How can I exclude grandchildren from my recursive querying process? - php

I am trying to limit my db output -- which currently gives me from some categories every child and grandchild -- to only the child. So that no grandchildren are displayed.
I tried to limit the recursion to only happen once, but it doesn't work. I think the answer lies in the db query, but I am not familiar with dbs.
public function getChildCategories(&$result, &$categories, $level = 1)
$db = EB::db();
$ordering = $this->params->get('order', 'popular');
$sort = 'desc';
$total = (int) $this->params->get('count', 0);
$hideEmptyPost = $this->params->get('hideemptypost', false);
$language = EB::getCurrentLanguage();
foreach ($result as $row) {
// Initialize default structure
$category = EB::table('Category');
$category->cnt = $row->cnt;
$categories[$row->id] = $category;
$categories[$row->id]->childs = array();
// Find child categories
$query = array();
$query[] = 'SELECT a.*, COUNT(' . $db->qn('') . ') AS ' . $db->qn('cnt') . ',' . $db->Quote($level) . ' AS ' . $db->qn('level');
$query[] = 'FROM ' . $db->qn('#__easyblog_category') . ' AS a';
$query[] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $db->qn('#__easyblog_post_category') . ' AS pc';
$query[] = 'ON ' . $db->qn('') . '=' . $db->qn('pc.category_id');
$query[] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $db->qn('#__easyblog_post') . ' AS b';
$query[] = 'ON ' . $db->qn('') . '=' . $db->qn('pc.post_id');
$query[] = 'AND ' . $db->qn('b.published') . '=' . $db->Quote(EASYBLOG_POST_PUBLISHED);
$query[] = 'AND ' . $db->qn('b.state') . '=' . $db->Quote(EASYBLOG_POST_NORMAL);
$query[] = 'WHERE ' . $db->qn('a.published') . '=' . $db->Quote(1);
$query[] = 'AND ' . $db->qn('parent_id') . '=' . $db->Quote($row->id);
if ($language) {
$query[] = 'AND(';
$query[] = $db->qn('a.language') . '=' . $db->Quote($language);
$query[] = 'OR';
$query[] = $db->qn('a.language') . '=' . $db->Quote('');
$query[] = 'OR';
$query[] = $db->qn('a.language') . '=' . $db->Quote('*');
$query[] = ')';
if (!$hideEmptyPost) {
$query[] = 'GROUP BY ' . $db->qn('');
} else {
$query[] = 'GROUP BY ' . $db->qn('') . ' HAVING (COUNT(' . $db->qn('') . ') > 0)';
if ($ordering == 'ordering') {
$query[] = ' ORDER BY `lft` desc';
if ($ordering == 'popular') {
$query[] = ' ORDER BY `cnt` desc';
if ($ordering == 'alphabet') {
$query[] = ' ORDER BY a.`title` asc';
if ($ordering == 'latest') {
$query[] = ' ORDER BY a.`created` desc';
$query = implode(' ', $query);
$children = $db->loadObjectList();
$ccounter = 0;
// Recursion happens here
if ($children) {
$this->getChildCategories($children, $categories[$row->id]->childs, ++$level);
Can someone explain to me how to modify the db query? The output now is:
-Child Cat
--Grandchild Cat
-Child Cat
I want:
-Child Cat
-Child Cat

The comment from the user mickmackusa solves the problem. His solution works perfectly!
if ($children && $level < 2) {
$this->getChildCategories($children, $categories[$row->id]->childs, $level + 1);


foreach sort results from database

I have 9 blocks, and I want sort it by last news added.
I have code:
$projects = Projects::find(['conditions' => 'active = 1', 'order' => 'id DESC']);
$itemsps = [];
foreach($projects as $project) {
if(!$project->{'link_' . $lang. ''}) continue;
$itemsp['title_md'] = $project->title_md;
$itemsp['title_ru'] = $project->title_ru;
$itemsp['link'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. '/' . $lang . '/' . $project->{'link_' . $lang. ''};
$category = Categories::findFirst('alias = ' . "'$project->link_md'" . ' OR alias_ru = ' . "'$project->link_ru'");
$lastCat = NewsCategories::find('categories_id = ' . $category->id)->getLast();
if($lastCat === false) continue;
$lastImage = 'uploads/' . $lastCat['news_id'] . '.jpg';
$itemsp['image'] = $lastImage;
$itemsps[] = $itemsp;
How I can order by last records of:
$lastCat = NewsCategories::find('categories_id = ' . $category->id)->getLast();
Results in my array:
I dont know your DB but i bet you can achive your goal with just one query and some tables joins.
Please take some time to understand phalcon models
If you still want to use that format you could use array_multisort() to sort the array:
$projects = Projects::find(['conditions' => 'active = 1', 'order' => 'id DESC']);
$itemsps = [];
foreach($projects as $project) {
if(!$project->{'link_' . $lang. ''}) continue;
$itemsp['title_md'] = $project->title_md;
$itemsp['title_ru'] = $project->title_ru;
$itemsp['link'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. '/' . $lang . '/' . $project->{'link_' . $lang. ''};
$category = Categories::findFirst('alias = ' . "'$project->link_md'" . ' OR alias_ru = ' . "'$project->link_ru'");
$lastCat = NewsCategories::find('categories_id = ' . $category->id)->getLast();
$itemsp['lastCat'] = $lastCat; //ADD THIS
if($lastCat === false) continue;
$lastImage = 'uploads/' . $lastCat['news_id'] . '.jpg';
$itemsp['image'] = $lastImage;
$itemsps[] = $itemsp;
$lastCat_array = array();
foreach ($itemsps as $key => $row)
$lastCat_array[$key] = $row['lastCat'];
array_multisort($lastCat_array, SORT_DESC, $itemsps);

PHP/MySQL - Ordering a database table by year and month separately.

I'm trying to build a HTML table from a list of newsletters in a MySQL database.
It's currently ordered by descending order, and outputting as below:
As you will see the years are in the right place, but the months of the newsletters need to be in ascending order, while keeping the years in descending order, so that each newsletter matches up with the table this example:
Do I somehow need to use DATE_FORMAT to separate the ordering? The date in the database is formatted like this: 2014-07-01
$category_data_fields = '`id`';
$category_where_conditions = '`publish` = \'y\' and `fund_id` = ' . $this_fund_id . ' and `category_status` = \'n\'';
$category_result = $db->selectByStrings($category_data_fields, '`category`', $category_where_conditions, '`position`');
$resource_data_fields = '`id`, `date`, `heading`, `file`';
$heading_investor_newsletter = $lang_row['name'] . ' Investor Newsletters';
$copy_investor_newsletter = $tab0 . $lang_row['investor_news_copy'] . $retn . $retn;
$note = $tab1 . $lang_row['investor_news_note'] . $retn . $retn;
if ($db->getNumRows($category_result) > 0) {
$cat_data = $db->getNextRow($category_result);
* list selectable years
$resource_where_conditions = '`publish` = \'y\' and `category_id` = ' . $cat_data['id'];
$date_result = $db->selectByStrings($resource_data_fields, '`resource`', $resource_where_conditions, '`date` desc');
$current_year = '';
$base_url_query = (_USE_SEO_URLS === true) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&';
if ($req->isRequest ('year')) $url_year = $req->getRequest ('year');
if ($db->getNumRows($date_result) > 0) {
$copy_investor_newsletter .= $tab0 . '<table class="table table-bordered table-responsive"><tbody><thead><tr><th>January</th><th>Feburay</th><th>March</th><th>April</th><th>May</th><th>June</th><th>July</th><th>August</th><th>September</th><th>October</th><th>November</th><th>December</th></tr></thead>' . $retn;
while ($data = $db->getNextRow($date_result)) {
if (substr ($data['date'], 0, 4) != $current_year) {
$current_year = substr ($data['date'], 0, 4);
if (!isset ($latest_year)) $latest_year = $current_year;
if (!isset ($url_year)) {
$navsel = ' class="ActNav"';
$url_year = $current_year;
} elseif ($url_year == $current_year) {
$navsel = ' class="ActNav"';
$selected_year = $url_year;
} else $navsel = '';
$copy_investor_newsletter .= $tab1 . '<tr>';
// if ($url_year == $current_year) {
* read and display all newsletters for selected year
$resource_where_conditions = '`publish` = \'y\' and `category_id` = ' . $cat_data['id'] . ' and substr(`date`,1,4) = \'' . $current_year . '\'';
$resource_result = $db->selectByStrings($resource_data_fields, '`resource`', $resource_where_conditions, '`date` desc');
if ($db->getNumRows($resource_result) > 0) {
// $copy_investor_newsletter .= $retn . $tab2 . '<ul>' . $retn;
while ($data = $db->getNextRow($resource_result)) {
$copy_investor_newsletter .= $tab3 . '<td>' . $data['heading'] . '</td>' . $retn;
// $copy_investor_newsletter .= $tab2 . '</ul>' . $retn . $tab1;
// }
$copy_investor_newsletter .= '</tr>' . $retn;
$copy_investor_newsletter .= $tab0 . '</tbody></table>' . $retn . $retn;
... ORDER BY YEAR(`date`) DESC, MONTH(`date`) ASC
See also the documentation of YEAR and MONTH

Creating a php class for database insert functions

I am trying to create a class to save time on cleaning up my variables before sending them to the database to prevent sql injections. The basic systems is working now but i cant seem to get a where/or statement implemented. Does anyone know how to add this?
class Database {
private $db = '';
private $database = '';
function __construct($settings) {
$this->db = new mysqli('', $settings['mysql_user']['username'], $settings['mysql_user']['password']);
$this->database = $settings['mysql_user']['database'];
print_r('Database Loaded!<br/>');
public function query($method, $database, $rows, $params, $where = array(), $or = array()) {
$count = 0;
$amount = count($rows);
$final_rows = '';
$final_data = '';
$bind_names = array();
$bind_names[0] = '';
$param_types = array(
"int" => "i",
"string" => "s",
"double" => "d",
"blob" => "b"
switch($method) {
case 'INSERT':
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$count = $count + 1;
$final_rows .= '`' . $row . '`' . ($count != $amount ? ', ' : '');
$final_data .= '?' . ($count != $amount ? ', ' : '');
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO `' . $this->database . '`.`' . $database . '` (' . $final_rows . ') VALUES (' . $final_data . ')');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++)
$bind_name = 'bind'.$i;
$$bind_name = $params[$i][1];
$bind_names[0] .= $param_types[$params[$i][0]];
$bind_names[] = &$$bind_name;
call_user_func_array( array ($stmt, 'bind_param'), $bind_names);
return $stmt->execute();
case 'UPDATE':
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$count = $count + 1;
$final_rows .= '`' . $row . '`' . ($count != $amount ? ', ' : '');
$final_data .= '?' . ($count != $amount ? ', ' : '');
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('UPDATE `' . $this->database . '`.`' . $database . '` SET ' . $final_rows . '');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++)
$bind_name = 'bind'.$i;
$$bind_name = $params[$i][1];
$bind_names[0] .= $param_types[$params[$i][0]];
$bind_names[] = &$$bind_name;
call_user_func_array( array ($stmt, 'bind_param'), $bind_names);
return $stmt->execute();
case 'REPLACE':
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$count = $count + 1;
$final_rows .= '`' . $row . '`' . ($count != $amount ? ', ' : '');
$final_data .= '?' . ($count != $amount ? ', ' : '');
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('REPLACE INTO `' . $this->database . '`.`' . $database . '` (' . $final_rows . ') VALUES (' . $final_data . ')');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++)
$bind_name = 'bind'.$i;
$$bind_name = $params[$i][1];
$bind_names[0] .= $param_types[$params[$i][0]];
$bind_names[] = &$$bind_name;
call_user_func_array( array ($stmt, 'bind_param'), $bind_names);
return $stmt->execute();
Going to make a few assumptions, but first I'll recommend you use an ORM before whipping up your own solution. Here's a good list of PHP libraries (I've linked to the database sections, which includes some very well done stand-alone ORMs
That being said I'm going to assume the $where and $or arrays are both for the WHERE construct and the items in $where are combined via AND and the $or is combined via OR.
Because you didn't describe what kind of output you were looking for I'm also assuming your $where and $or are key/value pairs which translates to "key=value AND key=value AND (key=value OR key=value)".
DISCLAIMER: This example is kind of hacky, but is the shortest/simplest way to get the example across.
$whereQuery = '';
foreach ($where as $key => $value) {
$whereQuery .= "$key = $value AND";
if ($or !== array()) {
$whereQuery .= '(';
foreach ($or as $key => $value) {
$whereQuery .= "$key = $value OR";
if ($whereQuery !== '') {
if (($temp = strlen($whereQuery) - strlen('AND')) >= 0 && strpos($whereQuery, 'AND', $temp) !== false) {
$whereQuery = substr($whereQuery, -4);
} else {
$whereQuery = substr($whereQuery, -3) . ')';
$whereQuery = "WHERE $whereQuery";
You can then stick the $whereQuery at the end of an UPDATE or SELECT. Even if $where and $or are empty it'll still work.
You could move the loops into functions and make it recursive if the $value was another array so you could create more complex WHERE statements.

php mysql query condition oop

I was wondering how I could make a general function for SELECT mysql queries from my SelectQuery object in PHP. SelectQuery extends Query, which means it inherits the database connection, a realescape method (which is mysqli_real_escape_string()), and a query method which executes the query. Besides that, it also gets a protected variable called _sql, which is the SQL the query() method passes to the database. And it also gets a protected variable called _table, which contains the (escaped) name of the table it's working on.
My code:
public function select($columns = array('*'), $known = null, $limit = null, $offset = null, $orderby = null, $asc = true) {
if (!is_array($columns)) {
new Error('Parameter is not an array.');
$select = '';
foreach($columns as $column) {
$select .= (($select != '')?', ':'') . '`' . $this->realescape($column) . '`';
$conditions = '';
if (is_array($known)) {
foreach($known as $column => $value) {
$conditions .= (($conditions != '')?' AND ':'WHERE ') . '`' . $this->realescape($column) . '` = ' . ((is_string($value))?'\'':'') . $this->realescape($value) . ((is_string($value))?'\'':'');
$domain = '';
if ($limit !== null) {
$domain = 'LIMIT ' . $this->realescape($limit);
if ($offset !== null) {
$domain .= ' OFFSET = ' . $this->realescape($offset);
$order = '';
if ($orderby !== null) {
$order = 'ORDER BY `' . $this->realescape($orderby) . '` ' . (($asc)?'ASC':'DESC');
$this->_sql = 'SELECT ' . $select . ' FROM `' . $this->_table . '`';
if ($conditions != '') {
$this->_sql .= ' ' . $conditions;
if ($domain != '') {
$this->_sql .= ' ' . $domain;
if ($order != '') {
$this->_sql .= ' ' . $order;
return $this->query();
The $known variable might be set, if set it should be an array which contains all the 'known' elements of the rows we are selecting.
My question: How can I make this so that conditions such as
age < 18, or date > 5120740154 are easily made?
Also, if you think the way I'm making this work is wrong, please say so.
Thanks in advance
Dynamically build WHERE conditions that can use any operators
Create a $where array that holds your where conditions.
$where = array (
'age <' => 18,
'date >' => 5120740154
You can build that into your SQL query using a function like this:
private function buildWhereConditions($where) {
$conditions = 'WHERE 1=1';
/*1=1 is just so you can easily append ANDs */
foreach ($where as $key => $value) {
$conditions .= " AND $key $value ";
return $conditions;
This will return the where conditions to be appended to your query:
WHERE 1=1 AND age < 18 AND date > 5120740154

Change 'sort by' in plugin

I'm looking to edit the Gigpress code so that when events are not 'grouped by artist', they are still ordered by event date rather than artist name.
The Gigpress sidebar does this no problem so I figure that the main plugin should be able to be configured to do this somehow. Just can't get my head around this.
The plugin code is
// These two functions are for backwards-compatibility the shortcodes used in GigPress < 2.0
function gigpress_upcoming($filter = null, $content = null) {
if(!is_array($filter)) $filter = array();
$filter['scope'] = 'upcoming';
return gigpress_shows($filter, $content);
function gigpress_archive($filter = null, $content = null) {
if(!is_array($filter)) $filter = array();
$filter['scope'] = 'past';
return gigpress_shows($filter, $content);
function gigpress_shows($filter = null, $content = null) {
global $wpdb, $gpo;
$further_where = $limit = '';
'tour' => FALSE,
'artist' => FALSE,
'venue' => FALSE,
'limit' => FALSE,
'scope' => 'upcoming',
'sort' => FALSE,
'group_artists' => 'yes',
'artist_order' => 'custom',
'show_menu' => FALSE,
'show_menu_count' => FALSE,
'menu_sort' => FALSE,
'menu_title' => FALSE,
'year' => FALSE,
'month' => FALSE
), $filter)
$total_artists = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(*) from " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS);
// Date conditionals and sorting based on scope
switch($scope) {
case 'upcoming':
$date_condition = "show_expire >= '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "'";
if(empty($sort)) $sort = 'asc';
case 'past':
$date_condition = "show_expire < '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "'";
if(empty($sort)) $sort = 'desc';
case 'today':
$date_condition = "show_expire >= '".GIGPRESS_NOW."' AND show_date <= '".GIGPRESS_NOW."'";
if(empty($sort)) $sort = 'asc';
case 'all':
$date_condition = "show_expire != ''";
if(empty($sort)) $sort = 'desc';
// Artist, tour and venue filtering
if($artist) $further_where .= ' AND show_artist_id = ' . $wpdb->prepare('%d', $artist);
if($tour) $further_where .= ' AND show_tour_id = ' . $wpdb->prepare('%d', $tour);
if($venue) $further_where .= ' AND show_venue_id = ' . $wpdb->prepare('%d', $venue);
// Date filtering
// Query vars take precedence over function vars
if(isset($_REQUEST['gpy'])) {
$year = $_REQUEST['gpy'];
if(isset($_REQUEST['gpm'])) {
$month = $_REQUEST['gpm'];
} else {
$no_limit = TRUE;
// Validate year and date parameters
if($year || $month) {
if($year) {
if(is_numeric($year) && strlen($year) == 4) {
$year = round($year);
} else {
$year = date('Y', current_time('timestamp'));
} else {
// We've only specified a month, so we'll assume the year is current
$year = date('Y', current_time('timestamp'));
if($month) {
if($month == 'current') {
$month = date('m', current_time('timestamp'));
} elseif(round($month) == 0) {
// Probably using a month name
$month = date('m', strtotime($month));
} elseif(round($month) < 10) {
// Make sure the month is padded through 09
$month = str_pad($month, 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
} elseif(round($month) < 13) {
// Between 10 and 12 we're OK
$month = $month;
} else {
// Bogus month value (not a string and > 12)
// Sorry, bailing out. Your "month" will be ignored. Dink.
$month = FALSE;
$start_month = $end_month = $month;
if(!$month) {
$start_month = '01';
$end_month = '12';
$start = $year.'-'.$start_month.'-01';
$end = $year.'-'.$end_month.'-31';
$further_where .= ' AND show_date BETWEEN '.$wpdb->prepare('%s', $start).' AND '.$wpdb->prepare('%s', $end);
$limit = ($limit && !$no_limit) ? ' LIMIT ' . $wpdb->prepare('%d', $limit) : '';
$artist_order = ($artist_order == 'custom') ? "artist_order ASC," : '';
// With the new 'all' scope, we should probably have a third message option, but I'm too lazy
// Really, there should just be one generic 'no shows' message. Oh well.
$no_results_message = ($scope == 'upcoming') ? wptexturize($gpo['noupcoming']) : wptexturize($gpo['nopast']);
// Are we showing our menu?
if($show_menu) {
$menu_options = array();
$menu_options['scope'] = $scope;
$menu_options['type'] = $show_menu;
if($menu_title) $menu_options['title'] = $menu_title;
if($show_menu_count) $menu_options['show_count'] = $show_menu_count;
if($menu_sort) $menu_options['sort'] = $menu_sort;
if($artist) $menu_options['artist'] = $artist;
if($tour) $menu_options['tour'] = $tour;
if($venue) $menu_options['venue'] = $venue;
include gigpress_template('before-menu');
echo gigpress_menu($menu_options);
include gigpress_template('after-menu');
// If we're grouping by artist, we'll unfortunately have to first get all artists
// Then make a query for each one. Looking for a better way to do this.
if($group_artists == 'yes' && !$artist && $total_artists > 1) {
$artists = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " ORDER BY " . $artist_order . "artist_name ASC");
foreach($artists as $artist_group) {
$shows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " AS a, " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " as v, " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS ." AS s LEFT JOIN " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " AS t ON s.show_tour_id = t.tour_id WHERE " . $date_condition . " AND show_status != 'deleted' AND s.show_artist_id = " . $artist_group->artist_id . " AND s.show_artist_id = a.artist_id AND s.show_venue_id = v.venue_id " . $further_where . " ORDER BY s.show_date " . $sort . ",s.show_expire " . $sort . ",s.show_time ". $sort . $limit);
if($shows) {
// For each artist group
$some_results = TRUE;
$current_tour = '';
$i = 0;
$showdata = array(
'artist' => wptexturize($artist_group->artist_name),
'artist_id' => $artist_group->artist_id
include gigpress_template('shows-artist-heading');
include gigpress_template('shows-list-start');
foreach($shows as $show) {
// For each individual show
$showdata = gigpress_prepare($show, 'public');
if($showdata['tour'] && $showdata['tour'] != $current_tour && !$tour) {
$current_tour = $showdata['tour'];
include gigpress_template('shows-tour-heading');
$class = $showdata['status'];
++ $i; $class .= ($i % 2) ? '' : ' gigpress-alt';
if(!$showdata['tour'] && $current_tour) {
$current_tour = '';
$class .= ' divider';
$class .= ($showdata['tour'] && !$tour) ? ' gigpress-tour' : '';
include gigpress_template('shows-list');
include gigpress_template('shows-list-end');
if($some_results) {
// After all artist groups
include gigpress_template('shows-list-footer');
} else {
// No shows from any artist
include gigpress_template('shows-list-empty');
} else {
// Not grouping by artists
$shows = $wpdb->get_results("
SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " AS a, " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " as v, " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS ." AS s LEFT JOIN " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " AS t ON s.show_tour_id = t.tour_id WHERE " . $date_condition . " AND show_status != 'deleted' AND s.show_artist_id = a.artist_id AND s.show_venue_id = v.venue_id " . $further_where . " ORDER BY s.show_date " . $sort . ",s.show_expire " . $sort . ",s.show_time " . $sort . $limit);
if($shows) {
$current_tour = '';
$i = 0;
include gigpress_template('shows-list-start');
foreach($shows as $show) {
// For each individual show
$showdata = gigpress_prepare($show, 'public');
if($showdata['tour'] && $showdata['tour'] != $current_tour && !$tour) {
$current_tour = $showdata['tour'];
include gigpress_template('shows-tour-heading');
$class = $showdata['status'];
++ $i; $class .= ($i % 2) ? '' : ' gigpress-alt';
if(!$showdata['tour'] && $current_tour) {
$current_tour = '';
$class .= ' divider';
$class .= ($showdata['tour'] && !$tour) ? ' gigpress-tour' : '';
include gigpress_template('shows-list');
include gigpress_template('shows-list-end');
include gigpress_template('shows-list-footer');
} else {
// No shows to display
include gigpress_template('shows-list-empty');
echo('<!-- Generated by GigPress ' . GIGPRESS_VERSION . ' -->
return ob_get_clean();
function gigpress_menu($options = null) {
global $wpdb, $wp_locale, $gpo;
'type' => 'monthly',
'base' => get_permalink(),
'scope' => 'upcoming',
'title' => FALSE,
'id' => 'gigpress_menu',
'show_count' => FALSE,
'artist' => FALSE,
'tour' => FALSE,
'venue' => FALSE,
'sort' => 'desc'
), $options));
$base .= (strpos($base, '?') === FALSE) ? '?' : '&';
// Date conditionals based on scope
switch($scope) {
case 'upcoming':
$date_condition = ">= '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "'";
case 'past':
$date_condition = "< '" . GIGPRESS_NOW . "'";
case 'all':
$date_condition = "!= ''";
$further_where = '';
// Artist, tour and venue filtering
if($artist) $further_where .= ' AND show_artist_id = ' . $wpdb->prepare('%d', $artist);
if($tour) $further_where .= ' AND show_tour_id = ' . $wpdb->prepare('%d', $tour);
if($venue) $further_where .= ' AND show_venue_id = ' . $wpdb->prepare('%d', $venue);
// Variable operajigamarations based on monthly vs. yearly
switch($type) {
case 'monthly':
$sql_select_extra = 'MONTH(show_date) AS month, ';
$sql_group_extra = ', MONTH(show_date)';
$title = ($title) ? wptexturize(strip_tags($title)) : __('Select Month');
$current = (isset($_REQUEST['gpy']) && isset($_REQUEST['gpm'])) ? $_REQUEST['gpy'].$_REQUEST['gpm'] : '';
case 'yearly':
$sql_select_extra = $sql_group_extra = '';
$title = ($title) ? wptexturize(strip_tags($title)) : __('Select Year');
$current = (isset($_REQUEST['gpy'])) ? $_REQUEST['gpy'] : '';
// Build query
$dates = $wpdb->get_results("
SELECT YEAR(show_date) AS year, " . $sql_select_extra . " count(show_id) as shows
WHERE show_status != 'deleted'
AND show_date " . $date_condition . $further_where . "
GROUP BY YEAR(show_date)" . $sql_group_extra . "
ORDER BY show_date " . $sort);
if($dates) : ?>
<select name="gigpress_menu" class="gigpress_menu" id="<?php echo $id; ?>">
<option value="<?php echo $base; ?>"><?php echo $title; ?></option>
<?php foreach($dates as $date) : ?>
<?php $this_date = ($type == 'monthly') ? $date->year.$date->month : $date->year; ?>
<option value="<?php echo $base.'gpy='.$date->year; if($type == 'monthly') echo '&gpm='.$date->month; ?>"<?php if($this_date == $current) : ?> selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>>
<?php if($type == 'monthly') echo $wp_locale->get_month($date->month).' '; echo $date->year; ?>
<?php if($show_count && $show_count == 'yes') : ?>(<?php echo $date->shows; ?>)<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif;
return ob_get_clean();
The line under // Not grouping by artists
Change from:
$shows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " AS a, " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " as v, " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS ." AS s LEFT JOIN " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " AS t ON s.show_tour_id = t.tour_id WHERE " . $date_condition . " AND show_status != 'deleted' AND s.show_artist_id = a.artist_id AND s.show_venue_id = v.venue_id " . $further_where . " ORDER BY s.show_date " . $sort . ",s.show_expire " . $sort . ",s.show_time " . $sort . $limit);
$shows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . GIGPRESS_ARTISTS . " AS a, " . GIGPRESS_VENUES . " as v, " . GIGPRESS_SHOWS ." AS s LEFT JOIN " . GIGPRESS_TOURS . " AS t ON s.show_tour_id = t.tour_id WHERE " . $date_condition . " AND show_status != 'deleted' AND s.show_artist_id = a.artist_id AND s.show_venue_id = v.venue_id " . $further_where . " ORDER BY a.artist_name ASC,s.show_date " . $sort . ",s.show_expire " . $sort . ",s.show_time " . $sort . $limit);
