I am quite new to laravel I have to insert many form fields in database so I divided the fields into multiple sections what I want to achieve is to store data of each section when user clicks next button and step changes and when user clicks previous button and makes some changes the database should be updated and if user leaves the form incomplete then when he logins next time form fill should fill up from the step he left in, till now i have successfully achieved to change steps and in first step 1 inserted the data into database and for other step i updated the database but I am having trouble if user comes to first step and again changes the forms fields how to update again first step data i am using ajax to send data and steps number
My Controller
function saveJobPostFirstStage(Request $request)
$currentEmployer = Auth::guard('employer')->user();
//$data['currentEmployer'] = $currentEmployer;
$employer_id = $currentEmployer->id;
$random = $this->generateRandomString();
$jobOne = new Job();
if ($request->ajax()) {
try {
$stepPost = $request->all();
$step = $stepPost['stepNo'];
$insertedId = $stepPost['insertedId'];
switch ($step) {
case '1':
if ($insertedId == 0) {
$jobOne->employer_id = $employer_id;
$jobOne->job_title = $stepPost['jobTitle'];
$jobOne->company_id = (int)$stepPost['companyName'];
$jobOne->country_id = (int)$stepPost['country'];
$jobOne->state_id = (int)$stepPost['state'];
$jobOne->city_id = (int)$stepPost['city'];
$jobOne->street_address = $stepPost['street'];
$jobOne->job_code = $random;
$stepOne = $jobOne->save();
if ($stepOne) {
$success = ['success' => "Success",
'insertedId' => $jobOne->id];
//return json_encode($success);
$jobOne->employer_id = $employer_id;
$jobOne->job_title = $stepPost['jobTitle'];
$jobOne->company_id = (int)$stepPost['companyName'];
$jobOne->country_id = (int)$stepPost['country'];
$jobOne->state_id = (int)$stepPost['state'];
$jobOne->city_id = (int)$stepPost['city'];
$jobOne->street_address = $stepPost['street'];
$jobOne->job_code = $random;
$stepOne = $jobOne->whereId($insertedId)->update(['employer_id'=>$jobOne->employer_id,'job_title'=>$jobOne->job_title,'company_id'=> $jobOne->company_id,'state_id'=>$jobOne->state_id,'country_id'=>$jobOne->country_id,'city_id'=>$jobOne->city_id,'street_address'=>$jobOne->street_address,'job_code'=>$jobOne->job_code = $random]);
if ($stepOne) {
$success = ['success' => "Changes Made Successfully"];
return json_encode($success);
case '2':
$jobOne->employment_type_id = (int)($stepPost['employmentType']);
$jobOne->job_type_id = (int)($stepPost['jobType']);
$jobOne->job_level_id = (int)($stepPost['jobLevel']);
$jobOne->industry_type_id = (int)($stepPost['industryType']);
$jobOne->job_category_id = (int)($stepPost['jobCategory']);
//$jobOne->salary = $stepPost['jobSalaryRange'];
$jobOne->salary_period_id = (int)$stepPost['salaryPeriod'];
//$jobOne->vacancy_end_date = $stepOne['applicationDeadline'];
$stepOne = $jobOne->whereId($insertedId)->update(['employment_type_id'=> $jobOne->employment_type_id,'job_type_id'=>$jobOne->job_type_id,'job_level_id'=> $jobOne->job_level_id,'industry_type_id'=>$jobOne->industry_type_id,'job_category_id'=>$jobOne->job_category_id,'salary_period_id'=>$jobOne->salary_period_id]);
if ($stepOne) {
$success = ['success' => "Changes Made Successfully"];
return json_encode($success);
case '3':
$jobOne->job_description = $stepPost['jobDescription'];
$jobOne->job_specification = $stepPost['jobSpecifications'];
$jobOne->job_responsibilities = $stepPost['jobResponsibilities'];
$stepOne = $jobOne->whereId($insertedId)->update(['job_description'=>$jobOne->job_description,'job_specification'=>$jobOne->job_specification,'job_responsibilities'=>$jobOne->job_responsibilities]);
if ($stepOne) {
$success = ['success' => "Changes Made Successfully"];
return json_encode($success);
# code...
return json_encode($stepPost);
//$this->alertMessage = 'Your Phone has been added Successfully.';
//$this->alertType = 'success';
} catch (QueryException $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
/* return redirect()->route('employer-account-page')
'alertMessage' => $this->alertMessage,
'alertType' => $this->alertType
// $stepPost = Input::all();
/*$stepOne = $request->all();
$country_Id = (int)$stepOne['country'];
return json_encode((getType($country_Id)));*/
First of, your code is messy.
You should have a single table per form where each form have it's parent id.
The next step to refactor the code would be to create a single controler per form (you don't need it, but you want this)
Each form (a model) should have a method that recalculates the values of itself based on other forms, so that if you change a first form, then you can call the method that recalculates the second form, then call method of second form that recalculates the third form, etc.
This interface could be helpful
interface IForm {
public function getPreviousForm() : ?IForm; // These notations are since PHP7.1
public function recalculate() : void;
public function getNextForm() : ?IForm;
A simple code how it should work in practice
$formX->getNextForm()->recalculate(); // This will call formX->recalculate(); formX+1->getNextForm()->recalculate()
// which will call formX+1->recalculate(); formX+2->getNextForm()->recalculate()
// etc...
// while getNextForm() != null
You may also need this if you would need to insert another form in the middle of the chain.
Hope it helps
I need to edit record in database from inline button.
Bot send message to user with record text and add inline button actions for it (i.e. Edit, Delete etc.)
User click button, from callback starts EditCommand with new conversation. but after first case next message dont call execute() EditCommand - conversation disappeared.
$query->getData() contains action and record ID like action=edit&id=3
how can I get user input after inline button click?
CallbackqueryCommand::addCallbackHandler(function($query) use ($telegram) {
case 'myaction':
return $telegram->executeCommand('edit');
// EditCommand.php
public function execute()
if ($this->getCallbackQuery() !== null) {
$message = $this->getCallbackQuery()->getMessage();
else {
$message = $this->getMessage();
$this->conversation = new Conversation($user_id, $chat_id, $this->getName());
$notes = &$this->conversation->notes;
!is_array($notes) && $notes = [];
$state = 0;
if (isset($notes['state'])) {
$state = $notes['state'];
$result = Request::emptyResponse();
switch ($state) {
case 0:
if ($text === '') {
$notes['state'] = 0;
$data['text'] = 'Choose button';
$data['reply_markup'] = $keyboard;
$result = Request::sendMessage($data);
$notes['laundry'] = $text;
$text = '';
case 1:
and then in EditCommand execute() triggered only once. I think because second message from user is not callback.
solved. conversation must created like
$this->conversation = new Conversation(null !== $this->getCallbackQuery() ? $chat_id : $user_id, $chat_id, $this->getName());
i want to create a condition which a user would choose whether he wants to use an input which means a database would create an auto_incremented id or he wants to use an older data which will not use new id but only use it. i have used dropdown database populate for my old input.
My Dropdown list
//get contractor list
$Contractor_List = $this->foo_pro->get_list_contractors();
$opt = array('' => '');
foreach ($Contractor_List as $Contractor_No) {
$opt[$Contractor_No] = $Contractor_No;
$data['con_list'] = form_dropdown('',$opt,'','ProjectID = "Contractor_No" name="contractorNo" id="" class="w3-select w3-border w3-hover-light-grey"');
My Controller
public function save_createdProject()
$data_project = array();
$data_contractor = array();
//project data
if ($this->input->post('year') === '') {
$data_project['P_Year'] = 15;
$data_project['P_Year'] = $this->input->post('year');
if ($this->input->post('code') === '') {
$data_project['Code'] = 'KO';
$data_project['Code'] = $this->input->post('code');
$data_project['ProjectID'] = $this->input->post('project');
$data_project['Contract_Amount'] = $this->input->post('camount');
//contractor data
if ($this->input->post('cname') === '' && $this->input->post('caddress') === '') {
$data_project['Contractor_No'] = $this->input->post('contractorNo');
$data_contractor['Contractor_Name'] = $this->input->post('cname');
$data_contractor['Contractor_Address'] = $this->input->post('caddress');
$this->foo_pro->add_project($data_project, $data_contractor);
My Model
public function add_project($data_project, $data_contractor)
$this->db->insert('contractor', $data_contractor);
$Contractor_No = $this->db->insert_id();
$data_project['Contractor_No'] = $Contractor_No;
$this->db->insert('project', $data_project);
$ProjectID = $this->db->insert_id();
this here is my problem except inserting the older data which is the contractor_no 1 it creates another data that would insert as contractor_no 4.. but also i need to insert new data for new contractor_name..
I need to separate the view of a specific user from the system to a specific client. For example; The logged in user (user1 - ID_1) can only view the client data (client2 - ID_2). Is it possible to do this in an IF condition as in the example below?
(Id_users comes from the users table, and id_clients, from the clients table)
public function view() {
if ($this-> 'id_users' = '1') {
data['view'] = 'idclients' = '2';
$this->data['custom_error'] = '';
$this->data['result'] = $this->os_model->getById($this->uri->segment(3));
$this->data['products'] = $this->os_model->getProducts($this->uri->segment(3));
$this->data['services'] = $this->os_model->getServices($this->uri->segment(3));
$this->data['emitent'] = $this->mapos_model->getEmitent();
$this->data['view'] = 'os/viewOs';
$this->load->view('theme/top', $this->data);
you can use session .any place to your project
echo "Your specific data";
echo "Others Data";
I'm currently looking at a script that a previous developer made that is meant to look a table, if the id does not exist then create the new code, if it does exist, overwrite the existing one.
Sounds fairly simple, but I can't get my head around how Yii manages the overwrite and new verification code. It is only adding new records, not over writing.
$invitingUser = User::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->id);
if ($invitingUser->isAttending($eventId)) {
// Event attending
$event = Event::model()->findByPk($eventId);
// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
if (isset($_POST['GuestInviteForm'])) {
$guestInviteForm->attributes = $_POST['GuestInviteForm'];
// Perform Validation
$valid = $guestInviteForm->validate();
if ($valid) {
// Check if a Verification Code entry for this user already exists
$existingVerificationCode = VerificationCode::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_id' => $user->user_id, 'type' => VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE));
if (is_null($existingVerificationCode)) {
// Create Verification Code instance
$verificationCode = new VerificationCode();
$verificationCode->type = VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE;
$verificationCode->user_id = $invitingUser->id;
$verificationCode->verification_code = VerificationCode::generateVerificationCode();
$verificationCode->forename = $guestInviteForm->forename;
$verificationCode->surname = $guestInviteForm->surname;
$verificationCode->event_id = $eventId;
} else {
// Update existing Verification Code enty
$existingVerificationCode->type = VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE;
$existingVerificationCode->user_id = $invitingUser->id;
$existingVerificationCode->forename = $guestInviteForm->forename;
$existingVerificationCode->surname = $guestInviteForm->surname;
$code = $existingVerificationCode->verification_code = VerificationCode::generateVerificationCode();
The code never seems to enter the else here
if (is_null($existingVerificationCode)) {
// Create Verification Code instance
$verificationCode = new VerificationCode();
$verificationCode->type = VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE;
$verificationCode->user_id = $invitingUser->id;
$verificationCode->verification_code = VerificationCode::generateVerificationCode();
$verificationCode->forename = $guestInviteForm->forename;
$verificationCode->surname = $guestInviteForm->surname;
$verificationCode->event_id = $eventId;
} else {
// Update existing Verification Code enty
$existingVerificationCode->type = VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE;
$existingVerificationCode->user_id = $invitingUser->id;
$existingVerificationCode->forename = $guestInviteForm->forename;
$existingVerificationCode->surname = $guestInviteForm->surname;
$code = $existingVerificationCode->verification_code = VerificationCode::generateVerificationCode();
1st. After form validation:
if ($valid) {
Verification code select done:
$existingVerificationCode = VerificationCode::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_id' => $user->user_id, 'type' => VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE));
If you translate it to SQL it will be something like this:
SELECT * FROM verification_code WHERE user_id=x AND type=x
2nd. Check if record exists
if (is_null($existingVerificationCode)) {
If its not - creating new, populating, saving.
Else updating:
$existingVerificationCode->type = VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE;
$existingVerificationCode->user_id = $invitingUser->id;
$existingVerificationCode->forename = $guestInviteForm->forename;
$existingVerificationCode->surname = $guestInviteForm->surname;
$code = $existingVerificationCode->verification_code = VerificationCode::generateVerificationCode();
save(false) means save without validation. Consider model attributes - fields in your database table.
Seems like it ever goes in the ELSE because it never finds $existingVerificationCode.
We don't have the whole code, but from what I see, I suspect you're checking the wrong user, because it's weird to search for an event for $user, and if that doesn't exist, to create one related to $invitingUser.
$existingVerificationCode = VerificationCode::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_id' => $user->user_id, 'type' => VerificationCode::TYPE_GUEST_INVITE));
// ...
$verificationCode->user_id = $invitingUser->id;
Since I have several functions executing in the following control as a single transaction I couldn't surround each function as a transaction in the model. So I did it the following way. Please someone let me know if there is any problem. Works fine for now, but have no idea whether it will get any concurrency issues or there is any other way?
$mcodes = $_POST['tblmcode'];
$count = count($mcodes);
//echo $count;
$issue = new Materialissue_model();
$this->db->trans_start(); //Here starts my transaction
if($issue->checkNoExistence()) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$stock = new Materialstock_model();
$transaction = new Transaction_model();
$result = $issue->saveIssue();
$this->db->trans_complete(); //Here ends my transaction
if ($result) {
$message = new Message_model();
$data['message'] = $message->recordadded;
$data['type'] = "success";
$data['returnpage'] = base_url() . "index.php/materialissue_control/show";
$data["print"] = base_url() . "index.php/Notegenerator_control/showMaterialIssueNote?code=".$issue->getIssuecode();
$this->load->view('messageprint_view', $data);
$message = new Message_model();
$data['message'] = $message->issuecodeexists;
$data['type'] = "error";
$data['returnpage'] = base_url() . "index.php/materialissue_control/show";
$this->load->view('message_view', $data);
I prefer like using trigger to handle many functions in one controller, this make mycode clean and easy to track. example:
user writes article, this action will call one action in model write_article combine with 1 transaction, but this function run any query :
1.insert post
2.lock count post category
3.lock count user post
4.lock count post by date
example in code
public function write_article($post) {
$this->cms->db->set('content', $posts->get_content());
if($this->cms->db->trans_status() === TRUE){
This reference about trigger