I'm using PHP and JavaScript, and I got a problem when deal with the confirm() function in JavaScript.
Say I have a page add.php, firstly I receive some parameters passed from another page, and I check to see if they are valid or not. If yes, I just insert the data into db and return to another page, if they are not valid, there'll be a confirm() window popped up and let the user to choose whether to continue or not. If the user still choose to continue, I want the page to be reloaded with all the parameters sent again. But the problems is that I cannot get the parameter the second time add.php is loaded.
Previously I didn't use a window.onload function and confirm() pop up, but an < a href> link instead, everything worked fine (Please see the attached code at the end). But when I tried to use the following code, the same url stopped working
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
echo "window.onload = function() {
var v = confirm(\"$name is not alive, do you want to add it into system?\");
if (v) {
window.location.href= \"add.php?type=room&name=$name&area\"
+ \"=$area&description=$description&\"
+ \"capacity=$capacity&confirm=Y\";
} else {
window.location.href= \"admin.php?area=$area\";
echo "</script>";
Following is the previous version, instead of using window.onload(), I used < a href="..." /> link, everything worked fine at that time. get_form_var is a function in functions.inc, which is to get the parameter using $_GET arrays.
require_once "functions.inc";
// Get non-standard form variables
$name = get_form_var('name', 'string');
$description = get_form_var('description', 'string');
$capacity = get_form_var('capacity', 'string');
$type = get_form_var('type', 'string');
$confirm = get_form_var('confirm','string');
$error = '';
// First of all check that we've got an area or room name
if (!isset($name) || ($name === ''))
$error = "empty_name";
$returl = "admin.php?area=$area"
. (!empty($error) ? "&error=$error" : "");
header("Location: $returl");
// we need to do different things depending on if its a room
// or an area
elseif ($type == "area")
$area = mrbsAddArea($name, $error);
$returl = "admin.php?area=$area"
. (!empty($error) ? "&error=$error" : "");
header("Location: $returl");
elseif ($type == "room")
if (isset($confirm)){
$dca_osi = getOsiVersion($name);
$room = mrbsAddRoom(
$returl = "admin.php?area=$area"
. (!empty($error) ? "&error=$error" : "");
else {
$dca_status= pingAddress($name);
$dca_osi = getOsiVersion($name);
if( $dca_status == 0){
$room = mrbsAddRoom(
$returl = "admin.php?area=$area"
. (!empty($error) ? "&error=$error" : "");
else {
isset($room) ? $room : ""
echo "<div id=\"del_room_confirm\">\n";
echo "<p>\n";
echo "$name is not alive, are you sure to add it into system?";
echo "\n</p>\n";
echo "<div id=\"del_room_confirm_links\">\n";
echo "<a href=\"add.php?type=room&name"
. "=$name&area=$area&description"
. "=$description&capacity=$capacity&confirm"
. "=Y\"><span id=\"del_yes\">"
. get_vocab("YES") . "!</span></a>\n";
echo "<a href=\"admin.php?area=$area\"><span id=\"del_no\">"
. get_vocab("NO") . "!</span></a>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
function pingAddress($host)
$pingresult = exec("/bin/ping -c 1 $host", $outcome, $status);
if ($status==0) {
return $status;
else {
return 1;
function getOsiVersion($host)
$community = 'public';
$oid = '.';
$sysdesc = exec("snmpwalk -v 2c -c $community $host $oid");
$start = strpos($sysdesc, '"');
if ($start!==false) {
$sysdesc = substr($sysdesc, $start+1,$sysdesc.length-1);
return $sysdesc;
else {
return "not available";
I've solved the problem, just simply by using "&" instead of " & amp;" in the url link... it works fine now...
You try location.reload() javascript call?
I am trying to help someone with their php website that renders a blank page. When I troubleshoot, I comment out code below and then the page works.
// include "checkifuserlogin.php";
// $condition = "";
// $objDreamVacationGallery = new HomePageBanner();
// $data = $objDreamVacationGallery->selectAllRecords($condition, $sort_field, $sort_order, $start, $limit);
I assume this is a database error but I cannot find where the config file is to see where the database is stored, if its locally or remote.
The server is linux box in AWS.
Checkifuserlogin.php has
if( (isset($_SESSION['userid']) && $_SESSION['userid'] != '') && (isset($_SESSION['firsttimelogin']) && $_SESSION['firsttimelogin']=='0') ){
if($_REQUEST["from"]=="contactus") {
echo "<script language='JavaScript'>window.location = 'my-account.php'; </script>";
} else {
echo "<script language='JavaScript'>window.location = 'page.php?page_id=home'; </script>";
public function selectAllRecords($condition='', $sort_field='', $sort_order='', $limit_start='', $limit_end=''){
return parent::select($this->db_table, $condition, $sort_field, $sort_order, $limit_start, $limit_end);
At the end of all of my scripts, I run a function closeConnection, i.e.:
function closeConnection($note) {
if ($note === "success") { $append = "?success"; }
if ($note === "blank") { $append = "?blank"; }
header("Location: index.php" . $append . "");
This runs smoothly.
However, I now want my closeConnection() function to take two arguments, so that I can choose a different page to redirect to. This is how it looks the second time around:
closeConnection("updated", "view");
function closeConnection($note, $header) {
$header = $header; // Not sure if needed, doesn't work with or without.
if ($note === "updated") { $append = "?updated"; }
if ($note === "blank") { $append = "?blank"; }
header("Location: " . $header . ".php" . $append . "");
Desired result: Redirect to view.php?updated
Actual result: Redirect to .php?blank
In my experience, you are calling closeConnection("updated"); somewhere before the closeConnection("updated", "view"); and you forgot to remove it or something.
Make sure you didn't forget previous commands, and that you are in fact saving the right file.
I'd like some help please, if its possible.
I have created two functions in order to display some messages when is set a $_GET after a redirect.Here's the code:
function display(){
if(isset($_GET['cnf_upd']) && $_GET['cnf_upd'] == '1'){
$value = "The update was successful!";
$type = "confirm";
construct_the_div($value, $type);
if(isset($_GET['err_upd']) && $_GET['err_upd'] == '1'){
$value = "The Update failed.";
$type = "error";
construct_the_div($value, $type);
if(isset($_GET['cnf_del']) && $_GET['cnf_del'] == '1'){
$value = "Deleted completely.";
$type = "confirm";
construct_the_div($value, $type);
if(isset($_GET['err_del']) && $_GET['err_del'] == '1'){
$value = "Unable to delete.";
$type = "error";
construct_the_div($value, $type);
function construct_the_div($value, $type){
// creating a div to display the message results
$div = "<div class=\"{$type}Msg\">\n";
$div .= "<p>{$value}</p>\n";
$div .= "</div><!-- end of {$type}Msg -->\n";
echo $div;
What I'd like to make is to try to improve the display function, as it gets longer and longer, so that there whould be only one (or two at most) if statement(s) if possible. So the value of the GET will be dynamicly inside the if condition and also if it has the preffix 'cnf_' it wil be a 'confirmMsg' and if it has the preffix 'err_' it wil be a 'errorMsg'.
Is it possible to make something like this???
function display() {
$messages = array(
'cnf_upd' => 'The update was successful!',
'cnf_err' => 'The Update failed.!',
// ...
// add all error and confirm there
// ...
foreach($_GET as $key => $value) {
if(strpos($key, 'cnf_')===0) {
$type = 'confirm';
$value = isset($messages[$key])
? $messages[$key]
: $key;
construct_the_div($value, $type);
if(strpos($key, 'err_')===0) {
$type = 'error';
$value = isset($messages[$key])
? $messages[$key]
: $key;
construct_the_div($value, $type);
The approach is not correct, it seems that only one message should occur at once (there cannot be "deleted completely" and "unable to delete" at once).
Try construct the parameters this way: ?msg=upd&msgType=cnf
function display(){
if (isset($_GET['msg']) && isset($_GET['msgType']))
$messages = array('cnf_upd'=>'The update was successful!',
'err_upd'=>'The update failed!',
'cnf_del'=>'The deletion was successful!',
'cnf_upd'=>'The deletion failed!',
if (isset($messages[$_GET['msgType'].'_'.$_GET['msg']))
construct_the_div($messages[$_GET['msgType'].'_'.$_GET['msg']], htmlspecialchars($_GET['msgType']));
there is still much to improve, but for start this is cleaner and safer.
I'm going to propose a different solution. Instead of setting different parameters in $_GET based on the message to be sent, set one parameter and parse its value.
// Start by setting integer constants:
define(CNF_UPD, 1);
define(ERR_UPD, 2);
define(CNF_DEL, 3);
define(ERR_DEL, 4);
Then when you set the value un $_GET, use the constant:
// Build the URL with a deletion error...
header("Location: http://example.com/script.php?msg=" . ERR_DEL);
Finally, use a switch to parse them
if (isset($_GET['msg'])) {
switch ($_GET['msg']) {
case CNF_UPD:
// Updated...
case ERR_UPD:
// failed...
// etc...
// invalid code.
If you use a pattern of confirm/error/confirm/error for your integer constants, you can determine which it is by taking $_GET['msg'] % 2. Odd numbers are confirmations, evens are errors. There are of course many other ways you could lay this out, I just happen to have typed them in the alternating order you used. You could also do positive integers for confirmations and negatives for errors, for example.
$type = $_GET['msg'] % 2 == 1 ? $confirm : $error;
This is easily expanded to use multiple messages as well. Since they are integer values, you can safely construct a comma-separated list and explode() them when received.
$messages = implode(array(ERR_DEL,CNF_UPD));
header("Location: http://example.com/script.php?msg=$messages");
Unless you can somehow generate $value and $type based on the $_GET parameter (which I can't see how you would do), you could do something like:
$messages = array();
$messages[] = array('id' => 'cnf_upd', 'value' => 'The update was successful!', 'type' => 'Confirm');
$messages[] = array('id' => 'err_upd', 'value' => 'The Update failed.', 'type' => 'error');
foreach ($messages as $message) {
if(isset($_GET[$message['id']]) && $_GET[$message['id']] == '1'){
construct_the_div($message['value'], $message['type']);
I have coded a nice script but i am constantly getting
Error on line 29: Parse error, unexpected T_IF(if)
I have tried debugging code, wasted plenty of time. But nothing, came out.
Here is my code.
$gi = geoip_open("GeoIP.dat",GEOIP_STANDARD);
$country_code = geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, "$ip");
// Country name is not used so commented
// Get Country Name based on source IP
//$country = geoip_country_name_by_addr($gi, "$ip");
if(strstr(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), "googlebot")) {
$real = 1;
else {
if ($_COOKIE['iwashere'] != "yes") {
setcookie("iwashere", "yes", time()+315360000);
if ($country_code="IN") {
if(preg_match('/google/i', $referrer)) {
$key = "g17x9erm28n7cgifddssfqhgorjf3e"; // Account API Key
$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // IP to Lookup
$result = file_get_contents('http://www.ipqualityscore.com/api/ip_lookup.php?KEY='.$key.'&IP='.$ip);
//$result will be equal to 1 for detected proxies & vpns or equal to 0 for clean IP's
{setcookie("testcookie", "testvalue");
if( isset( $_COOKIE['testcookie'] ) ) {
if (isset($_POST['jstest'])) {
$nojs = FALSE;
} else {
// create a hidden form and submit it with javascript
echo '<form name="jsform" id="jsform" method="post" style="display:none">';
echo '<input name="jstest" type="text" value="true" />';
echo '<script language="javascript">';
echo 'document.jsform.submit();';
echo '</script>';
echo '</form>';
// the variable below would be set only if the form wasn't submitted, hence JS is disabled
$nojs = TRUE;
if ($nojs){
} else
$real = 1;
else {
$real = 1;
} }
if ($real==1) {
It is if inside. Please give me advice, on how can i avoid these error. And also is there any alternative to code such complex script with multiple nested if statements?
Please post entire code:
try this
$real = 0;
if (strstr(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), "googlebot")) {
$real = 1;
} else {
if ($_COOKIE['iwashere'] != "yes") {
setcookie("iwashere", "yes", time() + 315360000);
if ($country_code = "IN") {
if (preg_match('/google/i', $referrer)) {
$key = "g17x9erm28n7cgifddssfqhgorjf3e"; // Account API Key
$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // IP to Lookup
$result = file_get_contents('http://www.ipqualityscore.com/api/ip_lookup.php?KEY=' . $key . '&IP=' . $ip);
$real = $result;
//$result will be equal to 1 for detected proxies & vpns or equal to 0 for clean IP's {
if ($real == 0) {
setcookie("testcookie", "testvalue");
if (isset($_COOKIE['testcookie'])) {
if (isset($_POST['jstest'])) {
$nojs = FALSE;
} else {
// create a hidden form and submit it with javascript
echo '<form name="jsform" id="jsform" method="post" style="display:none">';
echo '<input name="jstest" type="text" value="true" />';
echo '<script language="javascript">';
echo 'document.jsform.submit();';
echo '</script>';
echo '</form>';
// the variable below would be set only if the form wasn't submitted, hence JS is disabled
$nojs = TRUE;
if ($nojs) {
$real = 1;
$real = 1;
$real = 1;
} else
$real = 1;
else {
$real = 1;
if ($real == 1) {
On line 29, $real=$result should end in a semi-colon and on the following line {if($real==0) should be if($real==0){.
The error message is your friend, it suggested you look to line 29.
You placed a curely braces before the if condition
//$result will be equal to 1 for detected proxies & vpns or equal to 0 for clean IP's
remove it then your error wil be removed
From reading over your code, it seems like the only errors I can find are these:
Which should be changed into:
Here are the few errors I found:
if ($country_code="IN") : This is an assignment not comparision, will always return true
$real=$result : Missing Termination ; on the end
foreach ($flr_array as $flr) {
if (!($flr = trim($flr)))
//list($flr, $keyword) = explode('|', $flr, 2);
$ip = '';
$err_msg = isValidFLR($flr, $ip);
if (!$err_msg) {
list($randlink, $lastid, $scr) = addLink($flr, $ip);
$flr = stripslashes($flr);
$url_array[$i]['number'] = $i + 1;
$url_array[$i]['flr'] = $flr;
$url_array[$i]['flr_substr'] = (strlen($flr) > 33) ? substr($flr, 0, 33) . '...' : $flr;
$url_array[$i]['randlink'] = $randlink;
$url_array[$i]['fullrand'] = $config['indexurl'] . $config['mod_rewrite_char'] . $randlink;
$url_array[$i]['scr'] = $scr;
$url_array[$i]['id'] = $lastid;
$url_array[$i]['flr_length'] = strlen($flr);
$url_array[$i++]['randlink_length'] = strlen($config['indexurl'] . $config['mod_rewrite_char'] . $randlink);
//$smarty->assign("flr_length", strlen($_REQUEST['flr']));
//$smarty->assign("randlink_length", strlen($config['indexurl'] . $config['mod_rewrite_char'] . $randlink));
} else {
In function isValidFLR these is part of captcha check:
if ($config['captcha_check']) {
if (verifyCaptcha() == false) {
return 'Wrong code!';
Let's say in textarea i enter:
and enter wrong captcha code, so it gives me 3 messages of Wrong code!
It's happen i think because of foreach. Any ideas how to make in foreach display only one error message ?
Your question is hard to understand but I think you are right (in the foreach)....
if err_msg <> '' then you should put a break in your code to get out of the foreach (if that is what you want).
else {
break; //this will break out of for loop
//or return false if it a function