Truncate 64Bit Integer to 32Bit and simulate value - php

I'm trying to write an algorithm to convert a 64Bit integer to 32Bit via truncation, and return a value accurately representing a 32Bit value. The obvious problem is that integers in PHP are only 64Bit (barring 32Bit systems).
I first tried the following:
$x = $v & 0xFFFFFFFF
So if $v = PHP_INT_MAX, $x is 4294967295, when really I want -1. I know the reason for this is that when represented as a 64Bit integer, PHP prepends the zeros to the last 32 bits, and thats why I get a positive number.
My solution so far is this:
function convert64BitTo32Bit(int $v): int
$v &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
if ($v & 0x80000000) {
return $v | 0xFFFFFFFF00000000;
return $v;
And I'm pretty sure its right. The problem I have with this is that it requires that if statement to inspect whether the truncated number is negative. I was really hoping for a bitwise only solution. It may not be possible, but I thought I'd ask.
The problem can be simplified to just part of the solution. i.e. if the first bit is 1, make all bits 1, if first bit is 0 make all bits 0.
# example assumes input is the LSBs of an 8Bit integer.
# scale for 64Bit and the same solution should work.
op(1010) = 1111
op(0101) = 0000
op(0000) = 0000
op(1000) = 1111
op(0001) = 0000
I would be able to use the LSBs to derive this value, then mask it onto the MSBs of the 64Bit integer. This is what I'm trying to figure out now, though I'm trying to avoid creating a monster equation.

There's probably a more elegant/efficient way using bitwise operations, but you can also force the conversion with pack() and unpack(). Eg: Pack as unsigned, unpack as signed.
function overflow32($in) {
return unpack('l', pack('i', $in & 0xFFFFFFFF))[1];
var_dump( overflow32(pow(2,33)-1) ); // int(-1)
I'm curious what you're applying this to, because I had to break a hash function with this same thing some years ago when I moved an app from a 32 bit machine to a 64 bit machine, but I can't remember what it was.
Edit: Wow for some reason I remembered Two's Complement being hard. Literally just invert and add one.
function overflow32($in) {
if( $in & 0x80000000 ) {
return ( ( ~$in & 0xFFFFFFFF) + 1 ) * -1;
} else {
return $in & 0xFFFFFFFF;
var_dump( kludge32(pow(2,33)-1) );
Edit 2: I saw that you want to extend this to arbitrary bit lengths, in which case you just need to calculate the masks instead of explicitly setting them:
function overflow_bits($in, $bits=32) {
$sign_mask = 1 << $bits-1;
$clamp_mask = ($sign_mask << 1) - 1;
if( $in & $sign_mask ) {
return ( ( ~$in & $clamp_mask) + 1 ) * -1;
} else {
return $in & $clamp_mask;
overflow_bits(pow(2, 31), 32),
overflow_bits(pow(2, 15), 16),
overflow_bits(pow(2, 7), 8)
I left in the debug var_dump()s for output flavor:
string(32) "10000000000000000000000000000000"
string(32) "10000000000000000000000000000000"
string(32) "11111111111111111111111111111111"
string(16) "1000000000000000"
string(16) "1000000000000000"
string(16) "1111111111111111"
string(8) "10000000"
string(8) "10000000"
string(8) "11111111"

I think I've cracked it:
function overflow32Bit(int $x): int
return ($x & 0xFFFFFFFF) | ((($x & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> 31) * ((2 ** 32) - 1) << 32);
var_dump(overflow32Bit(PHP_INT_MAX)); // -1 correct
var_dump(overflow32Bit(PHP_INT_MAX - 1)); // -2 correct
var_dump(overflow32Bit(PHP_INT_MIN)); // 0 correct
var_dump(overflow32Bit((2 ** 31) - 1)); // 2147483647 correct
var_dump(overflow32Bit((2 ** 31))); // -2147483647 correct
var_dump(overflow32Bit(0xFFFFFFFF)); // -1 correct
var_dump(overflow32Bit(0x7FFFFFFF)); // 2147483647 correct
The solution was actually staring me in the face. Get the value of the first bit, then multiply it by the max value of unsigned 32bit integer.
If someone can come up with a better or shorter solution, I'll also accept that.
PS. This is only for 32Bit, i also intend to use this proof for 16Bit and 8Bit.
Expanded, $x is input, $z is output.
$y = (2 ** 32) - 1;
$z = ($x & $y) | ((($x & $y) >> 31) * ($y << 32));


What's the most efficient way of randomly picking a floating number within a specific range? [duplicate]

How does one generate a random float between 0 and 1 in PHP?
I'm looking for the PHP's equivalent to Java's Math.random().
You may use the standard function: lcg_value().
Here's another function given on the rand() docs:
// auxiliary function
// returns random number with flat distribution from 0 to 1
function random_0_1()
return (float)rand() / (float)getrandmax();
Example from documentation :
function random_float ($min,$max) {
return ($min+lcg_value()*(abs($max-$min)));
rand(0,1000)/1000 returns:
0.348 0.716 0.251 0.459 0.893 0.867 0.058 0.955 0.644 0.246 0.292
or use a bigger number if you want more digits after decimal point
class SomeHelper
* Generate random float number.
* #param float|int $min
* #param float|int $max
* #return float
public static function rand($min = 0, $max = 1)
return ($min + ($max - $min) * (mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax()));
forget this answer it doesnt work wit php -v > 5.3
What about
floatVal('0.'.rand(1, 9));
this works perfect for me, and it´s not only for 0 - 1 for example between 1.0 - 15.0
floatVal(rand(1, 15).'.'.rand(1, 9));
function mt_rand_float($min, $max, $countZero = '0') {
$countZero = +('1'.$countZero);
$min = floor($min*$countZero);
$max = floor($max*$countZero);
$rand = mt_rand($min, $max) / $countZero;
return $rand;
echo mt_rand_float(0, 1);
result: 0.2
echo mt_rand_float(3.2, 3.23, '000');
result: 3.219
echo mt_rand_float(1, 5, '00');
result: 4.52
echo mt_rand_float(0.56789, 1, '00');
result: 0.69
$random_number = rand(1,10).".".rand(1,9);
function frand($min, $max, $decimals = 0) {
$scale = pow(10, $decimals);
return mt_rand($min * $scale, $max * $scale) / $scale;
echo "frand(0, 10, 2) = " . frand(0, 10, 2) . "\n";
This question asks for a value from 0 to 1. For most mathematical purposes this is usually invalid albeit to the smallest possible degree. The standard distribution by convention is 0 >= N < 1. You should consider if you really want something inclusive of 1.
Many things that do this absent minded have a one in a couple billion result of an anomalous result. This becomes obvious if you think about performing the operation backwards.
(int)(random_float() * 10) would return a value from 0 to 9 with an equal chance of each value. If in one in a billion times it can return 1 then very rarely it will return 10 instead.
Some people would fix this after the fact (to decide that 10 should be 9). Multiplying it by 2 should give around a ~50% chance of 0 or 1 but will also have a ~0.000000000465% chance of returning a 2 like in Bender's dream.
Saying 0 to 1 as a float might be a bit like mistakenly saying 0 to 10 instead of 0 to 9 as ints when you want ten values starting at zero. In this case because of the broad range of possible float values then it's more like accidentally saying 0 to 1000000000 instead of 0 to 999999999.
With 64bit it's exceedingly rare to overflow but in this case some random functions are 32bit internally so it's not no implausible for that one in two and a half billion chance to occur.
The standard solutions would instead want to be like this:
mt_rand() / (getrandmax() + 1)
There can also be small usually insignificant differences in distribution, for example between 0 to 9 then you might find 0 is slightly more likely than 9 due to precision but this will typically be in the billionth or so and is not as severe as the above issue because the above issue can produce an invalid unexpected out of bounds figure for a calculation that would otherwise be flawless.
Java's Math.random will also never produce a value of 1. Some of this comes from that it is a mouthful to explain specifically what it does. It returns a value from 0 to less than one. It's Zeno's arrow, it never reaches 1. This isn't something someone would conventionally say. Instead people tend to say between 0 and 1 or from 0 to 1 but those are false.
This is somewhat a source of amusement in bug reports. For example, any PHP code using lcg_value without consideration for this may glitch approximately one in a couple billion times if it holds true to its documentation but that makes it painfully difficult to faithfully reproduce.
This kind of off by one error is one of the common sources of "Just turn it off and on again." issues typically encountered in embedded devices.
Solution for PHP 7. Generates random number in [0,1). i.e. includes 0 and excludes 1.
function random_float() {
return random_int(0, 2**53-1) / (2**53);
Thanks to Nommyde in the comments for pointing out my bug.
>>> number_format((2**53-1)/2**53,100)
=> "0.9999999999999998889776975374843459576368331909179687500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
>>> number_format((2**53)/(2**53+1),100)
=> "1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Most answers are using mt_rand. However, mt_getrandmax() usually returns only 2147483647. That means you only have 31 bits of information, while a double has a mantissa with 52 bits, which means there is a density of at least 2^53 for the numbers between 0 and 1.
This more complicated approach will get you a finer distribution:
function rand_754_01() {
// Generate 64 random bits (8 bytes)
$entropy = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(8);
// Create a string of 12 '0' bits and 52 '1' bits.
$first12 = pack("Q", $x);
// Set the first 12 bits to 0 in the random string.
$y = $entropy & $first12;
// Now set the first 12 bits to be 0[exponent], where exponent is randomly chosen between 1 and 1022.
// Here $e has a probability of 0.5 to be 1022, 0.25 to be 1021, etc.
$e = 1022;
while($e > 1) {
if(mt_rand(0,1) == 0) {
} else {
// Pack the exponent properly (add four '0' bits behind it and 49 more in front)
$z = "\0\0\0\0\0\0" . pack("S", $e << 4);
// Now convert to a double.
return unpack("d", $y | $z)[1];
Please note that the above code only works on 64-bit machines with a Litte-Endian byte order and Intel-style IEEE754 representation. (x64-compatible computers will have this). Unfortunately PHP does not allow bit-shifting past int32-sized boundaries, so you have to write a separate function for Big-Endian.
You should replace this line:
$z = "\0\0\0\0\0\0" . pack("S", $e << 4);
with its big-endian counterpart:
$z = pack("S", $e << 4) . "\0\0\0\0\0\0";
The difference is only notable when the function is called a large amount of times: 10^9 or more.
Testing if this works
It should be obvious that the mantissa follows a nice uniform distribution approximation, but it's less obvious that a sum of a large amount of such distributions (each with cumulatively halved chance and amplitude) is uniform.
function randomNumbers() {
$f = 0.0;
for($i = 0; $i < 1000000; ++$i) {
$f += \math::rand_754_01();
echo $f / 1000000;
Produces an output of 0.49999928273099 (or a similar number close to 0.5).
I found the answer on
function randomFloat($min = 0, $max = 1) {
return $min + mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * ($max - $min);
var_dump(randomFloat(2, 20));
So you could do
or simple
mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * 1;
what about:
echo (float)('0.' . rand(0,99999));
would probably work fine... hope it helps you.

Is there a clever way to do this with pure math

I've got this spot of code that seems it could be done cleaner with pure math (perhaps a logarigthms?). Can you help me out?
The code finds the first power of 2 greater than a given input. For example, if you give it 500, it returns 9, because 2^9 = 512 > 500. 2^8 = 256, would be too small because it's less than 500.
function getFactor($iMaxElementsPerDir)
$aFactors = range(128, 1);
foreach($aFactors as $i => $iFactor)
if($iMaxElementsPerDir > pow(2, $iFactor) - 1)
if($i == 0)
return false;
return $aFactors[$i - 1];
The following holds true
getFactor(500) = 9
getFactor(1000) = 10
getFactor(2500) = 12
getFactor(5000) = 13
You can get the same effect by shifting the bits in the input to the right and checking against 0. Something like this.
i = 1
while((input >> i) != 0)
return i
The same as jack but shorter. Log with base 2 is the reverse function of 2^x.
echo ceil(log(500, 2));
If you're looking for a "math only" solution (that is a single expression or formula), you can use log() and then take the ceiling value of its result:
$factors = ceil(log(500) / log(2)); // 9
$factors = ceil(log(5000) / log(2)); // 13
I seem to have not noticed that this function accepts a second argument (since PHP 4.3) with which you can specify the base; though internally the same operation is performed, it does indeed make the code shorter:
$factors = ceil(log(500, 2)); // 9
To factor in some inaccuracies, you may need some tweaking:
$factors = floor(log($nr - 1, 2)) + 1;
There are a few ways to do this.
Zero all but the most significant bit of the number, maybe like this:
while (x & x-1) x &= x-1;
and look the answer up in a table. Use a table of length 67 and mod your power of two by 67.
Binary search for the high bit.
If you're working with a floating-point number, inspect the exponent field. This field contains 1023 plus your answer, except in the case where the number is a perfect power of two. You can detect the perfect power case by checking whether the significand field is exactly zero.
If you aren't working with a floating-point number, convert it to floating-point and look at the exponent like in 3. Check for a power of two by testing (x & x-1) == 0 instead of looking at the significand; this is true exactly when x is a power of two.
Note that log(2^100) is the same double as log(nextafter(2^100, 1.0/0.0)), so any solution based on floating-point natural logarithms will fail.
Here's (nonconformant C++, not PHP) code for 4:
int ceillog2(unsigned long long x) {
if (x < 2) return x-1;
double d = x-1;
int ans = (long long &)d >> 52;
return ans - 1022;

64-bit Float Literals PHP

I'm trying to convert a 64-bit float to a 64-bit integer (and back) in php. I need to preserve the bytes, so I'm using the pack and unpack functions. The functionality I'm looking for is basically Java's Double.doubleToLongBits() method.
I managed to get this far with some help from the comments on the php docs for pack():
function encode($int) {
$int = round($int);
$left = 0xffffffff00000000;
$right = 0x00000000ffffffff;
$l = ($int & $left) >>32;
$r = $int & $right;
return unpack('d', pack('NN', $l, $r))[1];
function decode($float) {
$set = unpack('N2', pack('d', $float));
return $set[1] << 32 | $set[2];
And this works well, for the most part...
echo decode(encode(10000000000000));
echo encode(10000000000000);
But here's where it gets tricky...
echo decode(1.1710299640683E-305);
I have no idea what's wrong here. Try it for yourself:
You'll need 64-bit PHP on linux. This site seems to emulate that setup:
$x = encode(10000000000000);
var_dump($x); //float(1.1710299640683E-305)
echo decode($x); //10000000000000
$y = (float) "1.1710299640683E-305";
var_dump($y); //float(1.1710299640683E-305)
echo decode($y); //-6629571225977708544
$z = ($x == $y);
var_dump($z); //false
... never trust
floating number results to the last digit, and do not compare floating
point numbers directly for equality. If higher precision is necessary,
the arbitrary precision math functions and gmp functions are
available. For a "simple" explanation, see the » floating point guide
that's also titled "Why don’t my numbers add up?"
It is working properly, the only problem in this case is in logic of:
echo decode(1.1710299640683E-305);
You can't use "rounded" and "human readable" output of echo function to decode the original value (because you are loosing precision of this double then).
If you will save the return of encode(10000000000000) to the variable and then try to decode it again it will works properly (you can use echo on 10000000000000 without loosing precision).
Please see the example below which you can execute on PHP compiler as well:
function encode($int) {
$int = round($int);
$left = 0xffffffff00000000;
$right = 0x00000000ffffffff;
$l = ($int & $left) >>32;
$r = $int & $right;
return unpack('d', pack('NN', $l, $r))[1];
function decode($float) {
$set = unpack('N2', pack('d', $float));
return $set[1] << 32 | $set[2];
echo decode(encode(10000000000000)); // untouched
echo '<br /><br />';
$encoded = encode(10000000000000);
echo $encoded; // LOOSING PRECISION!
echo ' - "human readable" version of encoded int<br /><br />';
echo decode($encoded); // STILL WORKS - HAPPY DAYS!
If you have a reliable fixed decimal point, like in my case and the case of currency, you can multiply your float by some power of 10 (ex. 100 for dollars).
function encode($float) {
return (int) $float * pow(10, 2);
function decode($str) {
return bcdiv($str, pow(10, 2), 2);
However, this doesn't work for huge numbers and doesn't officially solve the problem.
Seems like it's impossible to convert from an integer to a float string and back without losing the original integer value in php 5.4

Modified PHP MD5 gives different hashes

I have a modified MD5 hash function which I am using in PHP and VB.NET. When I run the PHP code on my local server (WAMP) I get a different result to the VB version. I have tried running the script on phpfiddle which gives the same result as the VB version.
I am thinking the problem could lie with my PHP settings on the WAMP server?
If I run the script below on my PC running WAMP the result I get is:
When I run the exact same script on phpfiddle or php sandbox the result I get is (this is the expected result):
Setting aside for a moment the fact that what you are doing here sounds like a bad approach what ever the actual problem is that you are trying to solve, here is a direct answer to the question.
As I already outlined in a comment above, the root cause of the problems you are having is that PHP has no concept of unsigned integers, and it handles this by converting numbers that overflow the bounds of an integer to floating point (which doesn't play nice with bitwise operations). This means that, on 32-bit systems, your code won't work correctly, as MD5 works with unsigned 32-bit integers.
You will need to ensure that your code is "binary safe" - so that all numbers are represented as if they were unsigned 32-bit integers.
To do this you will need to re-implement the addition operator, and (with your current implementation) the bindec()/hexdec() functions. It's worth noting that your current approach to certain procedures is very inefficient - all that converting to/from hex strings, and places where binary is represented as ASCII strings - but I'll gloss over that for now while I show you how to quick-fix your current implementation.
Firstly let's take a look at the addition operation:
private function binarySafeAddition($a, $b)
// NB: we don't actually need 64 bits, theoretically we only need 33
// but 40 bit integers are confusing enough, and 33 bits is unrepresentable
$a = "\x00\x00\x00\x00" . pack('N', $a);
$b = "\x00\x00\x00\x00" . pack('N', $b);
$carry = $a & $b;
$result = $a ^ $b;
while ($carry != "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00") {
$shiftedcarry = $this->leftShiftByOne($carry);
$carry = $result & $shiftedcarry;
$result ^= $shiftedcarry;
return current(unpack('N', substr($result, 4)));
private function leftShiftByOne($intAsStr)
$p = unpack('N2', $intAsStr);
return pack('N2', ($p[1] << 1) | (($p[2] >> 31) & 0x00000001), $p[2] << 1);
private function add()
$result = 0;
foreach (func_get_args() as $i => $int) {
$result = $this->binarySafeAddition($result, $int);
return $result;
The real nuts-and-bolts of this routine is shamelessly stolen from here. There's also a helper function to perform the left-shift, because PHP doesn't let you left-shift strings, and a convenience wrapper function, to allow us to add an arbitrary number of operands together in a single clean call.
Next lets look at the bindec() and hexdec() replacements:
private function binarySafeBinDec($bin)
$bits = array_reverse(str_split($bin, 1));
$result = 0;
foreach ($bits as $position => $bit) {
$result |= ((int) $bit) << $position;
return $result;
private function binarySafeHexDec($hex)
$h = str_split(substr(str_pad($hex, 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), -8), 2);
return (hexdec($h[0]) << 24) | (hexdec($h[1]) << 16) | (hexdec($h[2]) << 8) | hexdec($h[3]);
Hopefully these are reasonably self explanatory, but feel free to ask about anything you don't understand.
We also need to replace all those 0xffffffff hex literals with a binary safe implementation, as these will also result in a float on 32-bit systems. Here is a safe way to get the right-most 32 bits set in an integer, that will work on 32- and 64-bit systems:
private $right32;
public function __construct()
$this->right32 = ~((~0 << 16) << 16);
There's one other method we need to re-implement, and that's rotate(). This is because it uses a right-shift, and this shifts a copy of the sign bit on from the right. This means that the left-hand side of the rotated block will end up with all it's bits set, and this is obviously not what we want. We can overcome this by creating a number with only the target bits for the right-hand side set, and ANDing the right-hand side operand with it:
private function rotate ($decimal, $bits)
return dechex(($decimal << $bits) | (($decimal >> (32 - $bits)) & (~(~0 << $bits) & $this->right32)));
When you put all this together you come up with something like this, which works for me on 32- and 64-bit systems.

Random Float between 0 and 1 in PHP

How does one generate a random float between 0 and 1 in PHP?
I'm looking for the PHP's equivalent to Java's Math.random().
You may use the standard function: lcg_value().
Here's another function given on the rand() docs:
// auxiliary function
// returns random number with flat distribution from 0 to 1
function random_0_1()
return (float)rand() / (float)getrandmax();
Example from documentation :
function random_float ($min,$max) {
return ($min+lcg_value()*(abs($max-$min)));
rand(0,1000)/1000 returns:
0.348 0.716 0.251 0.459 0.893 0.867 0.058 0.955 0.644 0.246 0.292
or use a bigger number if you want more digits after decimal point
class SomeHelper
* Generate random float number.
* #param float|int $min
* #param float|int $max
* #return float
public static function rand($min = 0, $max = 1)
return ($min + ($max - $min) * (mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax()));
forget this answer it doesnt work wit php -v > 5.3
What about
floatVal('0.'.rand(1, 9));
this works perfect for me, and it´s not only for 0 - 1 for example between 1.0 - 15.0
floatVal(rand(1, 15).'.'.rand(1, 9));
function mt_rand_float($min, $max, $countZero = '0') {
$countZero = +('1'.$countZero);
$min = floor($min*$countZero);
$max = floor($max*$countZero);
$rand = mt_rand($min, $max) / $countZero;
return $rand;
echo mt_rand_float(0, 1);
result: 0.2
echo mt_rand_float(3.2, 3.23, '000');
result: 3.219
echo mt_rand_float(1, 5, '00');
result: 4.52
echo mt_rand_float(0.56789, 1, '00');
result: 0.69
$random_number = rand(1,10).".".rand(1,9);
function frand($min, $max, $decimals = 0) {
$scale = pow(10, $decimals);
return mt_rand($min * $scale, $max * $scale) / $scale;
echo "frand(0, 10, 2) = " . frand(0, 10, 2) . "\n";
This question asks for a value from 0 to 1. For most mathematical purposes this is usually invalid albeit to the smallest possible degree. The standard distribution by convention is 0 >= N < 1. You should consider if you really want something inclusive of 1.
Many things that do this absent minded have a one in a couple billion result of an anomalous result. This becomes obvious if you think about performing the operation backwards.
(int)(random_float() * 10) would return a value from 0 to 9 with an equal chance of each value. If in one in a billion times it can return 1 then very rarely it will return 10 instead.
Some people would fix this after the fact (to decide that 10 should be 9). Multiplying it by 2 should give around a ~50% chance of 0 or 1 but will also have a ~0.000000000465% chance of returning a 2 like in Bender's dream.
Saying 0 to 1 as a float might be a bit like mistakenly saying 0 to 10 instead of 0 to 9 as ints when you want ten values starting at zero. In this case because of the broad range of possible float values then it's more like accidentally saying 0 to 1000000000 instead of 0 to 999999999.
With 64bit it's exceedingly rare to overflow but in this case some random functions are 32bit internally so it's not no implausible for that one in two and a half billion chance to occur.
The standard solutions would instead want to be like this:
mt_rand() / (getrandmax() + 1)
There can also be small usually insignificant differences in distribution, for example between 0 to 9 then you might find 0 is slightly more likely than 9 due to precision but this will typically be in the billionth or so and is not as severe as the above issue because the above issue can produce an invalid unexpected out of bounds figure for a calculation that would otherwise be flawless.
Java's Math.random will also never produce a value of 1. Some of this comes from that it is a mouthful to explain specifically what it does. It returns a value from 0 to less than one. It's Zeno's arrow, it never reaches 1. This isn't something someone would conventionally say. Instead people tend to say between 0 and 1 or from 0 to 1 but those are false.
This is somewhat a source of amusement in bug reports. For example, any PHP code using lcg_value without consideration for this may glitch approximately one in a couple billion times if it holds true to its documentation but that makes it painfully difficult to faithfully reproduce.
This kind of off by one error is one of the common sources of "Just turn it off and on again." issues typically encountered in embedded devices.
Solution for PHP 7. Generates random number in [0,1). i.e. includes 0 and excludes 1.
function random_float() {
return random_int(0, 2**53-1) / (2**53);
Thanks to Nommyde in the comments for pointing out my bug.
>>> number_format((2**53-1)/2**53,100)
=> "0.9999999999999998889776975374843459576368331909179687500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
>>> number_format((2**53)/(2**53+1),100)
=> "1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Most answers are using mt_rand. However, mt_getrandmax() usually returns only 2147483647. That means you only have 31 bits of information, while a double has a mantissa with 52 bits, which means there is a density of at least 2^53 for the numbers between 0 and 1.
This more complicated approach will get you a finer distribution:
function rand_754_01() {
// Generate 64 random bits (8 bytes)
$entropy = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(8);
// Create a string of 12 '0' bits and 52 '1' bits.
$first12 = pack("Q", $x);
// Set the first 12 bits to 0 in the random string.
$y = $entropy & $first12;
// Now set the first 12 bits to be 0[exponent], where exponent is randomly chosen between 1 and 1022.
// Here $e has a probability of 0.5 to be 1022, 0.25 to be 1021, etc.
$e = 1022;
while($e > 1) {
if(mt_rand(0,1) == 0) {
} else {
// Pack the exponent properly (add four '0' bits behind it and 49 more in front)
$z = "\0\0\0\0\0\0" . pack("S", $e << 4);
// Now convert to a double.
return unpack("d", $y | $z)[1];
Please note that the above code only works on 64-bit machines with a Litte-Endian byte order and Intel-style IEEE754 representation. (x64-compatible computers will have this). Unfortunately PHP does not allow bit-shifting past int32-sized boundaries, so you have to write a separate function for Big-Endian.
You should replace this line:
$z = "\0\0\0\0\0\0" . pack("S", $e << 4);
with its big-endian counterpart:
$z = pack("S", $e << 4) . "\0\0\0\0\0\0";
The difference is only notable when the function is called a large amount of times: 10^9 or more.
Testing if this works
It should be obvious that the mantissa follows a nice uniform distribution approximation, but it's less obvious that a sum of a large amount of such distributions (each with cumulatively halved chance and amplitude) is uniform.
function randomNumbers() {
$f = 0.0;
for($i = 0; $i < 1000000; ++$i) {
$f += \math::rand_754_01();
echo $f / 1000000;
Produces an output of 0.49999928273099 (or a similar number close to 0.5).
I found the answer on
function randomFloat($min = 0, $max = 1) {
return $min + mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * ($max - $min);
var_dump(randomFloat(2, 20));
So you could do
or simple
mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * 1;
what about:
echo (float)('0.' . rand(0,99999));
would probably work fine... hope it helps you.
