I want to change keyboard input language programmatically using php [closed] - php

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to change keyboard input language programmatically using PHP.
my website is fully multi language supportive by user choice selection so everything is fine, but user entered something at that time i want to change keyboard language same as page content changed.
It's not possible because it is a client side and it's related to operating system.
now i have a one solution and that is create a custom keyboard i.e "virtual keyboard" but i'm not sure because i think it's a software so, i think user need to install it manualy.
I want programmatically solution.
please help me.

It can be possible with virtual keyboard


Hide Codeigniter from WhatCms detection [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I wanted to know if it was possible to prevent detection of the codeigniter framework from a site like whatscms.org ?
Thank you in advance for your answers and your help.
Did you take a look at the "How We Detect Content Management Systems" section of whatcms.org? It details how they do some of their detection, which would give you some clues as to how to hide. This answer provides some even better clues as well.
Doing a Google search for "hide codeigniter from cms detector" (without quotes) returns a plethora of results about what you may need to change inside Codeigniter itself to hide.

Data to be inserted in online database of a Website when there is no internet [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am working on an ERP System(Website) developed in php(Laravel).The requirement which i need to implement is that when ever there is no internet but if a user wants to submit data,he/she could do that and when internet comes and website start working.i want that offline data to be retrieved.
Happy Coding!
This maybe sound like a workaround. But you could do that by using localStorage of your browser. if you choose this path you have to check periodically whether the internet is available in the client machine. And also check the localstorage to look for data to submit. Of course you'll have to use javascript to check what i'm suggesting

Using PHP to change HTML permanently [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want my client to be able to log into their website, fill out a form and then have that webpage permanently have whatever they put into that form. Is there a way to use php to take whatever is submitted in that form and replace the html content with it? Im new to php, which functions could I use? And is it possible for php to permanently change anything on a site? Im not terribly concerned with security
Start with wordpress and if you don't like it, then there are other content management systems out there. Google can help you find one too.
Wordpress site

database on php only server [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to create a site with a tiny CMS, the problem is that there is only php installed on the server.
The site will mainly consit of two pages the user page and admin page. On the user page there is to be a bunch of checkboxes which when checked will do some math(not the problem I need solved). On the admin page you need to be able to add the checkboxes and assing them their values.
My approach was to read and write to a XML file that contains the data instead of a database. I have run into a lot of problems trying to accomplish this, and I am looking for some good ideas for how it can be done, or alternatives.
Thanks in advance.
You can use sqlite as database engine. This way you also create a portable version of your application and by using PDO you could always switch to another database engine later on.

Provide embedded block for another site [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to provide some functionality to another site.
What way is better and why?
1. Iframe
2. Provide PHP code and HTML/CSS.
I trust another site's admin.
First option is good but you keep all the responsabilities on your side. if an error occur, you're the only one to blame.
HOW? : you generate a regular Html page and give them an iframe. that's how facebook does it.
Option 2 is the eazy way but you talk about storing things into your DB. in this case i hope you know the guy who manage the other website.
