I have a series of strings in PHP array.
Each string sometimes overlaps with the previous one (by one or more words) and sometimes doesn't overlap:
$My_Array = [
'The quick',
'quick brown',
'quick brown fox',
'jumps over the',
'over the',
'lazy dog',
I'd like to merge only those strings which have overlaps.
ie. where the characters at the start of one string already exist at the end of the preceding string.
My aim is to return the following array:
$My_Processed_Array = [
'The quick brown fox',
'jumps over the',
'lazy dog',
Work Completed so far:
I have put this together, which works in this instance, but I'm sceptical that it will cover all cases:
function process_my_array($array) {
for ($i = (count($array) - 1); $i > 0; $i--) {
$Current_Element = explode(' ', trim($array[$i]));
$Previous_Element = explode(' ', trim($array[($i - 1)]));
$End_Loop = FALSE;
while ($End_Loop === FALSE) {
if ($Current_Element[0] === $Previous_Element[(count($Previous_Element) - 1)]) {
$array[$i] = implode(' ', $Current_Element);
$array[($i - 1)] .= ' '.$array[$i];
$array = array_values($array);
$End_Loop = TRUE;
elseif (count($Current_Element) > 1) {
$Current_Element[0] .= ' '.$Current_Element[1];
$Current_Element = array_values($Current_Element);
if (isset($Previous_Element[(count($Previous_Element) - 2)])) {
$Previous_Element[(count($Previous_Element) - 2)] .= ' '.$Previous_Element[(count($Previous_Element) - 1)];
unset($Previous_Element[(count($Previous_Element) - 1)]);
$Previous_Element = array_values($Previous_Element);
elseif (count($Current_Element) === 1) {
$End_Loop = TRUE;
return $array;
More importantly, I'm almost certain there must be a much simpler way to achieve the target outcome than what I've put together above.
Split each string by space using explode().
Compare it with previous exploded string one by one.
Create a new pointer for comparison.
If the current pointer of current word doesn't match with current word in prev, reset pointer to 0. Else, keep incrementing current pointer.
This way, we got a hang of longest suffix in the previous string that is a prefix in the current string.
Slice out the exploded array from current pointer.
To stitch the residue of current string with the previous one, use array_merge and implode them back in the end.
If the current pointer happens to be 0 even after comparison, you can safely assume it is a completely new word.
$My_Processed_Array = [];
$prev = [];
$curr = [];
foreach($My_Array as $val){
$val = explode(" ",$val);
$ptr = 0;
foreach($prev as $index => $prev_val){
if($prev_val == $val[$ptr]){
$ptr = 0;
if($ptr == count($val)){
if($index == count($prev) - 1) break;
$ptr = 0;
$sliced_data = array_slice($val, $ptr);
if($ptr == 0 && !empty($curr)){
$My_Processed_Array[] = implode(" " ,$curr);
$curr = [];
$curr = array_merge($curr,$sliced_data);
$prev = $val;
$My_Processed_Array[] = implode(" " ,$curr);
I want to define two new variables as the longest strings from a given string. if the string does not contain any dashes, just choose it for both.
$s1=`welcome` // order not important
$s2=`holiday`// order not important
Solution with explode and sorting result array by length of words:
$orig = 'welcome-to-your-world';
$parts = explode('-', $orig);
if (1 < count($parts)) {
usort($parts, function($a, $b) { return strlen($a) < strlen($b); });
$s1 = array_shift($parts);
$s2 = array_shift($parts);
} else {
$s1 = $s2 = $orig;
echo $s1 . PHP_EOL . $s2;
Fiddle here.
It seems like your string is in dash-case (words in lower case separated by dashes).
So, you can do the following:
// convert origin in an array
$origin_array = explode("-", $origin);
//retrivies the first element from array
$s1 = '';
$s2 = '';
// get the longest string
foreach($origin_array as $word) {
if(strlen($word) > strlen($s1)) {
$s1 = $word;
// remove the longest word from the array
$origin_array = array_diff($origin_array, [$s1]);
// get the second longest string
foreach($origin_array as $word) {
if(strlen($word) > strlen($s2)) {
$s2 = $word;
I think that solves your problem. Hope that helps!
Note: This method is not efficient because it runs foreach twice. The other answer is better if you care about performance.
$orig = 'welcome-to-your-world';
$array = explode('-', $orig);
$lengths = array_map('strlen', $array);
$s1key = array_search(max($lengths), $lengths);
$s1 = $array[$s1key];
unset ($array[$s1key], $lengths[$s1key]);
$s2key = array_search(max($lengths), $lengths);
$s2 = $array[$s2key];
This seems trivial but I'm baffled that I haven't been able to come to a solution on this. What I'm trying to do is:
Input -> 14025
Output -> 10245
Input -> 171
Output -> 117
And so on...
$input = 140205;
$temp = str_split($input);
// find the 1st non-zero digit
$f = current(array_filter($temp));
// remove it from the array
unset($temp[array_search($f, $temp)]);
echo $output = $f . join($temp); // 100245
A bit more verbose, but similar to previous answer
function smallestNumberFromDigits($string) {
//split string to digits
$array = str_split($string);
//sort the digits
//find the first digit larger than 0 and place it to the begining of array
foreach($array as $i => $digit) {
if($digit > 0) {
$tmp = $array[0];
$array[0] = $digit;
$array[$i] = $tmp;
//return the imploded string back
return implode("", $array);
I want to parse and expand the given strings in PHP.
0605052, 0605053 ,0605054 ,0605055, 0605057, 0605058
can someone help me with that? thanks in advance!
Your question is not very clear, but I think you mean a solution like this:
Edited: Now the hole ranges were shown and not only the specified numbers.
$string = "0605052&&-5&-7&-8";
$test = '/^([0-9]+)\&+/';
preg_match($test, $string, $res);
if (isset($res[1]))
$nr = $res[1];
$test = '/\&\-([0-9])/';
preg_match_all($test, $string, $res);
$result[] = $nr;
$nrPart = substr($nr, 0, -1);
$firstPart = substr($nr, -1);
if (isset($res[1]))
foreach ($res[1] as &$value)
if ($firstPart !== false)
for ($i=$firstPart+1; $i<=$value; $i++)
$nr = $nrPart . $i;
$result[] = $nr;
$firstPart = false;
$nr = $nrPart . $value;
$result[] = $nr;
$firstPart = $value;
This delivers:
result[0] = "0605052"
result[1] = "0605053"
result[2] = "0605054"
result[3] = "0605055"
result[4] = "0605057"
result[5] = "0605058"
I think a multi step approach is the best thing to do here.
E.g. take this as an example 0605052&&-5&-7&-8:
Split at -. The result will be 0605052&&, 5&, 7&, 8
The first result 0605052&& will help you create your base. Simply substring the numbers by finding first occurence of & and substring to the next to last number. Result will be 060505. You will also need the last number, so get it as well (which is 2 in this case).
Get the remaining ends now, all \d& are simple to get, simply take the first character of the string (or if those can be more than one number, use substring with first occurence of & approach again).
The last number is simple: it is 8.
Now you got all important values. You can generate your result:
The last number from 2., all numbers from 3. and the number from 4. together with your base are the first part. In addition, you need to generate all numbers from the last number of 2. and the first result of 3. in a loop by a step of 1 and append it to your base.
Example Code:
$str = '0605052&&-5&-7&-8';
$split = explode('-', $str);
$firstAmpBase = strpos($split[0], '&');
$base = substr($split[0], 0, $firstAmpBase - 1);
$firstEnd = substr($split[0], $firstAmpBase - 1, 1);
$ends = [];
$firstSingleNumber = substr($split[1], 0, strpos($split[1], '&'));
for ($i = $firstEnd; $i < $firstSingleNumber; $i++) {
array_push($ends, $i);
array_push($ends, $firstSingleNumber);
for ($i = 2; $i < count($split) - 1; $i++) {
array_push($ends, substr($split[$i], 0, strpos($split[$i], '&')));
array_push($ends, $split[count($split) - 1]);
foreach ($ends as $end) {
echo $base . $end . '<br>';
I need help to create a licence plate (6 character length) from different equal or unequal length of strings.
Example 1:
$str1 = "YE37";
$str2 = "TE37";
$str3 = "LYTE";
When I combine, it should give me "LYTE37". I must use all of them to formulate a plate. I can find the common longest sequence between $str1 and $str2 is "E37" but unsure "Y" or "T" comes first (i.e., whether "YTE37" or "TYE37")" then I can combine with $str3 using the longest common sequence ("YTE") which supposed to give me "LYTE37".
Example 2: "YLF3", "EYLF" and "YLF37" should give me "EYLF37".
I use the following function that finds the longest common sequence
$S =get_longest_common_subsequence($string_1, $string_2); // $S is "E37"
function get_longest_common_subsequence($string_1, $string_2)
$string_1_length = strlen($string_1);
$string_2_length = strlen($string_2);
$return = '';
if ($string_1_length === 0 || $string_2_length === 0)
// No similarities
return $return;
$longest_common_subsequence = array();
// Initialize the CSL array to assume there are no similarities
$longest_common_subsequence = array_fill(0, $string_1_length, array_fill(0, $string_2_length, 0));
$largest_size = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $string_1_length; $i++)
for ($j = 0; $j < $string_2_length; $j++)
// Check every combination of characters
if ($string_1[$i] === $string_2[$j])
// These are the same in both strings
if ($i === 0 || $j === 0)
// It's the first character, so it's clearly only 1 character long
$longest_common_subsequence[$i][$j] = 1;
// It's one character longer than the string from the previous character
$longest_common_subsequence[$i][$j] = $longest_common_subsequence[$i - 1][$j - 1] + 1;
if ($longest_common_subsequence[$i][$j] > $largest_size)
// Remember this as the largest
$largest_size = $longest_common_subsequence[$i][$j];
// Wipe any previous results
$return = '';
// And then fall through to remember this new value
if ($longest_common_subsequence[$i][$j] === $largest_size)
// Remember the largest string(s)
$return = substr($string_1, $i - $largest_size + 1, $largest_size);
// Else, $CSL should be set to 0, which it was already initialized to
// Return the list of matches
return $return;
I need an algorithm that uses these strings and creates a licence plate.
Could this be the Algorithm you are looking for? Quick-Test Here.
$str1 = "YE37";
$str2 = "TE37";
$str3 = "LYTE";
$strA = "YLF3";
$strB = "EYLF";
$strC = "YLF37";
function generatePlateNumber($str1, $str2, $str3) {
$plateNumber = '';
$arr = array($str1, $str2, $str3);
$arrStr = array();
foreach($arr as $str){
if(!preg_match("#\d#", $str)){
$arrStr[] = $str;
foreach($arr as $str){
if(preg_match("#\d#", $str)){
$arrStr[] = $str;
$chars = array_merge(str_split($arrStr[0]),
str_split($arrStr[2]) );
$alphabets = [];
$numbers = [];
foreach($chars as $char){
$numbers[] = $char;
$alphabets[] = $char;
$alphabets = array_unique($alphabets);
$numbers = array_unique($numbers);
$plateNumber .= implode($alphabets) . implode($numbers);
return $plateNumber;
Firstly, I want to inform that, what I need is the reverse of in_array PHP function.
I need to search all items of array in the string if any of them found, function will return true otherwise return false.
I need the fastest solution to this problem, off course this can be succeeded by iterating the array and using the strpos function.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Example Data:
$string = 'Alice goes to school every day';
$searchWords = array('basket','school','tree');
returns true
$string = 'Alice goes to school every day';
$searchWords = array('basket','cat','tree');
returns false
You should try with a preg_match:
if (preg_match('/' . implode('|', $searchWords) . '/', $string)) return true;
After some comments here a properly escaped solution:
function contains($string, Array $search, $caseInsensitive = false) {
$exp = '/'
. implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $search))
. ($caseInsensitive ? '/i' : '/');
return preg_match($exp, $string) ? true : false;
function searchWords($string,$words)
foreach($words as $word)
if(stristr($string," " . $word . " ")) //spaces either side to force a word
return true;
return false;
$string = 'Alice goes to school every day';
$searchWords = array('basket','cat','tree');
Also take note that the function stristr is used to make it not case-sensitive
As per the example of malko, but with properly escaping the values.
function contains( $string, array $search ) {
return 0 !== preg_match(
'/' . implode( '|', preg_quote( $search, '/' ) ) . '/',
If string can be exploded using space following will work:
var_dump(array_intersect(explode(' ', $str), $searchWords) != null);
OUTPUT: for 2 examples you've provided:
If string cannot be exploded using space character, then use code like this to split string on any end of word character:
var_dump(array_intersect(preg_split('~\b~', $str), $searchWords) != null);
There is always debate over what is faster so I thought I'd run some tests using different methods.
Tests Run:
preg_match with foreach loop
preg_match with regex or
indexed search with string to explode
indexed search as array (string already exploded)
Two sets of tests where run. One on a large text document (114,350 words) and one on a small text document (120 words). Within each set, all tests were run 100 times and then an average was taken. Tests did not ignore case, which doing so would have made them all faster. Test for which the index was searched were pre-indexed. I wrote the code for indexing myself, and I'm sure it was less efficient, but indexing for the large file took 17.92 seconds and for the small file it took 0.001 seconds.
Terms searched for included: gazerbeam (NOT found in the document), legally (found in the document), and target (NOT found in the document).
Results in seconds to complete a single test, sorted by speed:
Large File:
0.0000455808639526 (index without explode)
0.0009979915618897 (preg_match using regex or)
0.0011657214164734 (strpos)
0.0023632574081421 (preg_match using foreach loop)
0.0051533532142639 (index with explode)
Small File
0.000003724098205566 (strpos)
0.000005958080291748 (preg_match using regex or)
0.000012607574462891 (preg_match using foreach loop)
0.000021204948425293 (index without explode)
0.000060625076293945 (index with explode)
Notice that strpos is faster than preg_match (using regex or) for small files, but slower for large files. Other factors, such as the number of search terms will of course affect this.
Algorithms Used:
$str = file_get_contents('text.txt');
$t = microtime(true);
foreach ($search as $word) if (strpos($str, $word)) break;
$strpos += microtime(true) - $t;
$str = file_get_contents('text.txt');
$t = microtime(true);
foreach ($search as $word) if (preg_match('/' . preg_quote($word) . '/', $str)) break;
$pregmatch += microtime(true) - $t;
//preg_match (regex or)
$str = file_get_contents('text.txt');
$orstr = preg_quote(implode('|', $search));
$t = microtime(true);
if preg_match('/' . $orstr . '/', $str) {};
$pregmatchor += microtime(true) - $t;
//index with explode
$str = file_get_contents('textindex.txt');
$t = microtime(true);
$ar = explode(" ", $str);
foreach ($search as $word) {
$start = 0;
$end = count($ar);
do {
$diff = $end - $start;
$pos = floor($diff / 2) + $start;
$temp = $ar[$pos];
if ($word < $temp) {
$end = $pos;
} elseif ($word > $temp) {
$start = $pos + 1;
} elseif ($temp == $word) {
$found = 'true';
} while ($diff > 0);
$indexwith += microtime(true) - $t;
//index without explode (already in array)
$str = file_get_contents('textindex.txt');
$found = 'false';
$ar = explode(" ", $str);
$t = microtime(true);
foreach ($search as $word) {
$start = 0;
$end = count($ar);
do {
$diff = $end - $start;
$pos = floor($diff / 2) + $start;
$temp = $ar[$pos];
if ($word < $temp) {
$end = $pos;
} elseif ($word > $temp) {
$start = $pos + 1;
} elseif ($temp == $word) {
$found = 'true';
} while ($diff > 0);
$indexwithout += microtime(true) - $t;
try this:
$string = 'Alice goes to school every day';
$words = split(" ", $string);
$searchWords = array('basket','school','tree');
for($x = 0,$l = count($words); $x < $l;) {
if(in_array($words[$x++], $searchWords)) {
Below prints the frequency of number of elements found from the array in the string
function inString($str, $arr, $matches=false)
$str = explode(" ", $str);
$c = 0;
for($i = 0; $i<count($str); $i++)
if(in_array($str[$i], $arr) )
{$c++;if($matches == false)break;}
return $c;
Below link will help you : just need to customize as you required.
Check if array element exists in string
function result_arrayInString($prdterms,208){
return true;
return false;
This may be helpful to you.