I have some code for a calendar. it works and displays as it should. However, I was wondering is there a way to display years?
At the moment it just shows current year (2018) but i would like for it to have buttons on side to go to next year, 2019 etc..
See code below. Can anyone help?
How about this:
You will need to pass an additional param to the query, in my example: y
With this, you will be able to create links to years like:
$monthArg = !empty($_GET['m']) ? intval($_GET['m']) : date('m');
$yearArg = !empty($_GET['y']) ? intval($_GET['y']) : date('Y'); // you will need to add an other query parameter for this
$currYear = $yearArg;
$startDate = strtotime($currYear . "-" . $monthArg . "-01 00:00:01");
$startDay = date("N", $startDate);
$monthName = date("M",$startDate );
$daysInMonth = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date("m", $startDate), date( "Y", $startDate));
$endDate = strtotime($currYear . "-" . $monthArg . "-" . $daysInMonth ." 00:00:01");
$endDay = date("N", $endDate);
if ($startDay> 6)
$startDay = 7 - $startDay;
$currElem = 0;
$dayCounter = 0;
$firstDayHasCome = false;
$arrCal = [];
for($i = 0; $i <= 5; $i ++) {
for($j= 0; $j <= 6; $j++) {
// decide what to show in the cell
if($currElem < $startDay && !$firstDayHasCome)
$arrCal[$i][$j] = "";
else if ($currElem == $startDay && !$firstDayHasCome) {
$firstDayHasCome= true;
$arrCal[$i][$j] = ++$dayCounter;
else if ($firstDayHasCome) {
if ($dayCounter < $daysInMonth)
$arrCal[$i][$j] = ++ $dayCounter;
$arrCal[$i][$j] = "";
$currElem ++;
I saw this question:
how to get the previous 3 months in php
My question is.. How do i output from a custom month.
I want to start from Mar 2018 (or any M Y user inputs) and it should output the next 3 (or any number user inputs) months.
Ex: Mar, Apr, May
The code below is from current month and year.
// current month: Aug 2018
for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++){
$x = strtotime("$i month");
echo $dte = date('M Y', $x);
echo '<br>';
And the output is
Aug 2018
Sep 2018
Oct 2018
You could use the DateTime class and increment using a DateInterval object:
// Assuming these are the user inputs
$month = 11;
$year = 2015;
// We create a new object with year and month format
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y m', $year . ' ' . $month);
for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++){
// Output the month and year
echo $date->format('m Y') . '<br>';
// Add 1 month to the date
$date->add(new DateInterval('P1M'));
11 2015
12 2015
01 2016
Change it to this as below it will give you as expected see the below code
// current month: Aug 2018
$effective_date = "MAR 2018";
for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++){
$x = strtotime("$i month",strtotime($effective_date));
echo $dte = date('M Y', $x);
echo '<br>';
This may be also helpful:
$month = 11;
$year = 2017;
$count = 15;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
if ($month > 12) {
$month = 1;
$x = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m', $year.'-'.$month);
echo $x->format('m-Y');
echo '<br>';
Try this code for add nth Days, Months and Years
$n = 2;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $n; $i++){
$d = strtotime("$i days");
$x = strtotime("$i month");
$y = strtotime("$i year");
echo "Dates : ".$dates = date('d M Y', "+$d days");
echo "<br>";
echo "Months : ".$months = date('M Y', "+$x months");
echo '<br>';
echo "Years : ".$years = date('Y', "+$y years");
echo '<br>';
You can generate the date with strtotime() function
Check this phpfiddle
$currMonth = 11;
$currYear = 2017;
$count = 15;
$currentYear = date('M Y',strtotime($currYear.'-'.$currMonth));
echo $currentYear.'<br>';
for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++) {
if ($currMonth > 12) {
$currMonth = 1;
$newMonthandYear = date('M Y',strtotime($currYear.'-'.$currMonth));
echo $newMonthandYear.'<br>';
$year = date('Y');
//start at march
$startMonth = 7;
//go forwards 2 months
$stepForwards = 22;
for ($i = $startMonth; $i <= $stepForwards; $i++){
if($i > 12 ) {
$month = $i % 12 == 0 ? 12 : $i % 12;
else {
$month = $i;
echo date("M Y", strtotime(date($year.'-'.$month.'-1'))) . "<br/>";
if($month == 12) {
echo "<br/>";
I have project built using laravel and a I have to build a function that counts all the complete quarters that are in the selected date range - the dates used are inserted via input.
Here are the quarters(i used numerical representations for the months)
01 - 03 first quarter
04 - 06 second quarter
07 - 09 third quarter
10 - 12 forth quarter
I would really appreciate your help,because I've been at it for an entire day now and basically have nothing to show for it,i thing I've been trying so hard i'm actually at the point where i'm so tired, i can t think straight.
I do have some code but it;s worthless, because it doesn't work, and any kind of idea or snippet of code is welcomed.
Thanks for your help in advance.
I managed to do this using multiple functions; basically, if this is needed for chart statistics, then a more specific approach might be the case.
I have done this in Laravel with timestamp dates as input (this code can be adapted for getting semesters also :) , it works and is already tested):
public static function getQuartersBetween($start_ts, $end_ts)
$quarters = [];
$months_per_year = [];
$years = self::getYearsBetween($start_ts, $end_ts);
$months = self::getMonthsBetween($start_ts, $end_ts);
foreach ($years as $year) {
foreach ($months as $month) {
if ($year->format('Y') == $month->format('Y')) {
$months_per_year[$year->format('Y')][] = $month;
foreach ($months_per_year as $year => $months) {
$january = new Date('01-01-' . $year);
$march = new Date('01-03-' . $year);
$april = new Date('01-04-' . $year);
$june = new Date('01-06-' . $year);
$july = new Date('01-07-' . $year);
$september = new Date('01-09-' . $year);
$october = new Date('01-10-' . $year);
$december = new Date('01-12-' . $year);
if (in_array($january, $months) && in_array($march, $months)) {
$quarter_per_year['label'] = 'T1 / ' . $year;
$quarter_per_year['start_day'] = $january->startOfMonth();
$quarter_per_year['end_day'] = $march->endOfMonth()->endOfDay();
array_push($quarters, $quarter_per_year);
if (in_array($april, $months) && in_array($june, $months)) {
$quarter_per_year['label'] = 'T2 / ' . $year;
$quarter_per_year['start_day'] = $april->startOfMonth();
$quarter_per_year['end_day'] = $june->endOfMonth()->endOfDay();
array_push($quarters, $quarter_per_year);
if (in_array($july, $months) && in_array($september, $months)) {
$quarter_per_year['label'] = 'T3 / ' . $year;
$quarter_per_year['start_day'] = $july->startOfMonth();
$quarter_per_year['end_day'] = $september->endOfMonth()->endOfDay();
array_push($quarters, $quarter_per_year);
if (in_array($october, $months) && in_array($december, $months)) {
$quarter_per_year['label'] = 'T4 / ' . $year;
$quarter_per_year['start_day'] = $october->startOfMonth();
$quarter_per_year['end_day'] = $december->endOfMonth()->endOfDay();
array_push($quarters, $quarter_per_year);
return $quarters;
and getting the years between:
public static function getYearsBetween($start_ts, $end_ts, $full_period = false)
$return_data = [];
$current = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $start_ts), date('d', $start_ts), date('Y', $start_ts));
while ($current < $end_ts) {
$temp_date = $current;
$year = new Date($temp_date);
$return_data[] = $year;
$current = strtotime("+1 year", $current); // add a year
if ($full_period) {
$return_data[] = $end_ts;
return $return_data;
, also getting the months needed
public static function getMonthsBetween($start_ts, $end_ts, $full_period = false)
$return_data = $month_list = [];
$current = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $start_ts), date('d', $start_ts), date('Y', $start_ts));
while ($current <= $end_ts) {
$temp_date = $current;
$date = new Date($temp_date);
$month_list[] = $date;
$current = strtotime("+1 month", $current); // add a month
$start_date_last_month = new Date(array_first($month_list));
$start_date_last_month = $start_date_last_month->startOfMonth()->format('m-d');
$temp_end_date = new Date($start_ts);
$temp_end_date = $temp_end_date->format('m-d');
if ($start_date_last_month < $temp_end_date) {
$end_date_last_month = new Date(end($month_list));
$current_day_month = $end_date_last_month->endOfMonth()->format('m-d');
$temp_end_date = new Date($end_ts);
$end_day_of_month = $temp_end_date->format('m-d');
if ($end_day_of_month < $current_day_month) {
if (count($month_list) == 0) {
$month_list[] = $end_date_last_month->subMonth();
$return_data = $month_list;
if ($full_period) {
$return_data[] = $end_ts;
return $return_data;
You can do something like in this example:
$February = 2;
$October = 10;
$completedQuarters = ceil($October/3) - ceil($February/3); // = 3
What about the quarter in which the date range starts, should it also count? If it should only count if it begins in the first month of a quarter you can check for it like this:
$completedQuarters = ceil($October/3) - ceil($February/3) -1; // = 2
if($February-1%3 == 0) $completedQuarters += 1;
You´re description is not very clear, let me know if that´s what you had in mind.
Not sure if the following is what you are meaning but might be useful
$timezone=new DateTimeZone('Europe/London');
$start=new DateTime( $date_start, $timezone );
$end=new DateTime( $date_end, $timezone );
$difference = $end->diff( $start );
$months = ( ( $difference->format('%y') * 12 ) + $difference->format('%m') );
$quarters = intval( $months / 3 );
printf( 'Quarters between %s and %s is %d covering %d months', $start->format('l, jS F Y'), $end->format('l, jS F Y'), $quarters, $months );
This will output
Quarters between Thursday, 12th March 2015 and Tuesday, 14th November 2017 is 10 covering 32 months
Something like this in the function and you should be set.
use Carbon\Carbon;
$first = Carbon::parse('2012-1-1'); //first param
$second = Carbon::parse('2014-9-15'); //second param
$fY = $first->year; //2012
$fQ = $first->quarter; //1
$sY = $second->year; //2014
$sQ = $second->quarter; //3
$n = 0; //the number of quarters we have counted
$i = 0; //an iterator we will use to determine if we are in the first year
for ($y=$fY; $y < $sY; $y++, $i++) { //for each year less than the second year (if any)
$s = ($i > 0) ? 1 : $fQ; //determine the starting quarter
for ($q=$s; $q <= 4; $q++) { //for each quarter
$n++; //count it
if ($sY > $fY) { //if both dates are not in the same year
$n = $n + $sQ; //total is the number of quarters we've counted plus the second quarter value
} else {
for ($q=$fQ; $q <= $sQ; $q++) { //for each quarter between the first quarter and second
$n++; //count it
print $n; //the value to return (11)
Hi I've created an array where I increment "25/11/2015" by 1 month. I have a question about how it is working. I'm currently using "strtotime('+1 month', $currentdate)". I was wondering why in my first row of the array +1month isn't added straight away. Instead I am left with NOV-15 which is what I want but I was just wondering why this happens.
currently I'm getting:
why am i not outputting this result:
Heres my code:
$date = "2015-11-25";
$start = strtotime($date);
$currentdate = $start;
$times_table = array();
for($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++){
$times_table[$i] = array();
echo "<pre>";
for($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++){
for($j = 0; $j <= 4; $j++){
if ($j == 0){
$times_table[$i][$j]= "Version 5" ;
else if ($j == 1){
$cur_date = date("M-y", $currentdate);
$currentdate = strtotime('+1 month', $currentdate);
$times_table[$i][$j]= $cur_date ;
echo $cur_date . ">". "<br />";
$times_table[$i][$j]= "gary" ;
if ($j == 3) {
$numbers = mt_rand(1, 100);
$times_table[$i][$j]= $numbers ;
if ($j == 4){
if($i == 0 || $i == 3)
$pay = "P";
$times_table[$i][$j]= $pay ;
$int = "I";
$times_table[$i][$j]= $int ;
What you write is what you get:
$cur_date = date("M-y", $currentdate);
$currentdate = strtotime('+1 month', $currentdate);
$times_table[$i][$j]= $cur_date ;
You set the $currentdate value to $cur_date before one month was added, and then store the $cur_date value. This is the reason why it doesnt add 1 month straight away (it is added straight away to $currentdate but not to $cur_date)
I'm currenty looking into this tutorial to create a calendar. The only problem I have atm is that my months are in english instead of dutch. How can I change the output of 'july' to 'juli' ?
$vandaag = date("d"); // Current day
$maand = date("m"); // Current month
$jaar = date("Y"); // Current year
$dagen = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN,$maand,$jaar); // Days in current month
$vorigemaand = date("t", mktime(0,0,0,$maand-1,1,$jaar)); // Days in previous month
$begin = date("N", mktime(0,0,0,$maand,1,$jaar)); // Starting day of current month
$einde = date("N", mktime(0,0,0,$maand,$dagen,$jaar)); // Finishing day of current month
$vorigestart = $begin - 1; // Days of previous month in calander
$counter = 1;
$volgendeMaandCounter = 1;
if($begin > 5){ $rows = 6; }else {$rows = 5; }
for($i = 1; $i <= $rows; $i++){
echo '<tr class="week">';
for($x = 1; $x <= 7; $x++){
if(($counter - $begin) < 0){
$date = (($vorigemaand - $vorigestart) + $counter);
$class = 'class="blur"';
}else if(($counter - $begin) >= $dagen){
$date = ($volgendeMaandCounter);
$class = 'class="blur"';
}else {
$date = ($counter - $begin + 1);
if($vandaag == $counter - $begin + 1){
$class = 'class="today"';
echo '<td '.$class.'><a class="date">'. $date . '</a></td>';
$class = '';
echo '</tr>';
Thanks in advance!
try with this code:
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'de_DE', 'deu_deu');
/* print test date string */
echo strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y");
I have array of week numbers from 1 to 52. how i can convert it to
[week 1 jan],[week 2 jan] .......
using PHP
OK ... I fix it and here is my code
function getWeeks($date, $rollover)
$cut = substr($date, 0, 8);
$daylen = 86400;
$timestamp = strtotime($date);
$first = strtotime($cut . "00");
$elapsed = ($timestamp - $first) / $daylen;
$i = 1;
$weeks = 1;
for($i; $i<=$elapsed; $i++)
$dayfind = $cut . (strlen($i) < 2 ? '0' . $i : $i);
$daytimestamp = strtotime($dayfind);
$day = strtolower(date("l", $daytimestamp));
if($day == strtolower($rollover)) $weeks ++;
return $weeks;
and in the foreach I added
$x="1/1/2013 + ".$record->tms." weeks";
$m=date("Y-m-d", strtotime($x));
$first_week_start=getWeeks($m, "sunday");
if($first_week_start == 1){$typo="st";}
if($first_week_start == 2){$typo="nd";}
if($first_week_start == 3){$typo="rd";}
if($first_week_start == 4){$typo="th";}
if($first_week_start == 5){$typo="th";}
$month=date("M", strtotime($m));
$final_format .= "'".$first_week_start.$typo ." week in ".$month."'";
Try a loop, start with 1/jan, use DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 week'); and DateTime::add each time in the loop to add the next week, use DateTime::format to get the month also checking the current year in each iteration to make sure the loop hasn't moved to the next year.
$weeks = array();
$dt = new DateTime("2013-01-01");
$interval = DateInterval::createFromDateString("1 week");
for($i=1; $i <= 52; $i++)
$weeks[$i] = "week " . $i . " " . $dt->format("M");
$dt = $dt->add($interval);
If you want a function that will return a month abbreviation from a week:
function weekMonth($week)
return (new DateTime("2013-01-01"))->add(DateInterval::createFromDateString($week." week"))->format("M");
echo weekMonth(6);