How to pass multiple columns to a variable in php - php

I'm working on a project which requires more than one column contents to be passed to a php variable
I am able to select and pass one column content to the variable but failed on multiple columns
$myEMPNEM = "";
$sqlNEM = "SELECT first_name, middle_name, last_name, job_title FROM
t_employees WHERE user_name = '" . $_SESSION["uname"] . "'";
$resultNEM = mysqli_query( $conn, $sqlNEM );
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultNEM))
$myEMPNEM = $row['first_name'];
I expect more than one column content to be passed to the php variable

You either need to use the variable as an array:
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultNEM))
$myEMPNEM = array($row['first_name'], $row['middle_name'], $row['last_name']);
Or concatenate the values together into a single string:
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($resultNEM))
$myEMPNEM = $row['first_name'] . " " . $row['middle_name'] . " " . $row['last_name'];


The new item is added twice at the end of the column

I am trying to update the store column by adding new item (string) to the end of the column,
But what happens is the new item is added twice at the end of the column, This is the code:
$query = "SELECT * FROM users";
$result = $conn->query($query);
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
$item = 'item_name';
$store = $row['store'];
$newstore = $store . '|' . $item;
echo 'newstore : ' . $newstore . '<br>'; // It looks normal : store|item
$sql = "UPDATE users SET store='" . $newstore . "' WHERE username='" . $row['username'] . "'";
In in the database I find: store|item|item
Rather than reading the entire table and looping through it with PHP, run just a single UPDATE query to concatenate the extra data onto the column.:
$item = 'item_name';
$query = "UPDATE users SET store=concat(store,'|','$item')";
$result = $conn->query($query);
Note: this form is potentially open to SQL injection if you can't trust the value in $item. You'd do better to use a prepared query if that's the case.

I Have this headache with PHP and MySQL

I have this problem:
function search_by_name($mysql, $name, $lastname)
$query = 'SELECT idKlienci FROM Klienci WHERE Imie = "' . $name . '"
AND Nazwisko = "' . $lastnem . '"';
$result = $mysql->query($query);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result); // I want to get the ID' of table `Klienci1`
// and here i don't know how many dimentions have this array
echo $row[0][0]; // prints nothing
$lastnem != $lastname
So change the query to use the correct variable name
$query = 'SELECT idKlienci
FROM Klienci
WHERE Imie = "' . $name . '"
AND Nazwisko = "' . $lastname . '"';
To make this kind of code easier to read you can also make use of the fact that variables in a double quoted string are automatically expanded. Which make this easier to read and therefore debug.
$query = "SELECT idKlienci
FROM Klienci
WHERE Imie = '$name'
AND Nazwisko = '$lastname'";
$result = $mysql->query($query);
// use mysqli_fetch_assoc() then you get only one assoc array
// so you can use named parameters to the array.
// the names will match the column names in the table
//$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
// also mysqli_fetch_assoc() only returns one row at a time
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
// a row is always one dimensional so do
echo $row['id'];
So if you have more than one row in the resultset of your query you have to get the results in a loop
$result = $mysql->query($query);
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo $row['id'] . '<br>';
Now you should see both rows
MYSQL doesn't use double quotes for strings, it uses simple quotes:
$query = "SELECT idKlienci FROM Klienci WHERE Imie = '$name' AND Nazwisko = '$lastname'";
You can also add the variable directly into PHP strings when you're using double quotes, without the need to concatenate them.
Your Argument name $lastname & used variable $lastnem name are not same.
try this :
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
echo $row[0];

Retrieving data belonging to a session and user id

I am trying to obtain data from the current session and the field "bidder_id" from tbl_bidder where the field "accept" has the value Accepted, but I get data of all the users in that table which is not I want. This is my code
<?php } else if (($_SESSION['Usertype']) == 'recruiter') { ?>
<table class="table table-hover">
$u_id = $_SESSION['UserID'];
$notifyR = " SELECT bidid, recbid_id, bidder_id, selected, accept FROM tbl_bides WHERE recbid_id = '" . $u_id . "'";
$ResultR = mysql_query($notifyR, $con);
while ($rowR = mysql_fetch_array($ResultR)) {
if ($rowR['accept'] == "Accepted") {
echo "<h3 style='color:#001F7A;'><b>You Have Updates </b><i class='fa fa-bell-o'></i></h3>";
echo $rowR['bidder_id'];
$recR = "SELECT users_id, first_name, last_name FROM tbl_users WHERE users_id = '" . $rowR['bidder_id'] . "'";
$recResultB = mysql_query($recR, $con)or die(mysql_error());
while ($rowre = mysql_fetch_array($recResultB)) {
echo " <tr><td>" . $rowre['first_name'] . " " . $rowre['last_name'] . "</td></tr>";
Please help!!!
Change From
$notifyR = " SELECT bidid, recbid_id, bidder_id, selected, accept FROM tbl_bides WHERE recbid_id = '" . $u_id . "'";
$notifyR = " SELECT bidid, recbid_id, bidder_id, selected, accept FROM tbl_bides WHERE recbid_id = '" . $u_id . "' and accept = 'Accepted' ";
add this on your query and accept = 'Accepted' in $notifyR
I hope you might need to use the following query if you stored the user id in $_SESSION['UserID']. May be logical error: And also use mysqli_query instead of mysql_query which is deprecated in latest php versions. And instead of binding the variable directly in query, use bind param of prepared statement.
$recR = "SELECT users_id, first_name, last_name FROM tbl_users WHERE users_id = '" . $_SESSION['UserID'] . "' LIMIT 1";
If you only want to execute the second query (selecting the user associated with the given bid) when the bid has been "accepted" then you need to move that code into your conditional:
if ($rowR['accept'] == "Accepted") {
echo "<h3 style='color:#001F7A;'><b>You Have Updates </b><i class='fa fa-bell-o'></i></h3>";
echo $rowR['bidder_id'];
$recR = "SELECT users_id, first_name, last_name
FROM tbl_users
WHERE users_id = '" . $rowR['bidder_id'] . "'";
$recResultB = mysql_query($recR, $con)or die(mysql_error());
while ($rowre = mysql_fetch_array($recResultB)) {
echo " <tr><td>" . $rowre['first_name'] . " " . $rowre['last_name'] . "</td></tr>";
// echo $rowre['users_id'];
You may want to consider using a newer interface to MySQL, such as PDO, and protecting your code from SQL injection attacks by using techniques such as prepared statements or at least input cleansing.

variable as SELECT constraint

I am setting a variable that contains an array as a constraint to a SELECT sql statement. However the constraint seems only to apply to one piece of data in the array. Why is this?
Code below:
include 'connection.php';
$Date = $_POST['date'];
$Unavail = 0;
$Avail = 0;
$Availid = 0;
$low = 99999;
$query = "SELECT username FROM daysoff WHERE date = '$Date'";
$dayresult = mysql_query($query);
while($request = mysql_fetch_array($dayresult)) {
$Unavail = $request;
echo "<span>" . $Unavail['username'] . " is unavailable.</br>";
$query1 = "SELECT Username, name, work_stats FROM freelance WHERE Username != '$Unavail[username]'";
$dayresult1 = mysql_query($query1);
while($request1 = mysql_fetch_array($dayresult1)) {
echo "<span>" . $request1['name'] . " is available.</br>";
if ($request1['work_stats']<=$low) {
$low = $request1['work_stats'];
$Availid = $request1['name'];
echo "<span>" . $Availid . " is available on " . $_POST['date'] . " and is on workstat level " . $low . ".</span></br>";
The output shows two names in the first echo but then shows one of those names as available in the second echo (these echos are only in place as part of my testing),
Many Thanks
The first query can have multiple results.
SELECT username FROM daysoff WHERE date = '$Date'
Let's say if gives two rows: Dave and John.
You're only keeping the last record so it will seem like Dave is available.
You should probably do something like:
$query = "SELECT username FROM daysoff WHERE date = '$Date'";
$dayresult = mysql_query($query);
$unavailable_users = array();
while($request = mysql_fetch_array($dayresult)) {
$unavailable_users[] = $request["username"];
echo "<span>" . $Unavail['username'] . " is unavailable.</br>";
$query1 = "SELECT Username, name, work_stats FROM freelance
WHERE NOT Username IN ('" . implode("','", $unavailable_users) . "')";
// etc
Or in one go with a LEFT JOIN:
SELECT `Username`, `name`, `work_stats`
FROM `freelance`
LEFT JOIN `daysoff` ON `freelance`.`Username` = `daysoff`.`username`
AND `daysoff`.`date` = '$Date'
`daysoff`.`username` IS NULL

Pass set of array into MySQL query as parameters

what am trying to do here is get data from mysql generated checkboxes. The check boxes data are in array . So for all the check boxes selected I want to use each as a parameter in a query to get more info from another databastablee.
Sample Code Below
if (isset($_POST['submitCourseCode'])) {
$aElective = $_POST['electiveModules'];
foreach($aElective as $snode) {
echo "$snode <br />";
$Query = "SELECT ID,title,credits
FROM module
WHERE ID IN('" . implode("', '", $aElective) ."')";
$Result = mysql_query($Query)
or die ("Query failed: " . mysql_error() . " Actual query: " . $Query);
while ($Row = mysql_fetch_array($Result)) {
$id = htmlentities($Row['ID']);
$title = htmlentities($Row['title']);
$credits = $Row['credits'];
echo "<ul>" . $id . " " . $title . " " . $credits . "</ul>";
Screenshot of my result
Am guessing something is happening with my query probably because of the implode function but everything seems fine in my query.Any suggestions on what am doing wrong?
You need to trim array elements using array_map('trim', $aElective) as:
$Query = "SELECT ID,title,credits
FROM module
WHERE ID IN('" . implode("','", array_map('trim', $aElective)) ."')";
There is a problem with white spaces before your IDs in IN clause.
Try to add a str_replace() call
$Query = "SELECT ID,title,credits
FROM module
WHERE ID IN('" . str_replace(" ", "", implode("', '", $aElective)) ."')";
