Teechart PHP CalcXPosreturning 0 - php

I've been trying to use Teechart to draw a couple of graphs for a project. I've managed to draw the graphs just fine. What I am struggling with is annotating specific points on the graph with some labels.
The specific problem is that when I use $chart1->CalcXPos(someIndex); it always returns 0 instead of a value of the pixels. How can I got about resolving this?
$chart1 = new TChart(640,480);
$varname = new Line($chart1->getChart());
$someYValues = array(2,3,5,7,11,13);
$theXValues = array(-3,-1,1,3,4,5);
foreach($someYValues as $x){
$chart1->getAxes()->getBottom()->getTitle()->setText("X-axis label (units)");
$chart1->getAxes()->getLeft()->getTitle()->setText("Y-axis label (units)");
$tool=new Annotation($chart1->getChart());
$xvalue = $chart1->getAxes()->getBottom()->CalcXPosValue($theXValues[2]);
$yvalue = $chart1->getAxes()->getLeft()->CalcYPosValue($someYValues[2]);
//$xvalue = $varname->CalcXPosValue($theXValues[2]);
//$yvalue = $varname->CalcYPosValue($someYValues[2]);
echo $xvalue;
echo $yvalue;
$tool->setText("Random Text ");

Try forcing a chart repaint before using Calc* functions:


How to iterate in google ocr textannotation object with php?

I'm trying to get pages, paragraphs, blocks, etc
similar to the code below but in PHP.
"""Returns document bounds given an image."""
client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()
bounds = []
with io.open(image_file, 'rb') as image_file:
content = image_file.read()
image = types.Image(content=content)
response = client.document_text_detection(image=image)
document = response.full_text_annotation
# Collect specified feature bounds by enumerating all document features
for page in document.pages:
for block in page.blocks:
for paragraph in block.paragraphs:
for word in paragraph.words:
for symbol in word.symbols:
if (feature == FeatureType.SYMBOL):
if (feature == FeatureType.WORD):
if (feature == FeatureType.PARA):
if (feature == FeatureType.BLOCK):
# The list `bounds` contains the coordinates of the bounding boxes.
I was able to create this
require AUTOLOAD;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\VisionClient;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\ImageAnnotatorClient;
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\TextAnnotation;
$path = 'img scr';
$imageAnnotator = new ImageAnnotatorClient();
$image = file_get_contents($path);
$response = $imageAnnotator->documentTextDetection($image);
$texts = $response->getFullTextAnnotation();
But I'm facing a hard time trying to iterate with the TextAnnotation object.
Either I got the message Cannot use object of type Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\TextAnnotation as array .Even if I try to force the object as array.
Here is the documentation from google for the object
To get the result from $response->getFullTextAnnotation(); try the following:

phpredis zRange return

I'm getting a http 500 error when trying to post to this leaderboard index:
$reference = "sorted";
$printboard = "leaderboard";
$my_win = 0;
$my_check = 0;
//get the name or member or element of the lowest score
$my_check = $redis->zRange($reference, 0, 0);
//I have the lowest ranking member now get that members score to check against
$my_win = $redis->zScore($reference, $my_check[0]);
//$wins is what I'm posting to this index
if ($my_win < $wins) {
$redis->zDelete($reference, $my_check);//I beat the lowest ranking user so take his spot
//update the new score and push the new user to the print list
$redis->zAdd($reference,$wins, $name);
//if im adding someone new I need to remove someone
//if this is running I want to strip the list of it's 99th user so don't use 1188 use 1176
$redis->listTrim($printboard, 0, 1176);
//then rpush the new player to have made the list
Is my use of zRange correct?
$my_check = $redis->zRange($reference, 0, 0);
And then checking the first array spot?
$my_win = $redis->zScore($reference, $my_check[0]);
I think this may be my issue am I using the return of $my_check incorrectly?
Also, with Redis do you ever need to initialize anything?
I frequently go over the phpredis GitHub manual and the redis website itself and didn't note any details about what happens if you use zRange on an empty sorted set.

PHPPowerPoint Remove Legend From Bar Graph

I am using PHPPowerPoint to export a .ppt file using PHP. I am successful until now when I want to remove the legend from the Bar Graph.
The code which is generating the bar graph is:
$chart1 = new Bar();
$series = new Series('City Distribution', $timeseries);
$series->getFill()->setFillType(Fill::FILL_SOLID)->setStartColor(new Color('FF1dd2af'));
$gFill = new Fill();
$gFill->setFillType(Fill::FILL_GRADIENT_PATH)->setRotation(90)->setStartColor(new Color( 'FF1dd2af' ))->setEndColor(new Color( 'FFFFFFFF' ));
$oFill = new Fill();
$oFill->setFillType(Fill::FILL_SOLID)->setStartColor(new Color('FFFFFFFF'));
$oShadow = new Shadow();
// Create a shape (chart)
$shape = $currentSlide->createChartShape();
//$shape->getAlignment()->setVertical( Alignment::VERTICAL_TOP );
$shape->setName('City Distribution')->setResizeProportional(false)->setHeight(300)->setWidth(250)->setOffsetX(25)->setOffsetY(200);
$shape->getTitle()->setText('City Distribution');
$shape->getPlotArea()->getAxisY()->setTitle('Number of Users');
This is working just fine but it is putting a legend box, which I want to remove. Any Idea?
Nevermind I figured out it by myself, all you need to do is:
Put it below the line

jpgraph Double Y axis issue

Hi so I've been struggling a good while to make the chart I want and I'm getting very close.
First I have performance data of a stock portfolio that should be on YAXIS #1... That's good.
Then I want a benchmark on YAXIS #2... The Line plot works, but the scale is weird :
Notice how it starts at 50 and goes 10, 15, 20, etc...
The thing is the scale should be between 3400 and 3800 since that's the range of my data.
Here is my code :
<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wp-blog-header.php');
require_once ('jpgraph.php');
require_once ('jpgraph_line.php');
require_once ('jpgraph_date.php');
require_once ('jpgraph_utils.inc.php');
// Get a dataset
$data = get_transient( 'daily_nav' );
$ydata = $data[1];
$xdata = $data[0];
$data2 = get_transient( 'CAC40_history' );
$ydata2 = array_reverse($data2[1]);
$xdata2 = array_reverse($data2[0]);
$dateUtils = new DateScaleUtils();
list($tickPositions, $minTickPositions) = DateScaleUtils::GetTicks($xdata);
// Setup a basic graph
$width=800; $height=500;
$graph = new Graph($width, $height);
// Setup the titles
$graph->title->Set('Performance vs. CAC40');
$graph->subtitle->Set('graphique journalier depuis la création en juin 2012');
// Setup the labels to be correctly format on the X-axis
// The second paramter set to 'true' will make the library interpret the
// format string as a date format. We use a Month + Year format m-d-Y
// And then add line. We use two plots in order to get a
// more distinct border on the graph
$lp2 = new LinePlot($ydata,$xdata);
// second chart
$lp3 = new LinePlot($ydata2, $xdata2);
// And send back to the client
Would be great if anyone can help, can't figure this one out.
I am quite a newbie but had the same issue myself a minute ago.
Missing zeros on the right? Try changing margin settings?

How to find the centre of a grid of lines on google maps

I'm struggling with a problem with some GIS information that I am trying to put into a KML file to be used by google maps and google Earth.
I have SQL database containing a number of surveys, which are stored in lines. When all the lines are drawn on the map, they create a grid. What I am trying to do is work out the centre of these 'grids' so that I can put a placemarker reference into the kml to show all the grid locations on a map.
lines is stored in the database like this:
118.718318,-19.015803,0 118.722449,-19.016919,0 118.736223,-19.020637,0 118.749936,-19.024023,0 118.763897,-19.027722,0 118.777705,-19.031277,0 118.791416,-19.034826,0 118.805276,-19.038367,0 118.818862,-19.041962,0 118.832862,-19.045582,0 118.846133,-19.049563,0 118.859801,-19.053851,0 118.873322,-19.058145,0 118.887022,-19.062349,0 118.900595,-19.066594,0 118.914066,-19.070839,0 118.927885,-19.075151,0 118.941468,-19.079354,0 118.955064,-19.083658,0 118.968766,-19.087896,0 118.982247,-19.092054,0 118.995795,-19.096324,0 119.009192,-19.100448,0 119.022805,-19.104787,0 119.036414,-19.10893,0 119.049625,-19.113166,0 119.063155,-19.11738,0 119.076626,-19.121563,0 119.090079,-19.125738,0 119.103679,-19.129968,0 119.117009,-19.134168,0 119.130637,-19.138418,0 119.144134,-19.142613,0 119.157749,-19.146767,0 119.171105,-19.151058,0 119.184722,-19.155252,0 119.19844,-19.159399,0 119.211992,-19.163737,0 119.225362,-19.167925,0 119.239109,-19.17218,0 119.252552,-19.176239,0 119.265975,-19.180483,0 119.279718,-19.184901,0 119.2931,-19.189118,0 119.306798,-19.193267,0 119.320561,-19.197631,0 119.33389,-19.201898,0 119.34772,-19.206063,0 119.361322,-19.210282,0 119.374522,-19.214505,0 119.38825,-19.218753,0 119.401948,-19.22299,0 119.415609,-19.227171,0 119.42913,-19.231407,0 119.44269,-19.235604,0 119.456221,-19.240254,0 119.469772,-19.244165,0 119.483159,-19.248341,0 119.496911,-19.252483,0 119.510569,-19.256818,0 119.524034,-19.261068,0 119.537822,-19.265332,0 119.551409,-19.269529,0 119.564744,-19.273764,0 119.578357,-19.277874,0 119.591935,-19.282171,0 119.605472,-19.286424,0 119.619009,-19.290593,0 119.632777,-19.294862,0 119.646394,-19.299146,0 119.660107,-19.303469,0 119.673608,-19.307602,0 119.6872,-19.31182,0 119.700838,-19.31605,0 119.714555,-19.320301,0 119.728202,-19.324615,0 119.741511,-19.328794,0 119.755299,-19.333098,0 119.768776,-19.337206,0 119.782216,-19.341528,0 119.796141,-19.345829,0 119.809691,-19.349879,0 119.822889,-19.354112,0 119.836822,-19.358414,0 119.850077,-19.362618,0 119.864069,-19.366916,0 119.8773,-19.371092,0 119.891263,-19.37536,0 119.904612,-19.379556,0 119.918522,-19.38394,0 119.932101,-19.388108,0 119.945577,-19.392184,0 119.959304,-19.396544,0 119.973042,-19.400809,0 119.986433,-19.405015,0 119.999196,-19.408981,0 120.011959,-19.412946,0 120.014512,-19.41374,0
118.990393,-19.523933,0 118.990833,-19.522296,0 118.994368,-19.509069,0 118.997911,-19.49589,0 119.001249,-19.48258,0 119.004939,-19.469658,0 119.008437,-19.456658,0 119.01183,-19.443361,0 119.015332,-19.430439,0 119.01869,-19.417491,0 119.022303,-19.40421,0 119.025853,-19.391381,0 119.029387,-19.377966,0 119.032821,-19.365006,0 119.036247,-19.352047,0 119.039935,-19.338701,0 119.043376,-19.325781,0 119.046824,-19.312713,0 119.050223,-19.299634,0 119.053822,-19.286711,0 119.05736,-19.273441,0 119.060722,-19.260467,0 119.064357,-19.247382,0 119.067863,-19.234069,0 119.071361,-19.221168,0 119.07486,-19.208268,0 119.078303,-19.19503,0 119.081721,-19.181915,0 119.085296,-19.169016,0 119.088851,-19.155937,0 119.092245,-19.142828,0 119.095887,-19.12944,0 119.099337,-19.116291,0 119.102821,-19.103421,0 119.106333,-19.090384,0 119.109885,-19.077356,0 119.113395,-19.063976,0 119.116866,-19.050973,0 119.120467,-19.037886,0 119.123751,-19.024888,0 119.127385,-19.011622,0 119.130775,-18.998856,0 119.134503,-18.98547,0 119.13873,-18.9728,0 119.14289,-18.959666,0 119.146076,-18.946541,0 119.149065,-18.933693,0 119.152281,-18.920522,0 119.155414,-18.907033,0 119.158442,-18.894058,0 119.161421,-18.88097,0 119.164632,-18.867484,0 119.167668,-18.854501,0 119.170744,-18.841401,0 119.173939,-18.827999,0 119.17703,-18.815028,0 119.17984,-18.802218,0 119.182902,-18.789334,0 119.186088,-18.776136,0 119.189031,-18.762862,0 119.192179,-18.749824,0 119.19539,-18.7365,0 119.198255,-18.723279,0 119.201476,-18.710134,0 119.204345,-18.69705,0 119.20746,-18.683768,0 119.210555,-18.670607,0 119.213641,-18.657632,0 119.216727,-18.644301,0 119.21982,-18.630956,0 119.223094,-18.617243,0 119.22625,-18.603885,0 119.229368,-18.590534,0 119.232494,-18.577364,0 119.235477,-18.564287,0 119.238496,-18.550953,0 119.241392,-18.53789,0 119.244609,-18.524881,0 119.247551,-18.512017,0 119.250532,-18.498916,0 119.253729,-18.485859,0 119.256428,-18.473845,0 119.259288,-18.461645,0 119.262064,-18.4491,0 119.265024,-18.437048,0 119.267877,-18.424992,0 119.270457,-18.4136,0 119.273429,-18.401305,0 119.276346,-18.388484,0 119.279506,-18.375299,0 119.282307,-18.362197,0 119.285494,-18.34918,0 119.288695,-18.336115,0 119.291008,-18.323772,0 119.294026,-18.310635,0 119.297332,-18.297714,0 119.300499,-18.284553,0 119.303442,-18.271193,0 119.307081,-18.258278,0 119.309945,-18.245139,0 119.313121,-18.232137,0 119.31642,-18.218993,0 119.319499,-18.205722,0 119.322801,-18.192774,0 119.325986,-18.179558,0 119.329173,-18.166332,0 119.33236,-18.15312,0 119.335558,-18.140071,0 119.338761,-18.126696,0 119.342007,-18.113502,0 119.345238,-18.100349,0 119.34808,-18.088343,0 119.350259,-18.079138,0
119.912412,-18.177179,0 119.910223,-18.183223,0 119.905619,-18.195973,0 119.901171,-18.208645,0 119.896641,-18.221452,0 119.89198,-18.234323,0 119.887547,-18.246912,0 119.882922,-18.259925,0 119.878421,-18.272522,0 119.873909,-18.285223,0 119.869264,-18.298194,0 119.864746,-18.310939,0 119.860203,-18.323628,0 119.855692,-18.336434,0 119.850997,-18.349262,0 119.846561,-18.362014,0 119.841916,-18.374866,0 119.837406,-18.387565,0 119.832778,-18.400657,0 119.828259,-18.413072,0 119.82364,-18.426273,0 119.819088,-18.438992,0 119.814546,-18.451696,0 119.810103,-18.464425,0 119.80548,-18.477041,0 119.800935,-18.48989,0 119.796359,-18.502741,0 119.791812,-18.515489,0 119.787314,-18.528536,0 119.782724,-18.540965,0 119.778079,-18.553994,0 119.773558,-18.56663,0 119.768931,-18.57955,0 119.76446,-18.592177,0 119.759793,-18.605255,0 119.755393,-18.617736,0 119.750648,-18.630757,0 119.746479,-18.643371,0 119.741779,-18.656176,0 119.737071,-18.669135,0 119.732572,-18.681798,0 119.727954,-18.694669,0 119.723453,-18.707473,0 119.718855,-18.720259,0 119.714169,-18.733198,0 119.70946,-18.746355,0 119.704998,-18.759005,0 119.700581,-18.771793,0 119.696226,-18.784893,0 119.691577,-18.797373,0 119.68662,-18.810064,0 119.682182,-18.822772,0 119.677711,-18.835621,0 119.672955,-18.848475,0 119.668536,-18.861252,0 119.663856,-18.873901,0 119.659412,-18.88663,0 119.654815,-18.899592,0 119.650185,-18.912338,0 119.645586,-18.925118,0 119.640925,-18.937923,0 119.636617,-18.950753,0 119.631874,-18.963446,0 119.627376,-18.976275,0 119.622845,-18.98893,0 119.618175,-19.001942,0 119.613727,-19.014668,0 119.608878,-19.027398,0 119.60445,-19.039954,0 119.599954,-19.053249,0 119.595066,-19.066008,0 119.590562,-19.078866,0 119.586062,-19.091703,0 119.58155,-19.104199,0 119.576948,-19.116924,0 119.572431,-19.129926,0 119.567449,-19.142699,0 119.563227,-19.155474,0 119.558555,-19.168309,0 119.553956,-19.181053,0 119.549545,-19.193649,0 119.544854,-19.20646,0 119.540133,-19.21929,0 119.535606,-19.232162,0 119.53108,-19.245054,0 119.526509,-19.257772,0 119.522079,-19.270427,0 119.517419,-19.283013,0 119.512755,-19.296126,0 119.508159,-19.309031,0 119.503557,-19.321821,0 119.498966,-19.334394,0 119.494487,-19.347232,0 119.489815,-19.359907,0 119.485201,-19.372962,0 119.48067,-19.385811,0 119.476151,-19.398326,0 119.471526,-19.411138,0 119.466856,-19.424266,0 119.462284,-19.436788,0 119.457752,-19.449628,0 119.452975,-19.462718,0 119.448612,-19.47499,0 119.444249,-19.48726,0 119.439886,-19.499531,0 119.437704,-19.505666,0
Each point is where a mesasurement took place.
Is there a PHP library or a formula that can be used to work this out without being too intensive?
It depends very much on how you define "center". One somewhat sophisticated approach you might like to try:
Extract a list of points from the lines
Find the convex hull of the points:
Find the centroid of the convex hull
(source: algorithmic-solutions.info)
The convex hull is simply described as the simplest polygon that passes through some of the points, forming an envelop that encloses all of the points within the polygon. wikipedia has a more rigorous description.
The centroid provides a simple way for finding the "center of gravity" of a polygon. A wikipedia and a nice tutorial provide more information.
Alternatively, a very simple implementation might find the minimum bounding rectangle of the lines, and then find the geometric center of the box. The following code assumes the lines you posted above are represented as strings, and are in an array. I'm no php performance expert, but this algorithm should execute in O(n) asymptotic time:
$line_strs = array(
"118.718318,-19.015803,0 118.722449,-19.016919,0 118.736223,-19.020637,0 118.749936,-19.024023,0 118.763897,-19.027722,0 118.777705,-19.031277,0", "118.791416,-19.034826,0 118.805276,-19.038367,0 118.818862,-19.041962,0 118.832862,-19.045582,0 118.846133,-19.049563,0 118.859801,-19.053851,0",
[SNIP majority of lines...]
"119.448612,-19.47499,0 119.444249,-19.48726,0 119.439886,-19.499531,0 119.437704,-19.505666,0");
$xs = array();
$ys = array();
foreach ($line_strs as $line){
$points = explode(' ', $line);
foreach ($points as $pt){
$xyz = explode(',', $pt);
$xs[] = (float)$xyz[0];
$ys[] = (float)$xyz[1];
$x_mean = (max($xs) + min($xs)) / 2;
$y_mean = (max($ys) + min($ys)) / 2;
echo "$x_mean,$y_mean\n";
This outputs 119.366415,-18.8015355.
centroids ?
If I have time, I'll edit this answer to include a python implementation
Another very simple answer finds the mean location of all vertices. It favours areas that are densely populated by points. This returns a slightly different answer to the bounding box method. You might want to try them box to see which provides a "better" result for your data.
$line_strs = array(
"118.718318,-19.015803,0 118.722449,-19.016919,0 118.736223,-19.020637,0 118.749936,-19.024023,0 118.763897,-19.027722,0 118.777705,-19.031277,0", "118.791416,-19.034826,0 118.805276,-19.038367,0 118.818862,-19.041962,0 118.832862,-19.045582,0 118.846133,-19.049563,0 118.859801,-19.053851,0",
[SNIP majority of lines...]
"119.448612,-19.47499,0 119.444249,-19.48726,0 119.439886,-19.499531,0 119.437704,-19.505666,0");
$x_sum = 0.0;
$y_sum = 0.0;
$n = 0;
foreach ($line_strs as $line){
$points = explode(' ', $line);
foreach ($points as $pt){
$xyz = explode(',', $pt);
$x_sum += (float)$xyz[0];
$y_sum += (float)$xyz[1];
$x_mean = $x_sum / $n;
$y_mean = $y_sum / $n;
echo "$x_mean,$y_mean\n";
This outputs 119.402034114,-18.9427670536.
