This is the part where json gets decoded
$response = file_get_contents("download.json");
$json = json_decode($response, true);
Example of data
{"count":2948,"errors":"","offers":[{"id":"85305","name":"Some Name",
Each of the offers has name
The data goes like this json->offers->name
How to remove all otheroffers if name has been mached with another offer?
And leave only one offer with the same name?
lazy solution:
$arrayFromJson = (json_decode($json));
$offers = [];
$customers = [];
foreach ($arrayFromJson->toppings as $value) {
if(in_array($value->name, $customers)){
$offers[] = $value;
$customers[] = $value->name;
$arrayFromJson->toppings = $offers;
let's suppose that the json response file has the following values:
$response = '{"count":2948,"errors":"","offers":[{"id":"1","name":"a"},{"id":"2","name":"b"},{"id":"3","name":"c"},{"id":"4","name":"a"},{"id":"5","name":"c"},{"id":"4","name":"a"},{"id":"4","name":"a"},{"id":"4","name":"b"}]}';
decode them:
$json = json_decode($response, true);
then remove the repeated offers:
// make sure that the required index is exists
$json = scan_json_array($json['offers']);
by the following recursive function:
function scan_json_array(array $arr, $index = 0){
// if we reached the last element of the array, exit!
if($index == (sizeof($arr)-1)){
return $arr;
for(; $index<sizeof($arr);){
$current = $arr[$index];
for($j=$index+1; $j<sizeof($arr); $j++){
$next = $arr[$j];
if($current['name'] === $next['name']){
// remove the matched element
// re-index the array
$arr = array_values($arr);
// if it was the last element, increment $index to move forward to the next array element
if($j == (sizeof($arr)-1)){
return scan_json_array($arr, $index);
I have a MYSQL query that fetches an array of dictionaries or results which are returned via JSON in an api. In some cases, I would like to change the name of the dictionary keys in the results array.
For example, in the following case:
$var = '[{"player":"Tiger Woods"},{"player":"Gary Player"}]';
I would like to change it to:
$var = '[{"golfer":"Tiger Woods"},{"golfer":"Gary Player"}]'
It is not practical in this case to change the mysql query so I'd just like to replace the word "player" with the word "golfer" for the keys without disturbing the values.
In the above example, I would not want to change Gary Player's name so just using str_replace does not seem like it would work.
Is there a way to change all of the keys from "player" to "golfer" without changing any of the values?
Here is the snippet you can use
$var = '[{"player":"Tiger Woods"},{"player":"Gary Player"}]';
// json decode the json string
$temp = json_decode($var, true);
$temp = array_map(function($item){
// combining key and values
return array_combine(['golfer'], $item);
}, $temp);
// or echo json_encode($temp);
Some argue that foreach is fastest,
foreach($temp as $k => &$v){
$v = array_combine(['golfer'], $v);
Little hardcoded if more than one keys in single array,
foreach ($temp as $k => &$v){
$v['golfer'] = $v['player'];
Using recursion
function custom($arr, $newKey, $oldKey)
// if the value is not an array, then you have reached the deepest
// point of the branch, so return the value
if (!is_array($arr)) {
return $arr;
$result = []; // empty array to hold copy of subject
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
// replace the key with the new key only if it is the old key
$key = ($key === $oldKey) ? $newKey : $key;
// add the value with the recursive call
$result[$key] = custom($value, $newKey, $oldKey);
return $result;
$var = '[{"player":"Tiger Woods"},{"player":"Gary Player"}]';
$temp = json_decode($var, true);
$temp = replaceKey($temp, 'golfer', 'player');
Demo & source.
Using json way,
function json_change_key($arr, $oldkey, $newkey) {
$json = str_replace('"'.$oldkey.'":', '"'.$newkey.'":', json_encode($arr));
return json_decode($json, true);
$temp = json_change_key($temp, 'player', 'golfer');
If you want multiple key replace, here is the trick,
$var = '[{"player":"Tiger Woods", "wins":"10","losses":"3"},{"player":"Gary Player","wins":"7", "losses":6}]';
$temp = json_decode($var, true);
function recursive_change_key($arr, $set)
if (is_array($arr) && is_array($set)) {
$newArr = [];
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
$key = array_key_exists($k, $set) ? $set[$k] : $k;
$newArr[$key] = is_array($v) ? recursive_change_key($v, $set) : $v;
return $newArr;
return $arr;
$set = [
"player" => "golfers",
"wins" => "victories",
"losses" => "defeats"
$temp = recursive_change_key($temp, $set);
$a = '[{"player":"Tiger Woods"},{"player":"Gary Player"}]';
$array = json_decode($a, true);
foreach($array as $key=>$value){
if(array_keys($value)[0] === "player"){
$array[$key] = ["golfer" => array_values($value)[0]];
echo json_encode($array);
you can write the value of the key to a new key and then delete the old.
renaming a key called "a" to "b", while keeping the value.
var json = {
"a" : "one"
json["b"] = json["a"];
delete json["a"];
for your example, just use this with a loop.
The following code works and pulls all the images in from the json file.
$content = file_get_contents('URL');
$json = json_decode($content, true);
foreach($json['format'] as $item) {
echo '<img src="' . $item['picture'] . '">';
Is there a way that I can have it only grab the last two pictures.
Yes, there is a way.
$result = array_slice($json['format'], -2);
Have a try.
Use this:
$numItems = count(foreach($json['format']);
$i = 0;
foreach($json['format'] as $item) {
if(++$i === $numItems-1) {
result1 = $json['format'][$i]
echo "first picture!";
} if(++$i === $numItems) {
result2 = $json['format'][$i]
echo "second picture!";
And result1 and result2 is your pictures
You can reverse the order of the array, run it backwards in your foreach loop, grab the first two then break.
$reversed = array_reverse($json);
$counter = 0;
foreach ($reversed['format'] as $item) {
if ($counter == 2) {
//your echo image code
My version using array_pop:
$content = file_get_contents('URL');
$json = json_decode($content, true);
// take last element of array, array reduces by 1 element
$last = array_pop($json['format']);
// take last element of array again, array reduces by 1 element
$last = array_pop($json['format']);
// Beware - using `$json['format']` later means that
// you use array without two last elements
I have a JSON array. I want to delete the entry that have number 4 and return the left over array
$filters = '{"1":1,"2":2,"3":4}';
$fobj = json_decode($filters, TRUE);
foreach($fobj as $key => $value)
if (in_array(4, $fobj)) {
echo $filters = json_encode($fobj );
But this echo does not give me what I want. I want it to return something like this:
You're removing the fourth value of the array, not the value. Use array_search instead
$filters = '{"1":1,"2":2,"3":4}';
$fobj = json_decode($filters, TRUE);
$search = array_search(4, $fobj);
if($search !== false) unset($fobj[$search]);
echo $filters = json_encode($fobj );
$index = array_search("4", $array);
That's all. Hope it helps!
I got stuck somehow on the following problem:
What I want to achieve is to merge the following arrays based on key :
{"Users":{"submenu_id":"New roles","submenu_label":"newrole"}}
{"Users":{"submenu_id":"User - roles","submenu_label":"user_roles"}}
{"Users":{"submenu_id":"Roles - permissions","submenu_label":"roles_permissions"}}
{"Accounting":{"submenu_id":"Input accounting data","submenu_label":"new_accounting"}}
Which needs to output like this:
{"list_items" :
{"list_items" :
[{"submenu_id":"New roles","submenu_label":"newrole"}
{"submenu_id":"User - roles","submenu_label":"user_roles"}
{"submenu_id":"Roles - permissions","submenu_label":"roles_permissions"}]
{"list_items" :
[{"submenu_id":"Input accounting data","submenu_label":"new_accounting"}]
I have been trying all kinds of things for the last two hours, but each attempt returned a different format as the one required and thus failed miserably. Somehow, I couldn't figure it out.
Do you have a construction in mind to get this job done?
I would be very interested to hear your approach on the matter.
$input = array(
'{"Users":{"submenu_id":"New roles","submenu_label":"newrole"}}',
'{"Users":{"submenu_id":"User - roles","submenu_label":"user_roles"}}',
'{"Users":{"submenu_id":"Roles - permissions","submenu_label":"roles_permissions"}}',
'{"Accounting":{"submenu_id":"Input accounting data","submenu_label":"new_accounting"}}',
$input = array_map(function ($e) { return json_decode($e, true); }, $input);
$result = array();
$indexMap = array();
foreach ($input as $index => $values) {
foreach ($values as $k => $value) {
$index = isset($indexMap[$k]) ? $indexMap[$k] : $index;
if (!isset($result[$index]['item_header'])) {
$result[$index]['item_header'] = $k;
$indexMap[$k] = $index;
$result[$index]['list_items'][] = $value;
echo json_encode($result);
Here you are!
In this case, first I added all arrays into one array for processing.
I thought they are in same array first, but now I realize they aren't.
Just make an empty $array=[] then and then add them all in $array[]=$a1, $array[]=$a2, etc...
$array = '[{"Entities":{"submenu_id":"Parents","submenu_label":"parents"}},
{"Users":{"submenu_id":"New roles","submenu_label":"newrole"}},
{"Users":{"submenu_id":"User - roles","submenu_label":"user_roles"}},
{"Users":{"submenu_id":"Roles - permissions","submenu_label":"roles_permissions"}},
{"Accounting":{"submenu_id":"Input accounting data","submenu_label":"new_accounting"}}]';
$array = json_decode($array, true);
$intermediate = []; // 1st step
foreach($array as $a)
$keys = array_keys($a);
$key = $keys[0]; // say, "Entities" or "Users"
$intermediate[$key] []= $a[$key];
$result = []; // 2nd step
foreach($intermediate as $key=>$a)
$entry = ["item_header" => $key, "list_items" => [] ];
foreach($a as $item) $entry["list_items"] []= $item;
$result []= $entry;
I would prefer an OO approach for that.
First an object for the list_item:
Second an object for the item_header:
{"item_header":"Entities", "list_items" : <array of list_item> }
Last an object or an array for all:
{ "Menus: <array of item_header> }
And the according getter/setter etc.
The following code will give you the requisite array over which you can iterate to get the desired output.
$final_array = array();
foreach($array as $value) { //assuming that the original arrays are stored inside another array. You can replace the iterator over the array to an iterator over input from file
$key = /*Extract the key from the string ($value)*/
$existing_array_for_key = $final_array[$key];
if(!array_key_exists ($key , $final_array)) {
$existing_array_for_key = array();
$existing_array_for_key[count($existing_array_for_key)+1] = /*Extract value from the String ($value)*/
$final_array[$key] = $existing_array_for_key;
I need to create array like that:
Array('firstkey' => Array('secondkey' => Array('nkey' => ...)))
From this:
$yourString = 'firstkey.secondkey.nkey';
// split the string into pieces
$pieces = explode('.', $yourString);
$result = array();
// $current is a reference to the array in which new elements should be added
$current = &$result;
foreach($pieces as $key){
// add an empty array to the current array
$current[ $key ] = array();
// descend into the new array
$current = &$current[ $key ];
//$result contains the array you want
My take on this:
$theString = "var1.var2.var3.var4";
$theArray = explode(".", $theString); // explode the string into an array, split by "."
$result = array();
$current = &$result; // $current is a reference to the array we want to put a new key into, shifting further up the tree every time we add an array.
while ($key = array_shift($theArray)){ // array_shift() removes the first element of the array, and assigns it to $key. The loop will stop as soon as there are no more items in $theArray.
$current[$key] = array(); // add the new key => value pair
$current = &$current[$key]; // set the reference point to the newly created array.
With an array_push() in the while loop.
What do you want the value of the deepest key to be?
Try something like:
function dotToArray() {
$result = array();
$keys = explode(".", $str);
while (count($keys) > 0) {
$current = array_pop($keys);
$result = array($current=>$result);
return $result;