PHP 7.2 - SQL Server 2017 - Create Nested Array response - php

I have a Stored Procedure that retrieves data from a SQL Server DB.
With query result I need to populate the parameters' Array of a SOAPClient's Method
At present I'm manually creating the Array, but I was wondering if it was possible (and worthy) to create the Array in the way required by the SOAP Method directly from TSQL:
Using PHP 7.2 - SQL Server 2017
Let me explain with an example:
this is my Query Result:
[Key] => R******l
[Password] => c*************z
[AccountNumber] => 0****1
[MeterNumber] => 2******5
[ShipTimestamp] => 2020-10-29T10:24:19+01:00
[PackagingType] => YOUR_PACKAGING
[PreferredCurrency] => EUR
[Weight_Units] => KG
[TotalWeight] => 0.02
While it should return something like this:
[Authentication] => Array
[User] => Array
[Key] => R******l
[Password] => c*************z
[Client] => Array
[Account] => 0*******1
[Meter] => 2*******5
[Shipment] => Array
[ShipTimestamp] => 2020-10-29T10:41:26+01:00
[DropoffType] => REGULAR_PICKUP
[PackagingType] => YOUR_PACKAGING
[PreferredCurrency] => EUR
[TotalWeight] => Array
[Units] => KG
[Value] => 0.02
Is it possible and worthy?

You could return one row with one JSON column using FOR JSON PATH1 in SQL and in PHP json_decode($json, true)3 with $assoc param set to true to decode JSON as array.
SELECT user_key [Authentication.User.Key]
, user_password [Authentication.User.Password]
, client_account [Client.Account]
, client_meter [Client.Meter]
--- and so on
FROM my_table
) [json]
The result should be JSON
"Authentication": { "User": { "Key": "XXX", "Password": "XXX" } },
"Client": { "Account": "YYY", "Meter": 200500 }
And now You can fetch that value in PHP, decode it and supply to SOAP.
$row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC);
$json = json_decode($row['json'], true);
But in SQL You need a special syntax to format those types:
date values CONVERT(varchar(10), date_col, 120) -
120 results in 2020-10-29 11:32:00 format, varchar(10) trim just date part, varchar(20) gets whole date+time2
boolean values CAST(boolean_col as bit) (0 -> false, 1 -> true)
More info:
SQL: Format query results as JSON with FOR JSON
SQL: CAST and CONVERT with datetime in different formats
PHP: json_decode

As asked for an example, this can be also done with a mapping.
Data defined as
$data = [
'Key' => 'R******l',
'Password' => 'c*************z',
'AccountNumber' => '0****1',
'MeterNumber' => '2******5',
'ShipTimestamp' => '2020-10-29T10:24:19+01:00',
'PackagingType' => 'YOUR_PACKAGING',
'PreferredCurrency' => 'EUR',
'Weight_Units' => 'KG',
'TotalWeight' => '0.02',
Mapping defined with a hash table. The name may be transformed and groups may me as deep as wanted.
$mapping = [
'Key' => ['name' => 'Key', 'group' => ['Authentication', 'User']],
'Password' => ['name' => 'Password', 'group' => ['Authentication', 'User']],
'AccountNumber' => ['name' => 'Account', 'group' => ['Client']],
'MeterNumber' => ['name' => 'Meter', 'group' => ['Client']],
'ShipTimestamp' => ['name' => 'ShipTimestamp', 'group' => ['Shipment']],
'ServiceType' => ['name' => 'ServiceType', 'group' => ['Shipment']],
'PackagingType' => ['name' => 'PackagingType', 'group' => ['Shipment']],
'PreferredCurrency' => ['name' => 'PreferredCurrency', 'group' => ['Shipment']],
'Weight_Units' => ['name' => 'Units', 'group' => ['Shipment', 'TotalWeight']],
'TotalWeight' => ['name' => 'Value', 'group' => ['Shipment', 'TotalWeight']],
Now a simple routine to remap the data by the mapping table and put to $mappedData.
$mappedData = [];
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
$map = $mapping[$key];
$root = array_shift($map['group']);
$value = [$map['name'] => $value];
foreach($map['group'] as $group) {
$value = [$group => $value];
$new[$root] = $value;
$mappedData = array_replace_recursive ($mappedData, $new);
Which looks like this when executed
[Authentication] => Array
[User] => Array
[Key] => R******l
[Password] => c*************z
[Client] => Array
[Account] => 0****1
[Meter] => 2******5
[Shipment] => Array
[ShipTimestamp] => 2020-10-29T10:24:19+01:00
[PackagingType] => YOUR_PACKAGING
[PreferredCurrency] => EUR
[TotalWeight] => Array
[Units] => KG
[Value] => 0.02


PHP - Merge two arrays of objects included other objects [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Merge two arrays containing objects and remove duplicate values
(7 answers)
Closed 5 months ago.
in my symfony project, I need to be able to merge several arrays of objects while removing duplicates.
For example :
array 1 :
[0] => Absence Object
[id] => 1
[type] => TypeConge Object ([id] => 4, [nom] => "Maladie")
[user] => User Object (......)
[debut] => 12-11-2019 00:00:00
[1] => Absence Object
[id] => 2
[type] => TypeConge Object ([id] => 5, [nom] => "CA")
[user] => User Object (......)
[debut] => 13-11-2019 00:00:00
[2] => Absence Object
[id] => 3
[type] => TypeConge Object ([id] => 4, [nom] => "Maladie")
[user] => User Object (......)
[debut] => 11-11-2019 00:00:00
Array 2:
[0] => Absence Object
[id] => 1
[type] => TypeConge Object ([id] => 4, [nom] => "Maladie")
[user] => User Object (......)
[debut] => 12-11-2019 00:00:00
[1] => Absence Object
[id] => 8
[type] => TypeConge Object ([id] => 4, [nom] => "Maladie")
[user] => User Object (......)
[debut] => 17-11-2019 00:00:00
[0] => Absence Object
[id] => 1
[type] => TypeConge Object ([id] => 4, [nom] => "Maladie")
[user] => User Object (......)
[debut] => 12-11-2019 00:00:00
[1] => Absence Object
[id] => 2
[type] => TypeConge Object ([id] => 5, [nom] => "CA")
[user] => User Object (......)
[debut] => 13-11-2019 00:00:00
[2] => Absence Object
[id] => 3
[type] => TypeConge Object ([id] => 4, [nom] => "Maladie")
[user] => User Object (......)
[debut] => 11-11-2019 00:00:00
[3] => Absence Object
[id] => 8
[type] => TypeConge Object ([id] => 4, [nom] => "Maladie")
[user] => User Object (......)
[debut] => 17-11-2019 00:00:00
I use this code to do it :
$demandes = $this->getDemandesValidateur($unUser, $search, $superValidation);
$tabDemandes = array_merge($tabDemandes, $demandes);
$tabDemandes = array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", $tabDemandes)));
But I get the impression that it causes bugs because of serialization and deserialization. I get the good final table, but some data seems unusable. For example I can not call:
It returns null sometimes. Is it because of my code ?
My case :
To clarify my case, here's what I'm supposed to do:
I have an empty board at the beginning.
Then I make a loop to retrieve other tables that I merge. And in the end, I remove the duplicates.
It looks like this:
$tabDemandes = [];
$users = $this->repoUsers->getUsersWhereIsSuppleant($user);
foreach($users as $unUser)
$demandes = array_column($this->getDemandesCongesForCalendar($unUser, $demandesConges, "ROLE_VALIDATEUR"), null, 'id');
$tabDemandes = $tabDemandes + $demandes;
$demandes = array_column($this->getDemandesCongesForCalendar($user, $demandesConges, "ROLE_VALIDATEUR"), null, 'id');
$tabDemandes = $tabDemandes + $demandes;
Knowing that the function getDemandesCongesForCalendar () returns an array of objects (which themselves contain objects).
I have the impression of having misused the code that you advised me, because it will not remove duplicates I think at the end.
The variable $ requests will in any case contain an array with unique values, there will be no duplicates.
But since each time, I add its values to the general table ($ tabDemands), there may be duplicates in the latter. And that's where I should step in to remove duplicates
Based on splash58's comment, you can use array_column() and then merge arrays while keeping only the first item. A sample can be seen here.
$records = array(
'id' => 2135,
'first_name' => 'John',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
'id' => 3245,
'first_name' => 'Sally',
'last_name' => 'Smith',
'id' => 5342,
'first_name' => 'Jane',
'last_name' => 'Jones',
'id' => 5623,
'first_name' => 'Peter',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
$records2 = array(
'id' => 2135,
'first_name' => 'John',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
'id' => 3245,
'first_name' => 'Sally',
'last_name' => 'Smith',
'id' => 5342,
'first_name' => 'Jane',
'last_name' => 'Jones',
'id' => 5624,
'first_name' => 'Peter',
'last_name' => 'Doe',
$first = array_column($records, null, 'id');
$second = array_column($records2, null, 'id');
$third = $first + $second;
// if you want to reset indexes
// $third = array_values($third);
echo print_r($third);
You can do something like this:
$result = [];
$array1 = [
"id" => 1,
"other_data" => "text1"
"id" => 2,
"other_data" => "text2"
"id" => 3,
"other_data" => "text3"
$array2 = [
"id" => 1,
"other_data" => "text1"
"id" => 8,
"other_data" => "text8"
$merge_array = function($array, $result) {
foreach($array as $element) {
$id = $element["id"]; //In your case it could be $element->getId()
if(!isset($result[$id])) {
$result[$id] = $element;
return $result;
$result = $merge_array($array1, $result);
$result = $merge_array($array2, $result);

access single value of php object array

I call an api and the response i get is
Array (
[meta] => Array (
[code] => 200
[type] => Success
[message] => Success
[data] => Array (
[items] => Array (
[0] => Array (
[id] => b4a235596fd9550dfb69f181f4db007f
[tracking_number] => 2649884668232181
[carrier_code] => hermes
[order_create_time] =>
[destination_code] =>
[status] => delivered
[track_update] =>
[original_country] =>
[itemTimeLength] => 7
[stayTimeLength] => 74
[service_code] =>
[packageStatus] =>
[substatus] =>
[last_mile_tracking_supported] =>
[origin_info] => Array (
[ItemReceived] => 2019-04-09 09:29
[ItemDispatched] =>
[DepartfromAirport] =>
[ArrivalfromAbroad] =>
[CustomsClearance] =>
[DestinationArrived] =>
[weblink] =>
[phone] =>
[carrier_code] => hermes
[trackinfo] => Array (
[0] => Array (
[Date] => 2019-04-15 11:51
[StatusDescription] => Posted through letterbox
[Details] =>
[checkpoint_status] => delivered
[1] => Array (
[Date] => 2019-04-15 09:45
[StatusDescription] => Delivery will be attempted between 10:00 and 14:00 today
[Details] =>
[checkpoint_status] => transit
[2] => Array (
[Date] => 2019-04-15 06:39
[StatusDescription] => On its way to the courier
[Details] =>
[checkpoint_status] => transit
[3] => Array (
[Date] => 2019-04-14 22:33
[StatusDescription] => At the customers local depot
[Details] =>
[checkpoint_status] => transit
[destination_info] =>
[lastEvent] => Posted through letterbox,2019-04-15 11:51
[lastUpdateTime] => 2019-04-15 11:51
) 1
I would like to access the value of checkpoint_status but im not getting there using the following ways:
response in variable
$track = print_r($track);
1. $track['checkpoint_status']
2. $track[0] // just to see if it returns anything, but no result
3. $track[1] // just to see if it returns anything, but no result
4. array_column($track, 'checkpoint_status'); // returns nothing
You need to loop, to get all checkpoint_status
foreach($array['data']['items'] as $item){
foreach($item['origin_info']['trackinfo'] as $trackinfo){
echo $trackinfo['checkpoint_status'].PHP_EOL;
Sample output:-
You can use array_walk_recursive
$r = [];
array_walk_recursive($a, function($v, $k) use(&$r){
($k == 'checkpoint_status') ? ($r[]=$v) : '';
$response = [
'meta' => [
'code' => 200,
'type' => 'Success',
'message' => 'Success',
'data' => [
'items' => [
'0' => [
'id' => 'b4a235596fd9550dfb69f181f4db007f',
'tracking_number' => '2649884668232181',
'carrier_code' => 'hermes',
'order_create_time' => null,
'destination_code' => null,
'status' => 'delivered',
'track_update' => null,
'original_country' => null,
'itemTimeLength' => 7,
'stayTimeLength' => 74,
'service_code' => null,
'packageStatus' => null,
'substatus' => null,
'last_mile_tracking_supported' => null,
'origin_info' => [
'ItemReceived' => '2019-04-09 09:29',
'ItemDispatched' => null,
'DepartfromAirport' => null,
'ArrivalfromAbroad' => null,
'CustomsClearance' => null,
'DestinationArrived' => null,
'weblink' => '',
'phone' => null,
'carrier_code' => 'hermes',
'trackinfo' => [
'0' => [
'Date' => '2019-04-15 11:51',
'StatusDescription' => 'Posted through letterbox',
'Details' =>null,
'checkpoint_status' => 'delivered',
'1' => [
'Date' => '2019-04-15 09:45',
'StatusDescription' => 'Delivery will be attempted between 10:00 and 14:00 today',
'Details' => null,
'checkpoint_status' => 'transit',
'2' => [
'Date' => '2019-04-15 06:39',
'StatusDescription' => 'On its way to the courier',
'Details' =>null,
'checkpoint_status' => 'transit',
'3' => [
'Date' => '2019-04-14 22:33',
'StatusDescription' => 'At the customers local depot',
'Details' => null,
'checkpoint_status' => 'transit',
'destination_info' => null,
'lastEvent' => 'Posted through letterbox,2019-04-15 11:51',
'lastUpdateTime' => '2019-04-15 11:51',
If you are working on development mode you could turn on display errors on php and may get this result:
echo $response['checkpoint_status']; // won't work as response array has no checkpoint_status keyed array
echo $response[0]; // won't work as response array has no 0 keyed array
echo $response[1]; // won't work as response array has no 1 keyed array
print_r(array_column($response, 'checkpoint_status')); // won't work as response array has no column checkpoint_status
There are many ways in which you could get your result one of which is given below:
$trackinfo = $response['data']['items'][0]['origin_info']['trackinfo'];
$checkpoint_status = array_column($trackinfo, 'checkpoint_status');
Array (
[0] => delivered
[1] => transit
[2] => transit
[3] => transit

Php check and replace if value exist in multi array?

I dont know/understand how to check if date and place exists on the same "row" and they exists more then once.
Second, how do i then merge an array
my case MergeArray with ArraySchedule
$ArraySchedule = array();
while ($data = $stmt -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$schedules = array(
"id" => $data['id'],
"name" => $data['name'],
"date" => $data['date'],
"time" => $data['time'],
"place_id" => $data['place_id'],
"place" => $data['place'],
array_push($ArraySchedule, $schedules);
$dupe_array = array();
foreach ($ArraySchedule as $key => $value) {
if(++$dupe_array[$value["date"]] > 1 && ++$dupe_array[$value["place_id"]] > 1 ){
// this statement is wrong, i want something like:
// if date and place_id exists on the same "row" and they exists more then once
What i want to do:
Check if ArraySchedule contains schedules that have the same date and place,
if there is more than one schedule that has the same date and place_id.
then I want to update ArraySchedule with this structure
$MergeArray = array(
"id" => ArraySchedule['id'],
"name" => array(
"name" => scheduleSameDateAndPlace['name'],
"name" => scheduleSameDateAndPlace['name'],
"name" => scheduleSameDateAndPlace['name'],
"date" => $ArraySchedule['date'],
"time" => $ArraySchedule['time'],
"place_id" => $ArraySchedule['place_id'],
"place_name" => $ArraySchedule['place_name'],
MergeArray with ArraySchedule?
Output I think I want?
[0] =>
[id] => 1
[names] => Simon
[date] => 2019-01-02
[time] 18.00
[place_id] => Tystberga Park
[place] => Tystberga
[1] =>
[id] => 2
//[names] insted of [name]?
[names] =>
[name] => Vincent
[name] => Angel
[name] => Kim
[date] => 2019-02-17
[time] => 13.00
[place_id] => Borås Park
[place] => Borås
[2] =>
[id] => 3
// [names] is always an array?
[names] => Caitlyn
[date] => 2019-03-15
[time] 13.00
[place_id] => Plaza Park
[place] => EvPark
You can use array-reduce. Consider the following:
function mergeByDateAndPlace($carry, $item) {
$key = $item["place_id"] . $item["date"]; // creating key matching exact place and date
if (!isset($carry[$key])) {
$carry[$key]["name"] = $item["name"];
} else {
$carry[$key] = $item;
$item["name"] = [$item["name"]]; // make default array with 1 element so later can be append other names
return $carry;
Now use it with:
$MergeArray = array_reduce($ArraySchedule, "mergeByDateAndPlace", []);
If you later want to know if there were any duplicate you can just loop on $MergeArray. You can also use array_values if you want to discard the concat keys.
Notice #Nick 2 important comment about saving the first loop and the "time" value that need to be decided. Also notice your desire output contain multi element with the same key ("name") - you need to append them with int key - Array can not have duplicate keys.
Hope that helps!
Here is my data from my database:
array (
0 => array ( 'id' => '225', 'place_id' => 'Alviks Kulturhus', 'name' => 'BarraBazz', 'date' => '2019-03-19', 'placeadress' => 'Gustavslundsvägen 1', ),
1 => array ( 'id' => '229', 'place_id' => 'Axelhuset Göteborg', 'name' => 'Anders Björk', 'date' => '2019-04-08', 'placeadress' => 'Axel Dahlströms torg 3', ),
2 => array ( 'id' => '230', 'place_id' => 'Axelhuset Göteborg', 'name' => 'Black Jack', 'date' => '2019-04-08', 'placeadress' => 'Axel Dahlströms torg 3', ),
3 => array ( 'id' => '227', 'place_id' => 'Arosdansen Syrianska Kulturcentret', 'name' => 'BarraBazz', 'date' => '2019-05-08', 'placeadress' => 'Narvavägen 90', ),
4 => array ( 'id' => '228', 'place_id' => 'Aspåsnäset', 'name' => 'Blender', 'date' => '2019-05-25', 'placeadress' => 'Aspåsnäset 167', ),
5 => array ( 'id' => '226', 'place_id' => 'Arenan Västervik Resort', 'name' => 'Blender', 'date' => '2019-06-29', 'placeadress' => 'Lysingsvägen', ),
6 => array ( 'id' => '222', 'place_id' => 'Alingsåsparken', 'name' => 'Bendéns', 'date' => '2019-07-16', 'placeadress' => 'Folkparksgatan 3A', ),
7 => array ( 'id' => '223', 'place_id' => 'Alingsåsparken', 'name' => 'Charlies', 'date' => '2019-07-16', 'placeadress' => 'Folkparksgatan 3A', ),
8 => array ( 'id' => '224', 'place_id' => 'Allhuset Södertälje', 'name' => 'Cedrix', 'date' => '2019-07-16', 'placeadress' => 'Barrtorpsvägen 1A', ), )
I want to update the "name" with an array of names everytime that place_id and date are the same.
This is the output I want:
Array (
[0] =>
Array ( [id] => 225 [place_id] => Alviks Kulturhus [name] => BarraBazz [date] => 2019-03-19 [placeadress] => Gustavslundsvägen 1 )
[1] =>
Array ( [id] => 229 [place_id] => Axelhuset Göteborg [name] => Array([0] => Anders Björk [1] => Black Jack ) [date] => 2019-04-08 [placeadress] => Axel Dahlströms torg 3 )
[3] =>
Array ( [id] => 227 [place_id] => Arosdansen Syrianska Kulturcentret [name] => BarraBazz [date] => 2019-05-08 [placeadress] => Narvavägen 90 )
[4] =>
Array ( [id] => 228 [place_id] => Aspåsnäset [name] => Blender [date] => 2019-05-25 [placeadress] => Aspåsnäset 167 )
[5] =>
Array ( [id] => 226 [place_id] => Arenan Västervik Resort [name] => Blender [date] => 2019-06-29 [placeadress] => Lysingsvägen )
[6] =>
Array ( [id] => 222 [place_id] => [Alingsåsparken] [name] => Array([0] => Bendéns [1] => Charlies) [date] => 2019-07-16 [placeadress] => Folkparksgatan 3A )
[8] =>
Array ( [id] => 224 [place_id] => Allhuset Södertälje [name] => Cedrix [date] => 2019-07-16 [placeadress] => Barrtorpsvägen 1A ) )
Here is my updated code
$sql = "SELECT `schedule`.`id`,`schedule`.`place_id`,`schedule`.`name`,`schedule`.`date`,`places`.`placeadress` FROM `schedule` INNER JOIN `places` ON `schedule`.`place_id`=`places`.`place_id` ORDER BY `date`";
$stmt = $db -> prepare($sql);
$stmt -> execute();
$ArraySchedule = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$DatePlace = array();
foreach ($ArraySchedule as $key => $Schedule){
$Arrayquery = "SELECT `schedule`.`id`,`schedule`.`place_id`,`schedule`.`name`,`schedule`.`date`,`places`.`placeadress` FROM `schedule` INNER JOIN `places` ON `schedule`.`place_id`=`places`.`place_id` WHERE `schedule`.`date`= :date_ AND `schedule`.`place_id` = :place_id ORDER BY `date`";
$ArrayStmt = $db->prepare($Arrayquery);
$ArrayStmt -> execute(array(":date_" => $Schedule['date'],":place_id" => $Schedule['place_id']));
//Getting every $Schedule that has the same date and place_id
if($ArrayStmt->rowCount() > 1){
//Here i want two update the name inside
//$ArrayArraySchedule with an array of names
//that has the same place and date?

codeigniter insert multi-dimensional array to the database

Hello I have this multi dimensional array which needs to be inserted to the database table.
so far I have come up with this solution which don't work fully. I have a form that support dynamic fields many dynamic fields. I want to save those dynamically created fields using this function. First I had been able to create a loop to format the data.
I used this loop to format the data
$url = str_replace(' ','-',strtolower($this->input->post('title')));
$data = ['business' => [
'title' => $this->input->post('title'),
'URL' => $url,
'category' => $this->input->post('category'),
'region' => $this->input->post('region')
'description_' => [
'text' => $this->input->post('description'),
'logo_' => [
'blob' => $this->input->post('logo'),
$nyingi = [ 'location_' => ['text' => 'loc_txt','priority' => 'loc_order'],
'photo_' => ['path' => 'p_txt'],
'video_' => ['path' => 'v_txt'],
'product_' => ['p_id' => 'pt_q', 'text' => 'pt_txt', 'expire' => 'pt_xpr', 'title' => 'pt_tt'],
'service_' => ['p_id' => 'st_q', 'text' => 'st_txt', 'expire' => 'st_xpr', 'title' => 'st_tt'],
'hours_' => ['time1' => 't1', 'time2' => 't2', 'type' => 'tt'],
'map_' => ['text' => 'm_txt']
foreach($nyingi as $ins => $vl){
foreach($vl as $fld => $box){
$uwazi = $this->input->post($box);
if(is_array($uwazi) && 1<count($uwazi)){
foreach($uwazi as $bb){
$one[$ins][$fld][] = $bb;
} elseif(is_array($uwazi) && 1==count($uwazi)) {
//if(array_key_exists($one[$g][$h+1], $one)){
print $one[$g][$h][$z+1];
$data = array_merge($data, $one);
The output of the above code
[location_] => Array
[text] => Array
[0] => Lemara Main Office
[1] => Themi branch
[2] => Sinoni branch
[priority] => Array
[0] => 1
[1] => 2
[2] => 3
[photo_] => Array
[path] => Array
[0] => lemaraphoto.png
[1] => themiphoto.png
[2] => sinoniphoto.png
[video_] => Array
[path] => Array
[0] => lemaravideo.mp4
[1] => themivideo.mp4
[2] => sinonivideo.mp4
[product_] => Array
[p_id] => Array
[0] => product photo
[1] => product 3 photo
[2] => Product 2 photo
[text] => Array
[0] => product desc
[1] => product 3 desc
[2] => product 2 desc
[expire] => Array
[0] => product expire
[1] => product 3 expire
[2] => Product 2 expire
[title] => Array
[0] => product
[1] => Product 3
[2] => Product 2
[service_] => Array
[p_id] => Array
[0] => Service 2 photo
[1] => service 3 photo
[2] => service photo
[text] => Array
[0] => service 2 desc
[1] => service 3 desc
[2] => service desc
[expire] => Array
[0] => Service 2 expire
[1] => service 3 expire
[2] => service expire
[title] => Array
[0] => Service 2
[1] => service 3
[2] => service
I have this add_bz function
function add_bz($data){
$this->db->trans_start(); $er=0;
foreach($data as $table => $sql){
$this->db->insert($table, $sql);
$id = $this->db->insert_id();
} else {
array_merge($sql, array('idd' => $id));
$this->db->insert($table, $sql);}
if ($this->db->trans_status() === FALSE){print "Transaction Fails";return FALSE;}
return TRUE;
That function allows me to insert the data in this format only.
[[business] => Array
[title] => Email Marketing
[URL] => email-marketing
[category] => 3
[region] => 2
[description_] => Array
[text] => Some desc
[logo_] => Array
[blob] => mainlogo.png
as business, decription_, logo_ are db tables where title, URL, category, region, text, blob are the db columns to the corresponding tables and the rest is data that goes to those columns.
How I want it to works. For example in location_
I want to the array to change into my working format or something else that will work like this
location_ => ['text' => [[0] => 'Lemara Main Office'],
'priority' => [[0] => '1']
location_ => ['text' => [[1] => 'Themi Office'],
'priority' => [[1] => '2']
location_ => ['text' => [[2] => 'Sinoni Office'],
'priority' => [[2] => '3']
or like this
location_ => [0 => [['text' => 'Lemara Main Office'],
['priority' => '1']
1 => [['text' => 'Themi Main Office'],
['priority' => '2']
2 => [['text' => 'Sinoni Main Office'],
['priority' => '3']
And also support many columns not just the two.
Any help is deeply appreciated as I have been struggling for days to make this work. Thanks in advance.
I would suggest you convert your array to JSON String then insert it to DB as text.
JSON would handle your multidimentional data so well,
To convert your array to JSON :
To convert your JSON to Array :

Removing unnecessary nested index in array (generated by Cake PHP)

The following question can either be solved by probably changing my use of the find method in Cake PHP OR using some PHP function. I would prefer to solve it using Cake but it doesn't matter too much. I have any array like this:
[0] => Array
[Model] => Array
[id] => 14
[foo] => bar
[1] => Array
[Model] => Array
[id] => 15
[foo] => something
) .............
I just want to remove the Model index and just use the numeric one. The following function generated this array:
$arr = $this->Model->find('all', array('contain' => false ) );
I probably need to change the 'contain' part of the call. Basically, in addition to the data that appears under each Model index, I also have a second and third model and the contain = false just restricts Cake from getting data from the current model (Model).
If I understand your question correctly, I think CakePHP's Set::combine function will help :
$result = Set::combine($your_array, '{n}', '{n}');
This will result in:
[14] => Array
[foo] => bar
[15] => Array
[foo] => something
you have to write your own piece of code to modify your array , here is a function that will do what you want (you can improve it)
function reformArray($array,$modelName)
foreach($arr as $key => $value)
$newArr[] = $arr[$key][$modelName];
return $newArr;
you have to pass your array and the Model Name to this function and will return you the result
$a = array(
'User' => array(
'id' => 2,
'group_id' => 1,
'Data' => array(
'user' => 'mariano.iglesias',
'name' => 'Mariano Iglesias'
'User' => array(
'id' => 14,
'group_id' => 2,
'Data' => array(
'user' => 'phpnut',
'name' => 'Larry E. Masters'
'User' => array(
'id' => 25,
'group_id' => 1,
'Data' => array(
'user' => 'gwoo',
'name' => 'The Gwoo'
Set::extract($a, '{n}.User');
$a = array(
'id' => 2,
'group_id' => 1,
'Data' => array(
'user' => 'mariano.iglesias',
'name' => 'Mariano Iglesias'
'id' => 14,
'group_id' => 2,
'Data' => array(
'user' => 'phpnut',
'name' => 'Larry E. Masters'
'id' => 25,
'group_id' => 1,
'Data' => array(
'user' => 'gwoo',
'name' => 'The Gwoo'
In CakePHP 2:
$data = $this->Model->find('all');
$data = Set::extract('/Model/.', $data );
You can achieve this result by foreach also
foreach ($data as $k => &$t) {
$t = $t['Model']
It will be much easier with Object. Change the Array with Object.
Actually I had faced the same problem with nested array And I found the solution with Set::map($array);
If you don't want the model_name as nested array, You can prefer this solution.
$data = array(
"IndexedPage" => array(
"id" => 1,
"url" => '',
'hash' => '68a9f053b19526d08e36c6a9ad150737933816a5',
'get_vars' => '',
'redirect' => '',
'created' => "1195055503",
'updated' => "1195055503",
"IndexedPage" => array(
"id" => 2,
"url" => '',
'hash' => '68a9f053b19526d08e36c6a9ad150737933816a5',
'get_vars' => '',
'redirect' => '',
'created' => "1195055503",
'updated' => "1195055503",
$mapped = Set::map($data);
/* $mapped now looks like: */
[0] => stdClass Object
[_name_] => IndexedPage
[id] => 1
[url] =>
[hash] => 68a9f053b19526d08e36c6a9ad150737933816a5
[get_vars] =>
[redirect] =>
[created] => 1195055503
[updated] => 1195055503
[1] => stdClass Object
[_name_] => IndexedPage
[id] => 2
[url] =>
[hash] => 68a9f053b19526d08e36c6a9ad150737933816a5
[get_vars] =>
[redirect] =>
[created] => 1195055503
[updated] => 1195055503
you may do this :
$tmp = $this->Model->find('all', array('contain' => false ) );
$arr = $tmp['ModelName'];
