Calculate the total of amount by category in Laravel - php

I make this query :
$expenses = Expense::where('team_id', Auth::user()->currentTeam->id)
->orderBy('entry_date', 'DESC')
ExpenseSumByCategoryResource :
return [
'id' => Hashids::encode($this->id),
'entry_date' => $this->entry_date,
'amount' => $this->amount,
'category' => $this->category->name
Response :
"expenses": [
"id": "GO3W1MkgWkngpnByQ6",
"entry_date": "2020-10-14",
"amount": "50.00",
"category": "Health"
"id": "7vK6bz0gnG7JBOYRLD",
"entry_date": "2020-10-14",
"amount": "30.00",
"category": "Uncategorize"
"id": "7vK6bz0gnG7JBOYRLD",
"entry_date": "2020-10-14",
"amount": "30.00",
"category": "Health"
"id": "7vK6bz0gnG7JBOYRLD",
"entry_date": "2020-10-14",
"amount": "30.00",
"category": "Food"
I would like to calculate, by category, the sum of "amount".
Ideally, I would like to have a result which is this :
"expenses": [
"category": "Health"
"total_amount": "80.00",
"category": "Uncategorized"
"total_amount": "30.00",
"category": "Food"
"total_amount": "30.00",

You may try adding a select() and groupBy() which makes sense for your query:
$expenses = Expense::select('category', DB::raw('SUM(amount) AS total_amount'))
->where('team_id', Auth::user()->currentTeam->id)


MongoDB Aggregation in nested collection data

In a collection I'm saving all the Store wise transactions and there is a key named "items" inside all the documents which contains all the items of a particular sale.
Now I've to perform aggregation onto it and send the data somewhere else.
Below I've given the collection data
"_id": {
"$oid": "63ee26bcb64550cbb20de158"
"employee": "1",
"custId": "6357cb852c61064d53040ff2",
"store_code": "BAN-01",
"store_no": "7",
"shift": "Second",
"employee_role": "POS Store Manager",
"store_name": "175",
"customer_name": "Vivek Kumar",
"customer_email": "",
"customer_phone": "9958137221",
"counter_code": "175-Counter-01",
"deposit_amount": "100",
"emp_code": "TCP004",
"items": "[{\"internalid\":2969,\"type\":\"InvtPart\",\"islotitem\":true,\"isserialitem\":false,\"isspecialorderitem\":false,\"itemName\":\"201450\",\"price\":\"252.50\",\"qty\":\"1\",\"itemamount\":\"265.13\",\"mrp\":\"252.50\",\"discount\":\"0.00\",\"tax\":\"12.63\",\"promotion\":\"NA\",\"item_display_name\":\"UOM: BETADINE GARGLE 100ML\",\"item_upc_code\":\"5285239186\",\"item_hsn_code\":\"30041090\",\"uom\":\"EA\",\"batchDetails\":{\"#PJ0672\":{\"batch_expiry\":\"4/4/2025\",\"qty\":1}}},{\"internalid\":2963,\"type\":\"InvtPart\",\"islotitem\":true,\"isserialitem\":false,\"isspecialorderitem\":false,\"itemName\":\"225124\",\"price\":\"7.00\",\"qty\":\"15\",\"itemamount\":\"110.25\",\"mrp\":\"7.00\",\"discount\":\"0.00\",\"tax\":\"5.25\",\"promotion\":\"NA\",\"item_display_name\":\"UOM: ZINCOVIT 15TAB\",\"item_upc_code\":\"8035476959\",\"item_hsn_code\":\"21069099\",\"uom\":\"SH(15)\",\"batchDetails\":{\"#ZVT21203\":{\"batch_expiry\":\"4/4/2025\",\"qty\":15}}},{\"internalid\":3067,\"type\":\"InvtPart\",\"islotitem\":true,\"isserialitem\":false,\"isspecialorderitem\":false,\"itemName\":\"315043\",\"price\":\"1.70\",\"qty\":\"45\",\"itemamount\":\"80.33\",\"mrp\":\"1.70\",\"discount\":\"0.00\",\"tax\":\"3.83\",\"promotion\":\"NA\",\"item_display_name\":\"UOM: FOLVITE 45TAB\",\"item_upc_code\":\"9312066071\",\"item_hsn_code\":\"30045039\",\"uom\":\"SH(45)\",\"batchDetails\":{\"#GH3735\":{\"batch_expiry\":\"4/4/2025\",\"qty\":45}}},{\"internalid\":3069,\"type\":\"InvtPart\",\"islotitem\":true,\"isserialitem\":false,\"isspecialorderitem\":false,\"itemName\":\"204009\",\"price\":\"75.44\",\"qty\":\"10\",\"itemamount\":\"792.12\",\"mrp\":\"75.44\",\"discount\":\"0.00\",\"tax\":\"37.72\",\"promotion\":\"NA\",\"item_display_name\":\"UOM: DUPHASTON 10TAB\",\"item_upc_code\":\"3444014334\",\"item_hsn_code\":\"30043919\",\"uom\":\"SH(10)\",\"batchDetails\":{\"#KAVA2050\":{\"batch_expiry\":\"4/4/2025\",\"qty\":10}}}]",
"total_amount": 1247.83,
"total_tax": 59.43,
"total_discount": 0,
"subTotal": 1188.4,
"payment_details": [
"paymentMethod": "cash",
"amount_paid": 1247.83,
"transaction_date": "2/16/2023 4:58:19 pm",
"payment_status": "Success",
"transaction_id": "test123"
"auth_id": "master_ad14cca679b44ef1d78a3e_master",
"created_by": "master_ad14cca679b44ef1d78a3e_master",
"updated_by": "master_ad14cca679b44ef1d78a3e_master",
"invoice_no": "WFINV#1",
"updated_at": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1676551868017"
"created_at": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1676551868017"
"_id": {
"$oid": "63ee2778b64550cbb20de17c"
"employee": "1",
"custId": "6357cb852c61064d53040ff2",
"store_code": "BAN-01",
"store_no": "7",
"shift": "Second",
"employee_role": "POS Store Manager",
"store_name": "175",
"customer_name": "Vivek Kumar",
"customer_email": "",
"customer_phone": "9958137221",
"counter_code": "175-Counter-01",
"deposit_amount": "100",
"emp_code": "TCP004",
"items": "[{\"internalid\":\"undefined\",\"type\":\"undefined\",\"islotitem\":true,\"isserialitem\":false,\"isspecialorderitem\":false,\"itemName\":\"\",\"price\":\"2.30\",\"qty\":\"20\",\"itemamount\":\"48.30\",\"mrp\":\"2.30\",\"discount\":\"0.00\",\"tax\":\"2.3\",\"promotion\":\"NA\",\"item_display_name\":\"UOM: COMBIFLAM 20TAB\",\"item_upc_code\":\"UPC000004\",\"item_hsn_code\":\"30049063\",\"uom\":\"SH(20)\",\"batchDetails\":{\"#1022563\":{\"batch_expiry\":\"4/4/2025\",\"qty\":20}}},{\"internalid\":\"undefined\",\"type\":\"undefined\",\"islotitem\":true,\"isserialitem\":false,\"isspecialorderitem\":false,\"itemName\":\"\",\"price\":\"93.00\",\"qty\":\"1\",\"itemamount\":\"97.65\",\"mrp\":\"93.00\",\"discount\":\"0.00\",\"tax\":\"4.65\",\"promotion\":\"NA\",\"item_display_name\":\"UOM: FEBREX-PLUS DS SYP 60ML\",\"item_upc_code\":\"1036121752\",\"item_hsn_code\":\"30049093\",\"uom\":\"EA\",\"batchDetails\":{\"#22430041\":{\"batch_expiry\":\"4/4/2025\",\"qty\":1}}}]",
"total_amount": 145.95,
"total_tax": 6.95,
"total_discount": 0,
"subTotal": 139,
"payment_details": [
"paymentMethod": "cash",
"amount_paid": 145.95,
"transaction_date": "2/16/2023 4:54:25 pm",
"payment_status": "Success",
"transaction_id": "test123"
"auth_id": "master_ad14cca679b44ef1d78a3e_master",
"created_by": "master_ad14cca679b44ef1d78a3e_master",
"updated_by": "master_ad14cca679b44ef1d78a3e_master",
"invoice_no": "WFINV#4",
"updated_at": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1676552056047"
"created_at": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1676552056047"
I Tried the below aggregation but it didn't work.
$data = \DB::collection("online_orders")->raw(function($collection) use ($requestData) {
return $collection->aggregate([
'$match' => [
'created_at' => [
'$gte' => $requestData['from'],
'$lte' => $requestData['to']
'$group' => [
'_id' => [
'store_code' => '$store_code',
'sku' => '$items.itemName'
'items' => '$items',
'sold_qty' => [ '$sum' => '$items.qty' ]
After Pipeline
Expected Result :
Result Keys relation to the collection keys just for reference**
sku -> itemName
sold_qty -> how many time that particular item has been sold store code wise
return_qty -> curerntly leave it as 0
total_amount -> total amount of particular item sold
uom -> uom
batchNo -> batchDetails key is batchNo
Quantity -> batchDetails -- qty
"order_type": "CS",
"data": [
"store_code": "175",
"cash_sale_details": [
"sku": "321405",
"sold_qty": "5",
"return_qty": "0",
"total_amount": "69.83",
"uom": "EA",
"batchDetails": [
"batchNo": "LOT121",
"Quantity": 5
"sku": "223327",
"sold_qty": "5",
"return_qty": "0",
"total_amount": "488.25",
"uom": "EA",
"batchDetails": [
"batchNo": "22430041",
"Quantity": 5
"sku": "222045",
"sold_qty": "5",
"return_qty": "0",
"total_amount": "842.89",
"uom": "EA",
"batchDetails": [
"batchNo": "B2329D164",
"Quantity": 5
"sku": "341106",
"sold_qty": "5",
"return_qty": "0",
"total_amount": "623.44",
"uom": "EA",
"batchDetails": [
"batchNo": "AS2211",
"Quantity": 5

Doctrine Issue - Entities not joining correctly

So I'm having a strange problem with Doctrine that I don't understand and need help with. Essentially, I am running quite a complex query due to the nature of my database and its various joins and for some reason the response when I grab try to grab all records from my database is returning my entities incorrectly.
See my doctrine query below:
$subQuery = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()
->from(Product::class, 'ex')
->join('ex.productSpecificationItems', 'ppsi')
->where(' =');
$subQuery = $subQuery->getDQL();
$subQuery2 = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()
->from(Product::class, 'ex2')
->join('ex2.productOptionItemValues', 'ppoiv')
->where(' =');
$subQuery2 = $subQuery2->getDQL();
$subQuery3 = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()
->from(Product::class, 'ex3')
->join('ex3.productOptionItems', 'poie')
->where(' =');
$subQuery3 = $subQuery3->getDQL();
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('p')
->select('p, pc, psc, i, po, poi, poiv, ps, psi')
->join('p.productCategory', 'pc')
->leftJoin('p.productSubCategory', 'psc')
->leftJoin('p.images', 'i')
->leftJoin('p.productOptions', 'po')
->leftJoin('p.productSpecifications', 'ps')
->leftJoin('ps.productSpecificationItems', 'psi', Join::WITH, ' IN (' . $subQuery. ')')
->leftJoin('po.productOptionItems', 'poi', Join::WITH, ' IN (' . $subQuery3. ')')
->leftJoin('poi.productOptionItemValue', 'poiv', Join::WITH, ' IN (' . $subQuery2. ')')
->addOrderBy('', 'ASC');
The response of this causes some entities to have the productOptionItemValues either listed under the wrong productOptionItem, just causes blank records to return, or doesn't return them at all. See an example below (as a JSON for clarity):
"id": 373,
"name": "test",
"code": "test",
"url": "373-test",
"price": "1.00",
"stock": 1,
"description": "<p>fghfgh mnsdbfksdhfjk sd</p>\n",
"live": false,
"createdAt": "2022-03-17T14:45:35+00:00",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-17T15:12:44+00:00",
"featured": false,
"aggregateReviewScore": null,
"productCategory": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Hex Set Screws",
"url": "hex-set-screws"
"productSubCategory": {
"id": 12,
"name": "Nylon",
"url": "nylon"
"images": [],
"productOptions": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Colour",
"productOptionItems": {
"0": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Black",
"productOptionItemValue": [
"id": 1196,
"stock": 1,
"price": "1.00",
"useOwn": false
"id": 1201,
"stock": 1,
"price": "1.00",
"useOwn": false
"id": 1198,
"stock": 1,
"price": "1.00",
"useOwn": false
"1": {
"id": 8,
"name": "Yellow",
"productOptionItemValue": [
"id": 1197,
"stock": 1,
"price": "1.00",
"useOwn": false
"2": {
"id": 14,
"name": "Light Grey"
"3": null,
"4": {
"id": 15,
"name": "Mid Grey"
"7": null,
"8": {
"id": 20,
"name": "Light Blue"
"11": null,
"12": {
"id": 22,
"name": "Purple"
"13": null
"id": 2,
"name": "Pack Size",
"productOptionItems": [
"id": 3,
"name": "10",
"productOptionItemValue": [
"id": 1180,
"stock": 100,
"price": "10.00",
"useOwn": true
"id": 4,
"name": "100",
"productOptionItemValue": [
"id": 1181,
"stock": 10,
"price": "1000.00",
"useOwn": true
"productSpecifications": []
If I run the same query on a SINGLE product (so the same Doctrine Query as a above just with a = :id WHERE added) it returns absolutely fine. See the response for that below (and the CORRECT response I am looking for):
"id": 373,
"name": "test",
"code": "test",
"url": "373-test",
"price": 1,
"stock": 1,
"description": "<p>fghfgh mnsdbfksdhfjk sd</p>\n",
"live": false,
"createdAt": "2022-03-17T14:45:35+00:00",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-17T15:12:44+00:00",
"featured": false,
"aggregateReviewScore": null,
"productCategory": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Hex Set Screws",
"url": "hex-set-screws"
"productSubCategory": {
"id": 12,
"name": "Nylon",
"url": "nylon"
"images": [],
"productOptions": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Colour",
"productOptionItems": [
"id": 2,
"name": "Black",
"productOptionItemValue": {
"id": 1196,
"stock": 1,
"price": 1,
"useOwn": false
"id": 7,
"name": "Red",
"productOptionItemValue": {
"id": 1201,
"stock": 1,
"price": 1,
"useOwn": false
"id": 8,
"name": "Yellow",
"productOptionItemValue": {
"id": 1197,
"stock": 1,
"price": 1,
"useOwn": false
"id": 14,
"name": "Light Grey",
"productOptionItemValue": {
"id": 1202,
"stock": 1,
"price": 1,
"useOwn": false
"id": 15,
"name": "Mid Grey",
"productOptionItemValue": {
"id": 1205,
"stock": 1,
"price": 1,
"useOwn": false
"id": 20,
"name": "Light Blue",
"productOptionItemValue": {
"id": 1203,
"stock": 1,
"price": 1,
"useOwn": false
"id": 22,
"name": "Purple",
"productOptionItemValue": {
"id": 1204,
"stock": 1,
"price": 1,
"useOwn": false
"id": 23,
"name": "Natural",
"productOptionItemValue": {
"id": 1198,
"stock": 1,
"price": 1,
"useOwn": false
"id": 2,
"name": "Pack Size",
"productOptionItems": [
"id": 3,
"name": "10",
"productOptionItemValue": {
"id": 1180,
"stock": 100,
"price": 10,
"useOwn": true
"id": 4,
"name": "100",
"productOptionItemValue": {
"id": 1181,
"stock": 10,
"price": 1000,
"useOwn": true
"productSpecifications": []
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

PNR generating issue using amadeus flight create orders API

I want to create booking and generate PNR using amadeus flight booking API.
I have follow 3 step to create booking and generate PNR
Flight Offers Search API using bellow API
Flight Offers Price API using bellow API
Flight Create Orders API using bellow API
When i serach with city with one way thip and choose specific offer and puting passenger details
to create booking and generat PNR. then PNR will generate successfully
i am using bellow API to generate PNR
this is my request json
"data": {
"type": "flight-order",
"flightOffers": [
"type": "flight-offer",
"id": "5",
"source": "GDS",
"instantTicketingRequired": false,
"nonHomogeneous": false,
"paymentCardRequired": false,
"lastTicketingDate": "2021-07-23",
"itineraries": [
"segments": [
"departure": {
"iataCode": "JFK",
"terminal": "5",
"at": "2021-07-30T09:20:00"
"arrival": {
"iataCode": "FLL",
"terminal": "3",
"at": "2021-07-30T12:30:00"
"carrierCode": "B6",
"number": "201",
"aircraft": {
"code": "320"
"operating": {
"carrierCode": "B6"
"duration": "PT3H10M",
"id": "91",
"numberOfStops": 0,
"co2Emissions": [
"weight": 155,
"weightUnit": "KG",
"cabin": "ECONOMY"
"departure": {
"iataCode": "FLL",
"terminal": "3",
"at": "2021-07-30T16:25:00"
"arrival": {
"iataCode": "LAX",
"terminal": "5",
"at": "2021-07-30T18:49:00"
"carrierCode": "B6",
"number": "1301",
"aircraft": {
"code": "32S"
"operating": {
"carrierCode": "B6"
"duration": "PT5H24M",
"id": "92",
"numberOfStops": 0,
"co2Emissions": [
"weight": 253,
"weightUnit": "KG",
"cabin": "ECONOMY"
"duration": "PT12H29M"
"price": {
"currency": "USD",
"total": "276.20",
"base": "235.35",
"fees": [
"amount": "0.00",
"type": "SUPPLIER"
"amount": "0.00",
"type": "TICKETING"
"amount": "0.00",
"grandTotal": "276.20",
"billingCurrency": "USD"
"pricingOptions": {
"fareType": [
"includedCheckedBagsOnly": false
"validatingAirlineCodes": [
"travelerPricings": [
"travelerId": "1",
"fareOption": "STANDARD",
"travelerType": "ADULT",
"price": {
"currency": "USD",
"total": "276.20",
"base": "235.35",
"taxes": [
"amount": "8.60",
"code": "ZP"
"amount": "5.60",
"code": "AY"
"amount": "17.65",
"code": "US"
"amount": "9.00",
"code": "XF"
"refundableTaxes": "40.85"
"fareDetailsBySegment": [
"segmentId": "91",
"cabin": "ECONOMY",
"fareBasis": "OL7AUEL1",
"brandedFare": "DN",
"class": "L",
"includedCheckedBags": {
"quantity": 0
"segmentId": "92",
"cabin": "ECONOMY",
"fareBasis": "ZI3PUEL1",
"brandedFare": "DN",
"class": "L",
"includedCheckedBags": {
"quantity": 0
"travelers": [
"id": 1,
"dateOfBirth": "**********",
"name": {
"firstName": "**********",
"lastName": "**********"
"gender": "**********"
"contacts": [
"addresseeName": {
"firstName": "**********",
"lastName": "**********"
"purpose": "STANDARD",
"emailAddress": "**********",
"phones": [
"deviceType": "MOBILE",
"countryCallingCode": "**",
"number": "**********"
"address": {
"lines": [
"postalCode": "**********",
"cityName": "**********",
"countryCode": "**********"
"remarks": {
"general": [
"ticketingAgreement": {
"option": "DELAY_TO_CANCEL",
"delay": "6D"
and this is my API response.
PNR generated successfully/
stdClass Object
[warnings] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[status] => 200
[code] => 0
[title] => ContactInfoSsrNotAddedToBookingWarning
[detail] => Unable to create some contact information SSR. Email and mobile phone number required.
[data] => stdClass Object
[type] => flight-order
[id] => eJzTd9f3cg228PcBAAskAls%3D
[associatedRecords] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[reference] => JES8OL
[creationDate] => 2021-07-23T10:28:00.000
[originSystemCode] => GDS
[flightOfferId] => 5
[flightOffers] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[type] => flight-offer
[id] => 5
[source] => GDS
[nonHomogeneous] =>
[lastTicketingDate] => 2021-07-23
[itineraries] => Array
But when i search with differnt city and follow the same step.
this is my request json
data": {
"type": "flight-order",
"flightOffers": [
"type": "flight-offer",
"id": "3",
"source": "GDS",
"instantTicketingRequired": false,
"nonHomogeneous": false,
"paymentCardRequired": false,
"lastTicketingDate": "2021-07-28",
"itineraries": [
"segments": [
"departure": {
"iataCode": "DEL",
"terminal": "3",
"at": "2021-08-05T05:35:00"
"arrival": {
"iataCode": "BLR",
"at": "2021-08-05T08:20:00"
"carrierCode": "AI",
"number": "803",
"aircraft": {
"code": "32B"
"operating": {
"carrierCode": "AI"
"duration": "PT2H45M",
"id": "17",
"numberOfStops": 0,
"co2Emissions": [
"weight": 145,
"weightUnit": "KG",
"cabin": "ECONOMY"
"duration": "PT2H45M"
"segments": [
"departure": {
"iataCode": "BLR",
"at": "2021-08-10T17:10:00"
"arrival": {
"iataCode": "DEL",
"terminal": "3",
"at": "2021-08-10T19:55:00"
"carrierCode": "AI",
"number": "501",
"aircraft": {
"code": "32B"
"operating": {
"carrierCode": "AI"
"duration": "PT2H45M",
"id": "42",
"numberOfStops": 0,
"co2Emissions": [
"weight": 145,
"weightUnit": "KG",
"cabin": "ECONOMY"
"duration": "PT2H45M"
"price": {
"currency": "USD",
"total": "88.59",
"base": "68.00",
"fees": [
"amount": "0.00",
"type": "SUPPLIER"
"amount": "0.00",
"type": "TICKETING"
"amount": "0.00",
"grandTotal": "88.59",
"billingCurrency": "USD"
"pricingOptions": {
"fareType": [
"includedCheckedBagsOnly": true
"validatingAirlineCodes": [
"travelerPricings": [
"travelerId": "1",
"fareOption": "STANDARD",
"travelerType": "ADULT",
"price": {
"currency": "USD",
"total": "88.59",
"base": "68.00",
"taxes": [
"amount": "6.34",
"code": "P2"
"amount": "3.78",
"code": "IN"
"amount": "3.63",
"code": "K3"
"amount": "2.28",
"code": "WO"
"amount": "4.56",
"code": "YR"
"refundableTaxes": "17.19"
"fareDetailsBySegment": [
"segmentId": "17",
"cabin": "ECONOMY",
"fareBasis": "SAP8",
"class": "S",
"includedCheckedBags": {
"weight": 25,
"weightUnit": "KG"
"segmentId": "42",
"cabin": "ECONOMY",
"fareBasis": "SAP8",
"class": "S",
"includedCheckedBags": {
"weight": 25,
"weightUnit": "KG"
"travelers": [
"id": 1,
"dateOfBirth": "**********",
"name": {
"firstName": "**********",
"lastName": "**********"
"gender": "**********"
"contacts": [
"addresseeName": {
"firstName": "**********",
"lastName": "**********"
"purpose": "STANDARD",
"emailAddress": "**********",
"phones": [
"deviceType": "**********",
"countryCallingCode": "**",
"number": "**********"
"address": {
"lines": [
"postalCode": "**********",
"cityName": "**********",
"countryCode": "**********"
"remarks": {
"general": [
"ticketingAgreement": {
"option": "DELAY_TO_CANCEL",
"delay": "6D"
and this is my API response.
stdClass Object
[errors] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[status] => 400
[code] => 34651
[detail] => Could not sell segment 2
[source] => stdClass Object
[pointer] => /data/flightOffers[0]/itineraries[1]/segments[0]
Can you please guide me what is the issue.I am using amadeus test API credential.Also guide me how to solve the issue
Thank You
You usually get this error when trying to book a seat that is not available anymore. You are using the test environment, it means everybody else using Amadeus for Developers in test can be trying to book the same seat.
Try with another flight and don't forget to perform the Flight Offers Price before booking.
PS: I see some personal data in the example above, you should edit your post to remove it.

json decode error on some requests but not others with Algolia php library

I'm seeing the following error:
My params are
array (size=4)
'facets' => string 'Instock.1' (length=9)
'facetFilters' => string 'inStock.1:1' (length=11)
'numericFilters' => string 'itemId!=511283' (length=14)
'getRankingInfo' => int 1
If I remove either getRankingInfo or numericFilters, it works for all requests.
According to the logs in Algolia it's returning results, but i don't get that far on my end for some requests.
One response that causes the error to appear is:
"params": "facets=Instock.1&facetFilters=inStock.1%3A1&numericFilters=itemId%21%3D511283&getRankingInfo=1&query=WARBURTON+ORANGE+WRAPPER+800G"
"hits": [
"itemId": 506241,
"name": "Warburton Blue Wrapper 800g",
"slug": "506241-warburton-blue-wrapper",
"brand": "Warburton",
"supplier_name": "Warburtons Bread",
"size": "800G",
"status": "L",
"vat_rate": "0.00",
"popularity": 18992,
"image": "/images/products/506241.jpg",
"thumbnail": "/images/products/506241_thumbnail.jpg",
"barcodes": [
"branches": [
"deepestCategory": "07013033337",
"inStock": {
"1": 1,
"2": 0,
"4": 1,
"5": 1,
"6": 1
"alternatives": [
"objectID": "506241",
"_highlightResult": {
"name": {
"value": "<em>Warburton</em> Blue <em>Wrapper</em> <em>800g</em>",
"matchLevel": "partial",
"matchedWords": [
"barcodes": [
"value": "5010044000039",
"matchLevel": "none",
"matchedWords": [
"_rankingInfo": {
"nbTypos": 0,
"firstMatchedWord": 0,
"proximityDistance": 10,
"userScore": 21542,
"geoDistance": 0,
"geoPrecision": 1,
"nbExactWords": 3,
"words": 3
"itemId": 511294,
"name": "Warburton Green Wrapper ",
"slug": "511294-warburton-green-wrapper",
"brand": "Warburton",
"supplier_name": "Warburtons Bread",
"size": "",
"status": "L",
"vat_rate": "0.00",
"popularity": 78098,
"image": "/images/products/511294.jpg",
"thumbnail": "/images/products/511294_thumbnail.jpg",
"barcodes": [
"branches": [
"deepestCategory": "07013033337",
"inStock": {
One that works fine is:
Request body
"params": "facets=Instock.1&facetFilters=inStock.1%3A1&numericFilters=itemId%21%3D558471&getRankingInfo=1&query=I+CAN%27T+BELIEVE+IT%27S+NOT+BUTTER+2KG"
"hits": [
"itemId": 581691,
"name": "I Can't Believe Its Not Butter 500g",
"slug": "581691-i-cant-believe-its-not-butter",
"brand": "I Can't Believe",
"supplier_name": "U.lever Bestfoods (chilled)",
"size": "500G",
"status": "L",
"vat_rate": "0.00",
"popularity": 36597,
"image": "/images/products/581691.jpg",
"thumbnail": "/images/products/581691_thumbnail.jpg",
"barcodes": [
"branches": [
"deepestCategory": "07015269103",
"inStock": {
"1": 1,
"2": 1,
"3": 1,
"4": 1,
"5": 1,
"6": 1
"alternatives": [
"objectID": "581691",
"_highlightResult": {
"name": {
"value": "<em>I</em> <em>Can't</em> <em>Believe</em> <em>Its</em> <em>Not</em> <em>Butter</em> 500g",
"matchLevel": "partial",
"matchedWords": [
"barcodes": [
"value": "000118039904",
"matchLevel": "none",
"matchedWords": [
"value": "05000118039904",
"matchLevel": "none",
"matchedWords": [
"value": "5000241007009",
"matchLevel": "none",
"matchedWords": [
"_rankingInfo": {
"nbTypos": 0,
"firstMatchedWord": 0,
"proximityDistance": 22,
"userScore": 15914,
"geoDistance": 0,
"geoPrecision": 1,
"nbExactWords": 6,
"words": 8
"itemId": 247577,
"name": "I Can't Believe Its Not Butter 250g"
It seems the result set was causing an error with json_decode. When I limited the hitsPerPage to 10 all works fine. So the answer here is to paginate large sets, obvious really.
Thanks to all who read and commented.

extract data value from nested JSON

I am trying to get some specific fields out of this Json.
"processingDurationMillis": 454,
"authorisedAPI": true,
"success": true,
"airline": "MH",
"validCreditCards": [
"paypal": true,
"outboundOptions": [
"optionId": 0,
"flights": [
"flightNumber": "0066",
"departureAirport": {
"code": "KUL",
"name": "Kuala Lumpur Intl",
"city": "Kuala Lumpur",
"country": "Malaysia",
"timezone": "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur",
"lat": 2.745578,
"lng": 101.709917,
"terminal": null,
"gate": null
"arrivalAirport": {
"code": "ICN",
"name": "Incheon Intl",
"city": "Seoul",
"country": "South Korea",
"timezone": "Asia/Seoul",
"lat": 37.469075,
"lng": 126.450517,
"terminal": null,
"gate": null
"marketingAirline": "MH",
"mealIndicator": "M",
"allowedSsrs": {
"operatingAirline": null,
"equipment": "333",
"equipmentName": "Airbus A330-300",
"flightRPH": 10101,
"comments": [
"depScheduled": "2015-04-28T23:30:00.000+08:00",
"arrScheduled": "2015-04-29T07:10:00.000+09:00",
"depEstimated": null,
"depActual": null,
"arrEstimated": null,
"arrActual": null,
"eligibleForEticketing": true,
"cabin": "ECONOMY",
"fareMarketingType": "BASIC",
"rbd": "N",
"seatsAvailable": 9,
"durationMinutes": 400,
"minutesToScheduledFlightDeparture": 6486
"stopOvers": [
"fareDetails": {
"perPassengerJourneyFares": [
"passengerType": "ADT",
"fare": "1214.95",
"currencyCode": "MYR"
"perPassengerTripTaxes": [
"passengerType": "ADT",
"totalTax": "68.90",
"taxes": [
"code": "MY",
"amount": "65.00",
"currency": "MYR"
"code": "D8",
"amount": "3.90",
"currency": "MYR"
"journeyFare": "1214.95",
"totalTripFare": "1283.90",
"fareCurrency": "MYR"
"magicString": "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",
"seatsAvailable": [
"corporateAccount": false,
"flightCanBeHeld": true,
"durationMinutes": 400,
"gaFareDetails": {
"perPassengerJourneyFares": [
"passengerType": "ADT",
"fare": "1214.95",
"currencyCode": "MYR"
"perPassengerTripTaxes": [
"passengerType": "ADT",
"totalTax": "68.90",
"taxes": [
"code": "MY",
"amount": "65.00",
"currency": "MYR"
"code": "D8",
"amount": "3.90",
"currency": "MYR"
"journeyFare": "1214.95",
"totalTripFare": "1283.90",
"fareCurrency": "MYR"
"adobeFareDetails": {
"perPassengerJourneyFares": [
"passengerType": "ADT",
"fare": "336.66",
"currencyCode": "USD"
"perPassengerTripTaxes": [
"passengerType": "ADT",
"totalTax": "19.09",
"taxes": [
"code": "MY",
"amount": "18.01",
"currency": "USD"
"code": "D8",
"amount": "1.08",
"currency": "USD"
"journeyFare": "336.66",
"totalTripFare": "355.77",
"fareCurrency": "USD"
"userAgentFareDetails": {
"perPassengerJourneyFares": [
"passengerType": "ADT",
"fare": "336.66",
"currencyCode": "USD"
"perPassengerTripTaxes": [
"passengerType": "ADT",
"totalTax": "19.09",
"taxes": [
"code": "MY",
"amount": "18.01",
"currency": "USD"
"code": "D8",
"amount": "1.08",
"currency": "USD"
"journeyFare": "336.66",
"totalTripFare": "355.77",
"fareCurrency": "USD"
"eligibleForeTicketing": true,
"lowestSeatCount": 9,
"directFlight": true
"departureAirport": {
"code": "KUL",
"name": "Kuala Lumpur Intl",
"city": "Kuala Lumpur",
"country": "Malaysia",
"timezone": "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur",
"lat": 2.745578,
"lng": 101.709917,
"terminal": null,
"gate": null
"arrivalAirport": {
"code": "ICN",
"name": "Incheon Intl",
"city": "Seoul",
"country": "South Korea",
"timezone": "Asia/Seoul",
"lat": 37.469075,
"lng": 126.450517,
"terminal": null,
"gate": null
"apiRequired": true,
"fareRules": [
"id": 50,
"order": 1,
"priority": 0,
"code": "Basic",
"name": "MHbasic",
"value": "Economy Class Fares",
"listFareRules": [
"id": 130,
"order": 0,
"code": "",
"name": "Discount level",
"value": "Up to 65%"
"id": 140,
"order": 1,
"code": "",
"name": "Where to buy",
"value": "All channels"
"id": 150,
"order": 2,
"code": "",
"name": "Advance purchase",
"value": "Applies"
"id": 160,
"order": 3,
"code": "",
"name": "Payment",
"value": "Ticket dateline applies"
"id": 170,
"order": 4,
"code": "",
"name": "Baggage allowance",
"value": "2pc/30kg"
"id": 180,
"order": 5,
"code": "",
"name": "Advance seat selection",
"value": "Not allowed"
"id": 190,
"order": 6,
"code": "",
"name": "Enrich miles",
"value": "Nil"
"id": 200,
"order": 7,
"code": "",
"name": "Change of booking",
"value": "Not allowed"
"id": 210,
"order": 8,
"code": "",
"name": "Upgrade",
"value": "Not allowed"
"id": 220,
"order": 9,
"code": "",
"name": "Stand by at the airport",
"value": "For a fee"
"id": 220,
"order": 10,
"code": "",
"name": "No show",
"value": "Penalty applies"
"id": 230,
"order": 11,
"code": "",
"name": "Refund",
"value": "For a fee"
"listFareNotes": [
"id": 10,
"order": 0,
"code": "",
"name": "Important Notice",
"value": ""
"id": 15,
"order": 1,
"code": "",
"name": "",
"value": ""
"id": 20,
"order": 2,
"code": "",
"name": "1.",
"value": "Generic attributes shown only applies to MH operated flights. MH3000-3999, MH5200-5999 and MH9000-9999 Series flights are subject to their own rules. Please contact MH Call Center or ticket offices for actual fare rules."
"id": 30,
"order": 3,
"code": "",
"name": "2.",
"value": "For transpacific and transatlantic flights, the following baggage allowances apply: Economy - 2 pieces (23kg each piece), First and Business - 2 pieces (32kg each piece)."
"id": 50,
"order": 5,
"code": "",
"name": "3.",
"value": "Upgrade, standby at the airport and refund fees for specific routes can be obtained from subsequent booking pages."
"id": 60,
"order": 6,
"code": "",
"name": "4.",
"value": "Standby at the airport denotes the same day for an earlier flight."
"id": 70,
"order": 7,
"code": "",
"name": "5.",
"value": "Fare rules shown are indicative only. Please call our Contact Center to check the detailed fare rules."
"id": 80,
"order": 8,
"code": "",
"name": "",
"value": "Should there be any discrepancy between the above information and the terms and conditions (T&C) published in the fare rules, then the T&C in the fare rules shall prevail."
"Errors": [
"Warnings": [
i want extract flight number, depScheduled, arrScheduled and journey fare from the above json.
here are my code:
$json2 = json_decode($json,true);
$result= array();
foreach ($json2['outboundOptions']['flights']as $theentity) {
$result[] = $theentity['flightNumber'];
The code above return me a error, "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()".I searched around, but still have not found the solution yet..
It is giving you that error because outboundOptions is an array of objects. What you want is to access the first object:
foreach ($json2['outboundOptions'][0]['flights']as $theentity) {
$result[] = $theentity['flightNumber'];
Also, remove the trailing comma (,) from your ] at the end as that causes invalid json.
You can check if your json is valid by going to
Working Example
Update as per your comment
To get all the flights, change your foreach loop to this:
foreach ($json3['outboundOptions'] as $flight) {
foreach($flight['flights'] as $theentity) {
$result[] = $theentity['flightNumber'];
remove the trailing ',' near the very end of your json.
change your code, add a [0] before ['flights']
$json2 = json_decode($json,TRUE);
$result= array();
foreach ($json2['outboundOptions'][0]['flights']as $theentity) {
$result[] = $theentity['flightNumber'];
