[vtiger][Webservice] Database error while performing requested operation - php

I use the Vtiger webservice with its different methods CRUD, login ... etc. I created a task via the Calendar module, it worked well, but when I want to delete it does not work.
If I'm not mistaken, I need to have the object's id (so Calendar) in order to delete it. So I do:
public static function getTaskUser($user)
$idUser = self::getUserAccountId('XXXX');
$vtiger = new VtigerWS();
$connect = $vtiger->getConnection();
if ($connect && $connect['success'] == true) {
$response = $vtiger->query("id", "Calendar", "parent_id = '$idUser' ORDER BY id");
if ($response['success'] == false) {
$result = $response['error'];
} else {
$result = array();
foreach ($response['result'] as $task) {
$result[] = $task['id'];
} else {
$result = $connect['error'];
return $result;
==> In this function, I first look for the user id in vtiger (the user who was assigned to the previously created task). It works well.
But when the query is running:
($ vtiger-> query ("id", "Calendar", "parent_id = '$ idBaz' ORDER BY id");)
I get an error:
"message" => "Database error while performing requested operation"
The connection is good, I tried a query SELECT * FROM Calendar it does not work either ... I do not see where the error can come from.


Processing multi-step form in Laravel

I am quite new to laravel I have to insert many form fields in database so I divided the fields into multiple sections what I want to achieve is to store data of each section when user clicks next button and step changes and when user clicks previous button and makes some changes the database should be updated and if user leaves the form incomplete then when he logins next time form fill should fill up from the step he left in, till now i have successfully achieved to change steps and in first step 1 inserted the data into database and for other step i updated the database but I am having trouble if user comes to first step and again changes the forms fields how to update again first step data i am using ajax to send data and steps number
My Controller
function saveJobPostFirstStage(Request $request)
$currentEmployer = Auth::guard('employer')->user();
//$data['currentEmployer'] = $currentEmployer;
$employer_id = $currentEmployer->id;
$random = $this->generateRandomString();
$jobOne = new Job();
if ($request->ajax()) {
try {
$stepPost = $request->all();
$step = $stepPost['stepNo'];
$insertedId = $stepPost['insertedId'];
switch ($step) {
case '1':
if ($insertedId == 0) {
$jobOne->employer_id = $employer_id;
$jobOne->job_title = $stepPost['jobTitle'];
$jobOne->company_id = (int)$stepPost['companyName'];
$jobOne->country_id = (int)$stepPost['country'];
$jobOne->state_id = (int)$stepPost['state'];
$jobOne->city_id = (int)$stepPost['city'];
$jobOne->street_address = $stepPost['street'];
$jobOne->job_code = $random;
$stepOne = $jobOne->save();
if ($stepOne) {
$success = ['success' => "Success",
'insertedId' => $jobOne->id];
//return json_encode($success);
$jobOne->employer_id = $employer_id;
$jobOne->job_title = $stepPost['jobTitle'];
$jobOne->company_id = (int)$stepPost['companyName'];
$jobOne->country_id = (int)$stepPost['country'];
$jobOne->state_id = (int)$stepPost['state'];
$jobOne->city_id = (int)$stepPost['city'];
$jobOne->street_address = $stepPost['street'];
$jobOne->job_code = $random;
$stepOne = $jobOne->whereId($insertedId)->update(['employer_id'=>$jobOne->employer_id,'job_title'=>$jobOne->job_title,'company_id'=> $jobOne->company_id,'state_id'=>$jobOne->state_id,'country_id'=>$jobOne->country_id,'city_id'=>$jobOne->city_id,'street_address'=>$jobOne->street_address,'job_code'=>$jobOne->job_code = $random]);
if ($stepOne) {
$success = ['success' => "Changes Made Successfully"];
return json_encode($success);
case '2':
$jobOne->employment_type_id = (int)($stepPost['employmentType']);
$jobOne->job_type_id = (int)($stepPost['jobType']);
$jobOne->job_level_id = (int)($stepPost['jobLevel']);
$jobOne->industry_type_id = (int)($stepPost['industryType']);
$jobOne->job_category_id = (int)($stepPost['jobCategory']);
//$jobOne->salary = $stepPost['jobSalaryRange'];
$jobOne->salary_period_id = (int)$stepPost['salaryPeriod'];
//$jobOne->vacancy_end_date = $stepOne['applicationDeadline'];
$stepOne = $jobOne->whereId($insertedId)->update(['employment_type_id'=> $jobOne->employment_type_id,'job_type_id'=>$jobOne->job_type_id,'job_level_id'=> $jobOne->job_level_id,'industry_type_id'=>$jobOne->industry_type_id,'job_category_id'=>$jobOne->job_category_id,'salary_period_id'=>$jobOne->salary_period_id]);
if ($stepOne) {
$success = ['success' => "Changes Made Successfully"];
return json_encode($success);
case '3':
$jobOne->job_description = $stepPost['jobDescription'];
$jobOne->job_specification = $stepPost['jobSpecifications'];
$jobOne->job_responsibilities = $stepPost['jobResponsibilities'];
$stepOne = $jobOne->whereId($insertedId)->update(['job_description'=>$jobOne->job_description,'job_specification'=>$jobOne->job_specification,'job_responsibilities'=>$jobOne->job_responsibilities]);
if ($stepOne) {
$success = ['success' => "Changes Made Successfully"];
return json_encode($success);
# code...
return json_encode($stepPost);
//$this->alertMessage = 'Your Phone has been added Successfully.';
//$this->alertType = 'success';
} catch (QueryException $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
/* return redirect()->route('employer-account-page')
'alertMessage' => $this->alertMessage,
'alertType' => $this->alertType
// $stepPost = Input::all();
/*$stepOne = $request->all();
$country_Id = (int)$stepOne['country'];
return json_encode((getType($country_Id)));*/
First of, your code is messy.
You should have a single table per form where each form have it's parent id.
The next step to refactor the code would be to create a single controler per form (you don't need it, but you want this)
Each form (a model) should have a method that recalculates the values of itself based on other forms, so that if you change a first form, then you can call the method that recalculates the second form, then call method of second form that recalculates the third form, etc.
This interface could be helpful
interface IForm {
public function getPreviousForm() : ?IForm; // These notations are since PHP7.1
public function recalculate() : void;
public function getNextForm() : ?IForm;
A simple code how it should work in practice
$formX->getNextForm()->recalculate(); // This will call formX->recalculate(); formX+1->getNextForm()->recalculate()
// which will call formX+1->recalculate(); formX+2->getNextForm()->recalculate()
// etc...
// while getNextForm() != null
You may also need this if you would need to insert another form in the middle of the chain.
Hope it helps

How to get AdSchedule object with Google Ads API

I am trying to get all Ad Schedules placed in Google Ads through the Google Ads API and obtain the start and end times (hour and minute) to compare it with some existing values and depending on whether they differ update accordingly.
Here is my code showing where I am iterating over returned Ad Schedules.
foreach($campaigns as $camp) {
// Get restaurant and details
$res = RestaurantsService::getRestaurantByName($camp->getName());
$hours =$res->getHours()->dequeue();
$start = explode("-",$hours)[0];
$end = explode("-",$hours)[1];
// Get current ad schedules as they are now
$campaignAdSchedules = self::getCampaignAdSchedule($campaignCriterionService,$camp->getId());
if ($campaignAdSchedules == null){
$operations = [];
$schedule = new AdSchedule();
$operation = new CampaignCriterionOperation();
$criterion = new CampaignCriterion();
$operations[] = $operation;
} else {
foreach($campaignAdSchedules as $adSchedule){
---> $schedule = $adSchedule->getCriterion(); <---
Here the line marked with arrows is the line I am having problems with. The getCriterion() function returns a Criterion object which does not have the methods getStartHour() etc. I have tried casting it but haven't found the correct way.
Help is much appreciated!
Try check the instance:
$result = $campaignCriterionService->get($serviceSelector);
$campaignAdSchedules = $result->getEntries();
foreach ($campaignAdSchedules as $criterion) {
$adSchedule = $criterion->getCriterion();
if ($adSchedule instanceof AdSchedule) {

Codeigniter get mysql value

Can someone please guide me how I can fetch mysql row's value for "pk" to the $response variable to be able to allow the script to unfollow users automatically. I have already tried the script and it does unfollow when an pk id is provided but I want to automatically fetch it from mysql to be able to run it. Thank you for any help provided.
These are the methods I tried with no success:
$this->db->where("id = '11'");
$query1 = $this->db->get();
$result = $query1->result();
Main ID that only unfollow this ID- created by Mushfik Media,
$response = $i->unfollow($result);
I have also tried
$accounts = $this->model->fetch("*", INSTAGRAM_ACCOUNT_TB, "id = '11'");
$response = $i->unfollow($accounts->pk);
But didn't work. $NEED MYSQL DATA VALUE is where the value is supposed to be echoed but doesn't
case 'unfollow':
try {
$result = $i->getSelfUsersFollowing();
if(!empty($result) && $result->status == "ok" && !empty($result->users)){
$response = $i->unfollow($NEED MYSQL DATA VALUE);
$response = $response->status;
$CI =& get_instance();
$CI->load->model('Schedule_model', 'schedule_model');
$lang = $CI->db->insert(INSTAGRAM_FOLLOW_TB, array(
"pk" => $row->pk,
"name" => $row->username,
"type" => $data->schedule_type,
"uid" => $data->uid,
"account_id" => $data->account,
"account_name" => $data->name,
"created" => NOW
} catch (Exception $e){
$response = $e->getMessage();
Maybe something like this to get your pk:
$query1 = $this->db->select('pk')
->where('id', 11)
if( $query1->num_rows() == 1 ){
$row = $query1->row();
$response = $i->unfollow( $row->pk );
Regarding your information that you are trying to use $this when not in object context, because you are in a helper, you need to get the CI super object. So, if you were trying to use $this->db, you would do this:
$CI =& get_instance();
// Now you can use $CI->db
// and anything you would normally
// access via $this in a controller
// or model
OK, finally to show an example of how to order or limit a query:
$query1 = $this->db->select('pk')
->where('id', 11)
->order_by('your_timestamp_field', 'ASC') // This would order by timestamp in ascending order
->limit(1) // This would limit to a single row

Codeigniter Transaction inside Control

Since I have several functions executing in the following control as a single transaction I couldn't surround each function as a transaction in the model. So I did it the following way. Please someone let me know if there is any problem. Works fine for now, but have no idea whether it will get any concurrency issues or there is any other way?
$mcodes = $_POST['tblmcode'];
$count = count($mcodes);
//echo $count;
$issue = new Materialissue_model();
$this->db->trans_start(); //Here starts my transaction
if($issue->checkNoExistence()) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$stock = new Materialstock_model();
$transaction = new Transaction_model();
$result = $issue->saveIssue();
$this->db->trans_complete(); //Here ends my transaction
if ($result) {
$message = new Message_model();
$data['message'] = $message->recordadded;
$data['type'] = "success";
$data['returnpage'] = base_url() . "index.php/materialissue_control/show";
$data["print"] = base_url() . "index.php/Notegenerator_control/showMaterialIssueNote?code=".$issue->getIssuecode();
$this->load->view('messageprint_view', $data);
$message = new Message_model();
$data['message'] = $message->issuecodeexists;
$data['type'] = "error";
$data['returnpage'] = base_url() . "index.php/materialissue_control/show";
$this->load->view('message_view', $data);
I prefer like using trigger to handle many functions in one controller, this make mycode clean and easy to track. example:
user writes article, this action will call one action in model write_article combine with 1 transaction, but this function run any query :
1.insert post
2.lock count post category
3.lock count user post
4.lock count post by date
example in code
public function write_article($post) {
$this->cms->db->set('content', $posts->get_content());
if($this->cms->db->trans_status() === TRUE){
This reference about trigger

Undefined offset: 0 in first PHP app

I'm currently building my first PHP application. I want to read in bus times from a csv file and give back ti users the next bus from their residence to our university. It is my first try with PHP, so be gentle:
// configuration
if (!empty($_SESSION["id"]))
//lookup database entries for house
$users = query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"]);
if ($users === false)
apologize("Sorry, there was an error");
//lookup database entries for house
$residences = query("SELECT * FROM residences WHERE id = ?", $users[0]["residence"]);
if ($residences === false)
apologize("Sorry, there was an error");
//if user specified a residence in his profile
if($residences[0]["id"] != 0)
$times = array();
//if there is no bus today, in this case sat and sun
if(date( "w", $timestamp) == 0 || date( "w", $timestamp) == 6)
$times[0] = "There is no bus today";
//load the busplan for his residence
//open file and load in array if time is higher than date("His");
$timesList = file_get_contents($users[0]["residence"] . ".csv");
$nextbuses = explode(',', $timesList);
$hoursMins = date("Gi");
$num = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < count($nextbuses); $i++)
if($hoursMins < $nextbuses[$i])
$times[$num] = $nextbuses[$i];
render("shuttle_show.php", ["title" => "Next Shuttle from your residence.", "times" => $times]);
This uses the function query:
function query(/* $sql [, ... ] */)
// SQL statement
$sql = func_get_arg(0);
// parameters, if any
$parameters = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);
// try to connect to database
static $handle;
if (!isset($handle))
// connect to database
$handle = new PDO("mysql:dbname=" . DATABASE . ";host=" . SERVER, USERNAME, PASSWORD);
// ensure that PDO::prepare returns false when passed invalid SQL
$handle->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
catch (Exception $e)
// trigger (big, orange) error
trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
// prepare SQL statement
$statement = $handle->prepare($sql);
if ($statement === false)
// trigger (big, orange) error
trigger_error($handle->errorInfo()[2], E_USER_ERROR);
// execute SQL statement
$results = $statement->execute($parameters);
// return result set's rows, if any
if ($results !== false)
return $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return false;
the other functions it uses are not relevant I guess. Now I cant seem to find why this keeps producing:
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/html/shuttle.php on line 16
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/html/shuttle.php on line 22
The relevant lines are
$residences = query("SELECT * FROM residences WHERE id = ?", $users[0]["residence"]);
if($residences[0]["id"] != 0)
Would appreciate some help! :)
I transferred the same file to my linux system and without any changes I get a vardump. If I use the same vardump on MAMP on my Mac the array is empty. Now I get for:
array (size=1)
0 =>
array (size=5)
'id' => int 12
'username' => string 'frechdaxx' (length=9)
'mail' => string '*************#gmail.com' (length=23)
'hash' => string '$1$qr5axj4C$BET5zZGJza2DcHI8eD8fV0' (length=34)
'residence' => int 9573
Why is this a problem at all? the function query worked with the exact same syntax before when I accessed the user table and as we can see it gives back all other values correctly.
Why the difference between my environments? The array is empty on my MAMP server, but works on Linux. However, other code examples with the query function work perfectly on both environments
Why the big int of 9573? The value in the table is 2.
This is simply that $users[0]["residence"] doesn't exists (is not set). You should check it before attempting to use it. As you can see, it's only a notice, not a error. This means that in some case scenarios, the variable can be unset and PHP won't complain THAT much, but this is definitely not good as a general rule.
I would change it to:
$users = query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"]);
if (empty($users[0]["residence"]))
apologize("Sorry, there was an error");
Furthermore, that only "fixes" it. If you want to go to the root of the problem, it's in the query() function that is called in $users = query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"]);:
// execute SQL statement
$results = $statement->execute($parameters);
// return result set's rows, if any
if ($results !== false)
$fetched = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// Check that ther was actually something fetched
return $fetched;
/* You don't need to return false, null is the default returned value.
* If you *want* it, then delete the else. */
From the documentation, fetchall returns an empty array if there's nothing, so the function might return an empty array.
$users = query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"]);
if ($users === false) { }
You are strictly checking if query returned false, that only occurs when something was wrong with query or parameters. That does not check if any result was returned, and you are referring to the first returned record ($users[0]["residence"]) that is not present ($users is an empty array).
Since user id comes from $_SESSION["id"] it should be present and available in database, but there is possibility that somewhere in your code you are overwriting it with other id.
