I have a newsfeed link from an Indian newspaper as follows:
I am trying to extract some information from it using PHP and simpleXML
$array = get_headers($feedURL);
$statusCode = $array[0];
if (strpos($statusCode, "404")==FALSE) {
echo('Reading ' . $feedURL . '<br>');
$out = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($feedURL), ENT_QUOTES);
if (stripos($out, "<feed ") != FALSE) {
$feedType = 'ATOM';
$countATOM += 1;
} else if (stripos($out, "<rss") != FALSE) {
$feedType = 'RSS';
$countRSS += 1;
} else {
$feedType = 'UNREADABLE';
$countUNREADABLE += 1;
echo('<br>' . $feedType . '<br>');
if ($feedType == 'ATOM') {
$xmlOut = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($feedURL));
if ($xmlOut === false) {
echo("Failed loading XML: ");
foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
echo ("<br>" . $error->message);
} else {
foreach ($xmlOut->entry as $entry) {
if (isset($xmlOut->entry->title) && isset($xmlOut->entry->link) && isset($xmlOut->entry->updated) && isset($xmlOut->entry->summary)){
if(isImportantNews($title) || isImportantNews($summary)){
echo($entry->updated . "<br>");
} elseif ($feedType == 'RSS') {
$xmlOut = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($feedURL));
if ($xmlOut === false) {
echo("Failed loading XML: ");
foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
echo ("<br>" . $error->message);
} else {
foreach ($xmlOut->channel->item as $item) {
if (isset($item->title) && isset($item->link) && isset($item->description) && isset($item->pubDate)) {
$title = $item->title;
$link = $item->link;
$descr = $item->description;
$pubDate = $item->pubDate;
if(isImportantNews($title) || isImportantNews($descr)){
echo($entries->pubDate. "<br>");
} else {
} else {
echo($feedURL . ' encountered problems being read...' . '<br>');
Basically what I am doing in the program is that I am using the above link (after determining if it is ATOM or RSS) to extract the news summary and description and determine if it is important news using the isImportantNews() method. If so, I store it in a database.
My problem is that if I open the above link in a browser directly, I can get to see the information without any issues but trying to read it using the above code returns a HTTP 403 Forbidden status code
Why is this happening and is there a way to get around this issue? Being able to open it directly tells me that the 403 maybe coming up due to programatic access attempt (?) But I am not certain about it. I also tried the following ways to read it with the same expected failure
echo('read file ####################################################################################################');
echo readfile("https://www.hindustantimes.com/rss/cities/delhi/rssfeed.xml"); //needs "Allow_url_include" enabled
echo('<br>include ####################################################################################################');
echo include("https://www.hindustantimes.com/rss/cities/delhi/rssfeed.xml"); //needs "Allow_url_include" enabled
echo('<br>file get contents ####################################################################################################');
echo file_get_contents("https://www.hindustantimes.com/rss/cities/delhi/rssfeed.xml");
echo('<br>stream get contents####################################################################################################');
echo stream_get_contents(fopen('https://www.hindustantimes.com/rss/cities/delhi/rssfeed.xml', "r")); //you may use "r" instead of "rb" //needs "Allow_url_fopen" enabled
echo('<br>get remote data ####################################################################################################');
echo get_remote_data('https://www.hindustantimes.com/rss/cities/delhi/rssfeed.xml');
$feedURL = "https://www.hindustantimes.com/rss/cities/delhi/rssfeed.xml";
$out = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($feedURL), ENT_QUOTES);
Any help or insight would be most appreciated.
So I'm trying to make a website, and I'm using a php file as the index (index.php) and pretty much as the page that controls the whole website.
Since it recieves all the requests and returns the pages using str_replace, it's all working as it should (as in, it's making the web template work as it should) but the problem is I can't have php code inside the files that are part of the template, only in index.php.
So my question is, is there any way to prevent str_replace from turning the php code into comments?
$pagesDir = "pages/";
$templatesDir = "templates/";
$errorsDir = "errors/";
if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
if ($_REQUEST['page'] != "")
if (file_exists($pagesDir . $_REQUEST['page'] . ".html"))
$page_content = file_get_contents($pagesDir . $_REQUEST['page'] . ".html");
if (file_exists($_REQUEST['page'] . ".html"))
$page_content = file_get_contents($_REQUEST['pages'] . ".html");
echo "<h1>Page:" . $_REQUEST['page'] . " does not exist! Please check the url and try again!</h1>";
} else {
$page_content = file_get_contents($pagesDir . "home.html");
$page_content = str_replace("!!HEAD!!", file_get_contents($templatesDir . "head.html"), $page_content);
$page_content = str_replace("!!BODY!!", file_get_contents($templatesDir . "body.html"), $page_content);
$page_content = str_replace("!!FOOT!!", file_get_contents($templatesDir . "eofScripts.html"), $page_content);
echo $page_content;
New dispatcher after changes(this one works):
$templatesDir = "templates/";
$pagesDir = "pages/";
$loggedPagesDir = "templates/logged";
$pageExists = false;
$pageContent = null;
if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
$page = $_REQUEST['page'] . ".php";
if (isset($_SESSION['redirect_reason'])) {
$dialogs->alertDialog("warningDialog", $_SESSION['redirect_reason']);
if (isset($_SESSION['user_action'])) {
$dialogs->alertDialog("infoDialog", $_SESSION['user_action']);
if ($user->is_logged()) { //Only runs beyond this point if user is logged, if not, it will run the other one.
if (isset($_POST['logout_btn'])) {
if (isset($page)) {
if ($page != "") {
if (file_exists($pagesDir . $page)) {
$pageExists = true;
$pageContent = ($pagesDir . $page);
} else {
echo "<h1>Page: " . $page . "does not exist! Please check the url and try again</h1>";
} else {
$pageExists = true;
$pageContent = ($pagesDir . "loggedhome.php");
} else {
$pageExists = true;
$pageContent = ($pagesDir . "loggedhome.php");
} else { //Only runs beyond this point if user isn't logged.
if (isset($_POST['login_btn'])) {
if ($user->login($_POST['email'], $_POST['password']) == false) {
} else {
$_SESSION['user_action'] = "Welcome back " . $_SESSION['user_name'];
if (isset($page)) {
if ($page != "") {
if (file_exists($pagesDir . $page)) {
$pageExists = true;
$pageContent = ($pagesDir . $page);
} else {
echo "<h1>Page: " . $page . " does not exist! Please check the url and try again!</h1>";
} else {
$pageExists = true;
$pageContent = ($pagesDir . "home.php");
} else {
$pageExists = true;
$pageContent = ($pagesDir . "home.php");
<?php include($templatesDir . "head.html"); ?>
if ($user->is_logged()) {
include($templatesDir . "loggedBody.html");
} else {
include($templatesDir . "body.html");
NOTE: Do not use this method unless it's for learning purposes, its bad, can turn out to be quite hard to maintain, and probably will end up being slow since I have so many server side methods of things that I can do client side.
You read the content of page and echo it! Don't do that. Use include('file.html') instead. Just for sake of explanation, (if you have to) do sth like this:
if(in_array($page,$pages)) include($page);
else echo "<h1>Page: $page does not exist!</h1>";
But generally this is bad programming practice. As suggested in comments before do use a template engine.
i wrote a script on php in order to check external links invalid in a web site
this is the sript
// It may take a whils to spider a website ...
// Inculde the phpcrawl-mainclass
include ('check.php');
// Extend the class and override the handleDocumentInfo()-method
class MyCrawler extends PHPCrawler
function handleDocumentInfo(PHPCrawlerDocumentInfo $DocInfo) {
if (PHP_SAPI == "cli") $lb = "\n";
else {
$lb = "<br />";
// Print the URL and the HTTP-status-Code
// Print the refering URL
$file = file_get_contents($DocInfo->url);
preg_match_all('/<a[^>]+href="([^"]+)/i', $file, $urls);
echo '<br/>';
$home_url = parse_url( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] );
foreach($urls as $url){
$link_url = parse_url( $url[$i] );
if( $link_url['host'] != $home_url['host'] ) {
if (check_url($url[$i])=== false){
echo " Page requested: ".$DocInfo->url." (".$DocInfo->http_status_code.")".$lb;
echo '<br/>';
echo "<font color=green >"."lien externe invalide :".$url[$i].$lb." </font>";
echo '<br/>';
$crawler = new MyCrawler();
$crawler->setURL("http://www.tunisie-web.org ");
$crawler->addURLFilterRule("#\.(jpg|gif|png|pdf|jpeg|css|js)$# i");
but more than external links(not invalid :/) it gives "http://www.tunisie-web.org" as an axternal link and i don't know where is the problem !!
please help
and this is check.php :
function check_url($url) {
if ( !filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL,FILTER_FLAG_QUERY_REQUIRED) === false) {
return true ;
else {
return false;
i have a code, it's getting data but when it gets nothing i want it to return something.
$upcoming = simplexml_load_file('http://api.website.com');
foreach($upcoming->trailer as $x => $updates) {
$content.= '<center><br><span> ' . $updates->embed . '</span></center>';
This is the code. It's getting data but when it got nothing, i would like it to say NO Videos.
How can i do that? I tried strlen() but i couldn't applied it.
I tried strpos but it didn't work either.
You can simply check the result of simplexml_load_file and act accordingly
if (false === $upcoming) {
echo "No Videos";
} else {
//your foreach loop here
$upcoming = simplexml_load_file('http://api.website.com');
if($upcoming == null || $upcoming == false){
$content = "No videos";
foreach($upcoming->trailer as $x => $updates) {
$content.= '<center><br><span> ' . $updates->embed . '</span></center>';
Add some flag in your foreach to put a flag if anything has been printed or just check the $upcoming.
Then just check the flag and echo "no videos" your message.
Do it like this:
$upcoming = simplexml_load_file('http://api.website.com');
foreach($upcoming->trailer as $x => $updates) {
$content.= '<center><br><span> ' . $updates->embed . '</span></center>';
echo "<center>No videos</center>";
$upcoming = simplexml_load_file('http://api.website.com');
echo "<center>No videos</center>";
foreach($upcoming->trailer as $x => $updates) {
$content.= '<center><br><span> ' . $updates->embed . '</span></center>';
I'm using PHP and JavaScript, and I got a problem when deal with the confirm() function in JavaScript.
Say I have a page add.php, firstly I receive some parameters passed from another page, and I check to see if they are valid or not. If yes, I just insert the data into db and return to another page, if they are not valid, there'll be a confirm() window popped up and let the user to choose whether to continue or not. If the user still choose to continue, I want the page to be reloaded with all the parameters sent again. But the problems is that I cannot get the parameter the second time add.php is loaded.
Previously I didn't use a window.onload function and confirm() pop up, but an < a href> link instead, everything worked fine (Please see the attached code at the end). But when I tried to use the following code, the same url stopped working
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
echo "window.onload = function() {
var v = confirm(\"$name is not alive, do you want to add it into system?\");
if (v) {
window.location.href= \"add.php?type=room&name=$name&area\"
+ \"=$area&description=$description&\"
+ \"capacity=$capacity&confirm=Y\";
} else {
window.location.href= \"admin.php?area=$area\";
echo "</script>";
Following is the previous version, instead of using window.onload(), I used < a href="..." /> link, everything worked fine at that time. get_form_var is a function in functions.inc, which is to get the parameter using $_GET arrays.
require_once "functions.inc";
// Get non-standard form variables
$name = get_form_var('name', 'string');
$description = get_form_var('description', 'string');
$capacity = get_form_var('capacity', 'string');
$type = get_form_var('type', 'string');
$confirm = get_form_var('confirm','string');
$error = '';
// First of all check that we've got an area or room name
if (!isset($name) || ($name === ''))
$error = "empty_name";
$returl = "admin.php?area=$area"
. (!empty($error) ? "&error=$error" : "");
header("Location: $returl");
// we need to do different things depending on if its a room
// or an area
elseif ($type == "area")
$area = mrbsAddArea($name, $error);
$returl = "admin.php?area=$area"
. (!empty($error) ? "&error=$error" : "");
header("Location: $returl");
elseif ($type == "room")
if (isset($confirm)){
$dca_osi = getOsiVersion($name);
$room = mrbsAddRoom(
$returl = "admin.php?area=$area"
. (!empty($error) ? "&error=$error" : "");
else {
$dca_status= pingAddress($name);
$dca_osi = getOsiVersion($name);
if( $dca_status == 0){
$room = mrbsAddRoom(
$returl = "admin.php?area=$area"
. (!empty($error) ? "&error=$error" : "");
else {
isset($room) ? $room : ""
echo "<div id=\"del_room_confirm\">\n";
echo "<p>\n";
echo "$name is not alive, are you sure to add it into system?";
echo "\n</p>\n";
echo "<div id=\"del_room_confirm_links\">\n";
echo "<a href=\"add.php?type=room&name"
. "=$name&area=$area&description"
. "=$description&capacity=$capacity&confirm"
. "=Y\"><span id=\"del_yes\">"
. get_vocab("YES") . "!</span></a>\n";
echo "<a href=\"admin.php?area=$area\"><span id=\"del_no\">"
. get_vocab("NO") . "!</span></a>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
function pingAddress($host)
$pingresult = exec("/bin/ping -c 1 $host", $outcome, $status);
if ($status==0) {
return $status;
else {
return 1;
function getOsiVersion($host)
$community = 'public';
$oid = '.';
$sysdesc = exec("snmpwalk -v 2c -c $community $host $oid");
$start = strpos($sysdesc, '"');
if ($start!==false) {
$sysdesc = substr($sysdesc, $start+1,$sysdesc.length-1);
return $sysdesc;
else {
return "not available";
I've solved the problem, just simply by using "&" instead of " & amp;" in the url link... it works fine now...
You try location.reload() javascript call?
foreach ($flr_array as $flr) {
if (!($flr = trim($flr)))
//list($flr, $keyword) = explode('|', $flr, 2);
$ip = '';
$err_msg = isValidFLR($flr, $ip);
if (!$err_msg) {
list($randlink, $lastid, $scr) = addLink($flr, $ip);
$flr = stripslashes($flr);
$url_array[$i]['number'] = $i + 1;
$url_array[$i]['flr'] = $flr;
$url_array[$i]['flr_substr'] = (strlen($flr) > 33) ? substr($flr, 0, 33) . '...' : $flr;
$url_array[$i]['randlink'] = $randlink;
$url_array[$i]['fullrand'] = $config['indexurl'] . $config['mod_rewrite_char'] . $randlink;
$url_array[$i]['scr'] = $scr;
$url_array[$i]['id'] = $lastid;
$url_array[$i]['flr_length'] = strlen($flr);
$url_array[$i++]['randlink_length'] = strlen($config['indexurl'] . $config['mod_rewrite_char'] . $randlink);
//$smarty->assign("flr_length", strlen($_REQUEST['flr']));
//$smarty->assign("randlink_length", strlen($config['indexurl'] . $config['mod_rewrite_char'] . $randlink));
} else {
In function isValidFLR these is part of captcha check:
if ($config['captcha_check']) {
if (verifyCaptcha() == false) {
return 'Wrong code!';
Let's say in textarea i enter:
and enter wrong captcha code, so it gives me 3 messages of Wrong code!
It's happen i think because of foreach. Any ideas how to make in foreach display only one error message ?
Your question is hard to understand but I think you are right (in the foreach)....
if err_msg <> '' then you should put a break in your code to get out of the foreach (if that is what you want).
else {
break; //this will break out of for loop
//or return false if it a function