64-bit Float Literals PHP - php

I'm trying to convert a 64-bit float to a 64-bit integer (and back) in php. I need to preserve the bytes, so I'm using the pack and unpack functions. The functionality I'm looking for is basically Java's Double.doubleToLongBits() method. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Double.html#doubleToLongBits(double)
I managed to get this far with some help from the comments on the php docs for pack():
function encode($int) {
$int = round($int);
$left = 0xffffffff00000000;
$right = 0x00000000ffffffff;
$l = ($int & $left) >>32;
$r = $int & $right;
return unpack('d', pack('NN', $l, $r))[1];
function decode($float) {
$set = unpack('N2', pack('d', $float));
return $set[1] << 32 | $set[2];
And this works well, for the most part...
echo decode(encode(10000000000000));
echo encode(10000000000000);
But here's where it gets tricky...
echo decode(1.1710299640683E-305);
I have no idea what's wrong here. Try it for yourself: http://pastebin.com/zWKC97Z7
You'll need 64-bit PHP on linux. This site seems to emulate that setup: http://www.compileonline.com/execute_php_online.php

$x = encode(10000000000000);
var_dump($x); //float(1.1710299640683E-305)
echo decode($x); //10000000000000
$y = (float) "1.1710299640683E-305";
var_dump($y); //float(1.1710299640683E-305)
echo decode($y); //-6629571225977708544
$z = ($x == $y);
var_dump($z); //false
... never trust
floating number results to the last digit, and do not compare floating
point numbers directly for equality. If higher precision is necessary,
the arbitrary precision math functions and gmp functions are
available. For a "simple" explanation, see the » floating point guide
that's also titled "Why don’t my numbers add up?"

It is working properly, the only problem in this case is in logic of:
echo decode(1.1710299640683E-305);
You can't use "rounded" and "human readable" output of echo function to decode the original value (because you are loosing precision of this double then).
If you will save the return of encode(10000000000000) to the variable and then try to decode it again it will works properly (you can use echo on 10000000000000 without loosing precision).
Please see the example below which you can execute on PHP compiler as well:
function encode($int) {
$int = round($int);
$left = 0xffffffff00000000;
$right = 0x00000000ffffffff;
$l = ($int & $left) >>32;
$r = $int & $right;
return unpack('d', pack('NN', $l, $r))[1];
function decode($float) {
$set = unpack('N2', pack('d', $float));
return $set[1] << 32 | $set[2];
echo decode(encode(10000000000000)); // untouched
echo '<br /><br />';
$encoded = encode(10000000000000);
echo $encoded; // LOOSING PRECISION!
echo ' - "human readable" version of encoded int<br /><br />';
echo decode($encoded); // STILL WORKS - HAPPY DAYS!

If you have a reliable fixed decimal point, like in my case and the case of currency, you can multiply your float by some power of 10 (ex. 100 for dollars).
function encode($float) {
return (int) $float * pow(10, 2);
function decode($str) {
return bcdiv($str, pow(10, 2), 2);
However, this doesn't work for huge numbers and doesn't officially solve the problem.
Seems like it's impossible to convert from an integer to a float string and back without losing the original integer value in php 5.4


How can I base-convert a large/high-precision floating-point number in PHP?

As generic of a question as this seems, I'm having a really hard time
learning specifically about how to base-convert large high-precision float values in PHP using BCMath.
I'm trying to base-convert something like
How can I do this?
I just want base-10 → base-16, but a conversion for arbitrary-base floats would probably make the most useful answer for others as well.
How to convert a huge integer to hex in php? involves BC, but only for integers.
https://www.exploringbinary.com/base-conversion-in-php-using-bcmath/ explores floats, but only in the context of decimal<->binary. (It says extending the code for other bases is easy, and it probably is (using the code in the previous point), but I have no idea how to reason through the correctness of the result I'd reach.)
Fast arbitrary-precision logarithms with bcmath is also float-based, but in the context of reimplementing high-precision log(). (There is a mention of converting bases in there, though, along with notes about how BC dumbly uses PHP's own pow() and loses precision.)
The other results I've found are just talking about PHP's own float coercion, and don't relate to BC at all.
Up to base 36 conversions with high precision
I think this question is just a bit too difficult for Stack Overflow. Not only do you want to base-convert floating-points, which is a bit unusual by itself, but it has to be done at high precision. This is certainly possible, but not many people will have a solution for this lying around and making one takes time. The math of base conversion is not very complex, and once you understand it you can work it out yourself.
Oh, well, to make a long story short, I couldn't resist this, and gave it a try.
function splitNo($operant)
// get whole and fractional parts of operant
if (strpos($operant, '.') !== false) {
$sides = explode('.',$operant);
return [$sides[0], '.' . $sides[1]];
return [$operant, ''];
function wholeNo($operant)
// get the whole part of an operant
return explode('.', $operant)[0];
function toDigits($number, $base, $scale = 0)
// convert a positive number n to its digit representation in base b
$digits = '';
list($whole, $fraction) = splitNo($number);
while (bccomp($whole, '0.0', $scale) > 0) {
$digits = $symbols{(int)bcmod($whole, $base, $scale)} . $digits;
$whole = wholeNo(bcdiv($whole, $base, $scale));
if ($scale > 0) {
$digits .= '.';
for ($i = 1; $i <= $scale; $i++) {
$fraction = bcmul($fraction, $base, $scale);
$whole = wholeNo($fraction);
$fraction = bcsub($fraction, $whole, $scale);
$digits .= $symbols{$whole};
return $digits;
function toNumber($digits, $base, $scale = 0)
// compute the number given by digits in base b
$symbols = str_split('0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ');
$number = '0';
list($whole, $fraction) = splitNo($digits);
foreach (str_split($whole) as $digit) {
$shiftUp = bcmul($base, $number, $scale);
$number = bcadd($shiftUp, array_search($digit, $symbols));
if ($fraction != '') {
$shiftDown = bcdiv('1', $base, $scale);
foreach (str_split(substr($fraction, 1)) as $symbol) {
$index = array_search($symbol, $symbols);
$number = bcadd($number, bcmul($index, $shiftDown, $scale), $scale);
$shiftDown = bcdiv($shiftDown, $base, $scale);
return $number;
function baseConv($operant, $fromBase, $toBase, $scale = 0)
// convert the digits representation of a number from base 1 to base 2
return toDigits(toNumber($operant, $fromBase, $scale), $toBase, $scale);
echo '<pre>';
print_r(baseConv('1234.5678900000', 10, 16, 60));
echo '</pre>';
The output is:
It looks a bit complicated, but isn't really. It just takes time. I started with converting whole numbers, then added fractions, and when that all worked I put in all the BC Math functions.
The $scale argument represents the number of wanted decimal places.
It may look a bit strange that I use three function for the conversion: toDigits(), toNumber() and baseConv(). The reason is that the BC Math functions work with a base of 10. So, toDigits() converts away from 10 to another base and toNumber() does the opposite. To convert between two arbitrary-base operants we need both functions, and this results in the third: baseConv().
This could possible be further optimized, if needed, but you haven't told us what you need it for, so optimization wasn't a priority for me. I just tried to make it work.
You can get higher base conversions by simply adding more symbols. However, in the current implementation each symbol needs to be one character. With UTF8 that doesn't really limit you, but make sure everything is multibyte compatible (which it isn't at this moment).
NOTE: It seems to work, but I don't give any guarantees. Test thoroughly before use!

php convert decimal to hexadecimal

I am extracting a serial from a digital certificate using the built-in OpenSSL library, however, I am having trouble converting this number to hex with precision.
The extracted number is originally in decimal but I need to have it in hex.
The number I am trying to convert is: 114483222461061018757513232564608398004
Here is what I've tried:
dechex() did not work, it returns: 7fffffffffffffff
The closest I could get was this function from the php.net page but it does not convert the whole number on part of it.
function dec2hex($dec) {
$hex = ($dec == 0 ? '0' : '');
while ($dec > 0) {
$hex = dechex($dec - floor($dec / 16) * 16) . $hex;
$dec = floor($dec / 16);
return $hex;
echo dec2hex('114483222461061018757513232564608398004');
//Result: 5620aaa80d50fc000000000000000000
Here is what I am expecting:
Decimal number: 114483222461061018757513232564608398004
Expected hex: 5620AAA80D50FD70496983E2A39972B4
I can see the correction conversion here:
I need a PHP solution.
The problem is that The largest number that can be converted is ... 4294967295 - hence why it's not working for you.
This answer worked for me during a quick test, assuming you have bcmath installed on your server, and you can obtain the number as a string to start with. If you can't, i.e. it begins life as numeric variable, you'll immediately reach PHP's float limit.
// Credit: joost at bingopaleis dot com
// Input: A decimal number as a String.
// Output: The equivalent hexadecimal number as a String.
function dec2hex($number)
$hexvalues = array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7',
$hexval = '';
while($number != '0')
$hexval = $hexvalues[bcmod($number,'16')].$hexval;
$number = bcdiv($number,'16',0);
return $hexval;
$number = '114483222461061018757513232564608398004'; // Important: already a string!
var_dump(dec2hex($number)); // string(32) "5620AAA80D50FD70496983E2A39972B4"
Ensure you pass a string into that function, not a numeric variable. In the example you provided in the question, it looks like you can obtain the number as a string initially, so should work if you have bc installed.
Answered by lafor.
How to convert a huge integer to hex in php?
function bcdechex($dec)
$hex = '';
do {
$last = bcmod($dec, 16);
$hex = dechex($last).$hex;
$dec = bcdiv(bcsub($dec, $last), 16);
} while($dec>0);
return $hex;
$decimal = '114483222461061018757513232564608398004';
echo "Hex decimal : ".bcdechex($decimal);
This is a big integer, so you need to use a big-integer library like GMP:
echo gmp_strval('114483222461061018757513232564608398004', 16);
// output: 5620aaa80d50fd70496983e2a39972b4
Try this 100% working for any number
$dec = '114483222461061018757513232564608398004';
// init hex array
$hex = array();
while ($dec)
// get modulus // based on docs both params are string
$modulus = bcmod($dec, '16');
// convert to hex and prepend to array
array_unshift($hex, dechex($modulus));
// update decimal number
$dec = bcdiv(bcsub($dec, $modulus), 16);
// array elements to string
echo implode('', $hex);

How can I do math with intergers close to 32bit max and floats between 0 and 2^32 in PHP? [duplicate]

To use modular exponentiation as you would require when using the Fermat Primality Test with large numbers (100,000+), it calls for some very large calculations.
When I multiply two large numbers (eg: 62574 and 62574) PHP seems to cast the result to a float. Getting the modulus value of that returns strange values.
$x = 62574 * 62574;
var_dump($x); // float(3915505476) ... correct
var_dump($x % 104659); // int(-72945) ... wtf.
Is there any way to make PHP perform these calculations properly? Alternatively, is there another method for finding modulus values that would work for large numbers?
For some reason, there are two standard libraries in PHP handling the arbitrary length/precision numbers: BC Math and GMP. I personally prefer GMP, as it's fresher and has richer API.
Based on GMP I've implemented Decimal2 class for storing and processing currency amounts (like USD 100.25). A lot of mod calculations there w/o any problems. Tested with very large numbers.
use this
$num1 = "123456789012345678901234567890";
$num2 = "9876543210";
$r = mysql_query("Select #sum:=$num1 + $num2");
$sumR = mysql_fetch_row($r);
$sum = $sumR[0];
have you taken a look at bcmod()? php has issues with integers over 2^31 - 1 on 32 bit platforms.
var_dump(bcmod("$x", '104659') ); // string(4) "2968"
I suggest you try BigInteger. If that doesn't work out, you may use SWIG to add C/C++ code for the big integer calculations and link it into your code.
I wrote a very small code for you that will surely work in case of big numbers-
$x = gmp_strval(gmp_mul("62574","62574")); // $x="3915505476"
$mod=gmp_strval(gmp_mod($x,"104659")); //$mod="2968"
echo "x : ".$x."<br>";
echo "mod : ".$mod;
/* Output:
x : 3915505476
mod : 2968
You simply have to use strings for storing big numbers and to operate on them use GMP functions in PHP.
You may check some good GMP functions in the official PHP manual here-
I found another solution, but the number will be stored as a string. As soon as you cast it back to a numeric, you'll be restricted to the precision of the underlying platform. On a 32 bit platform, the largest int you can represent as an int type is 2,147,483,647:
* #param string $a
* #param string $b
* #return string
function terminal_add($a,$b)
exec('echo "'.$a.'+'.$b.'"|bc',$result);
$ret = "";
foreach($result as $line) $ret .= str_replace("\\","",$line);
return $ret;
// terminal_add("123456789012345678901234567890", "9876543210")
// output: "123456789012345678911111111100"
$x = 62574 * 62574;
// Cast to an integer
$asInt = intval($x);
var_dump($asInt % 104659);
// Use use sprintf to convert to integer (%d), which will casts to string
$asIntStr = sprintf('%d', $x);
var_dump($asIntStr % 104659);
function add($int1,$int2){
$int1 = str_pad($int1, strlen($int2), '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$int2 = str_pad($int2, strlen($int1), '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$carry = 0;
$str = "";
$var = $int1[$i-1] + $int2[$i-1] + $carry;
$var = str_pad($var, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$var = (string) $var;
$carry = $var[0];
$str = $str . $var[1];
$res = strrev($str.$carry);
echo ltrim($res,"0");

Workaround needed, PHP dechex maximum integer [duplicate]

I have some large HEX values that I want to display as regular numbers, I was using hexdec() to convert to float, and I found a function on PHP.net to convert that to decimal, but it seems to hit a ceiling, e.g.:
$h = 'D5CE3E462533364B';
$f = hexdec($h);
echo $f .' = '. Exp_to_dec($f);
Output: 1.5406319846274E+19 = 15406319846274000000
Result from calc.exe = 15406319846273791563
Is there another method to convert large hex values?
As said on the hexdec manual page:
The function can now convert values
that are to big for the platforms
integer type, it will return the value
as float instead in that case.
If you want to get some kind of big integer (not float), you'll need it stored inside a string. This might be possible using BC Math functions.
For instance, if you look in the comments of the hexdec manual page, you'll find this note
If you adapt that function a bit, to avoid a notice, you'll get:
function bchexdec($hex)
$dec = 0;
$len = strlen($hex);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $len; $i++) {
$dec = bcadd($dec, bcmul(strval(hexdec($hex[$i - 1])), bcpow('16', strval($len - $i))));
return $dec;
(This function has been copied from the note I linked to; and only a bit adapted by me)
And using it on your number:
$h = 'D5CE3E462533364B';
$f = bchexdec($h);
The output will be:
string '15406319846273791563' (length=20)
So, not the kind of big float you had ; and seems OK with what you are expecting:
Result from calc.exe =
Hope this help ;-)
And, yes, user notes on the PHP documentation are sometimes a real gold mine ;-)
hexdec() switches from int to float when the result is too large to be represented as an int. If you want arbitrarily long values, you're probably going to have to roll your own conversion function to change the hex string to a GMP integer.
function gmp_hexdec($n) {
$gmp = gmp_init(0);
$mult = gmp_init(1);
for ($i=strlen($n)-1;$i>=0;$i--,$mult=gmp_mul($mult, 16)) {
$gmp = gmp_add($gmp, gmp_mul($mult, hexdec($n[$i])));
return $gmp;
print gmp_strval(gmp_hexdec("D5CE3E462533364B"));
Output: 15406319846273791563
$num = gmp_init( '0xD5CE3E462533364B' ); // way to input a number in gmp
echo gmp_strval($num, 10); // display value in decimal
That's the module to use. Convert it to a function and then use on your numbers.
Note: provide these hex numbers as strings so:
$num = "0x348726837469972346"; // set variable
$gmpnum = gmp_init("$num"); // gmp number format
echo gmp_strval($gmpnum, 10); // convert to decimal and print out
1.5406319846274E+19 is a limited representation of you number. You can have a more complete one by using printf()
printf("%u\n", hexdec($h));
...will output "15406319846273792000". PHP uses floats for such big numbers, so you may lose a bit of precision. If you have to work with arbitrary precision numbers, you may try the bcmath extension. By splitting the hex into two 32-bit words (which should be safe on most systems) you should be able to get more precision. For instance:
$f = bcadd(bcmul(hexdec(substr($h, 0, -8)), 0x100000000), hexdec(substr($h, 8)));
...would set $f to 15406319846273791563.
Convert HEX to DEC is easy.. But, reconstruct back hexadecimal number is very hard.
Try to use base_convert ..
$hexadecimal = base_convert(2826896153644826, 10, 16);
// result: a0b0c0d0e0f1a
Run into this issue while storing 64-bit keys in MySQL database. I was able to get a bit perfect conversion to a 64-bit signed integer (PHP limitation) using a few binary operators: (This code is 16x faster than bchexdec function and resulting variables are using half the memory on average).
function x64toSignedInt($k){
$left = hexdec(substr($k,0,8));
$right = hexdec(substr($k,8,8));
return (int) ($left << 32) | $right;
MySQL signed BIGINT datatype is a great match for this as an index or storage in general. HEX(column) is a simple way to convert it back to HEX within the SQL query for use elsewhere.
This solution also uses the BC Math Functions. However, an algorithm is used which does without the bcpow function. This function is a bit shorter and faster than the accepted solution, tested on PHP 7.4.
function hexDecBc(string $hex) : string
for ($dec = '0', $i = 0; $i < strlen($hex); $i++) {
$dec = bcadd(bcmul($dec,'16'),(string)hexdec($hex[$i]));
return $dec;
Make sure to enable gmp extension. ext-gmp
$number = gmp_strval(gmp_init('0x03....')); // outputs: 1234324....
Doesn't intval(var, base) take care of it?
From the PHP Manual.

Working with large numbers in PHP

To use modular exponentiation as you would require when using the Fermat Primality Test with large numbers (100,000+), it calls for some very large calculations.
When I multiply two large numbers (eg: 62574 and 62574) PHP seems to cast the result to a float. Getting the modulus value of that returns strange values.
$x = 62574 * 62574;
var_dump($x); // float(3915505476) ... correct
var_dump($x % 104659); // int(-72945) ... wtf.
Is there any way to make PHP perform these calculations properly? Alternatively, is there another method for finding modulus values that would work for large numbers?
For some reason, there are two standard libraries in PHP handling the arbitrary length/precision numbers: BC Math and GMP. I personally prefer GMP, as it's fresher and has richer API.
Based on GMP I've implemented Decimal2 class for storing and processing currency amounts (like USD 100.25). A lot of mod calculations there w/o any problems. Tested with very large numbers.
use this
$num1 = "123456789012345678901234567890";
$num2 = "9876543210";
$r = mysql_query("Select #sum:=$num1 + $num2");
$sumR = mysql_fetch_row($r);
$sum = $sumR[0];
have you taken a look at bcmod()? php has issues with integers over 2^31 - 1 on 32 bit platforms.
var_dump(bcmod("$x", '104659') ); // string(4) "2968"
I suggest you try BigInteger. If that doesn't work out, you may use SWIG to add C/C++ code for the big integer calculations and link it into your code.
I wrote a very small code for you that will surely work in case of big numbers-
$x = gmp_strval(gmp_mul("62574","62574")); // $x="3915505476"
$mod=gmp_strval(gmp_mod($x,"104659")); //$mod="2968"
echo "x : ".$x."<br>";
echo "mod : ".$mod;
/* Output:
x : 3915505476
mod : 2968
You simply have to use strings for storing big numbers and to operate on them use GMP functions in PHP.
You may check some good GMP functions in the official PHP manual here-
I found another solution, but the number will be stored as a string. As soon as you cast it back to a numeric, you'll be restricted to the precision of the underlying platform. On a 32 bit platform, the largest int you can represent as an int type is 2,147,483,647:
* #param string $a
* #param string $b
* #return string
function terminal_add($a,$b)
exec('echo "'.$a.'+'.$b.'"|bc',$result);
$ret = "";
foreach($result as $line) $ret .= str_replace("\\","",$line);
return $ret;
// terminal_add("123456789012345678901234567890", "9876543210")
// output: "123456789012345678911111111100"
$x = 62574 * 62574;
// Cast to an integer
$asInt = intval($x);
var_dump($asInt % 104659);
// Use use sprintf to convert to integer (%d), which will casts to string
$asIntStr = sprintf('%d', $x);
var_dump($asIntStr % 104659);
function add($int1,$int2){
$int1 = str_pad($int1, strlen($int2), '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$int2 = str_pad($int2, strlen($int1), '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$carry = 0;
$str = "";
$var = $int1[$i-1] + $int2[$i-1] + $carry;
$var = str_pad($var, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$var = (string) $var;
$carry = $var[0];
$str = $str . $var[1];
$res = strrev($str.$carry);
echo ltrim($res,"0");
