo() says that OCI8 is activated (but functions like oci_connect still don't work).
EDIT: When I tried running PHP manually I finally got the error to display what was wrong: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\ext\php_oci8_11g.dll' - %1 is not a valid Win32 application. in Unknown on line 0 Can you help me find out where can I download a correct version?
There was a problem with 64bit version of instantclient. If you ever have the same issue, please install 32bit version of instantclient.
To be honest the easiest way is just to follow PROPER instructions: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/dsl/technote-php-instant-084410.html
I tried a lot of other advices and they all went really bad on me (not just because I used different bit version - also I copied the files everywhere following stupid advices and it was hard to correct it)
Its because your Oracle is 64 bit. Remove it and install a 32 bit version of Oracle client and it will work.
It looks like your extension are not install properly. Try to update it or reinstall it with pecl with
pecl install extname
You should also check extension_dir directive in php.ini and check if the PHP folder is added to the path
There's an alternate way to solve this: Install the full Oracle Client, not the basic zip, you can get it at oracle site (about 1Gb):
Im using Windows 10, Apache 2.4, PHP 7.1 (all x64) and it works. Also tryed PHP 5.6 and it works too. Still use the php_oci8_11g.dll from the basic client zip to match your php and system version.
You can search the site to find older client versions (11g, 32bits, etc) but Im working with de 12c client and accessing an Oracle 11g enterprise server.
I found a lot of occurrencies of this same error all around, but none gave me this solution. Hope taht helps.
I'm trying to get PHP to load some extensions (sqlsrv driver for PHP PDO).
I'm using a wamp server, With PHP 5.4, Apache 2.4.4.
In my PHP.ini file, i've entered the following line:
extension_dir = C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.16\ext
However in the apache error log, whenever I restart the apache service, I get the error message:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.4.16/ext/php_pdo_sqlsrv_54_nts.dll' - The specified module could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0
Now, I know for a fact, this error is incorrect. If I copy the file location directly from the error log, (C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.16\ext\php_pdo_sqlsrv_54_nts.dll) and paste it into windows explorer, it finds the file fine.
I've added the ext directory to windows PATH environment variable, still no success.
Any ideas what to try next?
Your problem is that you are trying to run a NTS 'Not Thread Safe' dll with a PHP that is 'Thread Safe', so initially try downloading the Thread Safe version of the sqlsrv DLL.
BIG NOTE and possibly your next problems solution:
As far as I know the sqlserver database interface dlls are only available as 32bit. So if you have installed the 64bit WAMPServer you will have to uninstall and install the 32bit WAMPServer.