Combining inner join and where statements in Eloquent - php

I am trying to convert the following database query to use Eloquent:
$orderitems = DB::table('order_items')
->join('orders', '', '=', 'order_items.order_id')
->where('orders.status', 1)
->where('order_items.sku', $sku)
I've tried the following:
$orderitems = Item::where('sku', $sku)
->with(['order' => function ($query) {
$query->where('status', 0);
but it seems to be bringing back more results than it should. I can see from using DB::getQueryLog that the order_items query is not joining with the orders table:
select * from `order_items` where `stock_code` = ? and `order_items`.`deleted_at` is null
Do I need to create a new relationship between orderitems and order and add the additional where into that?
Order hasMany Items
Item hasOne Order

Solution was to use Query Scopes
In the controller:
$orderitems = Item::stock($sku)->paginate(10);
In the orderitems model:
public function scopeStock($query, $sku)
return $query->join('orders', function ($join) {
$join->on('', '=', 'order_items.order_id');
$join->where('orders.status', '=', 1);
->select('order_items.*', 'orders.order_date')
->where('order_items.sku', $sku);


If condition joined query in laravel

I have made a query in Laravel by joining 2 tables based on an IF condition.
I need to add a where query to filter data based on the material_id column from joined tables.
$transactions = DB::table('transactions')
->select('', DB::raw("IF(transactions.is_sell = '1', advertisements.material_id, offerrequests.material_id) as material_id"))
->leftJoin('advertisements', function ($join) {
$join->on('', '=', 'transactions.post_id');
->leftJoin('offerrequests', function ($join) {
$join->on('', '=', 'transactions.post_id');
I have tried the following and it is querying data with the requesting material_id from joined tables.
but also in the end i can see transaction values which are not similar to 'material_id' in the input.
I need to only get data which is exactly matches the same material id.
$transactions = $transactions->where(function ($query) use ($request) {
$query->where('advertisements.material_id', $request->material)
->orWhere('offerrequests.material_id', $request->material);
try below ...Instead of orwhere try andWhere
$transactions = $transactions->where(function ($query) use ($request) {
$query->where('advertisements.material_id', $request->material)
->andWhere('offerrequests.material_id', $request->material);
$transactions = $transactions ->where('advertisements.material_id', $request->material);
$transactions = $transactions ->where('offerrequests.material_id', $request->material);
$transactions = $transacions ->get();

Relationship eloquent in laravel?

In user:
public function posts()
return $this->hasMany(Post::class);
In post:
public function users()
return $this->belongsTo(Users::class);
I handle in controller:
$user = Users::find('1')->posts;
Then I get an array and the result returned is exactly what I need.
But when I query this way because I need to get a lot of data, the result is an empty array. What did I do wrong?
In UserController.php:
$listUser = Users::with('posts')
->select('name', 'title')
->where('type', 1)
->get(); // It returns posts as an empty array
Please give me any comments.
You have to select foreign key in posts:
$listUser = Users::select(['id', 'name'])
->with(['posts' => function($query) {
->where('type', 1)
$result = User::select(['id', 'name'])
->with(['posts:user_id, title'])
Your relation is developed with a primary key and in your query you are missing the id to get the values.
$listUser = Users::with('posts')
->select('', '', 'posts.title')
->where('posts.type', 1)
If you wish to select only some fields of the related model you can specify it in the with clause like the following. The select clause will work on the User query builder.
$listUser = Users::with('posts:user_id, title')
->where('type', 1)

How to get data from the foreign key in joined table in laravel 5.8

I want to get the details of products in the products table by calling it in the purchase_orders table in laravel5.8.
I try to use inner join but as its result its just values of numbers
$POs = DB::table('purchase_orders')
->join('products', 'purchase_orders.prod_id', '=', '')
->select(' as id', ' as name', 'products.cat_id as cat', 'products.size_id as size', 'products.price as price', 'purchase_orders.quant as quant', ' as total', 'purchase_orders.created_at as req_date')
Here are the 2 table and the result.
products table
Create a relationship in PurchaseOrders Model:
public function products()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Product','id','prod_id');
You can call the result by:
$res = PurchaseOrder::find($id);
foreach($res->products as $product)
echo $product->name;
Using join:
$POs = DB::table('purchase_orders')
->join('products', 'purchase_orders.prod_id', '=', '')
->select('products.*',' as purchase_id','','purchase_orders.status')
if you want categories table too, add another join function.
Try this for a relationship
public function products()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Product','prod_id','id');
public function products()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Product','prod_id','id');
To out put relationship data is like this

How to get Complex relation in a Laravel using eloquent

I have below tables
Product Categories
Now i want to get all sales for specified user's products. I have tried with below query. But i cannot use where for this. It is not apply this filter. Also i want to filter it by few other fields like users.user_name, products.product_name ... etc
$sales = Sale::with(['product'=>function($q) use ($user_id) {
$q->with(['product_category' => function($q) use ($user_id) {
$q->with(['company'=> function($q) use ($user_id) {
$sUserName = Input::get('sUserName');
$q->with(['user'=> function($q) use ($sUserName,$user_id) {
$q->where('id', $user_id);
Is it possible to use Eloquent for these situations ? Or should i use join queries ? Please advice me. thanks
you can use laravel eloqunt like this.
$Sales = DB::table('Sales')
->join('Products', 'Sales.product_id', '=', '')
->join('ProductCategories', '', '=', 'Products.product_category_id')
->join('companies', 'ProductCategories.company_id', '=', '')
->join('Users', 'companies.user_id', '=', '')
After madalinivascu advise i could be able to resolve my problem as below. Now i can filter it by Ordered User, Product name & dates.
$sUserName = Input::get('sUserName');
$sProductName = Input::get('sProductName');
$sFrom = Input::get('sFrom');
$sTo = Input::get('sTo');
$user_id = \Auth::User()->id;
// Show sales only for his products
$sales = Sale::with('sold_to_user')
->whereHas('sold_to_user', function($q) use ($sUserName) {
if(!empty($sUserName)) $q->where('name','LIKE', "$sUserName%");
->whereHas('product', function($q) use ($sProductName) {
if(!empty($sProductName)) $q->where('name','LIKE', "$sProductName%");
if(\Auth::User()->privilege!='administrator') $sales = $sales->where('user_id','=',$user_id);
$sales = $sales->orderBy('updated_at','desc')->paginate(100);

Laravel Eloquent query get users from another model

I have another table called tableb and it has a user relationship defined through the user_id field.
I want to run a query against tableb where a certain date is within a certain range but then I want to grab the user table associated with that row but I only want it to grab the user if it's not been grabbed yet. I'm trying to do this all in 1 DB query. I have most of it done, but I'm having trouble with the unique part of it.
Here's what I have right now:
$tableB = TableB::select('users.*')
->join('users', 'tableb.user_id', '=', '')
->where('tableb.start_date', '>', date('Y-m-d'))
So right now I have 3 entries in tableB from the same user, and ideally I'd like to only get 1 entry for that user.
How would I go about doing this?
Since you're selecting only users data, just add a groupBy clause in your query.
$tableB = TableB::select('users.*')
->join('users', 'tableb.user_id', '=', '')
->where('tableb.start_date', '>', date('Y-m-d'))
You should just add groupBy like this :
$tableB = TableB::select('users.*')
->join('users', 'tableb.user_id', '=', '')
->where('tableb.start_date', '>', date('Y-m-d'))
Try This Code
public function getrelation(){
return $this->hasMany('App\tableB', 'user_id');
In Your Controller
use App/user;
public funtion filterByDate(user $user)
$date = '2016-02-01';
$result = $user->WhereHas('getrelation', function ($query) use($date) {
$query->whereDate('tableb.start_date', '>', $date)
