I am trying to implement an API call from my system, and the API has an example that looks like this:
curl -u "<brugernavn>:<password>" -XPOST http://distribution.virk.dk/cvr-permanent/_search -d'
{ "from" : 0, "size" : 1,
"query": {
"term": {
"cvrNummer": 10961211
Now i want to turn this in to php code. Im thinking it will look something like this:
public function requestApiV2($vat){
// Start cURL
$ch = curl_init();
// Determine protocol
$protocol = 'http';
$parameters = json(
{ "from" : 0, "size" : 1,
"query": {
"term": {
"cvrNummer": $vat
// Set cURL options
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $protocol . '://distribution.virk.dk/cvr-permanent/_search' . http_build_query($parameters));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// Parse result
$result = curl_exec($ch);
// Close connection when done
// Parse from json to array
$data = json_decode($result, true);
I can't test this yet, as I still need to acquire username and password from the API, but I am also uncertain about how I send the username and password along with the request in the correct way. Is there a CURLOPT for this as well?
I am also uncertain about if my parameters are implemented the right way with the json like that.
thank you :)
use Guzzle library. Laravel has included the Guzzle library so you dont need to install it
With Guzzle, the below will do
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
public function requestApiV2($vat){
$client = new Client([
// Base URI is used with relative requests
'base_uri' => 'http://distribution.virk.dk/,
$response = $client->post('cvr-permanent/_search', [
'auth' => ['username', 'password'],
'json' => [
'from' => 0,
'size' => 1,
'query' => [
'term' => [
'cvrNumber' => $vat
$body = $response->getBody();
I tried my first API call but something is still wrong. I added my API-Key, choose the symbol and tried to echo the price. But it is still not valid. But my echo is still 0. Maybe someone show me what i did wrong. Thank you!
$coinfeed_coingecko_json = file_get_contents('https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/listings/latest?symbol=ETH');
$parameters = [
'start' => '1',
'limit' => '2000',
'convert' => 'USD'
$headers = [
'Accepts: application/json',
$qs = http_build_query($parameters); // query string encode the parameters
$request = "{$url}?{$qs}"; // create the request URL
$curl = curl_init(); // Get cURL resource
// Set cURL options
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $request, // set the request URL
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $headers, // set the headers
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1 // ask for raw response instead of bool
$response = curl_exec($curl); // Send the request, save the response
print_r(json_decode($response)); // print json decoded response
curl_close($curl); // Close request
$coinfeed_json = json_decode($coinfeed_coingecko_json, false);
$coinfeedprice_current_price = $coinfeed_json->data->{'1'}->quote->USD->price;
<?php echo $coinfeedde = number_format($coinfeedprice_current_price, 2, '.', ''); ?>
API Doc: https://coinmarketcap.com/api/v1/#operation/getV1CryptocurrencyListingsLatest
There is a lot going on in your code.
First of all $url was not defined
Second of all you made two requests, one of which I have removed
Third; you can access the json object by $json->data[0]->quote->USD->price
Fourth; I removed the invalid request params
I have changed a few things to make it work:
$url = "https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/cryptocurrency/listings/latest";
$headers = [
'Accepts: application/json',
$request = "{$url}"; // create the request URL
$curl = curl_init(); // Get cURL resource
// Set cURL options
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $request, // set the request URL
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $headers, // set the headers
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1 // ask for raw response instead of bool
$response = curl_exec($curl); // Send the request, save the response
$json = json_decode($response);
curl_close($curl); // Close request
I wanted to pass the whole incoming data (that is, $request) to the curl not wanted to post to a particular field in the endpoint as subjectId=>1 as am running this curl request for different endPoint everytime. The below curl request will work if CURLOPT_URL => $url . $subjectId, was given. As my input changes for every end point, i've to pass everything that comes in the input to the curl , i can't pass it as an arary $subjectId. Is there any way to do this?
Currently, dd($Response); returns null
Am giving a postman input like this:
public function getContentqApiPost(Request $request)
$token = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.ey";
$headers = [
"Accept: application/json",
"Authorization: Bearer " . $token
$subjectId = "?subjectId=$request->subjectId";
$ch = curl_init();
$curlConfig = array(
// CURLOPT_URL => $url . $subjectId,
CURLOPT_URL => $url . $request,
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt_array($ch, $curlConfig);
$result = trim(curl_exec($ch));
$Response = json_decode($result, true);
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
$error_msg = curl_error($ch);
echo $error_msg;
return $Response;
If you would like to pass all params of $request to curl:
$queryParams = '';
$delimeter = '?';
foreach($request->all() as $k => $v){
$queryParams .= "$delimeter$k=$v";
$delimeter = '&';
Also You can only pass the params you want:
foreach($request->only(['subjectId']) as $k => $v){
// code here
Finally you have:
CURLOPT_URL => $url . $queryParams,
Assuming you want to pass the entire GET query string as-is:
$query_string = str_replace($request->url(), "", $request->fullUrl());
$url = "http://localhost:9000/api/courses/course-per-subject" . $query_string;
This works because $request->url() returns the URL without the query string parameters, while $request->fullUrl() returns the URL with all the query string parameters, so we can use str_replace with an empty replacement to remove the non-query part. Note that $query_string will already start with a ? so there is no need to add that yourself.
Other suggestions
Unless your Laravel API is a 1:1 copy of the backend API, I strongly suggest writing a class that interfaces with the backend API, then provide it to your Laravel controllers using dependency injection. E.g.
class CourseCatalogApi {
public function getSubjectsInCourse(String $course){
... // your curl code here
Finally, since you are already using Laravel, there is no need to write such low level code using curl to make HTTP requests. Consider using guzzlehttp, which is already a dependency of Laravel.
I recently work with kraken.io API and I'm trying to integrate this API wuth my PHP CodeIgniter framework. So I followed the documentation but I got stuck when I used curl
This is my source code below ..
$kraken = new Kraken("SOME_KEY", "SOME_SECRET");
$params = array(
"file" => base_url()."include/".$dataIn['logo'],
"wait" => true
$dataj='{"auth":{"api_key": "SOME_KEY", "api_secret": "SOME_SECRET"},"file":'.base_url()."include/".$dataIn['logo'].',wait":true}';
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://api.kraken.io/v1/upload");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array('Content-Type: application/json'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $dataj);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$data = $kraken->upload($params);
And I got this result
"{"success":false,"message":"Incoming request body does not contain a valid JSON object"}1"
So can anyone please help me,
And thanks in advance,
The error message is quite clear, your json object is not valid. For instance this would be a valid JSON object for your request:
"auth": {
"api_key": "SOME",
"api_secret": "SECRET"
"file": "somefile.txt",
"wait": true
In your php code you are setting up a $params array but then you don't use it. Try this:
$dataj='{"auth":{"api_key": "SOME_KEY", "api_secret": "SOME_SECRET"},"file":"' . $params["file"]. '", "wait":true}';
You can validate your JSON HERE
You should use json_encode function to generate your JSON data
$dataj = json_encode([
"auth" => [
"api_key" => "API_KEY",
"api_secret" => "API_SECRET"
"file" => base_url() . "include/" . $dataIn['logo'],
"wait" => true
Here is an example from https://kraken.io/docs/upload-url so you don't need to use curl
$kraken = new Kraken("your-api-key", "your-api-secret");
$params = array(
"file" => "/path/to/image/file.jpg",
"wait" => true
$data = $kraken->upload($params);
if ($data["success"]) {
echo "Success. Optimized image URL: " . $data["kraked_url"];
} else {
echo "Fail. Error message: " . $data["message"];
I was trying to make a HTTP POST Request to amazon's AGCOD Service API , I followed all the steps to make a signature and all the hashed keys matched the instructions here, but I still got a "The security token included in the request is invalid." ERROR.
$secretKey = 'AWS4'.SECRET_KEY;
$hashedDateKey = hash_hmac('sha256', TIME_STAMP, $secretKey, true);//41b8dd5e0d1716ba90401d46b58b12d500accdd2ea9c2b22a2d275946c9d978e
$hashedRegionKey = hash_hmac('sha256', REGION_CODE, $hashedDateKey, true);//7b47360ce7afbe1b839e0b0e55834df99979a5414bc7f846b17c9374d230d45d
$hashedServiceKey = hash_hmac('sha256', SERVICE_NAME , $hashedRegionKey, true);//68136b0a64b2d01c8934370288b46500243645e468f521503e0d1fa73526d409
$signingKey = hash_hmac('sha256', 'aws4_request', $hashedServiceKey,true);//27cb9f5b991c2933f5faae716e99bd50c66a45811b1424128269312bdd570dff
$payload = "<CreateGiftCardRequest><creationRequestId>Test001</creationRequestId><partnerId>Test</partnerId><value><currencyCode>USD</currencyCode><amount>10</amount></value></CreateGiftCardRequest>";
$hashedPayload = hash('sha256',$payload);//50bf24a091a7463bb4a2661f93a7299c94774bc81f9fddf02af2925922b869dc
$CanonicalRequestStr = "POST\n/CreateGiftCard\n\naccept:charset=UTF-8\ncontent-type:charset=UTF-8\nhost:agcod-v2-gamma.amazon.com\nx-amz-date:".TIME_STAMP_ISO_8601."\nx-amz-target:com.amazonaws.agcod.AGCODService.CreateGiftCard\n\naccept;content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target\n".$hashedPayload;
$hashedCanonicalRequest = hash('sha256',$CanonicalRequestStr);//7d9f2765e4f23e85d3dce4ae264dac4f784c152f3746aff45ac7f3afd7fad649
$str2Sign = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\n".TIME_STAMP_ISO_8601."\n".TIME_STAMP."/".REGION_CODE."/".SERVICE_NAME."/aws4_request\n".$hashedCanonicalRequest;
$signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $str2Sign, $signingKey);//e32110cf663ed86460621dff12bb1139afe29d015584d208df09f149fa1b69d1
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'Authorization:AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential='.ACCESS_KEY.'/'.TIME_STAMP.'/us-east-1/AGCODService/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=accept;content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target,Signature='.$signature,
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload);
$return = curl_exec($ch);
$return_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
The AWS SDK for PHP has a SignatureV4 implementation. There is no PHP client included for AGCOD, since it is not an AWS service, but the DynamoDB service works very similarly to how AGCOD works. I was able to hack the DynamoDB client to send requests to AGCOD instead.
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // If installed via Composer.
// Instantiate DynamoDB client, but overwrite a bunch of the settings
// to work with the AGCOD service
$client = \Aws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient::factory([
'base_url' => 'https://agcod-v2-gamma.amazon.com',
'key' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID',
'secret' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',
'region' => 'us-east-1',
'signature' => 'v4',
'signature.service' => 'AGCODService',
'signature.region' => 'us-east-1',
// Add wire logger for debugging
$body = <<<JSON
{"requestId": "Awssb0327141418PM", "partnerId": "Awssb", "utcStartDate":
"2014-03-27T00:10:10Z", "utcEndDate": "2014-03-27T23:59:59Z", "pageIndex": 0,
"pageSize": 200, "showNoOps": "true"}
try {
// Use underlying Guzzle feature to send request,
// to skip some of the DynamoDB-specific logic.
$response = $client->put('GetGiftCardActivityPage', [
'x-amz-target' => 'com.amazonaws.agcod.AGCODService.GetGiftCardActivityPage',
'accept' => 'application/json'
], $body)->send();
} catch (\Aws\Common\Exception\ServiceResponseException $e) {
echo $e; // This exception class has a __toString() method.
Note sure if this will help much, but it could be used as a starting point if you decide to cherry pick code from the AWS SDK for PHP.
I'm trying to use curl instead of the http request 2 pear module in PHP to query the plivo api. They have an existing library for easily making calls to their API but it uses a pear module called http request2. I don't really know how to install a pear module on a server so I thought of just rewriting some parts of their library to just use curl.
Here's the part of their code that I specifically want to modify:
function __construct($auth_id, $auth_token, $url="https://api.plivo.com", $version="v1") {
if ((!isset($auth_id)) || (!$auth_id)) {
throw new PlivoError("no auth_id");
if ((!isset($auth_token)) || (!$auth_token)) {
throw new PlivoError("no auth_token");
$this->version = $version;
$this->api = $url."/".$this->version."/Account/".$auth_id;
$this->auth_id = $auth_id;
$this->auth_token = $auth_token;
private function request($method, $path, $params=array()) {
$url = $this->api.rtrim($path, '/').'/';
if (!strcmp($method, "POST")) {
$req = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_POST);
$req->setHeader('Content-type: application/json');
if ($params) {
} else if (!strcmp($method, "GET")) {
$req = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET);
$url = $req->getUrl();
} else if (!strcmp($method, "DELETE")) {
$req = new HTTP_Request2($url, HTTP_Request2::METHOD_DELETE);
$url = $req->getUrl();
'timeout' => 30,
'ssl_verify_peer' => FALSE,
$req->setAuth($this->auth_id, $this->auth_token, HTTP_Request2::AUTH_BASIC);
'Connection' => 'close',
'User-Agent' => 'PHPPlivo',
$r = $req->send();
$status = $r->getStatus();
$body = $r->getbody();
$response = json_decode($body, true);
return array("status" => $status, "response" => $response);
public function get_account($params=array()) {
return $this->request('GET', '', $params);
And here's the code that I have so far:
$curl = curl_init();
$curl_options = array(
CURLOPT_URL => 'https://api.plivo.com/v1/Account/',
CURLOPT_USERPWD => 'auth_id:auth_token',
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array("Connection: close", "User-Agent: PHPPlivo"),
curl_setopt_array($curl, $curl_options);
$response = curl_exec($curl);
I don't really know what's going on behind the scenes but this specific code is telling me that its using basic authentication using the values for the auth id and auth token:
$req->setAuth($this->auth_id, $this->auth_token, HTTP_Request2::AUTH_BASIC);
So I also set it using curl:
CURLOPT_USERPWD => 'auth_id:auth_token',
I'm pretty much stuck. All I get as a respose is the following:
"error": "not found"
It doesn't really make much sense into what I have missed or done wrong. Please help. Thank you in advance!
Below are the things you need to handle to sync your new code with old one:
If you are using GET method
CURLOPT_URL => 'https://api.plivo.com/v1/Account/'.http_build_query($params),
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array("User-Agent: PHPPlivo"),
If you are using POST method
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($params),
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array("Content-type: application/json", "User-Agent: PHPPlivo"),
Yea... The PEAR dependency is definitely overkill for Plivo's wrapper. So that was one of the first modifications I made to the code.
Check out:
Only difference is the RestAPI::request() method.