How to access Windows Printer logs from PHP? [closed] - php

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I would like to be able to view the Printer History in Windows using PHP.
The information I require includes:
Document name
Page count
Date printed
Is there any way to get this information in PHP?

In order to enable the print log on Windows 10:
You need to access the Event viewer. You can search for it in Windows search.
Once you have Event viewer open, expand Application and Services log>Microsoft>Windows>PrintService.
You will see two event types here; Admin, and Operational. If you’ve never enabled print logs before, right-click Operational and from the context menu select, Properties. On the General tab, enable the ‘Enable logging’ option, and you’re good to go.
Now, for viewing this file in PHP:
exec('wevtutil qe Microsoft-Windows-PrintService/Operational', $output);


Is there a smart way open a node js server on your website while still using php [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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i have a website where you click on a tomato and get points based on how many times you've klicked on it. The problem is that it's all running on php and AJAX requests. Every 10 seconds an request is sent on how many clicks the user has now, and the server updates. So in theory a user could just send requests of them having 30000 clicks and it would register. A friend of mine said that i should use node and register every click individualy with a socket, but everything so far is running on php. Is there a way to open a node server and make it talk with php?

I want to change keyboard input language programmatically using php [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to change keyboard input language programmatically using PHP.
my website is fully multi language supportive by user choice selection so everything is fine, but user entered something at that time i want to change keyboard language same as page content changed.
It's not possible because it is a client side and it's related to operating system.
now i have a one solution and that is create a custom keyboard i.e "virtual keyboard" but i'm not sure because i think it's a software so, i think user need to install it manualy.
I want programmatically solution.
please help me.
It can be possible with virtual keyboard

can people read the content of an online php file? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My php file online has permission settings 444 - ('readable' for everyone)
When I open the file in Firefox, it correctly only shows the output of the file (meaning things that are echoed or printed)
I want people to NOT EVER see the inside of the php file because it shows sensitive information. So - are there some people that are able to look into the inside of the php file?
Unless someone has access to the server then generally no.
There are ways to purposely make the source code visible however.

Server-side parser(?) for specified data [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm learning php and website development in general. Currently I'm trying to write a script in php that would access a website as Internet Explorer (important) and look for a specified word/pattern everywhere possible. Simply parsing doesn't do the job.
The thing is, I can do that manually - I open website X and press F12 in Internet Explorer->debugging section and I search there. However I have no idea how to implement such a thing in php or any other language.
Need to extract data from a webpage the same way I do it manually (explained in paragraph above). However, simply parsing doesn't do the job. I need to achieve that in php or some other server side language.
In addition to limited approaches such as file_get_contents followed by a string search (or XML parser), you can look into more feature rich libraries such as the SimpleTest Scriptable Web Browser.
You'll want to modify the user agent string in order to simulate a request from Internet Explorer.

PHP website file transfer [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to build a website with PHP where my users can host their music files on my server. When my users log into my site, they are presented with a file directory of all their songs, and can drag and drop to add new ones to their collection, delete old ones hosted on my server, rename them, stream music, download it, etc, etc.
My question is this: what is the best way to facilitate this file transfer/showing directories/all stuff mentioned above? FTP? HTTP requests? Speed is key for me. Suggestions?
(And if you might be able to point me to a framework to start with in your response that would be really cool too)
javascript, jQuery, php's opendir();, php's readdir(); with combination of ajax
for streaming, flash player
