Creating licence plates from different but similar strings - php

I need help to create a licence plate (6 character length) from different equal or unequal length of strings.
Example 1:
$str1 = "YE37";
$str2 = "TE37";
$str3 = "LYTE";
When I combine, it should give me "LYTE37". I must use all of them to formulate a plate. I can find the common longest sequence between $str1 and $str2 is "E37" but unsure "Y" or "T" comes first (i.e., whether "YTE37" or "TYE37")" then I can combine with $str3 using the longest common sequence ("YTE") which supposed to give me "LYTE37".
Example 2: "YLF3", "EYLF" and "YLF37" should give me "EYLF37".
I use the following function that finds the longest common sequence
$S =get_longest_common_subsequence($string_1, $string_2); // $S is "E37"
function get_longest_common_subsequence($string_1, $string_2)
$string_1_length = strlen($string_1);
$string_2_length = strlen($string_2);
$return = '';
if ($string_1_length === 0 || $string_2_length === 0)
// No similarities
return $return;
$longest_common_subsequence = array();
// Initialize the CSL array to assume there are no similarities
$longest_common_subsequence = array_fill(0, $string_1_length, array_fill(0, $string_2_length, 0));
$largest_size = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $string_1_length; $i++)
for ($j = 0; $j < $string_2_length; $j++)
// Check every combination of characters
if ($string_1[$i] === $string_2[$j])
// These are the same in both strings
if ($i === 0 || $j === 0)
// It's the first character, so it's clearly only 1 character long
$longest_common_subsequence[$i][$j] = 1;
// It's one character longer than the string from the previous character
$longest_common_subsequence[$i][$j] = $longest_common_subsequence[$i - 1][$j - 1] + 1;
if ($longest_common_subsequence[$i][$j] > $largest_size)
// Remember this as the largest
$largest_size = $longest_common_subsequence[$i][$j];
// Wipe any previous results
$return = '';
// And then fall through to remember this new value
if ($longest_common_subsequence[$i][$j] === $largest_size)
// Remember the largest string(s)
$return = substr($string_1, $i - $largest_size + 1, $largest_size);
// Else, $CSL should be set to 0, which it was already initialized to
// Return the list of matches
return $return;
I need an algorithm that uses these strings and creates a licence plate.

Could this be the Algorithm you are looking for? Quick-Test Here.
$str1 = "YE37";
$str2 = "TE37";
$str3 = "LYTE";
$strA = "YLF3";
$strB = "EYLF";
$strC = "YLF37";
function generatePlateNumber($str1, $str2, $str3) {
$plateNumber = '';
$arr = array($str1, $str2, $str3);
$arrStr = array();
foreach($arr as $str){
if(!preg_match("#\d#", $str)){
$arrStr[] = $str;
foreach($arr as $str){
if(preg_match("#\d#", $str)){
$arrStr[] = $str;
$chars = array_merge(str_split($arrStr[0]),
str_split($arrStr[2]) );
$alphabets = [];
$numbers = [];
foreach($chars as $char){
$numbers[] = $char;
$alphabets[] = $char;
$alphabets = array_unique($alphabets);
$numbers = array_unique($numbers);
$plateNumber .= implode($alphabets) . implode($numbers);
return $plateNumber;


PHP: Transform string to another string

I would like to Convert simple string to another format based on below logic
Example 1 : if string is 3,4-8-7,5 then I need the set as (3,8,7),(4,8,5).
Example 2: If string is "4-5,6-4" then required set will be (4,5,4),(4,6,4).
More Clear Requirements:
if string is 5-6,7,8-2,3-1. It need to be divided first like [5] AND [(6) OR (7) OR (8)] AND [(2) OR (3)] AND [1]. Result must be All possible combination: (5,6,2,1),(5,6,3,1),(5,7,2,1),(5,7,3,1),(5,8,2,1),(5,8,3,1).
The Logic behind to building the set are we need to consider ',' as OR condition and '-' as AND condition.
I am trying my best using For loop but unable to find solution
$intermediate = array();
$arry_A = explode('-', '3,4-8-7,5');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arry_A); $i++) {
$arry_B = explode(',', $arry_A[$i]);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($arry_B); $j++) {
if (count($intermediate) > 0) {
for ($k = 0; $k < count($intermediate); $k++) {
$intermediate[$k] = $intermediate[$k] . ',' . $arry_B[$j];
} elseif (count($intermediate) === 0) {
$intermediate[0] = $arry_B[$j];
echo $intermediate, should give final result.
Cool little exercise!
I would do it with the following code, which I will split up for readability:
I used an array as output, since it's easier to check than a string.
First, we initialize the $string and create the output array $solutions. We will calculate the maximum of possible combinations from the beginning ($results) and fill the $solutions array with empty arrays which will be filled later with the actual combinations.
$string = '3,4-8-7,5';
$solutions = array();
$results = substr_count($string,',')*2;
for($i = 0; $i < $results; $i++) {
We will need two helper functions: checkSolutions which makes sure, that the combination does not yet exist more than $limit times. And numberOfORAfterwards which will calculate the position of an OR pattern in the $string so we can calculate how often a combination is allowed in the single steps of the walkthrough.
function checkSolutions($array,$solutions,$limit) {
$count = 0;
foreach($solutions as $solution) {
if($solution === $array) $count++;
if($count < $limit) return true;
else return false;
function numberOfORAfterwards($part,$parts) {
foreach($parts as $currPart) {
if($currPart === $part) $count = 0;
if(isset($count)) if(!ctype_digit($currPart)) $count++;
return $count;
Now the main part: We are going to loop over the "parts" of the $string a part are the digits between AND operations.
If you need further explanation on this loop, just leave a comment.
$length = 0;
// split by all AND operations
$parts = explode('-',$string);
foreach($parts as $part) {
if(ctype_digit($part)) {
// case AND x AND
foreach($solutions as &$solution) {
} else {
// case x OR x ...
$digits = explode(',',$part);
foreach($digits as $digit) {
for($i = 0; $i < $results/count($digits); $i++) {
foreach($solutions as &$solution) {
if(count($solution) == $length) {
$test = $solution;
$limit = numberOfORAfterwards($part,$parts);
echo $digit.' '.$limit.'<br>';
if(checkSolutions($test,$solutions,$limit)) {
Some tests:
String: 3,4-8-7,5
Combinations: (3,8,7)(3,8,5)(4,8,7)(4,8,7)
String: 5-6,7,8-2,3-1
Combinations: (5,6,2,1)(5,6,3,1)(5,7,2,1)(5,7,3,1)(5,8,2,1)(5,8,2,1)
String: 2,1-4-3,2-7,8-9
Combinations: (2,4,3,7,9)(2,4,3,8,9)(2,4,2,7,9)(1,4,3,7,9)(1,4,2,8,9)(1,4,2,8,9)
String: 1,5-3,2-1
Combinations: (1,3,1)(1,2,1)(5,3,1)(5,3,1)

PHP Ticket ID Generation

I am creating a ticket system for learning purposes, and I was wondering how would I create a simple unique ticket ID that would be similiar to this: gD8f-jxS
It would have 4 characters of random case in the first part
(letters and numbers are allowed, then it would have a dash, and again 3 random letters or numbers of any case.
public function generateCode(){
$unique = FALSE;
$length = 7;
$chrDb = array('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9');
while (!$unique){
$str = '';
for ($count = 0; $count < $length; $count++){
$chr = $chrDb[rand(0,count($chrDb)-1)];
if (rand(0,1) == 0){
$chr = strtolower($chr);
if (3 == $count){
$str .= '-';
$str .= $chr;
/* check if unique */
//$existingCode = UNIQUE CHECK GOES HERE
if (!$existingCode){
$unique = TRUE;
return $str;

keyword highlight is highlighting the highlights in PHP preg_replace()

I have a small search engine doing its thing, and want to highlight the results. I thought I had it all worked out till a set of keywords I used today blew it out of the water.
The issue is that preg_replace() is looping through the replacements, and later replacements are replacing the text I inserted into previous ones. Confused? Here is my pseudo function:
public function highlightKeywords ($data, $keywords = array()) {
$find = array();
$replace = array();
$begin = "<span class=\"keywordHighlight\">";
$end = "</span>";
foreach ($keywords as $kw) {
$find[] = '/' . str_replace("/", "\/", $kw) . '/iu';
$replace[] = $begin . "\$0" . $end;
return preg_replace($find, $replace, $data);
OK, so it works when searching for "fred" and "dagg" but sadly, when searching for "class" and "lass" and "as" it strikes a real issue when highlighting "Joseph's Class Group"
Joseph's <span class="keywordHighlight">Cl</span><span <span c<span <span class="keywordHighlight">cl</span>ass="keywordHighlight">lass</span>="keywordHighlight">c<span <span class="keywordHighlight">cl</span>ass="keywordHighlight">lass</span></span>="keywordHighlight">ass</span> Group
How would I get the latter replacements to only work on the non-HTML components, but to also allow the tagging of the whole match? e.g. if I was searching for "cla" and "lass" I would want "class" to be highlighted in full as both the search terms are in it, even though they overlap, and the highlighting that was applied to the first match has "class" in it, but that shouldn't be highlighted.
I would rather use a PHP solution than a jQuery (or any client-side) one.
Note: I have tried to sort the keywords by length, doing the long ones first, but that means the cross-over searches do not highlight, meaning with "cla" and "lass" only part of the word "class" would highlight, and it still murdered the replacement tags :(
EDIT: I have messed about, starting with pencil & paper, and wild ramblings, and come up with some very unglamorous code to solve this issue. It's not great, so suggestions to trim/speed this up would still be greatly appreciated :)
public function highlightKeywords ($data, $keywords = array()) {
$find = array();
$replace = array();
$begin = "<span class=\"keywordHighlight\">";
$end = "</span>";
$hits = array();
foreach ($keywords as $kw) {
$offset = 0;
while (($pos = stripos($data, $kw, $offset)) !== false) {
$hits[] = array($pos, $pos + strlen($kw));
$offset = $pos + 1;
if ($hits) {
usort($hits, function($a, $b) {
if ($a[0] == $b[0]) {
return 0;
return ($a[0] < $b[0]) ? -1 : 1;
$thisthat = array(0 => $begin, 1 => $end);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($hits); $i++) {
foreach ($thisthat as $key => $val) {
$pos = $hits[$i][$key];
$data = substr($data, 0, $pos) . $val . substr($data, $pos);
for ($j = 0; $j < count($hits); $j++) {
if ($hits[$j][0] >= $pos) {
$hits[$j][0] += strlen($val);
if ($hits[$j][1] >= $pos) {
$hits[$j][1] += strlen($val);
return $data;
I've used the following to address this problem:
$protected_matches = array();
function protect(&$matches) {
global $protected_matches;
return "\0" . array_push($protected_matches, $matches[0]) . "\0";
function restore(&$matches) {
global $protected_matches;
return '<span class="keywordHighlight">' .
$protected_matches[$matches[1] - 1] . '</span>';
preg_replace_callback('/\x0(\d+)\x0/', 'restore',
preg_replace_callback($patterns, 'protect', $target_string));
The first preg_replace_callback pulls out all matches and replaces them with nul-byte-wrapped placeholders; the second pass replaces them with the span tags.
Edit: Forgot to mention that $patterns was sorted by string length, longest to shortest.
Edit; another solution
function highlightKeywords($data, $keywords = array(),
$prefix = '<span class="hilite">', $suffix = '</span>') {
$datacopy = strtolower($data);
$keywords = array_map('strtolower', $keywords);
$start = array();
$end = array();
foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
$offset = 0;
$length = strlen($keyword);
while (($pos = strpos($datacopy, $keyword, $offset)) !== false) {
$start[] = $pos;
$end[] = $offset = $pos + $length;
if (!count($start)) return $data;
// Merge and sort start/end using negative values to identify endpoints
$zipper = array();
$i = 0;
$n = count($end);
while ($i < $n)
$zipper[] = count($start) && $start[0] <= $end[$i]
? array_shift($start)
: -$end[$i++];
// [ 9, 10, -14, -14, 81, 82, 86, -86, -86, -90, 99, -103 ]
// take 9, discard 10, take -14, take -14, create pair,
// take 81, discard 82, discard 86, take -86, take -86, take -90, create pair
// take 99, take -103, create pair
// result: [9,14], [81,90], [99,103]
// Generate non-overlapping start/end pairs
$a = array_shift($zipper);
$z = $x = null;
while ($x = array_shift($zipper)) {
if ($x < 0)
$z = $x;
else if ($z) {
$spans[] = array($a, -$z);
$a = $x;
$z = null;
$spans[] = array($a, -$z);
// Insert the prefix/suffix in the start/end locations
$n = count($spans);
while ($n--)
$data = substr($data, 0, $spans[$n][0])
. $prefix
. substr($data, $spans[$n][0], $spans[$n][1] - $spans[$n][0])
. $suffix
. substr($data, $spans[$n][1]);
return $data;
I had to revisit this subject myself today and wrote a better version of the above. I'll include it here. It's the same idea only easier to read and should perform better since it uses arrays instead of concatenation.
function highlight_range_sort($a, $b) {
$A = abs($a);
$B = abs($b);
if ($A == $B)
return $a < $b ? 1 : 0;
return $A < $B ? -1 : 1;
function highlightKeywords($data, $keywords = array(),
$prefix = '<span class="highlight">', $suffix = '</span>') {
$datacopy = strtolower($data);
$keywords = array_map('strtolower', $keywords);
// this will contain offset ranges to be highlighted
// positive offset indicates start
// negative offset indicates end
$ranges = array();
// find start/end offsets for each keyword
foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
$offset = 0;
$length = strlen($keyword);
while (($pos = strpos($datacopy, $keyword, $offset)) !== false) {
$ranges[] = $pos;
$ranges[] = -($offset = $pos + $length);
if (!count($ranges))
return $data;
// sort offsets by abs(), positive
usort($ranges, 'highlight_range_sort');
// combine overlapping ranges by keeping lesser
// positive and negative numbers
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($ranges) - 1) {
if ($ranges[$i] < 0) {
if ($ranges[$i + 1] < 0)
array_splice($ranges, $i, 1);
} else if ($ranges[$i + 1] < 0)
array_splice($ranges, $i + 1, 1);
// create substrings
$ranges[] = strlen($data);
$substrings = array(substr($data, 0, $ranges[0]));
for ($i = 0, $n = count($ranges) - 1; $i < $n; $i += 2) {
// prefix + highlighted_text + suffix + regular_text
$substrings[] = $prefix;
$substrings[] = substr($data, $ranges[$i], -$ranges[$i + 1] - $ranges[$i]);
$substrings[] = $suffix;
$substrings[] = substr($data, -$ranges[$i + 1], $ranges[$i + 2] + $ranges[$i + 1]);
// join and return substrings
return implode('', $substrings);
// Example usage:
echo highlightKeywords("This is a test.\n", array("is"), '(', ')');
echo highlightKeywords("Classes are as hard as they say.\n", array("as", "class"), '(', ')');
// Output:
// Th(is) (is) a test.
// (Class)es are (as) hard (as) they say.
OP - something that's not clear in the question is whether $data can contain HTML from the get-go. Can you clarify this?
If $data can contain HTML itself, you are getting into the realms attempting to parse a non-regular language with a regular language parser, and that's not going to work out well.
In such a case, I would suggest loading the $data HTML into a PHP DOMDocument, getting hold of all of the textNodes and running one of the other perfectly good answers on the contents of each text block in turn.

How to get the count of string 2 occurrence in string 1 without php built-in functions

How to get the count of string 2 occurrence in string 1 without php built-in functions.
$strone = "Arun sukumar";
$strtwo = "a";
//Expected Output: 2
$strone = "Arun sukumar";
$strtwo = "uk";
//Expected Output: 1
I need to get the count without using any php built-in functions.
This is the question asked in a interview, is there any logic in that?
You need to take your needle, get the first char.. then iterate over each char of the haystack until you get match. Then take the next char of needle and check the next char of the haystack for a match... continue until you have the complete match for needle or until you fial to match a char.
hint: you can access the individual chars of a string by index with $string{0} where 0 is the zero based index of the char in the string.
$strone = 'arun sukumar';
$strtwo = 'a';
echo parsestr($strone, $strtwo);
function parsestr($strone, $strtwo)
$len = 0;
while ($strtwo{$len} != '') {
$nr = 0;
while ($strone{$nr} != '')
if($strone{$nr} != ' ')
$data[$nr] = $strone{$nr};
$newdata = $data;
if($len > 1)
$newdata = array();
$j = 0;
foreach($data as $val)
$str .= $val;
if($j == ($len -1))
$newdata[] = $str;
$str = '';
$j = 0;
$i = 0;
foreach($newdata as $val)
if($val == $strtwo)
return $i;
Try this
$string = 'Arun sukumar';
$sub_string = 'a';
$count = 0;
for($i=0;$i < strlen($string); $i++){
$flag = 0;
if(strtolower($string[$i]) == $sub_string[$j])
//echo "match";
$flag = 1;
$k = $i;
for(;$j< strlen($sub_string); $j++){//echo "[".$j . $k."] $count $flag";
if(strtolower($string[$k]) != $sub_string[$j]){
$flag = 0;
}//echo "<br> $flag";
if($flag == 1){
$flag = 0;
echo $count;
Not sure why you would not want to use the built-in PHP functions since they would be faster, but something like this would work:
$haystack = 'Arun sukumar';
$needle = 'a';
// you seem to want a case insensitive search, so do a strtolower first
$haystack = strtolower($haystack);
$hitCount = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($haystack); ++$i) {
if ($needle === substr($haystack, $i, strlen($needle))) {
echo 'Output: ' . $hitCount;

Reverse letters in each word of a string without using native splitting or reversing functions [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Reverse the letters in each word of a string
(6 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
This task has already been asked/answered, but I recently had a job interview that imposed some additional challenges to demonstrate my ability to manipulate strings.
Problem: How to reverse words in a string? You can use strpos(), strlen() and substr(), but not other very useful functions such as explode(), strrev(), etc.
$string = "I am a boy"
I ma a yob
Below is my working coding attempt that took me 2 days [sigh], but there must be a more elegant and concise solution.
1. get number of words
2. based on word count, grab each word and store into array
3. loop through array and output each word in reverse order
$str = "I am a boy";
echo reverse_word($str) . "\n";
function reverse_word($input) {
//first find how many words in the string based on whitespace
$num_ws = 0;
$p = 0;
while(strpos($input, " ", $p) !== false) {
$num_ws ++;
$p = strpos($input, ' ', $p) + 1;
echo "num ws is $num_ws\n";
//now start grabbing word and store into array
$p = 0;
for($i=0; $i<$num_ws + 1; $i++) {
$ws_index = strpos($input, " ", $p);
//if no more ws, grab the rest
if($ws_index === false) {
$word = substr($input, $p);
else {
$length = $ws_index - $p;
$word = substr($input, $p, $length);
$result[] = $word;
$p = $ws_index + 1; //move onto first char of next word
//append reversed words
$str = '';
for($i=0; $i<count($result); $i++) {
$str .= reverse($result[$i]) . " ";
return $str;
function reverse($str) {
$a = 0;
$b = strlen($str)-1;
while($a < $b) {
swap($str, $a, $b);
$a ++;
$b --;
return $str;
function swap(&$str, $i1, $i2) {
$tmp = $str[$i1];
$str[$i1] = $str[$i2];
$str[$i2] = $tmp;
$string = "I am a boy";
$reversed = "";
$tmp = "";
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
if($string[$i] == " ") {
$reversed .= $tmp . " ";
$tmp = "";
$tmp = $string[$i] . $tmp;
$reversed .= $tmp;
print $reversed . PHP_EOL;
>> I ma a yob
Whoops! Mis-read the question. Here you go (Note that this will split on all non-letter boundaries, not just space. If you want a character not to be split upon, just add it to $wordChars):
function revWords($string) {
//We need to find word boundries
$wordChars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$buffer = '';
$return = '';
$len = strlen($string);
$i = 0;
while ($i < $len) {
$chr = $string[$i];
if (($chr & 0xC0) == 0xC0) {
//UTF8 Characer!
if (($chr & 0xF0) == 0xF0) {
//4 Byte Sequence
$chr .= substr($string, $i + 1, 3);
$i += 3;
} elseif (($chr & 0xE0) == 0xE0) {
//3 Byte Sequence
$chr .= substr($string, $i + 1, 2);
$i += 2;
} else {
//2 Byte Sequence
$chr .= $string[$i];
if (stripos($wordChars, $chr) !== false) {
$buffer = $chr . $buffer;
} else {
$return .= $buffer . $chr;
$buffer = '';
return $return . $buffer;
Edit: Now it's a single function, and stores the buffer naively in reversed notation.
Edit2: Now handles UTF8 characters (just add "word" characters to the $wordChars string)...
My answer is to count the string length, split the letters into an array and then, loop it backwards. This is also a good way to check if a word is a palindrome. This can only be used for regular string and numbers.
preg_split can be changed to explode() as well.
* Code snippet to reverse a string (LM)
$words = array('one', 'only', 'apple', 'jobs');
foreach ($words as $d) {
$strlen = strlen($d);
$splits = preg_split('//', $d, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
for ($i = $strlen; $i >= 0; $i=$i-1) {
#$reverse .= $splits[$i];
echo "Regular: {$d}".PHP_EOL;
echo "Reverse: {$reverse}".PHP_EOL;
echo "-----".PHP_EOL;
Without using any function.
$string = 'I am a boy';
$newString = '';
$temp = '';
$i = 0;
while(#$string[$i] != '')
if($string[$i] == ' ') {
$newString .= $temp . ' ';
$temp = '';
else {
$temp = $string[$i] . $temp;
$newString .= $temp . ' ';
echo $newString;
Output: I ma a yob
