I have three tables in a laravel project, namely:
center table:
payment table:
payment_details table:
now i want to select all data from payment_details table,i got it it displayed well, but there is a search option for payment_type for the list,But the search filed is not in payment-details table , so i don't know how to retrieve that fro m another table
If you are modeling your data with Eloquent relationships Do somthing like:
$type = 'c'; // For example
PaymentDetail::whereHas('payment', function ($query) use ($type) {
$query->where('type', $type);
If not you had to do join statement with payments table
Say I have the following tables:
In my user model, I have my relationship setup like:
$this->hasMany(EventRelationships::class, 'user_id');
And each event relationship belongs to one user.
How can I use Laravel Eloquent to get a list of all the event relationships, but also get each event's name and color? Matching on the primary_event_id and secondary_event_id.
Is this possible with one query?
In pure eloquent, in the laravel way, that would be :
$eventRelationships = EventRelationships::with('primaryEvent', 'secondaryEvent')->get();
foreach($eventRelationships as $eventRelationship){
$primary_event_name = $eventRelationship->primaryEvent->name;
$secondary_event_name = $eventRelationship->secondaryEvent->name;
but it's in 2 queries. If you want only one query, you have to use a join :
$eventRelationships = EventRelationships::query()
->join('events as primary_events', 'events.id', 'event_relationships.primary_event_id')
->join('events as secondary_events', 'events.id', 'event_relationships.secondary_event_id')
->select('event_relationships.*', 'primary_events.name as primary_event_name', 'secondary_events.name as secondary_event_name')
foreach($eventRelationships as $eventRelationship){
$primary_event_name = $eventRelationship->primary_event_name;
$secondary_event_name = $eventRelationship->secondary_event_name;
It might be easier to use the first one as you manipulate eloquent object
for example I have 3 tables and that tables has a relation,
Table A
Table B
Table C
i'm using table C but i want to search items by request name that have the same name as in table A using query eloquent
and this is the query, i'm using a laravel
->withWhereHas('tableB', function($query) use ($names) {
$query->tableB->where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$names}%");})
how to fix it using eloquent where has used 3 tables relation?
I think your relation name should be tableA not tableB.
public function tableA()
return $this->belongsToMany(TableAModel::class, 'TableB', 'tableId_C', 'tableId_A')
->where('TableA.status', CoreStatusEnum::ACTIVE);
And your query goes like this..
->withWhereHas('tableA', function($query) use ($names) {
$query->where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$names}%");
I want to use where clause on the another relationship not my current selecting model as below table
table Customer
Table ModelA
table Customer
table ModelB
Function in Controller
$data['data'] = customer::with(['modelA','modelA.modelB'])
->where('fk_customer_id', 2)->get();
Customer Model
final function ModalA (){
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ModelA', 'fk_customer_id', 'id');
ModelA Model
final function Modelb (){
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ModelB', 'fk_modelA_id', 'id');
I will got error as below because select sql don't find the column name fk_customer_id in table customer, So how can I user fk_customer_id (in table ModelA) for where.
You can useYou can use whereHas like:
$data['data'] = customer::with(['modelA','modelA.modelB'])
->whereHas('modelA', function ($query) {
$query->where('fk_customer_id', 2);
It's because when you're using with you just eager load constrints but you won't attach it to the main query (of the customer model). So there are two way: one modern with using whereHas or using join queries.
I have two tables Candidates & Qualifications with a joining pivot table called Results.
What I want to do is select all candidates for this centre and filter them by a value in the pivot table.
So select all candidates from centre 1 where the pivot “status” = “REGISTERED”
I have tried numerous approaches and am currently with the one below but nothing is working.
$candidates = Candidate::where('batch_centre_id','=', $id)->with(array('qualification' => function($q)
$q->wherePivot('status','=', 'REGISTERED');
Any advice would be much appreciated
In Eloquent wherePivot method can only be loaded on a relation. The way you're doing it, you're calling it on qualifications relation, therefore you're fetching all candidates and then, for each of them, you're loading qualifications that have status=REGISTERED. That's why you're getting all candidates.
You could work around it by using Eloquent's whereHas() method that let's you filter the base model you're trying to fetch by attributes of some relation. In your case the following should work:
$candidates = Candidate::where('batch_centre_id','=', $id)
->whereHas('qualifications', function($q) {
$q->wherePivot('status','=', 'REGISTERED');
This way you'll get only candidates that have a qualification with status=REGISTERED and all their qualifications. If you want to additionally filter loaded qualifications by status, add the constraint like you did in your code:
$candidates = Candidate::where('batch_centre_id','=', $id)
->whereHas('qualifications', function($q) {
$q->wherePivot('status','=', 'REGISTERED');
})->with(array('qualifications', function($q) {
$q->wherePivot('status','=', 'REGISTERED');
I have a table Registrationrequests where I have course_id and user_id and some other field.
$users_id = Registrationrequest::where('course_id', $query_course_user)->where('registered', 1)->get();
From the above query it gives me an array of result. But I need to take the details of these user_id from another table Users. I'm using Laravel. Table models are Registrationrequest and User
How can I get the user details from the above select result? I'm not that good in Joins. Any advice?
Use Eloquent's whereHas method:
$courseId = Request::get('course_id');
$users = User::whereHas('registrationRequests', function($query) use ($courseId)
$query->where('course_id', $courseId)->where('registered', 1);
This assumes you have set up the proper relationship in your User model. If not, add this method to your user model:
public function registrationRequests()
return $this->hasMany('Registrationrequest');