I'm getting a http 500 error when trying to post to this leaderboard index:
$reference = "sorted";
$printboard = "leaderboard";
$my_win = 0;
$my_check = 0;
//get the name or member or element of the lowest score
$my_check = $redis->zRange($reference, 0, 0);
//I have the lowest ranking member now get that members score to check against
$my_win = $redis->zScore($reference, $my_check[0]);
//$wins is what I'm posting to this index
if ($my_win < $wins) {
$redis->zDelete($reference, $my_check);//I beat the lowest ranking user so take his spot
//update the new score and push the new user to the print list
$redis->zAdd($reference,$wins, $name);
//if im adding someone new I need to remove someone
//if this is running I want to strip the list of it's 99th user so don't use 1188 use 1176
$redis->listTrim($printboard, 0, 1176);
//then rpush the new player to have made the list
Is my use of zRange correct?
$my_check = $redis->zRange($reference, 0, 0);
And then checking the first array spot?
$my_win = $redis->zScore($reference, $my_check[0]);
I think this may be my issue am I using the return of $my_check incorrectly?
Also, with Redis do you ever need to initialize anything?
I frequently go over the phpredis GitHub manual and the redis website itself and didn't note any details about what happens if you use zRange on an empty sorted set.
I have the following SQLite table
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX kwd ON keywords(lang,kwd);
Working in PHP I typically need to insert keywords in this table, or update the row count if the keyword already exists. Take an example
$langs = array(0,1,2,3,4,5);
$kwds = array('noel,canard,foie gras','','','','','');
I now these data run through the following code
$len = count($langs);
$klen = count($kwds);
$klen = ($klen < $len)?$klen:$len;
$sqlite = new SQLite3('/path/to/keywords.sqlite');
$iStmt = $sqlite->prepare("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO keywords (lang,kwd)
$sStmt = $sqlite->prepare("SELECT rowid FROM keywords WHERE lang = :lang
AND kwd = :kwd");
if (!$iStmt || !$sStmt) return;
for($i=0;$i < $klen;$i++)
$keywords = $kwds[$i];
if (0 === strlen($keywords)) continue;
$lang = intval($langs[$i]);
$keywords = explode(',',$keywords);
for($j=0;$j < count($keywords);$j++)
$keyword = $keywords[$j];
if (0 === strlen($keyword)) continue;
$sqlite->exec("UPDATE keywords SET count = count + 1 WHERE lang =
'{$lang}' AND kwd = '{$keyword}';");
$rslt = $sStmt->execute();
which generates the following trigger_error output
Keyword: noel
Last error: not an error
SELECT Result: {"0":1,"id":1}
Keyword: canard
Last Error: not an error
SELECT Reult:false
Last Error: not an error
SELECT Result: false
From the SQLite command line I see that the three row entries are present and correct in the table with the id/rowid columns set to 1, 2 and 3 respectively. lastErrorMsg does not report an error and yet two of the three $rslt->fetchArray() statements are returning false as opposed to an array with rowid/id attributes. So what am I doing wrong here?
I investigated this a bit more and found the underlying case. In my original code the result from the first SQLite3::execute - $iStmt-execute() - was not being assigned to anything. I did not see any particular reason for fetching and interpreting that result. When I changed that line of code to read $rslt = $iStmt->execute() I got the expected result - the rowid/id of the three rows that get inserted was correctly reported.
It is as though internally the PHP SQLite3 extension buffers the result from SQLiteStatement::execute function calls. When I was skipping the assignment my next effort at running such a statement, $sStmt->execute() was in effect fetching the previous result. This is my interpretation without knowing the inner workings of the PHP SQLite3 extension. Perhaps someone who understands the extension better would like to comment.
Add $rslt = NONE; right after trigger_error(json_encode($rslt->fetchArray())); and the correct results appear.
FetchArray can only be called once and somehow php is not detecting that the variable has changed. I also played with changing bindValue to bindParam and moving that before the loop but that is unrelated to the main issue.
It is my opinion that my solution should not work unless there is a bug in php. I am too new at the language to feel confident in that opinion and would like help verifying it. Okay, not a bug, but a violation of the least surprise principle. The object still exists in memory so without finalizing it or resetting the variable, fetch array isn't triggering.
I'm trying to to display all Twitter followers for specific account in PHP, using this API request
As per this page Cursoring - Twitter Documentation I have the use the next cursor to receive the next batch of responses.
That will allow me to make pagination button for the next page and previous page since I don't know what is the value of next_cursor for 3rd,4th, ... pages.
Is there a way to make paging links like 1,[2],[3],[4],[5],[..] so I can jump to the 3rd page without visiting the 2nd page?
I'm using Yii, Abraham Williams TwitterOAuth class.
I usually use this method to obtain all twitter followers of an account with Abraham Williams TwitterOAuth class:
$arrayFollowersIds = array();
// Cursor pointing the first page
$cursorFollowers = -1;
for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) {
// If we have reached the last page...
if ($cursorFollowers == 0) break;
$followersArray = get_object_vars($connection->get('followers/ids', array('user_id' => $targetUserId, 'cursor' => $cursorFollowers)));
if (array_key_exists('ids', $followersArray)) {
$cursorFollowersActual = $followersArray['next_cursor'];
$arrayFollowersIds = array_merge($arrayFollowersIds, $followersArray['ids']);
else {
// An error ocurred
// Show all user ids
The for loop has a limit because as you can see in the documentation, you are only allowed to make 15 calls every 15 minutes. You will have to store ids for big accounts and merge them later.
Hope this helps!
I have a golf league of 40 individuals. We all throw money in a pot and pay out the first 6 places based on final score.
If there were no ties the pay out would be simple but often we have, for example, 2 people tied for first place, 3 people tied for second, 1 person alone in third, etc. The variations seem endless.
I've been trying to automate the calculated payouts for each place using PHP but have not been successful. Any suggestions, help, or pointing in the right direction would be much appreciated. I noticed that someone else tried to ask a similar question on this site but was not successful in framing the question. I'll try to do a better job.
Here is some data I've been playing around with:
For the example given above and to pay out six places, we would calculate the payouts as follows:
If two people are tied for first place, we add first and second place points and divide by two.
If three people are tied for second place, we add third, fourth and fifth place points and divide by three.
If one person is alone in third, this person would win sixth place points.
I can count the number of players who are in or tied for a certain place.
In this example the player scores would be 72, 72, 73, 73, 73, 74, 75, 75, 76, 77, 77.
At first I thought this was an application for nested arrays. Then I thought perhaps using arrays, array slice, etc, may be a way to go. Each time I end up in the woods. I'm not seeing the logic.
I have used conditional statements for paying out three places but to pay out six places with this method puts me deep in the woods.
Example of payout to three places using conditional statements:
if($countFirst>2) {
elseif($countFirst==2) {
if($countSecond>1) {
elseif($countSecond==1) {
elseif($countFirst==1) {
if($countSecond>1) {
elseif($countSecond==1) {
if($countThird>1) {
elseif($countThird==1) {
I hope I have been clear in my request. I'll be glad to clarify anything. If anyone has any ideas on how to efficiently automate a payout calculation to six places I will be eternally grateful. Thank-you! Mike
Per request:
First, there is a problem with your Payouts. If you add them up you get 1.01 not 1
0.6 (1st) + 0.2 (2nd ) + 0.15 (3rd) + 0.03 (4th) + 0.02 (5th) + 0.01 (6th) = 1.01
Second, it is easier if you make your Payouts and Counts into arrays -
change these -
to these
Here is the start of one way to do it. Although I would eventually change this into a function so that I can use it again with different payouts, and number of places (see phpfiddle examples below)
I see this in 4 steps-
Step 1
// Add together the payments if there are ties - ie. 2 tied for first $payout[0]+$payout[1], etc
$payout_groups = array(); // start a payout array
$payout_groups_key = 0; // array key count
$payout_groups_count = 0; // array counter, use to match the $count array values
for($w=0;$w<count($payout);$w++){ //
$payout_groups[$payout_groups_key] += $payout[$w]; // if there are ties, add them together
$payout_groups[$payout_groups_key] = $payout[$w]; // else set a new payout level
$payout_groups_count++; // increase the counter
if($payout_groups_count == $count[$payout_groups_key]){ // if we merged all the ties, set a new array key and restart the counter
$payout_groups_count = 0;
Step 2
// basic counter to get how many placers/winners. This makes it possible to have ties for 6th (last) place
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
while($y < count($payout)){
$y += $count[$x]; // the $count array values until we reach the amount of places/payouts
Step 3
// Create array for winnings per placing
$winnings = array(); // start an array
$placings_count = 0; //
$placings_counter = 0;
$winnings[$z] = $payout_groups[$placings_count]/$count[$placings_count];
if($placings_counter == $count[$placings_count]){
$placings_counter = 0;
Step 4
// Assign winnings to scorecard
$scoreboard = array();
$scoreboard[$t]['score'] = $scores[$t];
$scoreboard[$t]['payout'] = $winnings[$t];
You can see this using your defined values at - http://phpfiddle.org/main/code/a1g-qu0
Using the same code above, I changed the payout amounts, and increased it to 7th places - http://phpfiddle.org/main/code/uxi-qgt
How do I get a user's top 10 friends' uids, and wrap each uid with specified string?
From: Get list of top friends for facebook app, I see this:
$statuses = $facebook->api('/me/statuses');
foreach($statuses['data'] as $status){
// processing likes array for calculating fanbase.
foreach($status['likes']['data'] as $likesData){
$frid = $likesData['id'];
$frname = $likesData['name'];
$friendArray[$frid] = $frname;
foreach($status['comments']['data'] as $comArray){
// processing comments array for calculating fanbase
$frid = $comArray['from']['id'];
$frname = $comArray['from']['name'];
But what does that return? Does it return the user IDs of friends in an array? I would like to get it in an array, the result of the search, so I can wrap each ID using foreach and do what I please with it.
If the above code is enough, should I be calling $frid for the array of top friends? I just need comprehension. :o)
Thank you for your time.
Assume that permissions are granted.
(This happens only after the user allows permission, so assume we already have that.)
Ensure you have the latest SDK by going to https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-sdk/zipball/master
Unzip and you have a layout as shown below
Where index.php with the file being used to display in the browser the number of friends
Include the SDK at the start of the PHP file
Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps, select your app and get your App ID and App Secret, create an instance within the PHP file
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => 'YOUR_APP_ID_HERE',
'secret' => 'YOUR_SECRET_HERE',
Then retrieve the $user data so we know that the current user is authenticated
$user = $facebook->getUser();
Before sending any calls check whether the authentication was right
if ($user) {
try {
$user_profile = $facebook->api('/me');
} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
$user = null;
Now make a call to /me/statuses the documentation is available at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/#statuses
$statuses = $facebook->api('/me/statuses');
This should return an array of the structure Status message defined at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/status/ of all the current user status messages.
Now you need to decide what determines top friends
number of likes + comments
number of comments
number of likes
Let's choose option 1, and give each weight of 1. That is a like and a comment are equivalent in value for determining the amount of friends
So create a variable to hold this, for example $friendArray
Then make an iteration over all the status messages but the entire JSON reponse starts with a wrapped data
"data": [
So access $statuses['data'], the foreach will give all status messages as a status item
foreach($statuses['data'] as $status){
Within this loop iterate all the likes and increment the value of each id that appears
foreach($status['likes']['data'] as $likesData){
$frid = $likesData['id'];
$friendArray[$frid] = $friendArray[$frid] + 1;
Within this loop iterate all the comments and increment the value of each id that appears
foreach($status['comments']['data'] as $comArray){
$frid = $comArray['from']['id'];
$friendArray[$frid] = $friendArray[$frid] + 1;
At the end of the outer loop foreach($statuses['data'] as $status){ you should have the an array $friendArray which has the scores.
Call asort http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.asort.php to sort the array and you can then loop for the top x scores.
The code you showed isn't a function and is actually missing a closing brace, it does not actually return anything as it is not a function.
Caveats: The /me/statuses only returns a limited set of status messages per call you need to get previous page calls to iterate all your messages. The top friends returned are only based on the restriction I made up above.
Okay normally I'm all fine about the facebook API but I'm having a problem which just keeps me wondering. (I think it's a bug (Check ticket http://bugs.developers.facebook.net/show_bug.cgi?id=13694) but I wanted to throw it here if somebody has an idea).
I'm usng the facebook PHP library to count all attendees for a specific event
$attending = $facebook->api('/'.$fbparams['eventId'].'/attending');
this works without a problem it correctly returns an array with all attendees...
now heres the problem:
This event has about 18.000 attendees right now.
The api call returns a max number of 992 attendees (and not 18000 as it should).
I tried
$attending = $facebook->api('/'.$fbparams['eventId'].'/attending?limit=20000');
for testing but it doesn't change anything.
So my actual question is:
If I can't get it to work by using the graph api what would be a good alternative? (Parsing the html of the event page maybe?) Right now I'm changing the value by hand every few hours which is tedious and unnecessary.
Actually there are two parameters, limit and offset. I think that you will have to play with both and continue making calls until one returns less than the max. limit.
Something like this, but in a recursive approach (I'm writting pseudo-code):
offset = 0;
maxLimit = 992;
totalAttendees = count(result)
if (totalAttendees >= maxLimit)
// do your stuff with each attendee
offset += totalAttendees;
// make a new call with the updated offset
// and check again
I've searched a lot and this is how I fixed it:
The requested URL should look something like this.
Here is where you can test it and here is the code I used:
function events_get_facebook_data($event_id) {
if (!$event_id) {
return false;
$token = klicango_friends_facebook_token();
if ($token) {
$parameters['access_token'] = $token;
$parameters['fields']= 'attending_count,invited_count';
$graph_url = url('https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2/' . $event_id , array('absolute' => TRUE, 'query' => $parameters));
$graph_result = drupal_http_request($graph_url, array(), 'GET');
if(is_object($graph_result) && !empty($graph_result->data)) {
$data = json_decode($graph_result->data);
$going = $data->attending_count;
$invited = $data->invited_count;
return array('going' => $going, 'invited' => $invited);
return false;
return false;
SELECT eid , attending_count, unsure_count,all_members_count FROM event WHERE eid ="event"