I am trying to create a class to save time on cleaning up my variables before sending them to the database to prevent sql injections. The basic systems is working now but i cant seem to get a where/or statement implemented. Does anyone know how to add this?
class Database {
private $db = '';
private $database = '';
function __construct($settings) {
$this->db = new mysqli('', $settings['mysql_user']['username'], $settings['mysql_user']['password']);
$this->database = $settings['mysql_user']['database'];
print_r('Database Loaded!<br/>');
public function query($method, $database, $rows, $params, $where = array(), $or = array()) {
$count = 0;
$amount = count($rows);
$final_rows = '';
$final_data = '';
$bind_names = array();
$bind_names[0] = '';
$param_types = array(
"int" => "i",
"string" => "s",
"double" => "d",
"blob" => "b"
switch($method) {
case 'INSERT':
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$count = $count + 1;
$final_rows .= '`' . $row . '`' . ($count != $amount ? ', ' : '');
$final_data .= '?' . ($count != $amount ? ', ' : '');
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO `' . $this->database . '`.`' . $database . '` (' . $final_rows . ') VALUES (' . $final_data . ')');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++)
$bind_name = 'bind'.$i;
$$bind_name = $params[$i][1];
$bind_names[0] .= $param_types[$params[$i][0]];
$bind_names[] = &$$bind_name;
call_user_func_array( array ($stmt, 'bind_param'), $bind_names);
return $stmt->execute();
case 'UPDATE':
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$count = $count + 1;
$final_rows .= '`' . $row . '`' . ($count != $amount ? ', ' : '');
$final_data .= '?' . ($count != $amount ? ', ' : '');
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('UPDATE `' . $this->database . '`.`' . $database . '` SET ' . $final_rows . '');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++)
$bind_name = 'bind'.$i;
$$bind_name = $params[$i][1];
$bind_names[0] .= $param_types[$params[$i][0]];
$bind_names[] = &$$bind_name;
call_user_func_array( array ($stmt, 'bind_param'), $bind_names);
return $stmt->execute();
case 'REPLACE':
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$count = $count + 1;
$final_rows .= '`' . $row . '`' . ($count != $amount ? ', ' : '');
$final_data .= '?' . ($count != $amount ? ', ' : '');
$stmt = $this->db->prepare('REPLACE INTO `' . $this->database . '`.`' . $database . '` (' . $final_rows . ') VALUES (' . $final_data . ')');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($params); $i++)
$bind_name = 'bind'.$i;
$$bind_name = $params[$i][1];
$bind_names[0] .= $param_types[$params[$i][0]];
$bind_names[] = &$$bind_name;
call_user_func_array( array ($stmt, 'bind_param'), $bind_names);
return $stmt->execute();
Going to make a few assumptions, but first I'll recommend you use an ORM before whipping up your own solution. Here's a good list of PHP libraries (I've linked to the database sections, which includes some very well done stand-alone ORMs https://github.com/ziadoz/awesome-php#database)
That being said I'm going to assume the $where and $or arrays are both for the WHERE construct and the items in $where are combined via AND and the $or is combined via OR.
Because you didn't describe what kind of output you were looking for I'm also assuming your $where and $or are key/value pairs which translates to "key=value AND key=value AND (key=value OR key=value)".
DISCLAIMER: This example is kind of hacky, but is the shortest/simplest way to get the example across.
$whereQuery = '';
foreach ($where as $key => $value) {
$whereQuery .= "$key = $value AND";
if ($or !== array()) {
$whereQuery .= '(';
foreach ($or as $key => $value) {
$whereQuery .= "$key = $value OR";
if ($whereQuery !== '') {
if (($temp = strlen($whereQuery) - strlen('AND')) >= 0 && strpos($whereQuery, 'AND', $temp) !== false) {
$whereQuery = substr($whereQuery, -4);
} else {
$whereQuery = substr($whereQuery, -3) . ')';
$whereQuery = "WHERE $whereQuery";
You can then stick the $whereQuery at the end of an UPDATE or SELECT. Even if $where and $or are empty it'll still work.
You could move the loops into functions and make it recursive if the $value was another array so you could create more complex WHERE statements.
I want to override batchinsert, because I want to add ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
$result = Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert('product', ['asin', 'title', 'image', 'url', 'price'], $results)->execute();
public function batchInsert($table, $columns, $rows)
if (empty($rows)) {
return '';
$schema = $this->db->getSchema();
if (($tableSchema = $schema->getTableSchema($table)) !== null) {
$columnSchemas = $tableSchema->columns;
} else {
$columnSchemas = [];
$values = [];
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$vs = [];
foreach ($row as $i => $value) {
if (isset($columns[$i], $columnSchemas[$columns[$i]]) && !is_array($value)) {
$value = $columnSchemas[$columns[$i]]->dbTypecast($value);
if (is_string($value)) {
$value = $schema->quoteValue($value);
} elseif ($value === false) {
$value = 0;
} elseif ($value === null) {
$value = 'NULL';
$vs[] = $value;
$values[] = '(' . implode(', ', $vs) . ')';
$query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $schema->quoteTableName($table);
$duplicate = ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ';
$last = end($columns);
foreach ($columns as $i => $name) {
$columns[$i] = $schema->quoteColumnName($name);
$duplicate .= $schema->quoteColumnName($name) . ' = VALUES(' . $schema->quoteColumnName($name) . ')';
if ($name <> $last) {
$duplicate .= ', ';
$query .= ' (' . implode(', ', $columns) . ') ';
$query .= ' VALUES ' . implode(', ', $values);
$query .= $duplicate;
return $query;
This is working but now I need to override yii\db\QueryBuilder
If found this: Yii::$app->db->commandClass = new common\models\Command();
and I can override the command class, but the code in yii\db\Schema should be updated too
public function createQueryBuilder()
return new \common\models\QueryBuilder($this->db);
Or I need to do something completely different, how can I fix this?
According to this discussion about non standard sql commands of devs you can do following (not tested):
class MyQueryBuilder extends yii\db\mysql\QueryBuilder
public function batchInsert($table, $columns, $rows)
$sql = parent::batchInsert($table, $columns, $rows);
return $sql;
or you can do this:
$db = Yii::$app->db;
$sql = $db->queryBuilder->batchInsert($table, $fields, $rows);
$db->createCommand($sql . ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE')->execute();
namespace common\models;
use yii\db\mysql\QueryBuilder as baseQueryBuilder;
class QueryBuilder extends baseQueryBuilder
public function batchInsert($table, $columns, $rows)
$sql = parent::batchInsert($table, $columns, $rows);
$schema = $this->db->getSchema();
$last = end($columns);
foreach ($columns as $i => $column)
$columns[$i] = $schema->quoteColumnName($column);
$sql .= $schema->quoteColumnName($column) . ' = VALUES(' . $schema->quoteColumnName($column) . ')';
if ($column <> $last) {
$sql .= ', ';
return $sql;
$db = Yii::$app->db;
$queryBuilder = new \common\models\QueryBuilder(Yii::$app->db);
$query = $queryBuilder->batchInsert('product', ['asin', 'title', 'image', 'url', 'price'], $results);
I want to transform this PHP function.. that should return JSON data.
$query = 'SELECT * FROM `' . mix_player::table() . '` a';
if (isset($_GET['cat']) || isset($_GET['order']))
if (isset($_GET['cat'])) {
$query .= ' INNER JOIN `' . mix_player::table_cat_rel() . '` b '
. "ON (a.`id` = b.`idtrack`) WHERE `idcat` = '" . $wpdb->escape($_GET['cat']) . "'";
$random = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT `random`, `order` FROM `' . mix_player::table_categories() . "` WHERE `id` = '"
. $wpdb->escape($_GET['cat']) . "'");
if (!$random)
$order = $wpdb->get_var(NULL, 1);
if (isset($_GET['order']))
$order = $_GET['order'];
if ($order != '') {
if (isset($_GET['cat']))
$query .= ' AND ';
$query .= ' WHERE ';
$tracks = mix_player::order_list($query, $order);
} else {
$random = '0';
$query .= ' ORDER BY `id` ASC';
if (isset($tracks) || ($tracks = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A))) {
// option "shuffle = true" not always working into mix. Do it our own way...
if ($random == 1) { // shuffle tracks?
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
mt_srand((float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000));
$nrows = count($tracks);
for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) {
$j = mt_rand(0, $nrows - 1); // pick j at random
$row = $tracks[$i]; // swap i, j
$tracks[$i] = $tracks[$j];
$tracks[$j] = $row;
foreach ($tracks as $row) {
$artist = (mix_player::entities($row['artist']));
echo ($artist);
$title = (mix_player::entities($row['title']));
echo ($title);
$url =(xspf_player::entities($row['url']));
echo ($url);
to display like this json file :
{"title":"title", "artist":"artist","media":"url media.mp3","color":"#56B0E8" },
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance.
You can simply create an array and populate it with your desired values, then return it as JSON:
function tracks2json( $tracks )
$retval = array();
foreach( $tracks as $row )
$array = array();
$array['artist'] = mix_player::entities($row['artist']);
$array['title'] = mix_player::entities($row['title']);
$array['media'] = 'url '.xspf_player::entities($row['url']);
$array['color'] = '#56B0E8';
$retval[] = $array;
return json_encode( $retval );
if( isset($tracks) || ($tracks = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A)) )
// Your MySQL routine here
$json = tracks2json( $tracks );
echo json_encode(array("title"=>$title,"artist"=>$artist,"url"=>$url));
This is a bit confusing for me, so I will try to explain it the best I can.
I am running update but nothing is happens.
This is the query which I get:
"UPDATE users SET name = :name, surname = :surname WHERE name = :name AND surname = :surname"
I start the query like this:
$data = ['name' => 'Sasha', 'surname' => 'M'];
$user = $users->where(['name' => 'TestName', 'surname' => 'TestSurname'])->update($data);
This is the update function:
public function update($data)
$fields = explode(',', $this->prepareFields($data));
$values = explode(',', $this->prepareValues($data));
$i = 0;
$count = count($fields);
$query = "UPDATE {$this->_tablename} SET ";
for($i; $i < $count; $i++):
$query .= $fields[$i] . " = " . $values[$i] . ',';
$query = rtrim($query, ',');
$query .= " WHERE " . rtrim($this->_dbWhere, ' AND ');
$this->_dbBind = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $this->_dbBind);
return $this->lastInsertId();
Where function:
public function where($field, $value = null)
$this->_dbWhere .= $field . ' = :' . $field . ' AND ';
$this->_dbBind[] = [$field => $value];
foreach($field as $key => $value):
$this->_dbWhere .= $key . ' = :' . $key . ' AND ';
$this->_dbBind[] = [$key => $value];
return $this;
Bind data function:
public function bindData($data)
foreach ($data as $key => $value) :
$this->bind(':' . $key, $value);
public function bind($param, $value, $type = null){
if (is_null($type)) {
switch (true) {
case is_int($value):
$type = \PDO::PARAM_INT;
case is_bool($value):
$type = \PDO::PARAM_BOOL;
case is_null($value):
$type = \PDO::PARAM_NULL;
$type = \PDO::PARAM_STR;
$this->stmt->bindValue($param, $value, $type);
Prepare fields and prepare values:
public function prepareFields($data)
return $fields = implode(', ', array_keys($data));
public function prepareValues($data)
$values = implode(', :', array_keys($data));
return ':' . $values;
Query function:
public function query($query){
$this->stmt = $this->handler->prepare($query);
The crux of this is that you use the same placeholder :fieldname in the WHERE clause and in the SET portion of the statement. You do need to correct other small issues raised here, but a simple solution is to make this change in the where() function:
// make up a placeholder name distinct from the one used in SET clause
$field_placeholder = ":where_".$field
$this->_dbWhere .= $field . ' = ' . $field_placeholder . ' AND ';
$this->_dbBind[] = [$field_placeholder => $value];
this is the first time I'm using PDO and I'm trying to create a function to inserting data in a table just by passing 3 parameters.
This is the function:
public function insert($t, $v, $r)
if ($this->active)
if (($t != null) && ($r != null) && ($v != null) && (count($v) == count($r)))
$instruction = 'INSERT INTO `' . DBNAME . '`.`' . $t . '` (';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($r); $i++)
$_r[$i] = '`' . $r[$i] . '`';
$_r = implode(',', $_r);
$instruction .= $_r . ') VALUES (';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($r); $i++)
$r[$i] = ':' . $r[$i];
$r = implode(',', $r);
$instruction .= $r . ');';
$statement = $this->PDO->prepare($instruction);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($r); $i++)
$statement->bindParam($r[$i], $v[$i]);
echo $instruction;
return true;
} else
return false;
} else
return false;
I tried this:
$t = "users";
$v = array(201);
$r = array("id_user");
$data->insert($t, $v, $r);
But it doesn't work. That's what it returns:
Warning: PDOStatement::execute() [pdostatement.execute]: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/friz/mysql_functions.php on line 68
INSERT INTO friz.users (id_user) VALUES (:id_user);
Can you help me?
P.S.: I used the search function, but I didn't find anything to solve my problem.
Your line
$r = implode(',', $r);
converts $r from an array to a string;
so it no longer contains an array of names when you try to bind; so $r[$i] will simply be the first character of the string $r which is a ':'
for ($i = 0; $i < count($r); $i++)
$_r1[$i] = '`' . $r[$i] . '`';
$_r1 = implode(',', $_r1);
$instruction .= $_r1 . ') VALUES (';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($r); $i++)
$_r2[$i] = ':' . $r[$i];
$_r2 = implode(',', $_r2);
$instruction .= $_r2 . ');';
will leave $r as an array
I was wondering how I could make a general function for SELECT mysql queries from my SelectQuery object in PHP. SelectQuery extends Query, which means it inherits the database connection, a realescape method (which is mysqli_real_escape_string()), and a query method which executes the query. Besides that, it also gets a protected variable called _sql, which is the SQL the query() method passes to the database. And it also gets a protected variable called _table, which contains the (escaped) name of the table it's working on.
My code:
public function select($columns = array('*'), $known = null, $limit = null, $offset = null, $orderby = null, $asc = true) {
if (!is_array($columns)) {
new Error('Parameter is not an array.');
$select = '';
foreach($columns as $column) {
$select .= (($select != '')?', ':'') . '`' . $this->realescape($column) . '`';
$conditions = '';
if (is_array($known)) {
foreach($known as $column => $value) {
$conditions .= (($conditions != '')?' AND ':'WHERE ') . '`' . $this->realescape($column) . '` = ' . ((is_string($value))?'\'':'') . $this->realescape($value) . ((is_string($value))?'\'':'');
$domain = '';
if ($limit !== null) {
$domain = 'LIMIT ' . $this->realescape($limit);
if ($offset !== null) {
$domain .= ' OFFSET = ' . $this->realescape($offset);
$order = '';
if ($orderby !== null) {
$order = 'ORDER BY `' . $this->realescape($orderby) . '` ' . (($asc)?'ASC':'DESC');
$this->_sql = 'SELECT ' . $select . ' FROM `' . $this->_table . '`';
if ($conditions != '') {
$this->_sql .= ' ' . $conditions;
if ($domain != '') {
$this->_sql .= ' ' . $domain;
if ($order != '') {
$this->_sql .= ' ' . $order;
return $this->query();
The $known variable might be set, if set it should be an array which contains all the 'known' elements of the rows we are selecting.
My question: How can I make this so that conditions such as
age < 18, or date > 5120740154 are easily made?
Also, if you think the way I'm making this work is wrong, please say so.
Thanks in advance
Dynamically build WHERE conditions that can use any operators
Create a $where array that holds your where conditions.
$where = array (
'age <' => 18,
'date >' => 5120740154
You can build that into your SQL query using a function like this:
private function buildWhereConditions($where) {
$conditions = 'WHERE 1=1';
/*1=1 is just so you can easily append ANDs */
foreach ($where as $key => $value) {
$conditions .= " AND $key $value ";
return $conditions;
This will return the where conditions to be appended to your query:
WHERE 1=1 AND age < 18 AND date > 5120740154