Perform Delete, Edit and search operation on a file using php - php

I have a task to do in which i have to list the directories with it's files which i did, but i don't understand how to delete file or edit specific file in the directories any help will be appreciated Thanks.
// /$path = 'E:\xampp\\'.$_GET['dir'];
$path = $_GET['dir'];
$path = 'E:\xampp\\';
$arrDir = scandir($path);
echo "<ul>";
foreach ($arrDir as $key => $value)
echo "<a href='http://localhost/vishrut/FileUpload/filelist.php?
echo "</ul>";
echo "<textarea>";
echo file_get_contents($path);
echo "</textarea>"."<br>";

There are lots of PHP's functions to handle files:
For your needs see these:
file_get_contents to read the entire file contents
file_put_contents to write the content in a file
unlink to delete a file
So, the steps to modify a file may be:
get the complete contents with file_get_contents:
$contents = file_get_contents($filePath);
apply your edits to the $contents content:
$newContents = ...
overwrite the file content:
file_put_contents($filePath, $newContents);
To delete a file is simple:
It's important to note that your code is subjected to injection because you don't check the user data passed with $_GET.
If your script will be used only by you it's ok, instead you must check all user input: the first rule of Web programming is NEVER TRUST YOUR USERS! Also trusted users may write wrong characters in the url and that may have unexpected results (e.g. delete the wrong file!)


open file on client stored on server

I want to open a server stored html report file on a client machine.
I want to bring back a list of all the saved reports in that folder (scandir).
This way the user can click on any of the crated reports to open them.
So id you click on a report to open it, you will need the location where the report can be opend from
This is my dilemma. Im not sure how to get a decent ip, port and folder location that the client can understand
Here bellow is what Ive been experimenting with.
Using this wont work obviously:
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/reports/saved_reports/";
So I though I might try this instead.
$host= gethostname();
$ip = gethostbyname($host);
$ip = $ip.':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
$path = $ip."/reports/saved_reports/";
$files = scandir($path);
after the above code I loop through each file and generate a array with the name, date created and path. This is sent back to generate a list of reports in a table that the user can interact with. ( open, delete, edit)
But this fails aswell.
So im officially clueless on how to approach this.
PS. Im adding react.js as a tag, because that is my front-end and might be useful to know.
Your question may be partially answered here:
Get the file names from the specified path and hit curl or get_text() function again to save the files.
function get_text($filename) {
$fp_load = fopen("$filename", "rb");
if ( $fp_load ) {
while ( !feof($fp_load) ) {
$content .= fgets($fp_load, 8192);
return $content;
$matches = array();
// This will give you names of all the files available on the specified path.
preg_match_all("/(a href\=\")([^\?\"]*)(\")/i", get_text($ip."/reports/saved_reports/"), $matches);
foreach($matches[2] as $match) {
echo $match . '<br>';
// Again hit a cURL to download each of the reports.
Get list of reports:
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/reports/saved_reports/";
$files = scandir($path);
foreach($files as $file){
if($file !== '.' && $file != '..'){
echo "<a href='show-report.php?name=".$file. "'>$file</a><br/>";
and write second php file for showing html reports, which receives file name as GET param and echoes content of given html report.
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/reports/saved_reports/";
$name = $_GET['name'];
echo file_get_contents($path.$name);

How to save file in subfolder using php

I have a script with a mysql query which saves a file called invoice.xml every day automatically by running a cron job. In case no data is found a no_orders.txt is saved.
I would like this file not be saved to the same folder as the script.php file is in but to a subfolder called invoices.
The renaming of the old invoice.xml is done with the following code
// rename old file
$nowshort = date("Y-m-d");
if(file_exists('invoice.xml')) {
The saving is done with the following code:
if($xml1 !='') {
$File = "invoice.xml";
$Handle = fopen($File, 'w');
fwrite($Handle, $xml1);
print "Data Written - ".$nowMysql;
#print $xml;
} else {
print "No new orders - ".$nowMysql;
$File = "no_orders_".$nowshort.".txt";
$Handle = fopen($File, 'w');
Could I please get assistance how to save this file to a subfolder. Also the renaming of the existing file would need to be within the subfolder then. I have already tried with possibilities like ../invoice/invoice.xml but unfortunately without any success.
Thank you
Just give the path of file 'invoice.xml' to $File.
Otherwise create some $Dir object which will point to Folder named 'invoice', then use accordingly
Use __DIR__ magic constant to retrieve your script.php directory, then you can append /invoice/invoice.xml .
Example if path to your script php something like this:
$currentDir = __DIR__; //this wil return /var/www/path/to
$invoicePath = $currentDir.'/invoice/invoice.xml';

PHP - Function to read and write a TXT file

I'm making a function on WordPress to get the content of the robots.txt file. If the file doesn't exist, create it with default content. I will use it for my options page. Well, this is my code, it should work almost creating the file, but it doesn't:
function get_robots($robots_file) {
$robots_file = get_home_path() . 'robots.txt'; //The robots file.
$dir = get_home_path(); //The root directory
$handle = fopen($robots_file, "r");
$robots_content = fread($handle, filesize($robots_file));
} else {
$default_content = "User-agent: *\nDisallow:";
chmod($dir, 0777);
$handle = fopen($robots_file, "w+");
$robots_content = fwrite($handle, $default_content);
chmod($dir, 0744);
return $robots_content;
I'm not sure if the problem is is_file, or the fopen($robots_file, "w+" (should it be "r"?) after the else. And I'm not sure about the permissions. Is the 777 needed? Is the 744 the default for the root directory of WordPress?
And I use the return to use it as variable later; I suppose the fopen is already creating the file. Am I right?
Thanks in advance.
The first thing, I would use completely different functions, you have file_put_contents() and file_get_contents() for such simple operations.
So possible simpler solution is:
function get_robots() {
$robots_file = get_home_path() . 'robots.txt'; //The robots file.
return file_get_contents($robots_file);
} else {
$default_content = "User-agent: *\nDisallow:";
file_put_contents($robots_file, $default_content);
return $default_content;
I don't see any point to pass $robots_file as function argument so I removed it. You should check if this code simple works.
I also don't see any reason to change $dir permissions as you showed in your code. It should be rather set manually and you definitely shouldn't change your root directory permission in such function.
Because this function uses get_home_path() and this one is available probably only on admin panel you have to do it in different way. You may add the following code to the end of your index.php file:
function get_robots($path)
$robots_file = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'robots.txt'; //The robots file.
return file_get_contents($robots_file);
} else {
$default_content = "User-agent: *\nDisallow:";
file_put_contents($robots_file, $default_content);
return $default_content;
(Of course if you want, you may move get_robots() function to some other files.
However you should consider if this is the best approach. You will run this function each time your site will be viewed and it's tiny waste (in fact you will probably want to create robots.txt file just once). You could for example create robots.php file and if you want to run it you can run http://yourwordpressurl/robots.php. It's of course your call.

Detecting between the lowercase and uppercase php

I am using this script to delete picture from my server. But at the same time I want to protect the files in my server. Not accidentally delete but I noticed that if I typed the file index.pHp or index.Php is deleted from my server. Although setting it will not delete why php or this method not know between lowercase and uppercase.
What is not done right?
error_reporting (0);
$thefile = $_GET ['filetodel'];
$filename = "$thefile";
//$filename = "picture1.jpg";
/*protect some files*/
if ($thefile=='index.php' or $thefile=='INDEX.PHP' or $thefile=='UPLOADS.ZIP' or $thefile=='' or $thefile=='del.php'or $thefile=='DEL.PHP' or $thefile==NULL or $thefile=='.htaccess' or $thefile=='.HTACCESS' )
exit("<h2>cannot delete $thefile</h2>");
if ($thefile=="$thefile")
if (file_exists($filename))
unlink ("$thefile");
echo "<h2> file $thefile is delete</h2>";
echo "<h2>The<br>";
echo "$filename<br>";
echo "Does not exist</h2>";
Just convert the input to lowercase and test it once, rather than worrying about every possible mix of case:
if (strtolower($thefile) == 'index.php') {
// ...
For the next iteration, you could store your protected files in an array:
$protected_files = array('index.php', '', 'del.php', '.htaccess');
if (in_array(strtolower($thefile), $protected_files) || $thefile==NULL) {
// ...
the problem is here:
if ($thefile=="$thefile")
as if your 1st condition for file check is false than the second condition is
if ($thefile=="$thefile")
which is always true so it will unlink the file
Also add one line as below just before 1st condition
$thefile = strtolower($thefile);

Selecting file to be edited

i have an application that is used to edit .txt files. the application is made up of 3 parts
Displays contents of a folder with the files to be edited(each file is a link when clicked it opens on edit mode).
writing in to a file.
saving to file.
part 2 and 3 I have completed using fopen and fwrite functions that wasn't too hard. the part that i need help is part one currently I open the file by inputing its location and file name like so in the php file where i have the display function and save function:
$relPath = 'file_to_edit.txt';
$fileHandle = fopen($relPath, 'r') or die("Failed to open file $relPath ! ");
but what i want is for the file to open in edit mode when clicked instead of typing in the files name every time.
$directory = 'folder_name';
if ($handle = opendir($directory. '/')){
echo 'Lookong inside \''.$directory.'\'<br><br>';
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
if($file !='.' && $file!='..'){
echo '<a href="'.$directory.'/'.$file.'">'.$file.'<a><br>';
this is the code that ti use to display the list of files that are in a specified folder.
Can anyone give me some pointers how I can achieve this ? any help will be greatly appreciated.
To get content of file use file_get_contents();
To put content of file use file_put_contents(); with FILE_APPEND flag for editing.
To recieve list of files in directory you can use DirectoryIterator
foreach (new DirectoryIterator('PATH/') as $fileInfo) {
if($fileInfo->isDot()) continue;
echo $fileInfo->getFilename() . "<br>\n";
If you don't want to put filenames you can put read files once put in db assign ids to them and use links with id param. The other solution is to store files in session array and assign keys for them. When you want to get a file you just need to provide key instead of whole filename and path.
Example with $_SESSION
$file_arr = array();
foreach (new DirectoryIterator('PATH/') as $fileInfo) {
if($fileInfo->isDot()) continue;
$file_arr[] = array("path" => $fileInfo->getPathname(), 'name' => $fileInfo->getFilename());
$_SESSION['files'] = $file_arr;
then in view you can use
foreach($_SESSION['files'] as $k=>$file)
echo "<a href='edit.php?f=".$k."'>'.$file['name'].'</a>";
and edit.php
$file = (int)$_GET['f'];
if(array_key_exits($file, $_SESSION['files'])
$fileInfo = $_SESSION[$file'];
//in file info you have now $fileInfo['path'] $fileInfo['name']
