I need to reorder the column sort_order.
It is, select the position where to allocate the category and
recalculate the table.
For example, if I select category 3, insert at next and reorder sort_order.
I tried this code but something is wrong:
public function actionUp($id) {
$model = $this->loadModel($id);
$prev = Category::find()
->andWhere(['<', 'sort_order', $model->sort_order])
->orderBy(['sort_order' => SORT_DESC])
$current = $model->sort_order;
$model->sort_order = $prev->sort_order;
$prev->sort_order = $current->sort_order;
return $
How I can reorder this column?
Thank you for any help.
public function actionUp($id, $newPosition=null) {
$model = Category::findOne($id);
throw new UserException('We were unable to find a matching record');
$prev = Category::find()
->andWhere(['<', 'sort_order', $model->sort_order])
->orderBy(['sort_order' => SORT_DESC])
$prevOrder = $prev->sort_order;
$prevOrder = 0;
$currentOrder = $model->sort_order;
$model->sortOrder = $newPosition;
$model->sort_order = $prevOrder;
$prev->sort_order = $currentOrder;
return $this->redirect(['index']);
actionUp and Down work well, thank you very much
And when I'm going to add a new category, how can I indicate the position, based o parent_id?
public function create(CategoryCreateForm $form): Category
$channel = Category::create(
$category = $this->categories->get($form->parentId);
$next = Category::find()
->andWhere(['<', 'sort_order', $category->sort_order])
->orderBy(['sort_order' => SORT_DESC])
if ($next)
$nexOrder = $next->sort_order;
$nexOrder = 0;
$currentOrder = $category->parent_id;
if ($newPosition)
$category->parent_id =$newPosition;
$category->parent_id = $nexOrder;
$next->sort_order = $currentOrder;
return $category;
It does not work this way, what is wrong.
I have this, in the Categoryservice
public function moveUp($id){
$model = $this->categories->get($id);
$prev = Category::find()
->andWhere(['<', 'sort_order', $model->sort_order])
->orderBy(['sort_order' => SORT_DESC])
$prevOrder = $prev->sort_order;
$prevOrder = 0;
$currentOrder = $model->sort_order;
$model->sort_order = $prevOrder;
$prev->sort_order = $currentOrder;
You were right, one of the categories did not have sort_order, it was null, and it gave the error.
I have one more question, how can it do the same but, when creating to choose where to position it?
I am currently running a wordpress backend and want to display some tweets based on hastags on my website. For the general API request and database storage, I use this function:
private function parseRequest($json) {
$tmp = $json;
$result = array();
if (isset($json['statuses'])) {
$tmp = $json['statuses'];
if (isset($tmp) && is_array($tmp)){
foreach ($tmp as $t) {
$this->image = null;
$this->media = null;
$tc = new \stdClass();
$tc->feed_id = $this->id();
$tc->id = $t['id_str'];
$tc->type = $this->getType();
$tc->nickname = '#'.$t['user']['screen_name'];
$tc->screenname = (string)$t['user']['name'];
$tc->userpic = str_replace('.jpg', '_200x200.jpg', str_replace('_normal', '', (string)$t['user']['profile_image_url']));
$tc->system_timestamp = strtotime($t['created_at']);
$tc->text = $this->getText($t);
$tc->userlink = 'https://twitter.com/'.$t['user']['screen_name'];
$tc->permalink = $tc->userlink . '/status/' . $tc->id;
$tc->media = $this->getMedia($t);
#$tc->additional = array('shares' => (string)$t['retweet_count'], 'likes' => (string)$t['favorite_count'], 'comments' => (string)$t['reply_count']);
if ($this->isSuitablePost($tc)) $result[$tc->id] = $tc;
return $result;
Now I am looking for a function that counts all the variable in the "additional array together e.g. shares + likes + comments and sorts all posts based on the resulting number.
I am using the standard wordpress sql database. I cannot find a solution or I am just blind.
Thanks in regards
You could use a simple usort function:
usort($tc, function($a, $b) {
$a_sum = array_sum($a->additional);
$b_sum = array_sum($b->additional);
if ($a_sum == $b_sum) {
return 0;
return ($a_sum < $b_sum) ? -1 : 1;
How to implode and insert values into the database in CodeIgniter?
I am creating multiple choice quiz script using CodeIgniter framework. I want to store user results like this:
id userid q_id answer_id time_taken
1 1 1,2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5,3 4,5,7,6,7
in my controller:
public function insert_result()
$bd = "$question_no";
switch ($bd) {
echo "something is wrong";
public function quiz_test()
foreach($quiz as $row){
$a = array("$qq_id","$qid");
$b = array("$answer_id","$ans");
$c = array("$time_taken","$time");
$comma = implode(",",$a);
$comma1 = implode(",",$b);
$comma2 = implode(",",$c);
and Model:
function insert_result($data)
function quiz_test()
$ses_id = $this->session->userdata('lastids');
$sql = "SELECT q_id, answer_id, time_taken FROM results WHERE id='$ses_id'";
$query = $this->dbb->query($sql);
$result = $query->result();
return $result;
function update_result($data){
$ses_id = $this->session->userdata('lastids');
when i run it nothing happened,not showing any error where do i mistake?
pls help me what am i doing wrong
First of all - i think you've a major problem in your DB structure
Normalize your Data
You should prevent to store your information in the table like that.
It should be possible to normalize your data properly. If you dont know
how to do that the following link could be interesting:
Normalization in MYSQL
However a possible solution would be to structure your data:
In order to do that - create a save Method in your Model to split between update and insert - this model could look like
class Quiz_Models
private $arrPostData;
public function save($arrPostData = false)
$this->arrPostData = (!$arrPostData) ? $this->input->post() : $arrPostData;
$id = $this->session->userdata("lastids");
if ($id)
$query = $this->db
if ($query->num_rows() == 1)
else return false;
if ($this->arrPostData['question_no'] == 10) $this->session->unset_userdata("lastids");
private function update($objData)
$objCollection = new Quiz_Collection();
$objCollection->userId = $objData->userid;
$objCollection->id = $objData->id;
$arrData = explode($objData->q_id);
foreach($arrData AS $key => $quizId)
$objQuiz = new stdClass();
$objQuiz->q_id = $quizId;
$objQuiz->answer_id = explode($objData->answer_id)[$key];
$objQuiz->time_taken = explode($objData->answer_id)[$key];
$objQuizFromPost = new stdClass();
$objQuizFromPost->q_id = $this->arrPostData["questionid"];
$objQuizFromPost->answer_id = $this->arrPostData['AnswerID'];
$objQuizFromPost->time_taken = $this->arrPostData['timetaken'];
private function insert()
$objCollection = new Quiz_Collection();
$objCollection->userId = $this->arrPostData['user_id'];
$objQuizFromPost = new stdClass();
$objQuizFromPost->q_id = $this->arrPostData["questionid"];
$objQuizFromPost->answer_id = $this->arrPostData['AnswerID'];
$objQuizFromPost->time_taken = $this->arrPostData['timetaken'];
$this->session->set_userdata("lastids", $this->db->insert_id());
as an addition you need a Collection Object (put this below your model)
class Quiz_Collection extends Array_Object
public $userId = 0;
public $id = 0;
public function addQuizFromPost($objQuiz)
if (intval($objQuiz->q_id) > 0)
foreach($this AS $key => $obj)
if ($obj->q_id == $objQuiz->q_id)
$this->offsetSet($key, $objQuiz);
return true;
return true;
return false;
public function sortQuizData($objA, $objB)
if ($objA->q_id == $objB->q_id) return 0;
return ($objA->q_id < $objB->q_id) ? -1 : 1;
public function getDbData()
$arrData = $this->getArrayCopy();
$arrDbData = [
"userid" => $this->userId,
"q_id" => implode(array_map(function($obj){ return $obj->q_id;},$arrData),","),
"answer_id" => implode(array_map(function($obj){ return $obj->answer_id;},$arrData),","),
"time_taken" => implode(array_map(function($obj){ return $obj->time_taken;},$arrData),","),
return $arrDbData;
pS: this is just an instruction how you can do that in a proper way. Pls study this code. If you still don't understand whats going on, feel free to ask.
I need to set the pagination order of my register based on field ($results[$key]['Movimento']['status']) created in afterFind callback.
public function afterFind($results, $primary = false) {
foreach ($results as $key => $val) {
if(isset($val['Movimento']['data_vencimento'])) {
$data = $val['Movimento']['data_vencimento'];
$dtVc = strtotime($data);
$dtHj = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
$dtVencendo = strtotime("+7 day", $dtHj);
if ($dtVc < $dtHj) {
$results[$key]['Movimento']['status'] = 'vencido';
} elseif ($dtVc <= $dtVencendo) {
$results[$key]['Movimento']['status'] = 'vc15dias';
} else {
$results[$key]['Movimento']['status'] = 'aberto';
if(isset($val['Movimento']['data_pagamento'])) {
$results[$key]['Movimento']['status'] = 'quitado';
return $results;
$options = array(
'order' => array('Movimento.status' => 'ASC')
$this->controller->paginate = $options;
$movimentos = $this->controller->paginate('Movimento');
I know this does not work because the field is created after the paginator call.
Can I make it work?
as I understand, you want to sort by data_pagamento and than by data_vencimento (has it the mysql-type date?)
so you don't need your afterFind-function for ordering, simply use:
'order' => array(
'Movimento.data_pagamento DESC',//first all rows with not-empty data_pagamento
'Movimento.data_vencimento DESC',// first all dates in the furthest future
Can someone give me a hint what I am doing wrong?
public function getPaymentSumByTypeAndProject($project_id,$type) {
$type = (int) $type;
$project_id = (int) $project_id;
$rowset = $this->tableGateway->select(array('total_amount' => new Expression('SUM(payment.amount)')))->where(array('type' => $type, 'project_id' => $project_id));
$row = $rowset->toArray();
if (!$row) {
throw new \Exception("Busted :/");
return $rowset;
I want to make the same query:
SELECT SUM(amount) FROM payment WHERE type='$type' AND project_id ='$project_id';
I made small progress, i have figured out how to sum whole column
public function getPaymentSumByTypeAndProject($project_id, $type) {
$type = (int) $type;
$project_id = (int) $project_id;
$resultSet = $this->tableGateway->select(function (Select $select) {
$select->columns(array(new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression('SUM(amount) as amount')))->where('type="0"');
return $resultSet;
Maybe someone could help me to figure out how to add condition: "WHERE type='$type' AND project_id='$project_id'" ?
I know this is an old question, but I came across it and figured I'd throw in my two cents:
public function getPaymentSumByTypeAndProject($project_id, $type) {
// This TableGateway is already setup for the table 'payment'
// So we can skip the ->from('payment')
$sql = $this->tableGateway->getSql();
// We'll follow the regular order of SQL ( SELECT, FROM, WHERE )
// So the query is easier to understand
$select = $sql->select()
// Use an alias as key in the columns array instead of
// in the expression itself
->columns(array('amount' => new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression('SUM(amount)')))
// Type casting the variables as integer can take place
// here ( it even tells us a little about the table structure )
->where(array('type' => (int)$type, 'project_id' => (int)$project_id));
// Use selectWith as a shortcut to get a resultSet for the above select
return $this->tableGateway->selectWith($select);
Also, an adapter can be retrieved from a table gateway like this:
$adapter = $this->tableGateway->getAdapter();
But you don't really need it anymore when you select using the above mentioned method.
Ok now this is working, tell me is this how it;s should be done?
public function getPaymentSumByTypeAndProject($project_id, $type) {
$type = (int) $type;
$project_id = (int) $project_id;
$adapter = $this->tableGateway->adapter;
$sql = new Sql($adapter);
$select = $sql->select();
$select->columns(array(new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression('SUM(amount) as amount')));
$selectString = $sql->getSqlStringForSqlObject($select);
$resultSet = $adapter->query($selectString, $adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE);
return $resultSet;
use This one
$select = $this->getSql()->select()
->columns(array('amount' => new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression('SUM(amount)')))
->where("type ='$type'")
->where("project_id ='$project_id'");
$resultSet = $this->selectWith($select);
$row = $resultSet->current();
// echo $select->getSqlString();die; //check query use this line
return False;
return $row->amount;
try to make like that instead of (int) $type
and in your sql
change your variables to
This has been bugging me for quite a while. Basically, what we are trying to achieve is in the bestsellers on our front page, to have the products listed in the amount sold. For simple products this works fine, however for configurable products they will be displayed as a quantity ordered of 0.
I somehow need to find a way to get the configurable products, find the simple products attached to them, sum the amount sold of these simple products, add this back to the configurable products ID and feed this information back in so it will list the configurable product with the right amount that has been sold.
I have placed, what I believe, the areas of code that require changing. If anyone could help it would be very much appreciated!
class Luxe_Bestsellers_Model_Mysql4_Product_Collection extends Mage_Reports_Model_Mysql4_Product_Collection
public function addOrderedQty($from = '', $to = '', $getComplexProducts=false)
$qtyOrderedTableName = $this->getTable('sales/order_item');
$qtyOrderedFieldName = 'qty_ordered';
$productIdFieldName = 'product_id';
if (!$getComplexProducts) {
$compositeTypeIds = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_type')->getCompositeTypes();
$productTypes = $this->getConnection()->quoteInto(' AND (e.type_id NOT IN (?))', $compositeTypeIds);
} else {
$productTypes = '';
if ($from != '' && $to != '') {
$dateFilter = " AND `order`.created_at BETWEEN '{$from}' AND '{$to}'";
} else {
$dateFilter = "";
array('order_items' => $qtyOrderedTableName),
array('ordered_qty' => "SUM(order_items.{$qtyOrderedFieldName})")
$_joinCondition = $this->getConnection()->quoteInto(
'order.entity_id = order_items.order_id AND order.state<>?', Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_CANCELED
$_joinCondition .= $dateFilter;
array('order' => $this->getTable('sales/order')),
->joinInner(array('e' => $this->getProductEntityTableName()),
"e.entity_id = order_items.{$productIdFieldName} AND e.entity_type_id = {$this->getProductEntityTypeId()}{$productTypes}")
->having('ordered_qty > 0');
return $this;
class Luxe_Bestsellers_Block_List extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_List
protected $_defaultToolbarBlock = 'bestsellers/list_toolbar';
protected function _beforeToHtml() {
$this->addPriceBlockType('bundle', 'bundle/catalog_product_price', 'bundle/catalog/product/price.phtml');
return parent::_beforeToHtml();
public function _toHtml()
if ($this->_productCollection->count()) {
return parent::_toHtml();
} else {
return '';
public function getTimeLimit()
if ($this->getData('time_limit_in_days')) {
return intval($this->getData('time_limit_in_days'));
} else {
return intval(Mage::getStoreConfig('bestsellers/bestsellers/time_limit_in_days'));
public function getBlockTitle()
if ($this->getData('title')) {
return $this->getData('title');
} else {
return Mage::getStoreConfig('bestsellers/bestsellers/title');
public function isShowOutOfStock() {
return (bool)Mage::getStoreConfig('bestsellers/bestsellers/show_out_of_stock');
public function getProductsLimit()
if ($this->getData('limit')) {
return intval($this->getData('limit'));
} else {
return $this->getToolbarBlock()->getLimit();
public function getDisplayMode()
return $this->getData('display_mode');
* Retrieve loaded category collection
* #return Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Collection_Abstract
protected function _getProductCollection()
if (is_null($this->_productCollection)) {
$layer = Mage::getModel('catalog/layer');
$bestsellers = Mage::getResourceModel('reports/product_collection');
if ($this->getTimeLimit()) {
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$todayDate = $product->getResource()->formatDate(time());
$startDate = $product->getResource()->formatDate(time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * $this->getTimeLimit());
$bestsellers->addOrderedQty($startDate, $todayDate, true);
} else {
$bestsellers->addOrderedQty('', '', true);
->setOrder('ordered_qty', 'desc')
if ($layer->getCurrentCategory()->getId() != Mage::app()->getStore()->getRootCategoryId()) {
if (!$this->isShowOutOfStock()) {
$bestsellers->getSelect()->where('order.store_id = ?', Mage::app()->getStore()->getId());
$productIds = array();
foreach ($bestsellers as $p) {
$productIds[] = $p->getId();
$collection = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection');
$attributes = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/config')->getProductAttributes();
$this->_productCollection = $collection;
return $this->_productCollection;
* Translate block sentence
* #return string
public function __()
$args = func_get_args();
$expr = new Mage_Core_Model_Translate_Expr(array_shift($args), 'Mage_Catalog');
array_unshift($args, $expr);
return Mage::app()->getTranslator()->translate($args);
Thanks for posting that sample code! I was able to use it to create a solution which should work well for both of us.
I found that configurable product sales are being summed correctly but aren't being included in the results; their child products appear instead. My solution was to include configurable products, do a left join on the catalog_product_super_link table, and filter out anything that has a parent_id. Here are the changes you'll need to make:
public function addOrderedQty($from = '', $to = '', $getComplexProducts=false, $getComplexChildProducts = true, $getRemovedProducts = true)
$qtyOrderedTableName = $this->getTable('sales/order_item');
$qtyOrderedFieldName = 'qty_ordered';
$productIdFieldName = 'product_id';
if (!$getComplexProducts) {
$compositeTypeIds = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_type')->getCompositeTypes();
$productTypes = $this->getConnection()->quoteInto(' AND (e.type_id NOT IN (?))', $compositeTypeIds);
} else {
$productTypes = '';
if ($from != '' && $to != '') {
$dateFilter = " AND `order`.created_at BETWEEN '{$from}' AND '{$to}'";
} else {
$dateFilter = "";
array('order_items' => $qtyOrderedTableName),
'ordered_qty' => "SUM(order_items.{$qtyOrderedFieldName})",
'order_items_name' => 'order_items.name'
$_joinCondition = $this->getConnection()->quoteInto(
'order.entity_id = order_items.order_id AND order.state<>?', Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_CANCELED
$_joinCondition .= $dateFilter;
array('order' => $this->getTable('sales/order')),
// Add join to get the parent id for configurables
array('cpsl' => $this->getTable('catalog/product_super_link')),
'cpsl.product_id = order_items.product_id',
$this->getSelect()->having('parent_id IS NULL');
->joinLeft(array('e' => $this->getProductEntityTableName()),
"e.entity_id = order_items.{$productIdFieldName} AND e.entity_type_id = {$this->getProductEntityTypeId()}{$productTypes}")
->joinInner(array('e' => $this->getProductEntityTableName()),
"e.entity_id = order_items.{$productIdFieldName} AND e.entity_type_id = {$this->getProductEntityTypeId()}{$productTypes}")
$this->getSelect()->having('ordered_qty > 0');
// This line is for debug purposes, in case you'd like to see what the SQL looks like
// $x = $this->getSelect()->__toString();
return $this;
List.php - Find the following two lines...
$bestsellers->addOrderedQty($startDate, $todayDate, true);
$bestsellers->addOrderedQty('', '', true);
... and change them to:
$bestsellers->addOrderedQty($startDate, $todayDate, true, false, false);
$bestsellers->addOrderedQty('', '', true, false, false);
My changes added two new optional parameters, which both default to true, as to not break existing functionality.
When $getComplexChildProducts is set to false, all child items of the configurable product will be removed from the results.
$getRemovedProducts determines whether or not previously ordered products (which have since been deleted from Magento) should also appear.
Please note that your report statistics will need to be up-to-date in order to get accurate results.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
You can use the following piece of code to get the simple products attached to the configurable product. I'm not sure if this is 100% correct, I haven't tried it myself.
$simpleProducts = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable')->getUsedProducts(null, $product);