I want to make a folder tree array in php. I coded something, it is almost done but there is some issue.
So, all files and folders should be in same json as they are in folders. Here my codes:
function getDirContents($dir, &$results = array(), $counter = 0 ) {
$files = scandir($dir);
foreach ($files as $key => $value) {
$path = realpath($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value);
if (!is_dir($path)) {
$results[] = array('name'=>$path,'type'=>'file');
} else if ($value != "." && $value != "..") {
$results[] = array('name'=>$path,'type'=>'folder','subfolders'=>array());
getDirContents($path, $results[count($results)]['subfolders']);
return $results;
The result is like below. But it has subfolders label at different place. For example; subfolder test4 should be in test2 subfolder buut it is district from test2 folder.
Result should be like that:
"folder1": {
"name": "test1.txt",
"type": "file",
"subfolders": {
"subfolder1": {
"name": "test1",
"type": "folder"
"subfolder2": {
"name": "test2",
"type": "folder",
"subfolders": {
"subfolder3": {
"name": "test3",
"type": "folder"
I hope I could explain my situation. At the result, datas is not in one back datas.
The problem is here when you call getDirContents($path, $results[count($results)]['subfolders']); recursivelly, you provide second parameter with wrong index of array. When you store the first folder to $results it has index in array = 0. But then you use count() function to get number of records from $results array it returns 1 not 0. Also I think you have disabled notice error reporting and you just havent seen it.
Replace count($results) with array_key_last or count($results) - 1
I have flat array like:
"id": "1",
"parentId": "0",
"cost": 1000
"id": "2",
"parentId": "1",
"cost": 2000
"id": "3",
"parentId": "2",
"cost": 4000
convert flat array to tree array --> (DONE)
sum of each id is the total price of it and its child
now the problem appears:
should summation be done before or after converting from flat array to tree array
This is my code is try convert flat to tree:
public function buildTree(array $flat)
$grouped = [];
$fnBuilder = function ($companies) use (&$fnBuilder, $grouped) {
foreach ($companies as $k => $company) {
$id = $company['id'];
if (isset($grouped[$id])) {
$company['children'] = $fnBuilder($grouped[$id]);
$companies[$k] = $company;
return $companies;
return $fnBuilder($grouped[0]);
My expect result is like:
"id": "1",
"sum": 7000,
"children": [
"id": "2",
"sum": 6000,
"children": [
"id": "3",
"sum": 4000,
I wonder if it's possible to handle the summing inside the buildTree?
My idea is to have a tree and then handle the sum of sublevels, but i can't handle assigning the sum to the parent element
I created a class and incorporated your ideas.
class TreeBuilder {
private $flatArr;
private $idToNode;
public function __construct($flatArr) {
// Keep the flat arr in case we need it.
$this->flatArr = $flatArr;
// Create an array to lookup a node to determine if it exists.
$this->idToNode = array_combine(array_column($flatArr, 'id'), $flatArr);
public function buildTree() {
// create an empty array to hold root nodes
$roots = [];
// iterate through each node and add it to its parent's children list
foreach ($this->flatArr as &$node) {
$id = $node['id'];
$parentId = $node['parentId'];
if (isset($this->idToNode[$parentId])) {
$this->out("add child to $parentId " . print_r($node, true));
$parentNode = &$this->idToNode[$parentId];
if ( isset($parentNode['children']) ) {
$parentNode['children'] = [&$this->idToNode[$id]];
} else {
$parentNode['children'][] = &$this->idToNode[$id];
// $children[] = &$node;
} else {
$this->out("add to root " . print_r($node, true));
$roots[] = &$this->idToNode[$id];
// calculate the sum of each node and its children recursively
foreach ($roots as &$root) {
return $roots;
private function calculateSum(&$node) {
// calculate the sum of the current node
$node['sum'] = $node['cost'];
// recursively calculate the sum of the children nodes
$children = &$node['children'];
if (isset($children)) {
foreach ($children as &$child) {
$node['sum'] += $this->calculateSum($child);
return $node['sum'];
private function out($s) {
echo "$s\n";
You could build the tree without recursion, and then use recursion to update the sum, in post-order depth first order:
function buildTree(array $flat) {
foreach ($flat as ["id" => $id, "cost" => $sum]) {
$keyed[$id] = ["id" => $id, "sum" => $sum];
foreach ($flat as ["id" => $id, "parentId" => $parentId]) {
if (isset($keyed[$parentId])) {
$keyed[$parentId]["children"][] = &$keyed[$id];
} else {
$root = &$keyed[$id];
function updateSum(&$node) {
foreach ($node["children"] ?? [] as &$child) {
$node["sum"] += updateSum($child);
return $node["sum"];
return $root;
Example run:
$flat = json_decode('[
"id": "1",
"parentId": "0",
"cost": 1000
"id": "2",
"parentId": "1",
"cost": 2000
"id": "3",
"parentId": "2",
"cost": 4000
]', true);
$root = buildTree($flat);
I need to find the direct parent of all instance of "type": "featured-product" in a JSON file using PHP. store this parent string in a variable. use a foreach.
In the example below, the variable would have the value "1561093167965" and "3465786822452"
I'm a little lost, thank you for the help!
"current": {
"sections": {
"1561093167965": {
"type": "featured-product"
"3465786822452": {
"type": "featured-product"
foreach ($json['current']['sections'] as $sectionName => $section) {
if ($section['type'] && $section['type'] == 'featured-product') {
$featuredId = $sectionName;
Another approach you can take is to create a new array containing only featured-products using array_filter and then extract the keys. From the docs:
If the callback function returns TRUE, the current value from array is
returned into the result array. Array keys are preserved.
$product_sections = array_keys(
array_filter($json['current']['sections'], function($val) {
return $val['type'] === 'featured-product';
The problem in your original code is that your $featuredId variable is getting overwritten in each iteration of the loop, so when it ends its value will be the one of last element processed. If you have to deal with multiple values, you'll have to add it to an array or do the work directly inside the foreach. You can see the other answers for how to fix your code.
There is probably a cleaner way but this works using json_decode and iterating over the array with foreach
"current": {
"sections": {
"1561093167965": {
"type": "featured-product"
"3465786822452": {
"type": "featured-product"
foreach($e['current']['sections'] as $id=>$a){
echo 'the parent id is '.$id;
//change this with the real json
"current": {
"sections": {
"1561093167965": {
"type": "featured-product"
"3465786822452": {
"type": "featured-product"
$result = [];
foreach($jsond['current']['sections'] as $k=>$v){
$result[] = $k;
I am trying to create a dynamic endpoint for a API I am creating in order to include some data but only if it is required so I can use it in multiple places.
The idea is to have api.domain.com/vehicle to bring back basic vehicle information but if I did api.domain.com/vehicle?with=owners,history then the idea is to have a function which maps the owners and history to a class which will return data but only if it is required.
This is what I currently have.
public static function vehicle()
$with = isset($_GET['with']) ? $_GET['with'] : null;
$properties = explode(',', $with);
$result = ['vehicle' => Vehicle::data($id)];
foreach ($properties as $property) {
array_push($result, static::getPropertyResponse($property));
echo json_encode($result);
Which will then call this function.
protected static function getPropertyResponse($property)
$propertyMap = [
'owners' => Vehicle::owner($id),
'history' => Vehicle::history($id)
if (array_key_exists($property, $propertyMap)) {
return $propertyMap[$property];
return null;
However, the response I'm getting is being nested within a index, which I don't want it to be. The format I want is...
"vehicle": {
"make": "vehicle make"
"owners": {
"name": "owner name"
"history": {
"year": "26/01/2018"
But the format I am getting is this...
"vehicle": {
"make": "vehicle make"
"0": {
"owners": {
"name": "owner name"
"1": {
"history": {
"year": "26/01/2018"
How would I do this so it doesn't return with the index?
Vehicle::history($id) seems to return ['history'=>['year' => '26/01/2018']], ...etc.
foreach ($properties as $property) {
$out = static::getPropertyResponse($property) ;
$result[$property] = $out[$property] ;
Or your methods should returns something like ['year' => '26/01/2018'] and use :
foreach ($properties as $property) {
$result[$property] = static::getPropertyResponse($property) ;
Let's say I have 2 functions that can call each other
public static function goToAction($action,$sender_id)
$actions = array();
$logic = file_get_contents('../../logic/logic.json');
$logic_array = json_decode($logic, true);
if (!isset($logic_array[$action])) {
return false;
} else {
foreach ($logic_array[$action] as $action) {
$actions[] = self::parseActionType($action,$sender_id);
return $actions;
public static function parseActionType($actions,$sender_id)
$data = array();
foreach ($actions as $key => $action) {
switch ($key) {
case 'goto': {
$goto_actions = self::goToAction($action,$sender_id);
foreach ($goto_actions as $goto_action){
$data[] = $goto_action;
} break;
return $data;
and here is my json file:
"no_return": [
{ "text": "Должно быть: 1, 2, 3"},
{ "text": "1" },
{ "goto": "2nr", "no_return": true},
{ "text": "5" }
"2nr": [
{ "text": "2" },
{ "goto": "3", "no_return": true},
{ "text": "4"}
"3nr": [
{ "text": "3" }
it returns 12345 , and its right, but how can I make it return 123 if no_return is setted to true? Maybe function must return something?
foreach ($logic_array[$action] as $action) {
$actions[] = self::parseActionType($action,$sender_id);
if (!empty($action['no_return'])) { break; }
Using break inside of a loop stops it even if there are more element left, there is also continue this will end the current run and proceed with the next element.
I would like to flatten an object. This is what I've got so far:
"1": {
"id": 1,
"name": "parent",
"children": {
"4": {
"id": 4,
"name": "child1",
"parent": 1
"5": {
"id": 5,
"name": "child2",
"parent": 1
"id": 2,
"name": "parent2"
And this is what I would like to accomplish. So keep the same order but flatten the object:
"1": {
"id": 1,
"name": "parent",
"4": {
"id": 4,
"name": "child1",
"parent": 1
"5": {
"id": 5,
"name": "child2",
"parent": 1
"2": {
"id": 2,
"name": "parent2"
So far I haven't found a solution to this. I've tried a function without much success:
protected function _flattenObject($array)
static $flattened = [];
if(is_object($array) && count($array) > 0)
foreach ($array as $key => $member) {
$flattened[$key] = $member;
} else
return $flattened;
The tough part for me is to keep the same order (children below its parent). And the function mentioned above also removes all objects and almost only keeps the keys with its value, so it wasn't a great success at all.
Hopefully somebody over here knows a good solution for this.
By the way, the reason I want such flatten structure is because the system I have to work with, has trouble handling multidimensional arrays and objects. And I still want to display an hierarchy, which is possible with the flatten structure I described, because the objects actually contain a "level" key as well so I can give them some padding based on the "level" while still showing up below their parent.
The JSON didn't seem to be valid, so I modified it a bit.
The main problem seems to be that you are not doing anything with the returned results of your recursive function. Unless using static inside a method does some magic that I don't know of...
So this section:
$flattened[$key] = $member;
} else
// What happens with the returned value?
Should probably be more like this:
$flattened[$key] = $member;
} else
// Add the returned array to the array you already have
$flattened += $this->_flattenObject($member);
Here is code that works. It adds a field "level" to your objects, to represent how many levels deep in the original hierarchy they were.
$obj = json_decode('[{
"id": 1,
"name": "parent",
"children": [{
"id": 4,
"name": "child1",
"parent": 1
}, {
"id": 5,
"name": "child2",
"parent": 1
}, {
"id": 2,
"name": "parent2"
function _flattenRecursive($array, &$flattened, &$level)
foreach ($array as $key => $member) {
$insert = $member;
$children = null;
if (is_array($insert->children)) {
$children = $insert->children;
$insert->children = array();
$insert->level = $level;
$flattened[] = $insert;
if ($children !== null) {
_flattenRecursive($children, $flattened, $level);
function flattenObject($array)
$flattened = [];
$level = 0;
_flattenRecursive($array, $flattened, $level);
return $flattened;
$flat = flattenObject($obj);