How to convert Date & Time into specific range in PHP - php

I have following php dates for example:
2018-07-16 02:07:30
2018-07-16 02:17:30
2018-07-16 02:37:30
2018-07-16 02:47:30
I have to convert above dates in to below dates grammatically:
2018-07-16 02:15:00
2018-07-16 02:30:00
2018-07-16 02:45:00
2018-07-16 03:00:00
e.g If minute is 1-15 It should be 15, If minutes is 16-30 It should be 30, If minutes is 31-45 It should be 45, and If minutes is 46-60 It should be 00.

First, you should get the timestring from the date, then set fraction 900 (seconds) which is equal to 15 minutes. You can Convert 900 Seconds to Minutes, then get the timestring_fraction by $timestring_fraction = $timestring % $fraction; and calculate minutes and create a new date by doing this date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $minutes).
$date = '2018-07-16 02:37:30';
$timestring = strtotime($date);
// 900 seconds which is equal to 15 minutes
$fraction = 900;
$timestring_fraction = $timestring % $fraction;
$minutes = $timestring + ($fraction - $timestring_fraction);
$updated_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $minutes);
echo $updated_date;
// 2018-07-16 02:07:30
2018-07-16 02:15:00
// 2018-07-16 02:17:30
2018-07-16 02:30:00
// 2018-07-16 02:37:30
2018-07-16 02:45:00
// 2018-07-16 02:47:30
2018-07-16 03:00:00
Updated Answer
What if the time is something like this 2018-07-16 02:30:00 then the solution will be
$timestring_fraction = $timestring % $fraction;
if ($timestring_fraction === 0) {
echo $date;
else {
$minutes = $timestring + ($fraction - $timestring_fraction);
$updated_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $minutes);
echo $updated_date;
because in this scenario if minutes is exactly same i.e. 15, 30, 45 or 00 then time fraction would be zero as well, so you need to check time fraction before making a new date

Please try with
$date = "2018-07-16 02:48:30";
$cons = date('Y-m-d H:',strtotime($date));
$min = date('i',strtotime($date));
$min = $min + 15 - ($min % 15) ;
if ($min == 60){
$min = '00';
$final = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime($cons.$min));
$final = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($final.'1 hour'));
$final = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime($cons.$min));
echo $final;
create one function and pass date into that function . function will return pass date with your desire output .

You can use the format() method. -->
There you can find parameters with which you can access the values of the date you are looking for. Then make a if-clause to check and set the date right.
Maybe make an array for better structure!
For example:
$day = date_create("2018-07-16 02:15:00");
$dates = array($day); // And so on...
echo $dates[1]->format("H");
// You get the hour in 24h format with like --> 02
// with i you get the minute like --> 15
Than you make a switch-Statement or a if-statement and edit the values, not that complicated!
I hope I could help you!

Another example with arrays, which need to be optimized:
$array = [
'2018-07-16 02:07:30',
'2018-07-16 02:17:30',
'2018-07-16 02:37:30',
'2018-07-16 02:47:30'
$newArray = [];
foreach ($array as $elem) {
$time = explode(' ', $elem)[1];
$date = explode(' ', $elem)[0];
$timePart = explode(':', $time);
$minutes = $timePart[1];
if ($minutes > 1 && $minutes < 15) {
$newTime = $date . ' ' . $timePart[0] . ':15:' . $timePart[2];
} else if ($minutes > 15 && $minutes < 30) {
$newTime = $date . ' ' . $timePart[0] . ':30:' . $timePart[2];
} else if ($minutes > 30 && $minutes < 45) {
$newTime = $date . ' ' . $timePart[0] . ':45:' . $timePart[2];
} else if ($minutes > 45) {
$newTime = $date . ' ' . $timePart[0] . ':00:' . $timePart[2];
$newArray[] = $newTime;
echo "<pre>"; var_dump($newArray); exit;
U can easy convert it to datetime object.

Try this code:
$dateString = '2018-07-16 02:47:30';
$date = new DateTime($dateString);
$minute = $date->format('i');
switch(true) {
case $minute <= 15:
$minute = 15;
case $minute <= 30:
$minute = 30;
case $minute <= 45:
$minute = 45;
case $minute <= 60:
$minute = 60;
$date->setTime($date->format("H"), $minute);
echo $date->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");

You can change date by following :
$date = '2018-07-16 02:07:30';
$justdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date));
$justdate = new DateTime($justdate);
$sdate = date('s', strtotime($date));
$idate = date('i', strtotime($date));
$hdate = date('h', strtotime($date));
$idate = number_format($idate);
if ($idate >= 0 && $idate <= 15) {
$idate = '15';
$justdate->setTime($hdate, $idate, $sdate);
$justdate = $justdate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
} else if ($idate >= 16 && $idate <= 30) {
$idate = '30';
$justdate->setTime($hdate, $idate, $sdate);
$justdate = $justdate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
} else {
$hdate = $hdate + 1;
$idate = '00';
$sdate = '00';
$justdate->setTime($hdate, $idate, $sdate);
$justdate = $justdate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
echo $justdate;exit;


How to know if the difference btw time is 20 minutes [duplicate]

How to calculate minute difference between two date-times in PHP?
The answers above are for older versions of PHP. Use the DateTime class to do any date calculations now that PHP 5.3 is the norm.
$start_date = new DateTime('2007-09-01 04:10:58');
$since_start = $start_date->diff(new DateTime('2012-09-11 10:25:00'));
echo $since_start->days.' days total<br>';
echo $since_start->y.' years<br>';
echo $since_start->m.' months<br>';
echo $since_start->d.' days<br>';
echo $since_start->h.' hours<br>';
echo $since_start->i.' minutes<br>';
echo $since_start->s.' seconds<br>';
$since_start is a DateInterval object. Note that the days property is available (because we used the diff method of the DateTime class to generate the DateInterval object).
The above code will output:
1837 days total5 years0 months10 days6 hours14 minutes2 seconds
To get the total number of minutes:
$minutes = $since_start->days * 24 * 60;
$minutes += $since_start->h * 60;
$minutes += $since_start->i;
echo $minutes.' minutes';
This will output:
2645654 minutes
Which is the actual number of minutes that has passed between the two dates. The DateTime class will take daylight saving (depending on timezone) into account where the "old way" won't. Read the manual about Date and Time
Here is the answer:
$to_time = strtotime("2008-12-13 10:42:00");
$from_time = strtotime("2008-12-13 10:21:00");
echo round(abs($to_time - $from_time) / 60,2). " minute";
Subtract the past most one from the future most one and divide by 60.
Times are done in Unix format so they're just a big number showing the number of seconds from January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
$date1 = time();
$date2 = time();
$mins = ($date2 - $date1) / 60;
echo $mins;
$start = strtotime('12:01:00');
$end = strtotime('13:16:00');
$mins = ($end - $start) / 60;
echo $mins;
It worked on my programs, i'am using date_diff, you can check date_diff manual on here.
$start = date_create('2015-01-26 12:01:00');
$end = date_create('2015-01-26 13:15:00');
You get results what do you want.
DateTime::diff is cool, but awkward for this sort of calculations that require a single unit result. Manually subtracting the timestamps works better:
$date1 = new DateTime('2020-09-01 01:00:00');
$date2 = new DateTime('2021-09-01 14:00:00');
$diff_mins = abs($date1->getTimestamp() - $date2->getTimestamp()) / 60;
another way with timezone.
$start_date = new DateTime("2013-12-24 06:00:00",new DateTimeZone('Pacific/Nauru'));
$end_date = new DateTime("2013-12-24 06:45:00", new DateTimeZone('Pacific/Nauru'));
$interval = $start_date->diff($end_date);
$hours = $interval->format('%h');
$minutes = $interval->format('%i');
echo 'Diff. in minutes is: '.($hours * 60 + $minutes);
I wrote this function for one my blog site(difference between a past date and server's date). It will give you an output like this
"49 seconds ago", "20 minutes ago", "21 hours ago" and so on
I have used a function that would get me the difference between the date passed and the server's date.
//Code written by Jan 2014
function dateDiff($date)
$mydate= date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
//echo $mydate;//2014-06-06 21:35:55
$datetime1 = date_create($date);
$datetime2 = date_create($mydate);
$interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2);
//echo $interval->format('%s Seconds %i Minutes %h Hours %d days %m Months %y Year Ago')."<br>";
if($interval->format('%i%h%d%m%y')=="00000") {
//echo $interval->format('%i%h%d%m%y')."<br>";
return $sec." Seconds";
} else if($interval->format('%h%d%m%y')=="0000"){
return $min." Minutes";
} else if($interval->format('%d%m%y')=="000"){
return $hour." Hours";
} else if($interval->format('%m%y')=="00"){
return $day." Days";
} else if($interval->format('%y')=="0"){
return $mon." Months";
} else{
return $year." Years";
Save it as a file suppose "date.php". Call the function from another page like this
$mydate='2014-11-14 21:35:55';
echo "The Difference between the server's date and $mydate is:<br> ";
echo dateDiff($mydate);
Of course you can modify the function to pass two values.
I think this will help you
function calculate_time_span($date){
$seconds = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) - strtotime($date);
$months = floor($seconds / (3600*24*30));
$day = floor($seconds / (3600*24));
$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
$mins = floor(($seconds - ($hours*3600)) / 60);
$secs = floor($seconds % 60);
if($seconds < 60)
$time = $secs." seconds ago";
else if($seconds < 60*60 )
$time = $mins." min ago";
else if($seconds < 24*60*60)
$time = $hours." hours ago";
else if($seconds < 24*60*60)
$time = $day." day ago";
$time = $months." month ago";
return $time;
This is how I displayed "xx times ago" in php > 5.2 .. here is more info on DateTime object
$pubDate = $row['rssfeed']['pubDates']; // e.g. this could be like 'Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:26:00 GMT'
$diff = ago($pubDate); // output: 23 hrs ago
// Return the value of time different in "xx times ago" format
function ago($timestamp)
$today = new DateTime(date('y-m-d h:i:s')); // [2]
//$thatDay = new DateTime('Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:26:00 GMT');
$thatDay = new DateTime($timestamp);
$dt = $today->diff($thatDay);
if ($dt->y > 0){
$number = $dt->y;
$unit = "year";
} else if ($dt->m > 0) {
$number = $dt->m;
$unit = "month";
} else if ($dt->d > 0) {
$number = $dt->d;
$unit = "day";
} else if ($dt->h > 0) {
$number = $dt->h;
$unit = "hour";
} else if ($dt->i > 0) {
$number = $dt->i;
$unit = "minute";
} else if ($dt->s > 0) {
$number = $dt->s;
$unit = "second";
$unit .= $number > 1 ? "s" : "";
$ret = $number." ".$unit." "."ago";
return $ret;
function date_getFullTimeDifference( $start, $end )
$uts['start'] = strtotime( $start );
$uts['end'] = strtotime( $end );
if( $uts['start']!==-1 && $uts['end']!==-1 )
if( $uts['end'] >= $uts['start'] )
$diff = $uts['end'] - $uts['start'];
if( $years=intval((floor($diff/31104000))) )
$diff = $diff % 31104000;
if( $months=intval((floor($diff/2592000))) )
$diff = $diff % 2592000;
if( $days=intval((floor($diff/86400))) )
$diff = $diff % 86400;
if( $hours=intval((floor($diff/3600))) )
$diff = $diff % 3600;
if( $minutes=intval((floor($diff/60))) )
$diff = $diff % 60;
$diff = intval( $diff );
return( array('years'=>$years,'months'=>$months,'days'=>$days, 'hours'=>$hours, 'minutes'=>$minutes, 'seconds'=>$diff) );
echo "Ending date/time is earlier than the start date/time";
echo "Invalid date/time data detected";
A more universal version that returns result in days, hours, minutes or seconds including fractions/decimals:
function DateDiffInterval($sDate1, $sDate2, $sUnit='H') {
//subtract $sDate2-$sDate1 and return the difference in $sUnit (Days,Hours,Minutes,Seconds)
$nInterval = strtotime($sDate2) - strtotime($sDate1);
if ($sUnit=='D') { // days
$nInterval = $nInterval/60/60/24;
} else if ($sUnit=='H') { // hours
$nInterval = $nInterval/60/60;
} else if ($sUnit=='M') { // minutes
$nInterval = $nInterval/60;
} else if ($sUnit=='S') { // seconds
return $nInterval;
} //DateDiffInterval
Subtract the times and divide by 60.
Here is an example which calculate elapsed time from 2019/02/01 10:23:45 in minutes:
$diff_time=(strtotime(date("Y/m/d H:i:s"))-strtotime("2019/02/01 10:23:45"))/60;
My solution to find the difference between two dates is here. With this function you can find differences like seconds, minutes, hours, days, years and months.
function alihan_diff_dates($date = null, $diff = "minutes") {
$start_date = new DateTime($date);
$since_start = $start_date->diff(new DateTime( date('Y-m-d H:i:s') )); // date now
switch ($diff) {
case 'seconds':
return $since_start->s;
case 'minutes':
return $since_start->i;
case 'hours':
return $since_start->h;
case 'days':
return $since_start->d;
# code...
You can develop this function. I tested and works for me. DateInterval object output is here:
DateInterval Object ( [y] => 0 [m] => 0 [d] => 0 [h] => 0 [i] => 5 [s] => 13 [f] => 0 [weekday] => 0 [weekday_behavior] => 0 [first_last_day_of] => 0 [invert] => 0 [days] => 0 [special_type] => 0 [special_amount] => 0 [have_weekday_relative] => 0 [have_special_relative] => 0 )
Function Usage:
$date = the past date,
$diff = type eg: "minutes", "days", "seconds"
$diff_mins = alihan_diff_dates("2019-03-24 13:24:19", "minutes");
Good Luck.
echo $diff->format("%R%a days");
For detailed format specifiers, visit the link.
Another simple way to calculate the difference in minutes. Please note this is a sample for calculating within a 1-year range. for more details click here
$origin = new DateTime('2021-02-10 09:46:32');
$target = new DateTime('2021-02-11 09:46:32');
$interval = $origin->diff($target);
echo (($interval->format('%d')*24) + $interval->format('%h'))*60; //1440 (difference in minutes)
This will help....
function get_time($date,$nosuffix=''){
$datetime = new DateTime($date);
$interval = date_create('now')->diff( $datetime );
if(empty($nosuffix))$suffix = ( $interval->invert ? ' ago' : '' );
else $suffix='';
//return $interval->y;
if($interval->y >=1) {$count = date(VDATE, strtotime($date)); $text = '';}
elseif($interval->m >=1) {$count = date('M d', strtotime($date)); $text = '';}
elseif($interval->d >=1) {$count = $interval->d; $text = 'day';}
elseif($interval->h >=1) {$count = $interval->h; $text = 'hour';}
elseif($interval->i >=1) {$count = $interval->i; $text = 'minute';}
elseif($interval->s ==0) {$count = 'Just Now'; $text = '';}
else {$count = $interval->s; $text = 'second';}
if(empty($text)) return '<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> '.$count;
return '<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> '.$count.(($count ==1)?(" $text"):(" ${text}s")).' '.$suffix;
I found so many solution but I never got correct solution. But i have created some code to find minutes please check it.
$time1 = "23:58";
$time2 = "01:00";
$time1 = explode(':',$time1);
$time2 = explode(':',$time2);
$hours1 = $time1[0];
$hours2 = $time2[0];
$mins1 = $time1[1];
$mins2 = $time2[1];
$hours = $hours2 - $hours1;
$mins = 0;
if($hours < 0)
$hours = 24 + $hours;
if($mins2 >= $mins1) {
$mins = $mins2 - $mins1;
else {
$mins = ($mins2 + 60) - $mins1;
if($mins < 9)
$mins = str_pad($mins, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
if($hours < 9)
$hours =str_pad($hours, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
echo $hours.':'.$mins;
It gives output in hours and minutes for example 01 hour 02 minutes like 01:02
Here is a simple one-liner:
$start = new DateTime('yesterday');
$end = new DateTime('now');
$diffInMinutes = iterator_count(new \DatePeriod($start, new \DateInterval('PT1M'), $end));
try this
$now = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString(); // get current time
$a = strtotime("2012-09-21 12:12:22");
$b = strtotime($now);
$minutes = ceil(($a - $b) / 3600); it will get ceiling value

calculate if hour it´s in labor time [duplicate]

How to calculate minute difference between two date-times in PHP?
The answers above are for older versions of PHP. Use the DateTime class to do any date calculations now that PHP 5.3 is the norm.
$start_date = new DateTime('2007-09-01 04:10:58');
$since_start = $start_date->diff(new DateTime('2012-09-11 10:25:00'));
echo $since_start->days.' days total<br>';
echo $since_start->y.' years<br>';
echo $since_start->m.' months<br>';
echo $since_start->d.' days<br>';
echo $since_start->h.' hours<br>';
echo $since_start->i.' minutes<br>';
echo $since_start->s.' seconds<br>';
$since_start is a DateInterval object. Note that the days property is available (because we used the diff method of the DateTime class to generate the DateInterval object).
The above code will output:
1837 days total5 years0 months10 days6 hours14 minutes2 seconds
To get the total number of minutes:
$minutes = $since_start->days * 24 * 60;
$minutes += $since_start->h * 60;
$minutes += $since_start->i;
echo $minutes.' minutes';
This will output:
2645654 minutes
Which is the actual number of minutes that has passed between the two dates. The DateTime class will take daylight saving (depending on timezone) into account where the "old way" won't. Read the manual about Date and Time
Here is the answer:
$to_time = strtotime("2008-12-13 10:42:00");
$from_time = strtotime("2008-12-13 10:21:00");
echo round(abs($to_time - $from_time) / 60,2). " minute";
Subtract the past most one from the future most one and divide by 60.
Times are done in Unix format so they're just a big number showing the number of seconds from January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
$date1 = time();
$date2 = time();
$mins = ($date2 - $date1) / 60;
echo $mins;
$start = strtotime('12:01:00');
$end = strtotime('13:16:00');
$mins = ($end - $start) / 60;
echo $mins;
It worked on my programs, i'am using date_diff, you can check date_diff manual on here.
$start = date_create('2015-01-26 12:01:00');
$end = date_create('2015-01-26 13:15:00');
You get results what do you want.
DateTime::diff is cool, but awkward for this sort of calculations that require a single unit result. Manually subtracting the timestamps works better:
$date1 = new DateTime('2020-09-01 01:00:00');
$date2 = new DateTime('2021-09-01 14:00:00');
$diff_mins = abs($date1->getTimestamp() - $date2->getTimestamp()) / 60;
another way with timezone.
$start_date = new DateTime("2013-12-24 06:00:00",new DateTimeZone('Pacific/Nauru'));
$end_date = new DateTime("2013-12-24 06:45:00", new DateTimeZone('Pacific/Nauru'));
$interval = $start_date->diff($end_date);
$hours = $interval->format('%h');
$minutes = $interval->format('%i');
echo 'Diff. in minutes is: '.($hours * 60 + $minutes);
I wrote this function for one my blog site(difference between a past date and server's date). It will give you an output like this
"49 seconds ago", "20 minutes ago", "21 hours ago" and so on
I have used a function that would get me the difference between the date passed and the server's date.
//Code written by Jan 2014
function dateDiff($date)
$mydate= date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
//echo $mydate;//2014-06-06 21:35:55
$datetime1 = date_create($date);
$datetime2 = date_create($mydate);
$interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2);
//echo $interval->format('%s Seconds %i Minutes %h Hours %d days %m Months %y Year Ago')."<br>";
if($interval->format('%i%h%d%m%y')=="00000") {
//echo $interval->format('%i%h%d%m%y')."<br>";
return $sec." Seconds";
} else if($interval->format('%h%d%m%y')=="0000"){
return $min." Minutes";
} else if($interval->format('%d%m%y')=="000"){
return $hour." Hours";
} else if($interval->format('%m%y')=="00"){
return $day." Days";
} else if($interval->format('%y')=="0"){
return $mon." Months";
} else{
return $year." Years";
Save it as a file suppose "date.php". Call the function from another page like this
$mydate='2014-11-14 21:35:55';
echo "The Difference between the server's date and $mydate is:<br> ";
echo dateDiff($mydate);
Of course you can modify the function to pass two values.
I think this will help you
function calculate_time_span($date){
$seconds = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) - strtotime($date);
$months = floor($seconds / (3600*24*30));
$day = floor($seconds / (3600*24));
$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
$mins = floor(($seconds - ($hours*3600)) / 60);
$secs = floor($seconds % 60);
if($seconds < 60)
$time = $secs." seconds ago";
else if($seconds < 60*60 )
$time = $mins." min ago";
else if($seconds < 24*60*60)
$time = $hours." hours ago";
else if($seconds < 24*60*60)
$time = $day." day ago";
$time = $months." month ago";
return $time;
This is how I displayed "xx times ago" in php > 5.2 .. here is more info on DateTime object
$pubDate = $row['rssfeed']['pubDates']; // e.g. this could be like 'Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:26:00 GMT'
$diff = ago($pubDate); // output: 23 hrs ago
// Return the value of time different in "xx times ago" format
function ago($timestamp)
$today = new DateTime(date('y-m-d h:i:s')); // [2]
//$thatDay = new DateTime('Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:26:00 GMT');
$thatDay = new DateTime($timestamp);
$dt = $today->diff($thatDay);
if ($dt->y > 0){
$number = $dt->y;
$unit = "year";
} else if ($dt->m > 0) {
$number = $dt->m;
$unit = "month";
} else if ($dt->d > 0) {
$number = $dt->d;
$unit = "day";
} else if ($dt->h > 0) {
$number = $dt->h;
$unit = "hour";
} else if ($dt->i > 0) {
$number = $dt->i;
$unit = "minute";
} else if ($dt->s > 0) {
$number = $dt->s;
$unit = "second";
$unit .= $number > 1 ? "s" : "";
$ret = $number." ".$unit." "."ago";
return $ret;
function date_getFullTimeDifference( $start, $end )
$uts['start'] = strtotime( $start );
$uts['end'] = strtotime( $end );
if( $uts['start']!==-1 && $uts['end']!==-1 )
if( $uts['end'] >= $uts['start'] )
$diff = $uts['end'] - $uts['start'];
if( $years=intval((floor($diff/31104000))) )
$diff = $diff % 31104000;
if( $months=intval((floor($diff/2592000))) )
$diff = $diff % 2592000;
if( $days=intval((floor($diff/86400))) )
$diff = $diff % 86400;
if( $hours=intval((floor($diff/3600))) )
$diff = $diff % 3600;
if( $minutes=intval((floor($diff/60))) )
$diff = $diff % 60;
$diff = intval( $diff );
return( array('years'=>$years,'months'=>$months,'days'=>$days, 'hours'=>$hours, 'minutes'=>$minutes, 'seconds'=>$diff) );
echo "Ending date/time is earlier than the start date/time";
echo "Invalid date/time data detected";
A more universal version that returns result in days, hours, minutes or seconds including fractions/decimals:
function DateDiffInterval($sDate1, $sDate2, $sUnit='H') {
//subtract $sDate2-$sDate1 and return the difference in $sUnit (Days,Hours,Minutes,Seconds)
$nInterval = strtotime($sDate2) - strtotime($sDate1);
if ($sUnit=='D') { // days
$nInterval = $nInterval/60/60/24;
} else if ($sUnit=='H') { // hours
$nInterval = $nInterval/60/60;
} else if ($sUnit=='M') { // minutes
$nInterval = $nInterval/60;
} else if ($sUnit=='S') { // seconds
return $nInterval;
} //DateDiffInterval
Subtract the times and divide by 60.
Here is an example which calculate elapsed time from 2019/02/01 10:23:45 in minutes:
$diff_time=(strtotime(date("Y/m/d H:i:s"))-strtotime("2019/02/01 10:23:45"))/60;
My solution to find the difference between two dates is here. With this function you can find differences like seconds, minutes, hours, days, years and months.
function alihan_diff_dates($date = null, $diff = "minutes") {
$start_date = new DateTime($date);
$since_start = $start_date->diff(new DateTime( date('Y-m-d H:i:s') )); // date now
switch ($diff) {
case 'seconds':
return $since_start->s;
case 'minutes':
return $since_start->i;
case 'hours':
return $since_start->h;
case 'days':
return $since_start->d;
# code...
You can develop this function. I tested and works for me. DateInterval object output is here:
DateInterval Object ( [y] => 0 [m] => 0 [d] => 0 [h] => 0 [i] => 5 [s] => 13 [f] => 0 [weekday] => 0 [weekday_behavior] => 0 [first_last_day_of] => 0 [invert] => 0 [days] => 0 [special_type] => 0 [special_amount] => 0 [have_weekday_relative] => 0 [have_special_relative] => 0 )
Function Usage:
$date = the past date,
$diff = type eg: "minutes", "days", "seconds"
$diff_mins = alihan_diff_dates("2019-03-24 13:24:19", "minutes");
Good Luck.
echo $diff->format("%R%a days");
For detailed format specifiers, visit the link.
Another simple way to calculate the difference in minutes. Please note this is a sample for calculating within a 1-year range. for more details click here
$origin = new DateTime('2021-02-10 09:46:32');
$target = new DateTime('2021-02-11 09:46:32');
$interval = $origin->diff($target);
echo (($interval->format('%d')*24) + $interval->format('%h'))*60; //1440 (difference in minutes)
This will help....
function get_time($date,$nosuffix=''){
$datetime = new DateTime($date);
$interval = date_create('now')->diff( $datetime );
if(empty($nosuffix))$suffix = ( $interval->invert ? ' ago' : '' );
else $suffix='';
//return $interval->y;
if($interval->y >=1) {$count = date(VDATE, strtotime($date)); $text = '';}
elseif($interval->m >=1) {$count = date('M d', strtotime($date)); $text = '';}
elseif($interval->d >=1) {$count = $interval->d; $text = 'day';}
elseif($interval->h >=1) {$count = $interval->h; $text = 'hour';}
elseif($interval->i >=1) {$count = $interval->i; $text = 'minute';}
elseif($interval->s ==0) {$count = 'Just Now'; $text = '';}
else {$count = $interval->s; $text = 'second';}
if(empty($text)) return '<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> '.$count;
return '<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> '.$count.(($count ==1)?(" $text"):(" ${text}s")).' '.$suffix;
I found so many solution but I never got correct solution. But i have created some code to find minutes please check it.
$time1 = "23:58";
$time2 = "01:00";
$time1 = explode(':',$time1);
$time2 = explode(':',$time2);
$hours1 = $time1[0];
$hours2 = $time2[0];
$mins1 = $time1[1];
$mins2 = $time2[1];
$hours = $hours2 - $hours1;
$mins = 0;
if($hours < 0)
$hours = 24 + $hours;
if($mins2 >= $mins1) {
$mins = $mins2 - $mins1;
else {
$mins = ($mins2 + 60) - $mins1;
if($mins < 9)
$mins = str_pad($mins, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
if($hours < 9)
$hours =str_pad($hours, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
echo $hours.':'.$mins;
It gives output in hours and minutes for example 01 hour 02 minutes like 01:02
Here is a simple one-liner:
$start = new DateTime('yesterday');
$end = new DateTime('now');
$diffInMinutes = iterator_count(new \DatePeriod($start, new \DateInterval('PT1M'), $end));
try this
$now = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString(); // get current time
$a = strtotime("2012-09-21 12:12:22");
$b = strtotime($now);
$minutes = ceil(($a - $b) / 3600); it will get ceiling value

Calculate the difference between time and current time in minute [duplicate]

How to calculate minute difference between two date-times in PHP?
The answers above are for older versions of PHP. Use the DateTime class to do any date calculations now that PHP 5.3 is the norm.
$start_date = new DateTime('2007-09-01 04:10:58');
$since_start = $start_date->diff(new DateTime('2012-09-11 10:25:00'));
echo $since_start->days.' days total<br>';
echo $since_start->y.' years<br>';
echo $since_start->m.' months<br>';
echo $since_start->d.' days<br>';
echo $since_start->h.' hours<br>';
echo $since_start->i.' minutes<br>';
echo $since_start->s.' seconds<br>';
$since_start is a DateInterval object. Note that the days property is available (because we used the diff method of the DateTime class to generate the DateInterval object).
The above code will output:
1837 days total5 years0 months10 days6 hours14 minutes2 seconds
To get the total number of minutes:
$minutes = $since_start->days * 24 * 60;
$minutes += $since_start->h * 60;
$minutes += $since_start->i;
echo $minutes.' minutes';
This will output:
2645654 minutes
Which is the actual number of minutes that has passed between the two dates. The DateTime class will take daylight saving (depending on timezone) into account where the "old way" won't. Read the manual about Date and Time
Here is the answer:
$to_time = strtotime("2008-12-13 10:42:00");
$from_time = strtotime("2008-12-13 10:21:00");
echo round(abs($to_time - $from_time) / 60,2). " minute";
Subtract the past most one from the future most one and divide by 60.
Times are done in Unix format so they're just a big number showing the number of seconds from January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
$date1 = time();
$date2 = time();
$mins = ($date2 - $date1) / 60;
echo $mins;
$start = strtotime('12:01:00');
$end = strtotime('13:16:00');
$mins = ($end - $start) / 60;
echo $mins;
It worked on my programs, i'am using date_diff, you can check date_diff manual on here.
$start = date_create('2015-01-26 12:01:00');
$end = date_create('2015-01-26 13:15:00');
You get results what do you want.
DateTime::diff is cool, but awkward for this sort of calculations that require a single unit result. Manually subtracting the timestamps works better:
$date1 = new DateTime('2020-09-01 01:00:00');
$date2 = new DateTime('2021-09-01 14:00:00');
$diff_mins = abs($date1->getTimestamp() - $date2->getTimestamp()) / 60;
another way with timezone.
$start_date = new DateTime("2013-12-24 06:00:00",new DateTimeZone('Pacific/Nauru'));
$end_date = new DateTime("2013-12-24 06:45:00", new DateTimeZone('Pacific/Nauru'));
$interval = $start_date->diff($end_date);
$hours = $interval->format('%h');
$minutes = $interval->format('%i');
echo 'Diff. in minutes is: '.($hours * 60 + $minutes);
I wrote this function for one my blog site(difference between a past date and server's date). It will give you an output like this
"49 seconds ago", "20 minutes ago", "21 hours ago" and so on
I have used a function that would get me the difference between the date passed and the server's date.
//Code written by Jan 2014
function dateDiff($date)
$mydate= date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
//echo $mydate;//2014-06-06 21:35:55
$datetime1 = date_create($date);
$datetime2 = date_create($mydate);
$interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2);
//echo $interval->format('%s Seconds %i Minutes %h Hours %d days %m Months %y Year Ago')."<br>";
if($interval->format('%i%h%d%m%y')=="00000") {
//echo $interval->format('%i%h%d%m%y')."<br>";
return $sec." Seconds";
} else if($interval->format('%h%d%m%y')=="0000"){
return $min." Minutes";
} else if($interval->format('%d%m%y')=="000"){
return $hour." Hours";
} else if($interval->format('%m%y')=="00"){
return $day." Days";
} else if($interval->format('%y')=="0"){
return $mon." Months";
} else{
return $year." Years";
Save it as a file suppose "date.php". Call the function from another page like this
$mydate='2014-11-14 21:35:55';
echo "The Difference between the server's date and $mydate is:<br> ";
echo dateDiff($mydate);
Of course you can modify the function to pass two values.
I think this will help you
function calculate_time_span($date){
$seconds = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) - strtotime($date);
$months = floor($seconds / (3600*24*30));
$day = floor($seconds / (3600*24));
$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
$mins = floor(($seconds - ($hours*3600)) / 60);
$secs = floor($seconds % 60);
if($seconds < 60)
$time = $secs." seconds ago";
else if($seconds < 60*60 )
$time = $mins." min ago";
else if($seconds < 24*60*60)
$time = $hours." hours ago";
else if($seconds < 24*60*60)
$time = $day." day ago";
$time = $months." month ago";
return $time;
This is how I displayed "xx times ago" in php > 5.2 .. here is more info on DateTime object
$pubDate = $row['rssfeed']['pubDates']; // e.g. this could be like 'Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:26:00 GMT'
$diff = ago($pubDate); // output: 23 hrs ago
// Return the value of time different in "xx times ago" format
function ago($timestamp)
$today = new DateTime(date('y-m-d h:i:s')); // [2]
//$thatDay = new DateTime('Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:26:00 GMT');
$thatDay = new DateTime($timestamp);
$dt = $today->diff($thatDay);
if ($dt->y > 0){
$number = $dt->y;
$unit = "year";
} else if ($dt->m > 0) {
$number = $dt->m;
$unit = "month";
} else if ($dt->d > 0) {
$number = $dt->d;
$unit = "day";
} else if ($dt->h > 0) {
$number = $dt->h;
$unit = "hour";
} else if ($dt->i > 0) {
$number = $dt->i;
$unit = "minute";
} else if ($dt->s > 0) {
$number = $dt->s;
$unit = "second";
$unit .= $number > 1 ? "s" : "";
$ret = $number." ".$unit." "."ago";
return $ret;
function date_getFullTimeDifference( $start, $end )
$uts['start'] = strtotime( $start );
$uts['end'] = strtotime( $end );
if( $uts['start']!==-1 && $uts['end']!==-1 )
if( $uts['end'] >= $uts['start'] )
$diff = $uts['end'] - $uts['start'];
if( $years=intval((floor($diff/31104000))) )
$diff = $diff % 31104000;
if( $months=intval((floor($diff/2592000))) )
$diff = $diff % 2592000;
if( $days=intval((floor($diff/86400))) )
$diff = $diff % 86400;
if( $hours=intval((floor($diff/3600))) )
$diff = $diff % 3600;
if( $minutes=intval((floor($diff/60))) )
$diff = $diff % 60;
$diff = intval( $diff );
return( array('years'=>$years,'months'=>$months,'days'=>$days, 'hours'=>$hours, 'minutes'=>$minutes, 'seconds'=>$diff) );
echo "Ending date/time is earlier than the start date/time";
echo "Invalid date/time data detected";
A more universal version that returns result in days, hours, minutes or seconds including fractions/decimals:
function DateDiffInterval($sDate1, $sDate2, $sUnit='H') {
//subtract $sDate2-$sDate1 and return the difference in $sUnit (Days,Hours,Minutes,Seconds)
$nInterval = strtotime($sDate2) - strtotime($sDate1);
if ($sUnit=='D') { // days
$nInterval = $nInterval/60/60/24;
} else if ($sUnit=='H') { // hours
$nInterval = $nInterval/60/60;
} else if ($sUnit=='M') { // minutes
$nInterval = $nInterval/60;
} else if ($sUnit=='S') { // seconds
return $nInterval;
} //DateDiffInterval
Subtract the times and divide by 60.
Here is an example which calculate elapsed time from 2019/02/01 10:23:45 in minutes:
$diff_time=(strtotime(date("Y/m/d H:i:s"))-strtotime("2019/02/01 10:23:45"))/60;
My solution to find the difference between two dates is here. With this function you can find differences like seconds, minutes, hours, days, years and months.
function alihan_diff_dates($date = null, $diff = "minutes") {
$start_date = new DateTime($date);
$since_start = $start_date->diff(new DateTime( date('Y-m-d H:i:s') )); // date now
switch ($diff) {
case 'seconds':
return $since_start->s;
case 'minutes':
return $since_start->i;
case 'hours':
return $since_start->h;
case 'days':
return $since_start->d;
# code...
You can develop this function. I tested and works for me. DateInterval object output is here:
DateInterval Object ( [y] => 0 [m] => 0 [d] => 0 [h] => 0 [i] => 5 [s] => 13 [f] => 0 [weekday] => 0 [weekday_behavior] => 0 [first_last_day_of] => 0 [invert] => 0 [days] => 0 [special_type] => 0 [special_amount] => 0 [have_weekday_relative] => 0 [have_special_relative] => 0 )
Function Usage:
$date = the past date,
$diff = type eg: "minutes", "days", "seconds"
$diff_mins = alihan_diff_dates("2019-03-24 13:24:19", "minutes");
Good Luck.
echo $diff->format("%R%a days");
For detailed format specifiers, visit the link.
Another simple way to calculate the difference in minutes. Please note this is a sample for calculating within a 1-year range. for more details click here
$origin = new DateTime('2021-02-10 09:46:32');
$target = new DateTime('2021-02-11 09:46:32');
$interval = $origin->diff($target);
echo (($interval->format('%d')*24) + $interval->format('%h'))*60; //1440 (difference in minutes)
This will help....
function get_time($date,$nosuffix=''){
$datetime = new DateTime($date);
$interval = date_create('now')->diff( $datetime );
if(empty($nosuffix))$suffix = ( $interval->invert ? ' ago' : '' );
else $suffix='';
//return $interval->y;
if($interval->y >=1) {$count = date(VDATE, strtotime($date)); $text = '';}
elseif($interval->m >=1) {$count = date('M d', strtotime($date)); $text = '';}
elseif($interval->d >=1) {$count = $interval->d; $text = 'day';}
elseif($interval->h >=1) {$count = $interval->h; $text = 'hour';}
elseif($interval->i >=1) {$count = $interval->i; $text = 'minute';}
elseif($interval->s ==0) {$count = 'Just Now'; $text = '';}
else {$count = $interval->s; $text = 'second';}
if(empty($text)) return '<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> '.$count;
return '<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> '.$count.(($count ==1)?(" $text"):(" ${text}s")).' '.$suffix;
I found so many solution but I never got correct solution. But i have created some code to find minutes please check it.
$time1 = "23:58";
$time2 = "01:00";
$time1 = explode(':',$time1);
$time2 = explode(':',$time2);
$hours1 = $time1[0];
$hours2 = $time2[0];
$mins1 = $time1[1];
$mins2 = $time2[1];
$hours = $hours2 - $hours1;
$mins = 0;
if($hours < 0)
$hours = 24 + $hours;
if($mins2 >= $mins1) {
$mins = $mins2 - $mins1;
else {
$mins = ($mins2 + 60) - $mins1;
if($mins < 9)
$mins = str_pad($mins, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
if($hours < 9)
$hours =str_pad($hours, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
echo $hours.':'.$mins;
It gives output in hours and minutes for example 01 hour 02 minutes like 01:02
Here is a simple one-liner:
$start = new DateTime('yesterday');
$end = new DateTime('now');
$diffInMinutes = iterator_count(new \DatePeriod($start, new \DateInterval('PT1M'), $end));
try this
$now = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString(); // get current time
$a = strtotime("2012-09-21 12:12:22");
$b = strtotime($now);
$minutes = ceil(($a - $b) / 3600); it will get ceiling value

PHP calculate difference in time [duplicate]

How to calculate minute difference between two date-times in PHP?
The answers above are for older versions of PHP. Use the DateTime class to do any date calculations now that PHP 5.3 is the norm.
$start_date = new DateTime('2007-09-01 04:10:58');
$since_start = $start_date->diff(new DateTime('2012-09-11 10:25:00'));
echo $since_start->days.' days total<br>';
echo $since_start->y.' years<br>';
echo $since_start->m.' months<br>';
echo $since_start->d.' days<br>';
echo $since_start->h.' hours<br>';
echo $since_start->i.' minutes<br>';
echo $since_start->s.' seconds<br>';
$since_start is a DateInterval object. Note that the days property is available (because we used the diff method of the DateTime class to generate the DateInterval object).
The above code will output:
1837 days total5 years0 months10 days6 hours14 minutes2 seconds
To get the total number of minutes:
$minutes = $since_start->days * 24 * 60;
$minutes += $since_start->h * 60;
$minutes += $since_start->i;
echo $minutes.' minutes';
This will output:
2645654 minutes
Which is the actual number of minutes that has passed between the two dates. The DateTime class will take daylight saving (depending on timezone) into account where the "old way" won't. Read the manual about Date and Time
Here is the answer:
$to_time = strtotime("2008-12-13 10:42:00");
$from_time = strtotime("2008-12-13 10:21:00");
echo round(abs($to_time - $from_time) / 60,2). " minute";
Subtract the past most one from the future most one and divide by 60.
Times are done in Unix format so they're just a big number showing the number of seconds from January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
$date1 = time();
$date2 = time();
$mins = ($date2 - $date1) / 60;
echo $mins;
$start = strtotime('12:01:00');
$end = strtotime('13:16:00');
$mins = ($end - $start) / 60;
echo $mins;
It worked on my programs, i'am using date_diff, you can check date_diff manual on here.
$start = date_create('2015-01-26 12:01:00');
$end = date_create('2015-01-26 13:15:00');
You get results what do you want.
DateTime::diff is cool, but awkward for this sort of calculations that require a single unit result. Manually subtracting the timestamps works better:
$date1 = new DateTime('2020-09-01 01:00:00');
$date2 = new DateTime('2021-09-01 14:00:00');
$diff_mins = abs($date1->getTimestamp() - $date2->getTimestamp()) / 60;
another way with timezone.
$start_date = new DateTime("2013-12-24 06:00:00",new DateTimeZone('Pacific/Nauru'));
$end_date = new DateTime("2013-12-24 06:45:00", new DateTimeZone('Pacific/Nauru'));
$interval = $start_date->diff($end_date);
$hours = $interval->format('%h');
$minutes = $interval->format('%i');
echo 'Diff. in minutes is: '.($hours * 60 + $minutes);
I wrote this function for one my blog site(difference between a past date and server's date). It will give you an output like this
"49 seconds ago", "20 minutes ago", "21 hours ago" and so on
I have used a function that would get me the difference between the date passed and the server's date.
//Code written by Jan 2014
function dateDiff($date)
$mydate= date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
//echo $mydate;//2014-06-06 21:35:55
$datetime1 = date_create($date);
$datetime2 = date_create($mydate);
$interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2);
//echo $interval->format('%s Seconds %i Minutes %h Hours %d days %m Months %y Year Ago')."<br>";
if($interval->format('%i%h%d%m%y')=="00000") {
//echo $interval->format('%i%h%d%m%y')."<br>";
return $sec." Seconds";
} else if($interval->format('%h%d%m%y')=="0000"){
return $min." Minutes";
} else if($interval->format('%d%m%y')=="000"){
return $hour." Hours";
} else if($interval->format('%m%y')=="00"){
return $day." Days";
} else if($interval->format('%y')=="0"){
return $mon." Months";
} else{
return $year." Years";
Save it as a file suppose "date.php". Call the function from another page like this
$mydate='2014-11-14 21:35:55';
echo "The Difference between the server's date and $mydate is:<br> ";
echo dateDiff($mydate);
Of course you can modify the function to pass two values.
I think this will help you
function calculate_time_span($date){
$seconds = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) - strtotime($date);
$months = floor($seconds / (3600*24*30));
$day = floor($seconds / (3600*24));
$hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
$mins = floor(($seconds - ($hours*3600)) / 60);
$secs = floor($seconds % 60);
if($seconds < 60)
$time = $secs." seconds ago";
else if($seconds < 60*60 )
$time = $mins." min ago";
else if($seconds < 24*60*60)
$time = $hours." hours ago";
else if($seconds < 24*60*60)
$time = $day." day ago";
$time = $months." month ago";
return $time;
This is how I displayed "xx times ago" in php > 5.2 .. here is more info on DateTime object
$pubDate = $row['rssfeed']['pubDates']; // e.g. this could be like 'Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:26:00 GMT'
$diff = ago($pubDate); // output: 23 hrs ago
// Return the value of time different in "xx times ago" format
function ago($timestamp)
$today = new DateTime(date('y-m-d h:i:s')); // [2]
//$thatDay = new DateTime('Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:26:00 GMT');
$thatDay = new DateTime($timestamp);
$dt = $today->diff($thatDay);
if ($dt->y > 0){
$number = $dt->y;
$unit = "year";
} else if ($dt->m > 0) {
$number = $dt->m;
$unit = "month";
} else if ($dt->d > 0) {
$number = $dt->d;
$unit = "day";
} else if ($dt->h > 0) {
$number = $dt->h;
$unit = "hour";
} else if ($dt->i > 0) {
$number = $dt->i;
$unit = "minute";
} else if ($dt->s > 0) {
$number = $dt->s;
$unit = "second";
$unit .= $number > 1 ? "s" : "";
$ret = $number." ".$unit." "."ago";
return $ret;
function date_getFullTimeDifference( $start, $end )
$uts['start'] = strtotime( $start );
$uts['end'] = strtotime( $end );
if( $uts['start']!==-1 && $uts['end']!==-1 )
if( $uts['end'] >= $uts['start'] )
$diff = $uts['end'] - $uts['start'];
if( $years=intval((floor($diff/31104000))) )
$diff = $diff % 31104000;
if( $months=intval((floor($diff/2592000))) )
$diff = $diff % 2592000;
if( $days=intval((floor($diff/86400))) )
$diff = $diff % 86400;
if( $hours=intval((floor($diff/3600))) )
$diff = $diff % 3600;
if( $minutes=intval((floor($diff/60))) )
$diff = $diff % 60;
$diff = intval( $diff );
return( array('years'=>$years,'months'=>$months,'days'=>$days, 'hours'=>$hours, 'minutes'=>$minutes, 'seconds'=>$diff) );
echo "Ending date/time is earlier than the start date/time";
echo "Invalid date/time data detected";
A more universal version that returns result in days, hours, minutes or seconds including fractions/decimals:
function DateDiffInterval($sDate1, $sDate2, $sUnit='H') {
//subtract $sDate2-$sDate1 and return the difference in $sUnit (Days,Hours,Minutes,Seconds)
$nInterval = strtotime($sDate2) - strtotime($sDate1);
if ($sUnit=='D') { // days
$nInterval = $nInterval/60/60/24;
} else if ($sUnit=='H') { // hours
$nInterval = $nInterval/60/60;
} else if ($sUnit=='M') { // minutes
$nInterval = $nInterval/60;
} else if ($sUnit=='S') { // seconds
return $nInterval;
} //DateDiffInterval
Subtract the times and divide by 60.
Here is an example which calculate elapsed time from 2019/02/01 10:23:45 in minutes:
$diff_time=(strtotime(date("Y/m/d H:i:s"))-strtotime("2019/02/01 10:23:45"))/60;
My solution to find the difference between two dates is here. With this function you can find differences like seconds, minutes, hours, days, years and months.
function alihan_diff_dates($date = null, $diff = "minutes") {
$start_date = new DateTime($date);
$since_start = $start_date->diff(new DateTime( date('Y-m-d H:i:s') )); // date now
switch ($diff) {
case 'seconds':
return $since_start->s;
case 'minutes':
return $since_start->i;
case 'hours':
return $since_start->h;
case 'days':
return $since_start->d;
# code...
You can develop this function. I tested and works for me. DateInterval object output is here:
DateInterval Object ( [y] => 0 [m] => 0 [d] => 0 [h] => 0 [i] => 5 [s] => 13 [f] => 0 [weekday] => 0 [weekday_behavior] => 0 [first_last_day_of] => 0 [invert] => 0 [days] => 0 [special_type] => 0 [special_amount] => 0 [have_weekday_relative] => 0 [have_special_relative] => 0 )
Function Usage:
$date = the past date,
$diff = type eg: "minutes", "days", "seconds"
$diff_mins = alihan_diff_dates("2019-03-24 13:24:19", "minutes");
Good Luck.
echo $diff->format("%R%a days");
For detailed format specifiers, visit the link.
Another simple way to calculate the difference in minutes. Please note this is a sample for calculating within a 1-year range. for more details click here
$origin = new DateTime('2021-02-10 09:46:32');
$target = new DateTime('2021-02-11 09:46:32');
$interval = $origin->diff($target);
echo (($interval->format('%d')*24) + $interval->format('%h'))*60; //1440 (difference in minutes)
This will help....
function get_time($date,$nosuffix=''){
$datetime = new DateTime($date);
$interval = date_create('now')->diff( $datetime );
if(empty($nosuffix))$suffix = ( $interval->invert ? ' ago' : '' );
else $suffix='';
//return $interval->y;
if($interval->y >=1) {$count = date(VDATE, strtotime($date)); $text = '';}
elseif($interval->m >=1) {$count = date('M d', strtotime($date)); $text = '';}
elseif($interval->d >=1) {$count = $interval->d; $text = 'day';}
elseif($interval->h >=1) {$count = $interval->h; $text = 'hour';}
elseif($interval->i >=1) {$count = $interval->i; $text = 'minute';}
elseif($interval->s ==0) {$count = 'Just Now'; $text = '';}
else {$count = $interval->s; $text = 'second';}
if(empty($text)) return '<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> '.$count;
return '<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> '.$count.(($count ==1)?(" $text"):(" ${text}s")).' '.$suffix;
I found so many solution but I never got correct solution. But i have created some code to find minutes please check it.
$time1 = "23:58";
$time2 = "01:00";
$time1 = explode(':',$time1);
$time2 = explode(':',$time2);
$hours1 = $time1[0];
$hours2 = $time2[0];
$mins1 = $time1[1];
$mins2 = $time2[1];
$hours = $hours2 - $hours1;
$mins = 0;
if($hours < 0)
$hours = 24 + $hours;
if($mins2 >= $mins1) {
$mins = $mins2 - $mins1;
else {
$mins = ($mins2 + 60) - $mins1;
if($mins < 9)
$mins = str_pad($mins, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
if($hours < 9)
$hours =str_pad($hours, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
echo $hours.':'.$mins;
It gives output in hours and minutes for example 01 hour 02 minutes like 01:02
Here is a simple one-liner:
$start = new DateTime('yesterday');
$end = new DateTime('now');
$diffInMinutes = iterator_count(new \DatePeriod($start, new \DateInterval('PT1M'), $end));
try this
$now = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString(); // get current time
$a = strtotime("2012-09-21 12:12:22");
$b = strtotime($now);
$minutes = ceil(($a - $b) / 3600); it will get ceiling value

PHP add 1 month to date

I've a function that returns url of 1 month before.
I'd like to display current selected month, but I cannot use simple current month, cause when user clicks link to 1 month back selected month will change and will not be current.
So, function returns August 2012
How do I make little php script that adds 1 month to that?
so far I've:
<?php echo strip_tags(tribe_get_previous_month_text()); ?>
simple method:
$next_month = strtotime('august 2012 next month');
better method:
$d = new Date('August 2012');
$next_month = $d->add(new DateInterval('P1M'));
relevant docs: strtotime date dateinterval
there are 3 options/answers
$givendate is the given date (ex. 2016-01-20)
option 1:
$date1 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($givendate. ' + 1 month'));
option 2:
$date2 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($givendate. ' + 30 days'));
option 3:
$number = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m', strtotime($givendate)), date('Y', strtotime($givendate)));
$date3 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date2. ' + '.$number.' days'));
You can with the DateTime class and the DateTime::add() method:
You can simple use the strtotime function on whatever input you have to arrive at April 2012 then apply the date and strtotime with an increment period of '+1 month'.
$x = strtotime($t);
$n = date("M Y",strtotime("+1 month",$x));
echo $n;
Here are the relevant sections from the PHP Handbook:
This solution solves the additional issue of incrementing any amount of time to a time value.
Hi In Addition to their answer. I think if you just want to get the next month based on the current date here's my solution.
$today = date("Y-m-01");
$sNextMonth = (int)date("m",strtotime($today." +1 months") );
Notice That i constantly define the day to 01 so that we're safe on getting the next month. if that is date("Y-m-d"); and the current day is 31 it will fail.
Hope this helps.
Date difference
$date1 = '2017-01-20';
$date2 = '2019-01-20';
$ts1 = strtotime($date1);
$ts2 = strtotime($date2);
$year1 = date('Y', $ts1);
$year2 = date('Y', $ts2);
$month1 = date('m', $ts1);
$month2 = date('m', $ts2);
echo $joining_months = (($year2 - $year1) * 12) + ($month2 - $month1);
Since we know that strtotime(+1 month) always adds 30 days it can be some troubles with dates ending with the day 31, 30 or 29 AND if you still want to stay within the last day of the next month.
So I wrote this over complicated script to solve that issue as well as adapting so that you can increase all type of formats like years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
function seetime($datetime, $p = '+', $i, $m = 'M', $f = 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
$datetime needs to be in format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS but hours, minutes and seconds are not required
$p can only be "+" to increse or "-" to decrese
$i is the amount you want to change
$m is the type you want to change
Allowed types:
Y = Year
M = Months
D = Days
W = Weeks
H = Hours
I = Minutes
S = Seconds
$f is the datetime format you want the result to be returned in
$validator_y = substr($datetime,0,4);
$validator_m = substr($datetime,5,2);
$validator_d = substr($datetime,8,2);
if(checkdate($validator_m, $validator_d, $validator_y))
$datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($datetime));
#$p = either "+" to add or "-" to subtract
if($p == '+' || $p == '-')
if($m == 'Y')
$year = date('Y', strtotime($datetime));
$rest = date('m-d H:i:s', strtotime($datetime));
if($p == '+')
$ret = $year + $i;
$ret = $year - $i;
$str = $ret.'-'.$rest;
return(date($f, strtotime($str)));
elseif($m == 'M')
$year = date('Y', strtotime($datetime));
$month = date('n', strtotime($datetime));
$rest = date('d H:i:s', strtotime($datetime));
$his = date('H:i:s', strtotime($datetime));
if($p == '+')
$ret = $month + $i;
$ret = sprintf("%02d",$ret);
$ret = $month - $i;
$ret = sprintf("%02d",$ret);
if($ret < 1)
$ret = $ret - $ret - $ret;
$years_back = floor(($ret + 12) / 12);
$monts_back = $ret % 12;
$year = $year - $years_back;
$month = 12 - $monts_back;
$month = sprintf("%02d",$month);
$new_date = $year.'-'.$month.'-'.$rest;
$ym = $year.'-'.$month;
$validator_y = substr($new_date,0,4);
$validator_m = substr($new_date,5,2);
$validator_d = substr($new_date,8,2);
if(checkdate($validator_m, $validator_d, $validator_y))
return (date($f, strtotime($new_date)));
$days = date('t',strtotime($ym));
$new_date = $ym.'-'.$days.' '.$his;
return (date($f, strtotime($new_date)));
if($ret > 12)
$years_forw = floor($ret / 12);
$monts_forw = $ret % 12;
$year = $year + $years_forw;
$month = sprintf("%02d",$monts_forw);
$new_date = $year.'-'.$month.'-'.$rest;
$ym = $year.'-'.$month;
$validator_y = substr($new_date,0,4);
$validator_m = substr($new_date,5,2);
$validator_d = substr($new_date,8,2);
if(checkdate($validator_m, $validator_d, $validator_y))
return (date($f, strtotime($new_date)));
$days = date('t',strtotime($ym));
$new_date = $ym.'-'.$days.' '.$his;
return (date($f, strtotime($new_date)));
$ym = $year.'-'.$month;
$new_date = $year.'-'.$ret.'-'.$rest;
$validator_y = substr($new_date,0,4);
$validator_m = substr($new_date,5,2);
$validator_d = substr($new_date,8,2);
if(checkdate($validator_m, $validator_d, $validator_y))
return (date($f, strtotime($new_date)));
$ym = $validator_y . '-'.$validator_m;
$days = date('t',strtotime($ym));
$new_date = $ym.'-'.$days.' '.$his;
return (date($f, strtotime($new_date)));
elseif($m == 'D')
return (date($f, strtotime($datetime.' '.$p.$i.' days')));
elseif($m == 'W')
return (date($f, strtotime($datetime.' '.$p.$i.' weeks')));
elseif($m == 'H')
return (date($f, strtotime($datetime.' '.$p.$i.' hours')));
elseif($m == 'I')
return (date($f, strtotime($datetime.' '.$p.$i.' minutes')));
elseif($m == 'S')
return (date($f, strtotime($datetime.' '.$p.$i.' seconds')));
return 'Fourth parameter can only be any of following: Valid Time Parameters Are: Y M D Q H I S';
return 'Third parameter can only be a number (whole number)';
return 'Second parameter can only be + to add or - to subtract';
return 'Date is not a valid date';
