Carbon show time different days hours minutes second - php

i try to make time difference with carbon
$dt = Carbon::parse('2018-07-15 00:00:00');
$now = Carbon::now('Asia/Dubai'); //set current time
$seconds = $now->diffInSeconds( $dt ); //difference turn into second
$days = $dt->diffInDays($dt->copy()->addSeconds($seconds));
$hours = $dt->diffInHours($dt->copy()->addSeconds($seconds)->subDays($days));
$minutes = $dt->diffInMinutes($dt->copy()->addSeconds($seconds)->subHours($hours));
$days result are 12 (its right).
$hours result are 8 (seems not right).
$minutes result are 17299 (clearly wrong).
how to get the result for example 12 day 5 hours 45 minutes

Actually functions like diffInSeconds give total difference in seconds that's why the number is so large,to get the minutes for the time difference right you can use -:
$minutes = ($now->minute - $dt->minute);


Basic PHP Time calculation having a wrong answer

I have this basic PHP time calculation which just substracts between two timestamps but it's giving back an additional hour.
echo date('h:i:s',strtotime('2020-11-15 12:00:00') - strtotime('2020-11-15 11:05:00'));
I am expecting the answer to be 55 min ( 00:55:00 )
Instead it gives 01:55:00
EDIT: On PHP fiddle it works fine, on my server it doesn't (and the time is set properly)
Any insight?
create date object by date_create() function
$date1 = date_create("y-m-d H:i:s");
$date2 = date_create("y-m-d H:i:s");
you can get the diff of year, month , hour , min, sec
Try this. See comments for explanation and output.
$from = '2020-11-15 11:05:00';
$to = '2020-11-15 12:00:00';
// 'U' gets UNIX seconds since epoch.
$fromSeconds = (new DateTime($from))->format('U');
$toSeconds = (new DateTime($to))->format('U');
$interval = $toSeconds - $fromSeconds;
// Get number of days
$days = floor($interval / 86400);
$interval -= $days * 86400;
// Get number of hours
$hours = floor($interval / 3600);
$interval -= $hours * 3600;
// Get number of minutes
$minutes = floor($interval / 60);
$interval -= $hours * 60;
var_dump($days); // 0
var_dump($hours); // 0
var_dump($minutes); // 55
This explains what happened in your first attempt:
$seconds = strtotime('2020-11-15 12:00:00') - strtotime('2020-11-15 11:05:00');
var_dump($seconds); // 3300
// You're passing an _interval_ to date(), where it expects a timestamp
// in UNIX epoch format.
// Which means, seconds counted from UNIX time 0.
// UNIX time 0 starts at 1970-01-01 01:00:00!
// See:
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 0); // 1970-01-01 01:00:00!
// Your code is formatting the TIME, not the INTERVAL of your argument.
// Which is the 1 from 01:00:00 and 55 minutes from your value.

PHP Calculate Exact number of hours minutes and seconds between two timestamps

I have two Timestamps
2016-01-01 00:00:00
2016-01-02 23:59:59
Using PHP how can I calculate the number of hours and minutes between the two times and get the result as a decimal with 2 places after the .
currently I have this:
$Start = new DateTime($StartTime);
$Finish = new DateTime ($FinishTime);
$Interval = date_diff($Start,$Finish);
$Hours = $Interval->format('%h.%i');
But the result is incorrect if the user starts the timer on Day 1 and finishes on day 2.
You could multiply the number of days by 24 to convert them to hours, then sum the hours and concatenate the minutes:
$start = new DateTime('2016-01-01 00:00:00');
$end = new DateTime('2016-01-02 23:59:59');
$interval = $end->diff($start);
$days = $interval->format('%d');
$hours = 24 * $days + $interval->format('%h');
echo $hours.':'.$interval->format('%i');
You could format the DateTime as a UNIX timestamp, and then simply subtract to get the total seconds, and format the output with gmdate().
$Start = new DateTime($StartTime);
$Finish = new DateTime ($FinishTime);
$Interval = $Start->format('U') - $Finish->format('U');
$Hours = gmdate("H:i:s", $Interval);
Try this.
$Hours = $Interval->format('%a.%h.%i');

Calculating countdown between now and x amount of days ahead to cetain time of day

I am completely stuck here. I am trying to get how many days hours and minutes to echo from a calculation from the current time to 7 days from now at 6pm. I look at the amount of seconds produced from my $difference variable and when I do the math to convert it to days hours and minutes it is correct but for some reason when I call the specific days, hours, and minutes in my output statement it is incorrect. What am I doing wrong. Here is the code.
$nextWeek = strtotime('+7 days');
$m = date('n', $nextWeek);
$d = date('j', $nextWeek);
$y = date('Y', $nextWeek);
$difference = mktime(18,0,0,$m,$d,$y) - time();
echo '<p>Current date and time is' .date(' l F d, Y '). 'at '.date('g:i a').' You have an appointment in a week on '.date(' n/j/Y ', $nextWeek).' at 6pm. There are ' .date(' j ', $difference).' days, ' .date(' g ', $difference).' hours, and ' .date(' i ', $difference).' minutes until your appointment.</p>';
echo mktime(18,0,0,$m,$d,$y),"\n";
echo $difference;
The problem is that you're using PHP's date() function on a number that doesn't represent a date. Your variable $difference represents the difference between the two dates, in seconds. To get the right output, you should write your own function to convert these seconds to number of days, hours, minutes, etc.
It might look something like this:
function getTimeText($seconds)
$return = array();
$return["days"] = floor($seconds/86400); // 86400 seconds in a day
$seconds -= ($return["days"]*86400);
$return["hours"] = floor($seconds/3600); // 3600 seconds in an hour
$seconds -= ($return["hours"]*3600);
$return["minutes"] = floor($seconds/60); // 60 seconds in a minute
return $return;
Try checking out this. The example part way down the page shows you how to find the difference between two dates in days. You should be able to use it to return the difference between the current time and the time in 7 days at 18:00 by changing the format.

PHP Minutes in month

I need to be able to find the number of minutes passed in the current month so far. So from midnight of the first of the month until now.
How could I do this? So for example, 1AM on the first of the month would be give me 60 minutes.
This should work for you:
$time = time();
$minutes = ($time-strtotime(date('Y-m-00', $time)))/60;
As of now $minutes === 15477.1
$seconds = time() - strtotime('2011-01-01 00:00:00');
$minutes = $seconds / 60;
To elaborate a bit more:
This is some simple manipulation of a unix timestamp (number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970). So you take the current timestamp and subtract what the timestamp would have been on the first of the month. This gives you total seconds that have elapsed this month. If you divide by 60, you get total minutes that have elapsed this month.

Difference between dates

I want to calculate the difference between two times, one of which is the current time, and the other is just in the format HH:MM, always in the future.
If I just subtract $futuretime from $now, it should, of course, be a positive number.
This works fine until...
If $now is in the afternoon or evening and $futuretime is, say, 7AM next morning, how can I force it to understand the the time is always going to be in the future?
(It's for working out the time of something that occurs about every half an hour during working hours, and then stops until the following morning)
Thanks in advance!
Simply add a whole day to the difference if it is negative. Assuming that $now and $futuretime are timestamps (stored in seconds since midnight), simply do the following:
$diff = $futuretime - $now;
if ($diff < 0)
$diff += 24 * 3600;
If they are in HH:MM format:
list($future_hours, $future_mins) = explode(":", $futuretime);
$futuretime = $future_hours * 60 + $future_mins;
list($now_hours, $now_mins) = explode(":", $now);
$now = $now_hours * 60 + $now_mins;
$diff = $futuretime - $now;
if ($diff < 0)
$diff += 24 * 60;
Of course the latter case returns the difference in minutes, while the former returns the difference in seconds.
Edit: as Andy noted below in the comments, this is not a good solution if you care about changes in DST. See his solution for a better approach.
If you're on PHP 5.3+, use PHP's DateTime:
$d1 = new DateTime('14:52:10');
$d2 = new DateTime('12:12:10');
$diff = $d1->diff( $d2 );
var_dump( $diff );
You can simply convert both dates to timestamp, do the calculations and convert it to required format, i.e. days, hours and minutes. it's quite simple.
