How to get running on a local dev environment from an existing and complex Magento2 project - php

At work we took back our existing store running on Magento 2 from an external development agency. I need to get the project running in local development (with docker).
I familiarized myself with a vanilla project from the official docs and managed to get it running by downloading the vanilla template with composer, granting the proper permissions on files and folder and running the magento setup:install command.
My question is how do one goes when kick starting from an existing (production running) project?
Do I need to run setup:install again? If I do, why?
What do I need to import from production to ensure any content or configuration created via the admin is also running on my local setup? Should I import the complete Database from production?
I know our setup is using more than just php and mysql, but env.php seems to be listing only db configuration and admin url. Where can I get the complete service configuration informations about what our setup uses?
Anything else I am missing to get started with an existing project for local development?

As someone who is running Magento 2 on a local environment myself, hopefully I can shed some light on this.
If you have a direct copy of the live site, you do not need to run setup:install again.
Ensure you have a copy of the entire Magento 2 site (you can technically ignore the vendor folder, as you can run composer install and it will redownload those files, but that's up to you). Also get a copy of the entire database. Magento 2 is notorious for copying the same data to multiple tables so something could break if you don't have everything.
What do you mean by "service configurations" If you are referring to Magento 2 extensions, that data is saved in the database, not the env.php file. env.php is only for server side configurations, such as the DB information, Caching, and things of that nature. On mine, I use Redis for site Cache, so that would be included in that file as well, as an example.
When you first unpack the site to your local environment, run composer update in the directory. This will ensure you have all the proper files installed. If you are going to run a local dev environment, set the mode to development with the following command: bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer. This will allow you to make changes and to view those changes by just refreshing the page, rather than flushing cache all the time.

All queries are replied correctly by Eric. I am also not sure about "service configurations" you have mentioned here. If this is about third-party extensions/services you can check config.php file for this.


GIT & Laravel stopping certain files

I've been running a project written in Laravel which has been fun to use.
The setup I use is the vagrant box Homestead configuration so I do the majority of my work on my local machine and push up to the development server once its ready to go. During the installation I had to push up the logs & vendor folder for it to work properly but now I'm at a stage where every commit I do via the command line includes storage/logs/laravel.log which when I then pull down it asks me to stash/commit on the server because they're different.
I've added it to the .gitignore file in the root directory of the project and it looks like this:
Vendor doesn't cause me any problems unless I make changes to it so its not much of a bother, its just the logs which will not stop going up. If I use a GUI tool, I can manually tell it not to go up but I want to get it to the point that I can use the terminal to push it up and not worry about logs need stashing on the server.
I believe this is the same for the .env so I imagine a solution will work for both. I have also noticed that PHPStorm have said they're ignored but tracked with git if that helps.
If you take a look at the Laravel repo on GitHub, you'll find the following .gitignore file in the storage directory:
This comes with the default installation to mark the logs directory as ignored. If you've deleted this by mistake, you should be able to reinstate it and resolve the issue you're having.
Just as importantly though, your workflow isn't following best practice. With respect to "Vendor doesn't cause me and problems unless i make changes to it" - you should never make changes to your vendor directory. This folder is home to third-party packages and plugins, modifying them directly causes multiple issues, chief amongst them:
You can no longer update a modified package without breaking your application.
Other developers won't be able to replicate your installation easily.
In fact, the vendor directory shouldn't be versioned at all. The best way to handle the files within it is using a package manager, like Composer, to do it all for you. This means you can easily switch between different versions of your packages and, by versioning only the composer files, other developers can run composer install or composer update to synchronise their development environment to yours quickly and accurately.

Using laravel in a subdirectory, without root access

A year ago, I decided to go with codeigniter instead of laravel, because codeigniter prooved to be easier to setup. I am now preparing for my next project and it seems as if codeigniter is now obsolete (at least most of the people seem to recommend laravel over codeigniter).
Now to my problem: I use a virtual ubuntu machine for developing web apps so I have a dev environment similar to the production environment (this helps me to avoid some problems (especially case-sensitivity...;)))
I installed composer and laravel and created a new laravel project named "quickstart" in /var/www/quickstart. I then followed their "getting started guide" (here: Guide). So far everything worked.
But here come the problems:
I have two other web applications in /var/www, so when I enter the ip of the machine I see the 3 directories.
Issue 1:
Normaly I'd expect that as soon as if I click on the "quickstart"-Directory in my browser, the webapp would get displayed, but I have to click a second time on "public", and then the webapp is displayed.
Issue 2: Of course, the links on the page are wrong too, because they reeer to (for example) "/task", which can't be found on the server.
The problem is that I'm not really experienced with apache configuration. I suspect it has something to do with VirtualHosts, but AFAIK you need to have root access to configure virtual hosts, and I do not have root rights on the dev environment.
Could you point out a way to me how I can make laravel work in a subdirectory in a way that I can just move the files and folders to my hoster as soon as I have finished the project? I'd like to then change only one file, and not all paths and URLs in all files ;)
Thanks to Bogdan, I was able to figure it out. My hoster allows symlinks, so I did it like so:
I put the laravel installation in
(quickstart is the name of the project). I then created the following symlink:
ln -s /srv/web/quickstart/public /srv/web/www/public
The document root of the apache is configured to
After that I just got a blank page. That was because I forgot to set the correct permissions on the storage-folder. So I set the following permissions
chmod -R 777 /srv/web/quickstart/storage
This is fine for a development environment. For production I'd recommend to only allow the webserver-user to write into that directory.
And voilĂ : Everything works!
Thank you for your help bogdan.

How to move Symfony2 application from localhost to deployment server (LAMP CentOS)

I have developed a Symfony2 app on my local machine. I access it using PHP's built-in server, via http://localhost:8000/
Question: how do I move this application to my VPS (LAMP CentOS) so that it can be accessed like this:
and is it any different for installing it on:
PLEASE if by any chance you can provide a step by step instructions, it will be much appreciated and I'm sure useful to many others too. I'm used to working with stuff where you can simply move files from one place to another, update some config data and it works (Wordpress, coding without frameworks etc.)
The best solution to me is to have your project in a versionning system like git or svn without the vendors dir of course ...
This way, your simply have to do :
1) git clone your project into the prod dir
2) php composer.phar install to install your vendors
2b) create the mysql user with correct login and password according to your parameters.yml
3) php app/console doctrine:database:create to create your database with the credentials you set up in mysql
4) php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force to perform the database tables creation
5) testing the project :)
If you are not using a versionning system just upload your project to your server with an ftp software without the vendors directory ( it will be feeded by step 2) then perform 3rd , 4th and 5th steps !
For the subdomain part of your request you have to creats a subdomain folder on your server ( by using plesk if you have it ) or by manually creating a vhost config to specify the sub domain path. I can t provide you an example right now ( i m writing this from my mobile device and i don t have clear step by step procedure in order to achieve this )
[Install your environment]
So, First you need to install and run an apache Server. Find here the minimum basics to get your application running under Apache2. Then make sure you've PHP5 and MySQL up and running. Otherwise check,
Install and Configure MySQL Database Server
Installing and Configuring PHP
[Deploy your application]
Deploying can be a complex and varied task depending on your setup and
needs -
It's then up to you to choose the right way to deploy your application, you can do it,
Using Basic File Transfer
Using Source Control
Using Build scripts
I would recommend using Capifony which was build on top of Capistrano to adapt it to Symfony applications.
[Post-Deployment Tasks]
Your deployment process should be tailored to guarantee that all the required post-deployment tasks (Like updating your dependencies, setting your application configuration files, clearing the cache and dumping your assets, etc) are executed.
To get the big picture, read the How to deploy a Symfony2 application of the Cookbook.

How does symfony know which directory it's installed in?

I'm trying to establish a development process with symfony where developers can clone the symfony repository to their localhost and simply test their code on their computers. However I'm running into issues, of which git is not adding all the necessary files to copy (.gitignore issue), but also symfony doesn't know in which directory it is installed in when clearing the cache. Symfony is trying to clear it's cache stored in the wrong directory.
It seems that simply copy and pasting the symfony project and linking the apache server to the app_dev.php file doesn't work well. What would be a better approach when working with symfony with multiple people?
You should never pass your symfony application around as a copy when working with multiple people ... and even worse including the cache ...
use a cvs like git ( ignoring the cache folder ) and provide DataFixtures and a parameters.yml.dist in order to provide your co-workers with the latest development status and commented changes/commits.
The easiest way for your colleagues to have a running copy quickly would be providing a Vagrantfile including some provisioning.
This way you can make sure not only all your people have the same code-base but the same webserver, php-version/settings aswell.

Symfony 2 without SSH access

I have a developed a small web-app in Symfony 2 and Doctrine 2.
Can i deploy it to a web-host that doesn't give SSH access?
I ask this because i see there are a lot of task that must be done from the terminal, like updating the database schema, creating symlinks for the assets, clearing cache, etc...
Should not be a problem:
Create a copy of the system somewhere, ideally with identical DB connection params like the production system.
Run all the necessary tasks with the --env=prod parameter, if your DB settings allow it.
Clone the created production database to the production system (with phpMyAdmin). You can clone the schema from the production database, run app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql locally and then run the generated SQL on the production server.
Copy all the files, excluding the dirs in app/cache and app/log
I have done this many times with SF 1.4, and it should be just as easy with SF 2.
Some low end hosts have restrictions that will cause issues for symfony, so its important to run the symfony compatibility checker script (you can upload it and then enter its URL in your browser to get the output). Once thats done, follow these simple steps:
copy over all the files for the project. I usually zip/tar the project folder, upload it, and unpack.
Export the database from your development environment and upload it to your new server.
Edit the config and update your database settings. If you have hardcoded paths somewhere in your code, now is the time to fix those as well.
Make sure that the user for apache (or whatever server software your host uses) has full access to the cache and log directories. This can be tricky on some hosts, I have had to contact support in the past to have someone log in and change permissions.
In your web hosts configuration tool, set the webroot for your site to the web folder in your project.
Maybe there is a way (with sftp for example), but it would be like trying to ride a bike with square wheels ;)
