How to copy vendor folder without having not found problem - php

I am using composer for my project and the entire project (even the vendor folder) is under git version control.
I know it may seem like a false action but I am in bandwidth deficit and I want to lower my bandwidth usage so I use this method to just copy the vendor folder.
When I push to to another repository and try to run php main.php from there It says that can not find the classes that I am using there.
I have managed to solve this problem by removing the whole vendor folder and re running composer i but it is not the behavior that I want. I want low bandwidth usage, I want to not wait for package installation.
I am using the same method for virtualenv of python apps and there is the same problem but that problem can be solved by just running virtualenv venv/ again so it corrects the new paths for the copied environment. How can I achieve the same behavior with composer? I dont see any info or command that can help me doing this.
Thanks in advance folks :)

Found the solution.
All you need to do is to remove one file and one folder:
rm -rf vendor/composer;
rm vendor/autoload.php;
Then run composer i and it will recreate the removed composer folder again and corrects the autoload files.
Have a nice day.


How to cache composer packges in Jenkins

I've got a Laravel project and simple pipeline in Jenkins which build Docker image from Dockerfile, pull code in it and execute composer install. Everything working fine so far, but installing composer packages takes a lot of time (like 6-7 minutes). I've tried to persist vendor directory somewhere, create symlink to it or something but nothing worked so far. I wonder if there is some better more official way to handle that? Anyone has some idea or experience in it? Or maybe some different CI tool?
Ok, I ended up with two solutions:
I mounted composer cache directory to some directory in host to speed up composer packages installing:
dockerfile {
filename 'Dockerfile'
args '-v $HOME/composer_cache:/.composer/cache'
There is (not so obvious, because Jenkins panel is little messy) option to disable workspace clean up before/after code checkout. One can delete those steps in pipeline configuration under "Branch Sources" section (with red X above those "Behaviours").

GIT & Laravel stopping certain files

I've been running a project written in Laravel which has been fun to use.
The setup I use is the vagrant box Homestead configuration so I do the majority of my work on my local machine and push up to the development server once its ready to go. During the installation I had to push up the logs & vendor folder for it to work properly but now I'm at a stage where every commit I do via the command line includes storage/logs/laravel.log which when I then pull down it asks me to stash/commit on the server because they're different.
I've added it to the .gitignore file in the root directory of the project and it looks like this:
Vendor doesn't cause me any problems unless I make changes to it so its not much of a bother, its just the logs which will not stop going up. If I use a GUI tool, I can manually tell it not to go up but I want to get it to the point that I can use the terminal to push it up and not worry about logs need stashing on the server.
I believe this is the same for the .env so I imagine a solution will work for both. I have also noticed that PHPStorm have said they're ignored but tracked with git if that helps.
If you take a look at the Laravel repo on GitHub, you'll find the following .gitignore file in the storage directory:
This comes with the default installation to mark the logs directory as ignored. If you've deleted this by mistake, you should be able to reinstate it and resolve the issue you're having.
Just as importantly though, your workflow isn't following best practice. With respect to "Vendor doesn't cause me and problems unless i make changes to it" - you should never make changes to your vendor directory. This folder is home to third-party packages and plugins, modifying them directly causes multiple issues, chief amongst them:
You can no longer update a modified package without breaking your application.
Other developers won't be able to replicate your installation easily.
In fact, the vendor directory shouldn't be versioned at all. The best way to handle the files within it is using a package manager, like Composer, to do it all for you. This means you can easily switch between different versions of your packages and, by versioning only the composer files, other developers can run composer install or composer update to synchronise their development environment to yours quickly and accurately.

I can´t get all folders from my branch on GIT

I have a git project with one branch, I´m trying to clone all files in my local folder, but I can´t get the vendor folder. I would like to know if I can do it in other way to get also vendor class.
I´m running this:
git clone -b branch_name repo_URL
As I say, I don´t get one folder. What I need to do it to get all files?
PD: I can´t download a ZIP of the project.
You are not supposed to find that vendor folder in your repository. It would be useless redundancy.
In modern PHP projects, Composer is being used to manage external dependencies. When running composer update, it reads a file composer.json (which should be present in your repository) to find the most recent versions of the external packages to be used.
This creates a file composer.lock (which should also be in your repository) with the exact versions and commits that got downloaded. If at any later time someone (like you now) wants to recreate the contents of the vendor folder, they run composer install, which will try to get everything that was once downloaded.
So the first step for you is to download Composer, then run composer install (depending on your way of downloading, it might also be php composer.phar install or something close to that).
Reasons for composer install to fail is that dependencies can no longer be downloaded because they were removed from the internet, or that the project is too old and has too old versions of said files so that it does not run with current versions of Composer (although this should be very rare). In any case: If you encounter errors, ask a new question here with all the details, including the full output of the Composer command.
The reason why you don't get the vendor folder is because the vendor folder never went up to the git repository. If you see the .gitignore file, you will notice a :
This tells git to ignore that folder and not to send it up to the git repository when you are pushing. There is no way for you to get that folder unless you find the original project before you pushed to the git.

what files to save to repository laravel - framework workflow

Let me just say this, I'm very new to composer and laravel.
I'm a long time cli fan, so I feel very comfy with composer. I've used npm, ruby gems etc, I see all the benefits to package managers.
Problem is, I'm saving entire laravel dir to my svn repository. It seems kinda redundant, especially vendor/bootstrap dirs.
I also find it uncomfortable to have vendor packages same in every laravel app directory on the same server, I'm kinda missing global gems thing from ruby.
How do you deal with this? Is it possible to have laravel like a shared library on server and then just have app/public directories in each project?
What files should be saved to repository? can composer handle all the dependency installation on production server? I see laravel files come with .gitignore files, where do I get svn version?
Much confusion atm in my head, hope to clear these up, so I can start actually writing code ^_^
First off, as far as I know, it is not easily possible to install laravel and it's dependencies globally. I wouldn't worry about that too much though since composer will cache them so it won't need to download everything for each project you set up.
Vendor directory
The vendor dir should definitely NOT be in your repository. I'm no SVN expert but according to this answer you can ignore directories by doing:
svn propset svn:ignore "vendor" .
Most SVN client software should have a similar function in a context menu or similar.
Deploy workflow
Ideally you checkout the repo on your production server and then run composer update to install all dependencies. If you don't have terminal access or have other troubles with that I recommend you download a fresh copy of your repo and run composer udpate. Then upload it to your server.

Satis Installation & Usage Guide for Beginner

I am new to Satis and I have tried with some tutorials such as, But their explanation is very blur and incomplete.
This is what I have done.
I created new empty folder.
I run composer on that folder with the command composer create-project composer/satis --stability=dev
Now I see in the folder contain a folder called "satis". Inside that folder I see "bin", "src", "test", and "views" folder. Also, there are "compser.json" and "composer.lock" files.
So, what should I do now? I don't find any "satis.json" as on tutorial. I really stuck there and don't know how to go forward. Why is it install a "Satis" folder in the folder I run? Does that mean, I have to install Satis on every project I need to use it? If you know how, please guide me.
It is your task to create that satis.json (or whatever name you like), fill it with the content you need, and then run the Satis command to create the repository.
The configuration has many variables that cannot be guessed beforehand, but that have to be filled by you because you know the details of how you are hosting the Satis repository.
You cannot break anything. Satis runs on it's own, creates some files, and then is finished. You can run it any amount of times to learn how to tweak it and make it work for you.
