Ambiguous column in Codeigniter Datatables server side - php

I'm working on a system that has several server-side datatables but i facing issues with 2 joins when i try to order de columns.
I receive the following message when try to sort the columns:
Query error: Column 'notes' in order clause is ambiguous - Invalid query: SELECT *
FROM `tbl_project`
LEFT JOIN `tbl_client` ON `tbl_project`.`client_id`=`tbl_client`.`client_id`
LEFT JOIN `tbl_account_details` ON `tbl_project`.`created_by` = `tbl_account_details`.`user_id`
LEFT JOIN `tbl_notes` ON `tbl_project`.`notes` = `tbl_notes`.`notes_id`
WHERE `tbl_project`.`client_id` = '100'
This is the code with my query:
$id = $this->input->post("client_id");
$client_details = get_row('tbl_client', array('client_id' => $id));
$draw = intval($this->input->post("draw"));
$start = intval($this->input->post("start"));
$length = intval($this->input->post("length"));
$order = $this->input->post("order");
$search= $this->input->post("search");
$search = $search['value'];
$col = 0;
$dir = "";
foreach($order as $o)
$col = $o['column'];
$dir= $o['dir'];
if($dir != "desc" && $dir != "desc")
$dir = "desc";
$valid_columns = array(
$order = null;
$order = $valid_columns[$col];
if($order !=null)
$this->db->order_by($order, $dir);
$searchQuery = "";
if($search != ''){
$searchQuery = " (tbl_project.project_id like'%".$search."%' OR tbl_project.end_date like'%".$search."%' OR tbl_project.project_status like'%".$search."%' OR tbl_notes.notes like'%".$search."%' OR like'%".$search."%' OR tbl_account_details.origen like'%".$search."%' OR like'%".$search."%') ";
$this->db->join('tbl_client', 'tbl_project.client_id=tbl_client.client_id','left');
$this->db->join('tbl_account_details', 'tbl_project.created_by = tbl_account_details.user_id','left');
$this->db->join('tbl_notes', 'tbl_project.notes = tbl_notes.notes_id','left');
$this->db->where('tbl_project.client_id', $client_details->client_id);
if($searchQuery != '')
$cita = $this->db->get()->result();
For some reason the ORDER BY is not set as tbl_notes.notes
Any suggestion on how to fix this?
Thanks in advance
EDIT: i have added more code so there is more visibility of the process

The error occurs, because your column name is not unique, it exists in more than one table.
append the table name of the searched column to your query to make it unique:
for example in this line:
$this->db->order_by('my_table_name.'.$order, $dir);
that would generate something like
ORDER BY `my_table_name.notes` DESC
edit: or in case you have to address columns from several different tables you could change your $valid_columns array:
$valid_columns = array(
// etc.
and maintain the remaining original code.


How can I do this sql filter results

I have an website there are 5 categories, i only want to show the 1-4 category only in the new can I edit the code to do this job? thanks
Here is my code, and I do that in my sql by using following code:
SELECT * FROM `ff_se` WHERE Wid in ('1','2','3','4')"
but i dont know how to do that in php code. following is my part of php code:
$this->TableSe = 'ff_se';
$this->TableSeWord = 'ff_se_word';
$this->TableSeSupport = 'ff_se_support';
$this->TableSePost = 'ff_se_post';
$this->TableSePostTableId = 'ff_se_post_tableid';
public function GetAjaxList($Get){
$Results = array();
$Get = $this->StrToGBK($Get);
$Page = $Get['page'] ? intval($Get['page']):0;
$Where = '';
$Order = 'S.updateline';
if($Get['type'] == 'New'){
$Order = 'S.dateline';
}else if($Get['type'] == 'Hot'){
$Order = 'S.updateline';
$Where .= ' and (S.support_count >= '.$this->Config['PluginVar']['ListHotVal'].' OR S.comment_count >= '.$this->Config['PluginVar']['ListHotVal'].')';
$Where .= ' and S.dateline >= '.strtotime("-".$this->Config['PluginVar']['ListHotDataline']." hours",time());
}else if($Get['type'] == 'Nearby'){//
$Order = 'S.updateline';
if($Get['lng'] && $Get['lat']){
$SquarePoint = $this->GetReturnSquarePoint($Get['lng'],$Get['lat'],$this->Config['PluginVar']['Distance']);
$Where .= ' and <> 0 and > '.$SquarePoint['right-bottom']['lat'].' and < '.$SquarePoint['left-top']['lat'].' and S.lng > '.$SquarePoint['left-top']['lng'].' and S.lng < '.$SquarePoint['right-bottom']['lng'];
return $Results;
$Where .= ' and S.wid = '.intval($_GET['wid']);
$Where .= ' and S.display = 1 and S.fast_add_display = 1';
$Where = preg_replace('/and/','where',$Where,1);
$this->Config['PluginVar']['ListNum'] = $this->Config['PluginVar']['ListNum'] ? $this->Config['PluginVar']['ListNum'] : 10;
$Limit = 'LIMIT '.($Page * $this->Config['PluginVar']['ListNum']).','.$this->Config['PluginVar']['ListNum'];
$FetchSql = 'SELECT W.title as Ttitle,S.* FROM '.DB::table($this->Tablese).' S LEFT JOIN '.DB::table($this->TableSeWord).' W on = S.wid '.$Where .' order by topdateline > '.time().' desc,'.$Order.' desc,S.dateline desc '.$Limit;
$Results = $this->ListFormat(DB::fetch_all($FetchSql));
return $Results;
I think you should try and understand the code first before you modify it ... but anyway:
You would only need to append the condition to the where clause generated in the PHP code.
You could do that by adding THE LINE MARKED "THIS LINE IS NEW" after this line:
$Where = '';
And this is the relevant part of the code:
$Where = '';
$Order = 'S.updateline';
if($Get['type'] == 'New'){
$Where .= ' and S.wid in (1,2,3,4)'; //THIS LINE IS NEW
$Order = 'S.dateline';
}else .......
As you can see any redundant initial "and"s are replaced with "where" here:
$Where = preg_replace('/and/','where',$Where,1);
so this should work - assuming that $Get['type'] == 'New' means that this is a new post which I can only guess.

Join 3 tables codeigniter php

I have 3 tables guest_user_info,pg_company,user_profile.
In guest_user_info have 2 columns:
g_uid | company_id
In pg_company have 2 columns:
company_id | user_id
In user_profile have 2 columns:
id |user_email
Here i want to get user_email from user_profile.i have g_uid value (in guest_user_info table).i want company_id from guest_user_info and get the company_id and match with pg_company table,there i can get user_id.then match with that user_id with id in user_profile last i need user_email from user_profile table
Well its a simple one, you just need to join using active query in CodeIgniter.
$this->db->select("", "UP.user_email");
$this->db->from("guest_user_info AS GU");
$this->db->join("pg_company AS PC", "PC.company_id=GU.company_id");
$this->db->join("user_profile AS UP", "");
$this->db->where("GU.g_uid", $guid);
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
In above code, $guid you have to provide which you have.
Also please take a look at these links:
You get so many things after reading this.
Check bellow code it`s working fine and common model function also
supported more then one join and also supported multiple where condition
//put bellow code in your controller
$album_id='';//album id
//pass join table value in bellow format
$join_str[0]['table'] = 'pg_company';
$join_str[0]['join_table_id'] = 'pg_company.company_id';
$join_str[0]['from_table_id'] = 'guest_user_info.company_id';
$join_str[0]['join_type'] = '';//set join type
$join_str[1]['table'] = 'user_profile';
$join_str[1]['join_table_id'] = '';
$join_str[1]['from_table_id'] = 'guest_user_info.user_id';
$join_str[1]['join_type'] = '';
$selected ="guest_user_info.*,user_profile.user_name,";
$condition_array=array('guest_user_info.g_uid' => $g_uid);
$albumData= $this->common->select_data_by_condition('guest_user_info', $condition _array, $selected, '', '', '', '', $join_str);
//call common model function
if (!empty($albumData)) {
print_r($albumData); // print album data
//put bellow code in your common model file
function select_data_by_condition($tablename, $condition_array = array(), $data = '*', $sortby = '', $orderby = '', $limit = '', $offset = '', $join_str = array()) {
//if join_str array is not empty then implement the join query
if (!empty($join_str)) {
foreach ($join_str as $join) {
if ($join['join_type'] == '') {
$this->db->join($join['table'], $join['join_table_id'] . '=' . $join['from_table_id']);
} else {
$this->db->join($join['table'], $join['join_table_id'] . '=' . $join['from_table_id'], $join['join_type']);
//condition array pass to where condition
//Setting Limit for Paging
if ($limit != '' && $offset == 0) {
} else if ($limit != '' && $offset != 0) {
$this->db->limit($limit, $offset);
//order by query
if ($sortby != '' && $orderby != '') {
$this->db->order_by($sortby, $orderby);
$query = $this->db->get($tablename);
//if limit is empty then returns total count
if ($limit == '') {
//if limit is not empty then return result array
return $query->result_array();

sort varchar column codeigniter

i first checked if there any same problems like mine i ddnt find anything.
all are sorting alphanumeric column mixed with numeric data.
here is my problem.
i have a table that contain column A datas like this.
WRG-01 WRG-39 WRG-22 WRG-45 WRG-43
need to sort that as
WRG-01 WRG-22 WRG-39 WRG-43 WRG-45
this is the code i using so far in codeigniter frame work
$data['products'] = $this->db->order_by('product_id', 'asc')->get('products');
in mysql i can use this query to get done my work
preg_replace("/[^\d]/", "",'product_id'), 'asc')
How to apply it to my above codeigniter code?
here is search funtion
public function search()
$data['title'] = 'Search Product';
$product_name = $this->input->get('product_name');
$product_id = $this->input->get('product_id');
$product_category = $this->input->get('product_category');
$secondCategory = $this->input->get('secondCategory');
$thirdCategory = $this->input->get('thirdCategory');
$data['category'] = $this->db->order_by('id', 'asc')->get_where('categories', ['parent' => 0]);
if($product_category != '')
$data['secondCategory'] = $this->db->get_where('categories', ['parent' => $product_category]);
if($secondCategory != '')
$data['thirdCategory'] = $this->db->get_where('categories', ['parent' => $secondCategory]);
if($product_name != '')
$this->db->like('product_name', $product_name);
if($product_id != '')
$this->db->where('product_id', $product_id);
if($product_category != '')
$this->db->where('product_category', $product_category);
if($secondCategory != '')
$this->db->where('secondCategory', $secondCategory);
if($thirdCategory != '')
$this->db->where('thirdCategory', $thirdCategory);
$data['products'] = $this->db->order_by('product_id' 'asc')->get('products');
theme('all_product', $data);
i can't use sql query here because products is result array from product table.
Use MySQL cast
cast(product_id as SIGNED)
cast(product_id as UNSIGNED)
Try query like that :-
select * from products cast(product_id as UNSIGNED) ASC|DESC
Try this
$query= $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE ??==?? ORDER BY product_id ASC");
$result= $query->result_array();
return $result;
as default data will sort by Ascending Order
This is in model. So if you pass it to controller it will return data as Objective Array.
So in controller you can access
$result = $this->model_name->method_for_above_code();
$name = $result[0]['name'];
$id = $result[0]['id'];
if in View
$result['this_for_view'] = $this->model_name->method_for_above_code();
foreach ($this_for_view as $new_item) {
echo "Name is ".$new_item['name'];
echo "ID is ".$new_item['id'];

MySQL Search from Multiple User supplied where clause - Fix and Better Algorithm

I want to run search query where i have multiple where clause. and multiple depends upon the user argument.
for example i mean, Search may depend on 1 column, 2 column, 3 column or 6 column in my case, and i don't want to run if-elseif-else statement with all column probability. So, i have just built up below function, but i am stuck with and that comes in between multiple column search case. Below is my code :-
function listPlayer($player="player_guest", $group="group_guest",
$weapon="weapon_guest", $point="point_guest", $power="level_guest",
$status="status_guest") {
$lePlayer = (isset($player) && $player != "player_guest") ?
'player= '.$mysqli->real_escape_string($player).' and' : '';
$leGroup = (isset($group) && $group != "group_guest") ?
'group= '.$mysqli->real_escape_string($group).' and' : '';
$leWeapon = (isset($weapon) && $weapon != "weapon_guest") ?
'weapon= '.$mysqli->real_escape_string($weapon).' and' : '';
$lePoint = (isset($point) && $point != "point_guest") ?
'point= '.$mysqli->real_escape_string($point).' and' : '';
$lePower = (isset($power) && $power != "level_guest") ?
'level= '.$mysqli->real_escape_string($power).' and' : '';
$leStatus = (isset($status) && $status != "status_guest") ?
'status= '.$mysqli->real_escape_string($status).' and' : '';
$query = "Select pid, name from game where {$lePlayer} {$leGroup} {$leWeapon} {$lePoint} {$lePower} {$leStatus} ";
$runQuery = $mysqli->query($query);
but problem is and at the end. If i use them, than i have extra and at the end, and if i don't use them that's again an error.
Can some one help me to fix and find better way to do it.
Update: My Update Code that works if some one needs them Thanks to Barmar
function listPlayer($player="player_guest", $group="group_guest",
$weapon="weapon_guest", $point="point_guest", $power="level_guest",
$status="status_guest") {
$lePlayer = (isset($player) && $player != "player_guest") ?
'player= '.$mysqli->real_escape_string($player) : '' ;
$leGroup = (isset($group) && $group != "group_guest") ?
'group= '.$mysqli->real_escape_string($group) : '' ;
$leWeapon = (isset($weapon) && $weapon != "weapon_guest") ?
'weapon= '.$mysqli->real_escape_string($weapon) : '' ;
$lePoint = (isset($point) && $point != "point_guest") ?
'point= '.$mysqli->real_escape_string($point) : '' ;
$lePower = (isset($power) && $power != "level_guest") ?
'level= '.$mysqli->real_escape_string($power) : '' ;
$leStatus = (isset($status) && $status != "status_guest") ?
'status= '.$mysqli->real_escape_string($status) : '' ;
$condition_array = ( $lePlayer , $leGroup , $leWeapon , $lePoint , $lePower , $leStatus)
$condition_stirng = implode(' and ', $condition_array);
$query = "Select pid, name from game where ".$condition_stirng;
$runQuery = $mysqli->query($query);
I got mail from someone at my email which says my code is vulnerable to SQL Injection. Here it is POC
Put all the conditions in an array. Then combine them with:
$condition_string = implode(' and ', $condition_array);
The simple solution is to trim the "and" off at the end:
$query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query) - 3);
however a more efficient way would be to put them in a loop, like this:
$wheres = array("player_guest"=>$player, "group_guest"=>$group.....);
$query_where = "";
$i = 0;
foreach($wheres as $where=>$value){
list($condition, $null) = explode("_",$where);
$query_where .= $condition . "='" . $mysqli->real_escape_string($value)."'";
if($i != sizeof($wheres)){
$query_where .= " and ";
This is extendable for any number of conditions, and doesnt require the extra string function at the end.
Notice the $defaults is needed to make sure your conditions work. A bit repetitive, but it's all due to your function declaration.
function listPlayer(
$status="status_guest") {
//I'm just copying whatever is in the default parameters ;)
$defaults = array(
'player' => 'player_guest',
'group' => 'group_guest',
'weapon' => 'weapon_guest',
'point' => 'point_guest',
'power' => 'level_guest',
'status' => 'status_guest'
//Set all user parameters into an array, easier to loop through
$data = compact(array_flip($defaults));
//Then we build conditions
$conditions = array();
foreach($data as $k => $v) {
if ($defaults[k] !== $v) {
$v = $mysqli->real_escape_string($v);
$conditions[] = "$k='$v'";
//And build query
$query = "SELECT pid, name FROM game WHERE ".implode(" AND ", $conditions);
$runQuery = $mysqli->query($query);
First of all I recommend you to look at PDO when you work with MySQL in PHP.
Such tasks are always simply solved with array maps.
function listPlayer($player = null, $group = null, $weapon = null, $point = null, $power = null, $status = null) {
$defaults = array(
'player' => 'player_guest',
'group' => 'group_guest',
'weapon' => 'weapon_guest',
'point' => 'point_guest',
'status' => 'status_guest',
$values = compact(array_keys($defaults));
$filtered = array_filter(array_diff_assoc($values, $defaults)); //firstly filtering out defaults, then - nulls.
$where = '';
foreach($filtered as $column => $value){
$where .= ' AND ';
$where .= sprintf("`%s` = '%s'", $column, $mysqli->real_escape_string($value));
$query = "SELECT pid, name FROM game WHERE $where";

MySQL two selects but totally different

ok I have to tables they are along the same lines, but one that lists all stores that sell goods and one that is products that we sell.
Think of it like Fruit and Veg totally different.
What I need to work out is if there is 7 fruit and we need 8 listings then go and get a random veg and show it in the same results.
Here is what our query currently looks like. you will notice we can send a $count which we send as 8 but we may want to increase to 10 or even make it 4.
public function realcashoffers($state,$count)
$this->state = $state;
$this->number = $count;
//print count($this->JSONselect("business_stores","*",NULL,NULL),1);
print $this->JSONselect("approved_business, business_stores, Real_Cash_Offers"," *, group_concat(offer ORDER BY offer ASC SEPARATOR ',') as offers"," = business_stores.business_id AND Real_Cash_Offers.business_id = AND Real_Cash_Offers.storeid = business_stores.storeid AND business_stores.state = '{$this->state}'","GROUP BY id ORDER BY RAND(), DESC LIMIT {$this->number} ");
this->JSONselect goes to
//JSON select
public function JSONselect($table,$options,$where,$orderby)
$options = empty($options) ? "*" : $options;
$where = empty($where) ? "1=1" : $where;
$orderby = empty($orderby) ? "" : $orderby;
$qry = "SELECT $options FROM $table WHERE $where $orderby ";
//print $qry;
$result = mysql_query($qry) or die(json_encode(array("error",mysql_error())));
while(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))){ $resultArray[] = $row; }
//print json_encode($resultArray);
return count($resultArray) < 1 ? print "[".json_encode(array("error"=>"sorry"))."]" : json_encode($resultArray);
If I understand correctly I think what your looking for is something along the lines of this;
Update the main function to determine if there were enough results and call the secondary query if not
public function realcashoffers($state,$count)
$this->state = $state;
$this->number = $count;
$result = $this->JSONselect("approved_business, business_stores, Real_Cash_Offers"," *, group_concat(offer ORDER BY offer ASC SEPARATOR ',') as offers"," = business_stores.business_id AND Real_Cash_Offers.business_id = AND Real_Cash_Offers.storeid = business_stores.storeid AND business_stores.state = '{$this->state}'","GROUP BY id ORDER BY RAND(), DESC LIMIT {$this->number} ");
$remaining = count($result) - $count;
if ($remaining) {
$result = array_merge($result, $this->JSONselect(.. enter secondary call here using $remaining as the limit..);
Update JSONselect to return the results instead of being responsible for printing them as well
public function JSONselect($table,$options,$where,$orderby)
$resultArray = array();
$options = empty($options) ? "*" : $options;
$where = empty($where) ? "1=1" : $where;
$orderby = empty($orderby) ? "" : $orderby;
$qry = "SELECT $options FROM $table WHERE $where $orderby ";
//print $qry;
$result = mysql_query($qry) or die(json_encode(array("error",mysql_error())));
while(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))){ $resultArray[] = $row; }
//print json_encode($resultArray);
return $resultArray;
create JSONprint that will print the results returned
protected function JSONprint($resultArray) {
return count($resultArray) < 1 ? print "[".json_encode(array("error"=>"sorry"))."]" : json_encode($resultArray);
