Wrong Data Coming from database - php

I try to make student result management system. I face problem when I try to give position every student depend on their total obtain mark in exam. In my output I get 1st(obtain mark 448),2nd(obtain mark 444),3rd(obtain mark 445),4th(obtain mark 447), 15th(obtain mark 450),8th(obtain mark 449) But I don't find any problem in my code. It should be 1st(obtain mark 450),2nd(obtain mark 449)....
if (!function_exists('get_student_position')) {
function get_student_position($school_id, $academic_year_id, $class_id, $student_id, $section_id = null) {
$condition = " academic_year_id = $academic_year_id ";
$condition .= " AND school_id = $school_id";
$condition .= " AND class_id = $class_id";
$condition .= " AND student_id = $student_id";
$condition .= " AND section_id = $section_id";
$ci = & get_instance();
$sql = "SELECT id, avg_grade_point, FIND_IN_SET( (avg_grade_point+total_obtain_mark),
( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( (avg_grade_point+total_obtain_mark) ORDER BY avg_grade_point DESC )
FROM final_results ) ) AS rank
FROM final_results
WHERE $condition";
$result = $ci->db->query($sql)->row();
$rank = '';
$rank = $result->rank;
if($rank == 1){
return $rank.'st';
}elseif($rank == 2){
return $rank.'nd';
}elseif($rank == 3){
return $rank.'rd';
}elseif($rank > 3 ){
return $rank.'th';
return '--';


display only if has group of numbers

I need to return list with prices only if there have groups i try already if else empty not !=
nothing help any suggestions ?
$usergroups = '11,9,10';
if (empty($usergroups)) {
$fields = 'MIN(IF(prices.percentage_discount = 0, prices.price, prices.price - (prices.price * prices.percentage_discount)/100)) as price, prices.usergroup_id as usergroup_id, ud.usergroup as usergroup_name';
$condition = db_quote(' prices.product_id = ?i AND prices.usergroup_id IN (?p) AND ud.lang_code = ?s', $product['product_id'], $usergroups, DESCR_SL);
$group_by = 'usergroup_id';
$join = '?:usergroup_descriptions as ud ON ud.usergroup_id = prices.usergroup_id';
$opt_prices = db_get_array("SELECT ?p FROM ?:product_prices as prices LEFT JOIN ?p WHERE ?p GROUP BY ?p", $fields, $join, $condition, $group_by);
$currencies = Registry::get('currencies');
foreach ($opt_prices as &$price) {
$price['current'] = 0;
if (in_array($price['usergroup_id'], $auth['usergroup_ids'])) {
$price['current'] = 1;
$product['price'] = $price['price'];
$price['price'] = number_format($price['price'], 2, '.', ' ') . ' $';
$product['group_discounts'] = $opt_prices;
So i want display $product['group_discounts'] = $opt_prices;
only if there is $usergroups = '11,9,10';
Answer your comment:
You used that but ok here an example :
$usergroups = array('11','9','10');
if (in_array($opt_prices,$usergroups)){
echo 'yes';
echo 'no';

Ambiguous column in Codeigniter Datatables server side

I'm working on a system that has several server-side datatables but i facing issues with 2 joins when i try to order de columns.
I receive the following message when try to sort the columns:
Query error: Column 'notes' in order clause is ambiguous - Invalid query: SELECT *
FROM `tbl_project`
LEFT JOIN `tbl_client` ON `tbl_project`.`client_id`=`tbl_client`.`client_id`
LEFT JOIN `tbl_account_details` ON `tbl_project`.`created_by` = `tbl_account_details`.`user_id`
LEFT JOIN `tbl_notes` ON `tbl_project`.`notes` = `tbl_notes`.`notes_id`
WHERE `tbl_project`.`client_id` = '100'
This is the code with my query:
$id = $this->input->post("client_id");
$client_details = get_row('tbl_client', array('client_id' => $id));
$draw = intval($this->input->post("draw"));
$start = intval($this->input->post("start"));
$length = intval($this->input->post("length"));
$order = $this->input->post("order");
$search= $this->input->post("search");
$search = $search['value'];
$col = 0;
$dir = "";
foreach($order as $o)
$col = $o['column'];
$dir= $o['dir'];
if($dir != "desc" && $dir != "desc")
$dir = "desc";
$valid_columns = array(
$order = null;
$order = $valid_columns[$col];
if($order !=null)
$this->db->order_by($order, $dir);
$searchQuery = "";
if($search != ''){
$searchQuery = " (tbl_project.project_id like'%".$search."%' OR tbl_project.end_date like'%".$search."%' OR tbl_project.project_status like'%".$search."%' OR tbl_notes.notes like'%".$search."%' OR tbl_notes.eco like'%".$search."%' OR tbl_account_details.origen like'%".$search."%' OR tbl_client.name like'%".$search."%') ";
$this->db->join('tbl_client', 'tbl_project.client_id=tbl_client.client_id','left');
$this->db->join('tbl_account_details', 'tbl_project.created_by = tbl_account_details.user_id','left');
$this->db->join('tbl_notes', 'tbl_project.notes = tbl_notes.notes_id','left');
$this->db->where('tbl_project.client_id', $client_details->client_id);
if($searchQuery != '')
$cita = $this->db->get()->result();
For some reason the ORDER BY is not set as tbl_notes.notes
Any suggestion on how to fix this?
Thanks in advance
EDIT: i have added more code so there is more visibility of the process
The error occurs, because your column name is not unique, it exists in more than one table.
append the table name of the searched column to your query to make it unique:
for example in this line:
$this->db->order_by('my_table_name.'.$order, $dir);
that would generate something like
ORDER BY `my_table_name.notes` DESC
edit: or in case you have to address columns from several different tables you could change your $valid_columns array:
$valid_columns = array(
// etc.
and maintain the remaining original code.

How can I do this sql filter results

I have an website there are 5 categories, i only want to show the 1-4 category only in the new posts..how can I edit the code to do this job? thanks
Here is my code, and I do that in my sql by using following code:
SELECT * FROM `ff_se` WHERE Wid in ('1','2','3','4')"
but i dont know how to do that in php code. following is my part of php code:
$this->TableSe = 'ff_se';
$this->TableSeWord = 'ff_se_word';
$this->TableSeSupport = 'ff_se_support';
$this->TableSePost = 'ff_se_post';
$this->TableSePostTableId = 'ff_se_post_tableid';
public function GetAjaxList($Get){
$Results = array();
$Get = $this->StrToGBK($Get);
$Page = $Get['page'] ? intval($Get['page']):0;
$Where = '';
$Order = 'S.updateline';
if($Get['type'] == 'New'){
$Order = 'S.dateline';
}else if($Get['type'] == 'Hot'){
$Order = 'S.updateline';
$Where .= ' and (S.support_count >= '.$this->Config['PluginVar']['ListHotVal'].' OR S.comment_count >= '.$this->Config['PluginVar']['ListHotVal'].')';
$Where .= ' and S.dateline >= '.strtotime("-".$this->Config['PluginVar']['ListHotDataline']." hours",time());
}else if($Get['type'] == 'Nearby'){//
$Order = 'S.updateline';
if($Get['lng'] && $Get['lat']){
$SquarePoint = $this->GetReturnSquarePoint($Get['lng'],$Get['lat'],$this->Config['PluginVar']['Distance']);
$Where .= ' and S.lat <> 0 and S.lat > '.$SquarePoint['right-bottom']['lat'].' and S.lat < '.$SquarePoint['left-top']['lat'].' and S.lng > '.$SquarePoint['left-top']['lng'].' and S.lng < '.$SquarePoint['right-bottom']['lng'];
return $Results;
$Where .= ' and S.wid = '.intval($_GET['wid']);
$Where .= ' and S.display = 1 and S.fast_add_display = 1';
$Where = preg_replace('/and/','where',$Where,1);
$this->Config['PluginVar']['ListNum'] = $this->Config['PluginVar']['ListNum'] ? $this->Config['PluginVar']['ListNum'] : 10;
$Limit = 'LIMIT '.($Page * $this->Config['PluginVar']['ListNum']).','.$this->Config['PluginVar']['ListNum'];
$FetchSql = 'SELECT W.title as Ttitle,S.* FROM '.DB::table($this->Tablese).' S LEFT JOIN '.DB::table($this->TableSeWord).' W on W.id = S.wid '.$Where .' order by topdateline > '.time().' desc,'.$Order.' desc,S.dateline desc '.$Limit;
$Results = $this->ListFormat(DB::fetch_all($FetchSql));
return $Results;
I think you should try and understand the code first before you modify it ... but anyway:
You would only need to append the condition to the where clause generated in the PHP code.
You could do that by adding THE LINE MARKED "THIS LINE IS NEW" after this line:
$Where = '';
And this is the relevant part of the code:
$Where = '';
$Order = 'S.updateline';
if($Get['type'] == 'New'){
$Where .= ' and S.wid in (1,2,3,4)'; //THIS LINE IS NEW
$Order = 'S.dateline';
}else .......
As you can see any redundant initial "and"s are replaced with "where" here:
$Where = preg_replace('/and/','where',$Where,1);
so this should work - assuming that $Get['type'] == 'New' means that this is a new post which I can only guess.

Handling a bunch of various requests into the database

I currently have a php page that grabs information from a database and produces HTML with data attributes that are filled in by from the MySQL query. The database is going to be used to search, with many different options for searches.
What I need help with is knowing a way so to organize how the many variables are handled. It's a really big mess of code, and even with all the comments I put it gives me a headache trying to figure out how to add another variable to the search.
All the variables, except for the LIMIT to which row and how many results, are optional. So if someone leaves everything except that blank, I still want it to function as well as if they meticulously filled in all the fields.
Here's what I have, with 6 variables.
$product_size = "(".$_GET['size']." BETWEEN productsizeDOWN AND productsizeUP)"; // This code sets the variable to input into the MySQL string based on the URL
$product_size_check = $_GET['size']; // the _checks check are used to see if the value is or isn't empty using if statements below
$manufacturer = $_GET['manufacturer'];
$product_manufacterer_check = $_GET['manufacturer']; // _check
$product_invisible = "(hideproduct = '".$_GET['invisible']."')"; // Checks if product is hidden
$product_invisible_check = $_GET['invisible']; // _check
$product_instock_check = $_GET['instock']; // _check
$product_limit0 = $_GET['startat']; // This is the first number after LIMIT; the row to start in.
$product_limit1 = $_GET['results']; // This is how many results to load.
$manufacturer_array = explode(",", $manufacturer); // The manufacturer comes in as "Nike,Addidas,Rebok" and is turned into an array
$manufacturer_imploded = implode("' OR productmanufacturer = '", $manufacturer_array); // Puts it back together with "OR productmanufacturer =" between each name.
$product_manufacterer = ("(productmanufacturer = '".$manufacturer_imploded."')"); // formats it so it can be directly inserted into MySQL string with a WHERE in front.
if($product_invisible_check == ""){
$product_invisible = "";
}else{$where = "WHERE ";}; //Useless code that I havn't deleted that I tried to use when I searched the entire database
if($product_size_check == ""){
$product_size = "";
}else{$where = "WHERE ";};
if($product_manufacterer_check == ""){
$product_manufacterer = "";
}else{$where = "WHERE ";};
if($product_instock_check == "N"){
$product_instock = "(stockstatus <= '0' AND donotallowbackorders = 'Y') AND "; // Checks if product is in stock (Allowing backordering OR stock >1)
$where = "WHERE ";
elseif($product_instock_check == "Y") {
$product_instock = "(stockstatus > '0' OR donotallowbackorders = 'N') AND ";
$where = "WHERE ";
else {
$product_instock = "";
$sql="Select * FROM ioa7pd_Products WHERE ".$product_instock.$product_size."AND".$product_manufacterer_and.$product_manufacterer."".$product_invisible." LIMIT ".$product_limit0.", ".$product_limit1; // The end result of it all.
echo $sql;
When the URL is
the resulting SQL query is
Select * FROM ioa7pd_Products WHERE (stockstatus > '0' OR donotallowbackorders = 'N') AND (5 BETWEEN productsizeDOWN AND productsizeUP)AND(productmanufacturer = 'Nike' OR productmanufacturer = 'Addidas' OR productmanufacturer = 'Rebok')(hideproduct = 'N') LIMIT 0, 30
But I plan to add more options to the search.
My main question is simply: What way can I organize this to make it simple to add more variables? Tiered if statements?
Travesty has been helping me with my code and has really been great in organizing it.
Here is the current code. It needs to be secure to prevent injection.
// Database connection
$con = mysql_connect("[CENSORED]","[CENSORED]","[CENSORED]")
or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("[CENSORED]") or die('Could not select database');
// Begin organization of URL variables into MYSQL Query
$get_size = $_GET['size'];
$get_manufacturer = $_GET['manufacturer'];
$get_invisible = $_GET['invisible'];
$get_instock = $_GET['instock'];
$get_sex = $_GET['sex'];
$get_startat = $_GET['startat'];
$get_results = $_GET['results'];
if ($get_size != ""){
$all_selectors[] = "(".$get_size." BETWEEN productsizeDOWN AND productsizeUP)"; // Add to array if size is not blank.
if ($get_manufacturer != ""){
$manufacturer_exploded = explode(",", $get_manufacturer);
$manufacturer_imploded = implode("' OR productmanufacturer = '", $manufacturer_exploded);
$all_selectors[] = ("(productmanufacturer = '".$manufacturer_imploded."')");
if ($get_invisible != ""){
$all_selectors[] = "(hideproduct = '".$get_invisible."')";
if($get_instock == "N" or $get_instock == "n"){
$all_selectors[] = "(stockstatus <= '0' AND donotallowbackorders = 'Y')";
}elseif($get_instock == "Y" or $get_instock == "y") {
$all_selectors[] = "(stockstatus > '0' OR donotallowbackorders = 'N')";
if ($get_startat != "" or $get_results != ""){
$number_results = "LIMIT ".$get_startat.", ".$get_results;
} else {
$number_results = "LIMIT 0, 15";
// All variables are now in an array, except "startat" and "results"
$all_selectors0 = "WHERE ".implode(" AND ", $all_selectors);
// Create SQL query
$sql="Select * FROM sadsads_Products ".$all_selectors0." ".$number_results;
I would do something more like this. It's not tested and probably not 100% complete...you may need to do some further customization, particularly with adding more special cases to the switch statement, but this will make adding more variables much easier:
One key thing to note is that you aren't sanitizing your database inputs. Your code is vulnerable to SQL injection. My example above helps to solve that, but this code isn't fully tested, so you should ensure that all user input is sanitized before using it in any query.
If your field names don't match up with your MySQL columns (which it looks like they don't), then you can fix them with an associative array:
$columns = array(
// [form field] => [mysql column]
'size' => 'product_size',
'manufacturer' => 'product_manufacturer',
'invisible' => 'hideproduct'
// ...
And then in your switch statement, do something more like this:
$whereClause[] = "{$columns[$key]} = '{$value}'";
DOCUMENTED SAMPLE - has plenty of comments and extra stuff to make it work on Codepad
EXACT WORKING CODE - you should be able to copy and paste this (and add your DB credentials) and it should work:
$con = mysqli_connect("[CENSORED]", "[CENSORED]", "[CENSORED]") or die("Could not connect: ". mysqli_error());
mysqli_select_db("[CENSORED]") or die("Could not select database");
$columns = array(
'size' => 'product_size',
'manufacturer' => 'product_manufacturer',
'invisible' => 'hideproduct'
$whereClause = array();
$limit = array("startat" => 0, "results" => 15);
foreach ($_GET as $key=>$value) {
$key = mysqli_real_escape_string($key);
if (is_array($value)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($value); $i++) {
$value[$i] = mysqli_real_escape_string($value[$i]);
} else {
$value = mysqli_real_escape_string($value);
switch ($key) {
case 'size':
$whereClause[] = "({$value} BETWEEN productsizeDOWN AND productsizeUP)";
case 'startat':
case 'results':
$limit[$key] = $value;
case 'instock':
$whereClause[] = "(stockstatus ". ($value == 'N' ? "<=" : ">") ." '0' ". ($value == 'N' ? "AND" : "OR") ." donotallowbackorders = '". ($value == 'N' ? "Y" : "N") ."')";
default: {
if (is_array($value)) {
$whereClause[] = "{$columns[$key]} IN ('". implode("', '", $value) ."')";
} else {
$whereClause[] = "{$columns[$key]} = '{$value}'";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ioa7pd_Products". (empty($whereClause) ? "" : " WHERE ". implode(" AND ", $whereClause)) ." LIMIT {$limit['startat']}, {$limit['results']}";
echo $sql;
else {
$product_instock = "";
$limit = '';
if( !empty($product_limit0) && !empty($product_limit1) )
$limit = " LIMIT $product_limit0, $product_limit1";
$sql="Select * FROM ioa7pd_Products WHERE ".$product_instock.$product_size."AND".$product_manufacterer_and.$product_manufacterer."".$product_invisible." $limit"; // The end result of it all.
echo $sql;
If you have separate params in $_GET, you would have to traverse with multiple if statements. you can pass the params as an array into $_GET, with numeric keys, that would help a bunch.

MySQL two selects but totally different

ok I have to tables they are along the same lines, but one that lists all stores that sell goods and one that is products that we sell.
Think of it like Fruit and Veg totally different.
What I need to work out is if there is 7 fruit and we need 8 listings then go and get a random veg and show it in the same results.
Here is what our query currently looks like. you will notice we can send a $count which we send as 8 but we may want to increase to 10 or even make it 4.
public function realcashoffers($state,$count)
$this->state = $state;
$this->number = $count;
//print count($this->JSONselect("business_stores","*",NULL,NULL),1);
print $this->JSONselect("approved_business, business_stores, Real_Cash_Offers"," *, group_concat(offer ORDER BY offer ASC SEPARATOR ',') as offers"," approved_business.id = business_stores.business_id AND Real_Cash_Offers.business_id = approved_business.id AND Real_Cash_Offers.storeid = business_stores.storeid AND business_stores.state = '{$this->state}'","GROUP BY id ORDER BY RAND(), approved_business.id DESC LIMIT {$this->number} ");
this->JSONselect goes to
//JSON select
public function JSONselect($table,$options,$where,$orderby)
$options = empty($options) ? "*" : $options;
$where = empty($where) ? "1=1" : $where;
$orderby = empty($orderby) ? "" : $orderby;
$qry = "SELECT $options FROM $table WHERE $where $orderby ";
//print $qry;
$result = mysql_query($qry) or die(json_encode(array("error",mysql_error())));
while(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))){ $resultArray[] = $row; }
//print json_encode($resultArray);
return count($resultArray) < 1 ? print "[".json_encode(array("error"=>"sorry"))."]" : json_encode($resultArray);
If I understand correctly I think what your looking for is something along the lines of this;
Update the main function to determine if there were enough results and call the secondary query if not
public function realcashoffers($state,$count)
$this->state = $state;
$this->number = $count;
$result = $this->JSONselect("approved_business, business_stores, Real_Cash_Offers"," *, group_concat(offer ORDER BY offer ASC SEPARATOR ',') as offers"," approved_business.id = business_stores.business_id AND Real_Cash_Offers.business_id = approved_business.id AND Real_Cash_Offers.storeid = business_stores.storeid AND business_stores.state = '{$this->state}'","GROUP BY id ORDER BY RAND(), approved_business.id DESC LIMIT {$this->number} ");
$remaining = count($result) - $count;
if ($remaining) {
$result = array_merge($result, $this->JSONselect(.. enter secondary call here using $remaining as the limit..);
Update JSONselect to return the results instead of being responsible for printing them as well
public function JSONselect($table,$options,$where,$orderby)
$resultArray = array();
$options = empty($options) ? "*" : $options;
$where = empty($where) ? "1=1" : $where;
$orderby = empty($orderby) ? "" : $orderby;
$qry = "SELECT $options FROM $table WHERE $where $orderby ";
//print $qry;
$result = mysql_query($qry) or die(json_encode(array("error",mysql_error())));
while(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))){ $resultArray[] = $row; }
//print json_encode($resultArray);
return $resultArray;
create JSONprint that will print the results returned
protected function JSONprint($resultArray) {
return count($resultArray) < 1 ? print "[".json_encode(array("error"=>"sorry"))."]" : json_encode($resultArray);
