I am new in Laravel, what I try to achieve is very simple thing, I would like to use FormRequest provided by Laravel to do validation of the request, but I encounter some puzzles (which I am sure is easy things to solve if you are experienced in Laravel).
Here is what I tried:
I have route maps to controller:
Route::put('user/{name}', 'UserController#show');
I can get the name parameter in show function:
class UserController {
public function show($name)
// validtion rules to apply
I have validation rules to apply to the request, so I decided to create form request by php artisan make:request ShowRequest, which creates the form request class:
class ShowRequest extends FormRequest {
public function authorize()
return true;
public function rules()
return [
// my validation rules here
Since I have above request class, so I refactored the show function in controller to receive the ShowRequest .
class UserController {
public function show(ShowRequest $request)
// now I don't need validtion rules in this function
// but how can I access the 'name' parameter now
I have two questions to ask:
Inside the refactored show function, how can I now access the route parameter name ?
If we forget about the parameter is a name (please don't focus on what to validate for name, imaging it is an object or value to validate in general). How to add custom logic for handling validation error instead of using Laravel default behaviour. I want to inject code like dummy code below:
if (!$validator->pass())
//my custom code for handling validation failure
Where to put my custom code for handling validation error now? I mean I don't know where to have this logic, in controller? in the request class? how?
You still can add the parameter $name in the show() method of your controller as it's part of the routed url more than the validated form/data. (recommanded)
class UserController {
public function show(ShowRequest $request, $name)
You can also access it from the request object
class UserController {
public function show(ShowRequest $request)
As for the error messages (not the exception) you can add the messages() method to your ShowRequest::class
class ShowRequest extends FormRequest
* #return array
public function messages()
return [
'name.required' => 'The name is required',
'name.numeric' => 'The name must be a number',
If you instead need to validate that the name catched by the route is only composed of letter OR really exists as a field in your DB (like a slug of a post) you need to add some validation in your route declaration.
Setup a route that catches request only if it is composed of letters.
Route::get('/user/{name}', 'Controller#show')->where(['name' => '[a-z]+']);
Setup a route that catches request only if the "name" exists in DB:
Class User //..
* Get the route key for the model.
* #return string
public function getRouteKeyName()
return 'name';
Route::get('/user/{user:name}', 'Controller#show');
And adapt your controller to take a user directly
class UserController {
public function show(ShowRequest $request, User $user)
You can access the values of the Form Request using this
$validated = $request->validated();
The $validated will have all the values which had been validated by the FormRequest.
To answer your second question, if you want to throw custom validation, you can always use the following
throw ValidationException::withMessages(['name' => 'Something is wrong']);
I am creating a new API call for our project.
We have a table with different locales. Ex:
ID Code
1 fr_CA
2 en_CA
However, when we are calling the API to create Invoices, we do not want to send the id but the code.
Here's a sample of the object we are sending:
"locale_code": "fr_CA",
"billing_first_name": "David",
"billing_last_name": "Etc"
In our controller, we are modifying the locale_code to locale_id using a function with an extension of FormRequest:
// This function is our method in the controller
public function createInvoice(InvoiceCreateRequest $request)
$validated = $request->convertLocaleCodeToLocaleId()->validated();
// this function is part of ApiRequest which extend FormRequest
// InvoiceCreateRequest extend ApiRequest
// So it goes FormRequest -> ApiRequest -> InvoiceCreateRequest
public function convertLocaleCodeToLocaleId()
return $this;
$localeCode = $this->input('locale_code');
return $this['locale_id'] = NULL;
$locale = Locale::where(Locale::REFERENCE_COLUMN, $localeCode)->firstOrFail();
$this['locale_id'] = $locale['locale_id'];
return $this;
If we do a dump of $this->input('locale_id') inside the function, it return the proper ID (1). However, when it goes through validated();, it doesn't return locale_id even if it's part of the rules:
public function rules()
return [
'locale_id' => 'sometimes'
I also tried the function merge, add, set, etc and nothing work.
Any ideas?
The FormRequest will run before it ever gets to the controller. So trying to do this in the controller is not going to work.
The way you can do this is to use the prepareForValidation() method in the FormRequest class.
// InvoiceCreateRequest
protected function prepareForValidation()
// logic here
'locale_id' => $localeId,
I want to devide my controller to several service layer, validation layer, and logical layer.
But I got stuck when I want to send new variable to validation request, my schenario is, if there is a new sent it indicates for new data, and if new variable is not exists it indicates it's updating data.
Here is my Controller:
public function store(AlbumRequest $request, AlbumService $service)
$request->add(['new' => true])
return redirect(route('admin.web.album.index'));
}catch(\Exception $err){
return back()->withInput()->with('error',$err->getMessage());
Here is my Request
class AlbumRequest extends FormRequest
public function rules()
I want to catch variable I have sent from Controller to Request. How to do that?
Thank you.
You can add new parameter in request from controller like that
$request->merge(array('new' => true));
before your request reaches your controller , it has to go through AlbumRequest class . so you have to merge that field in AlbumRequest class by using method prepareForValidation :
protected function prepareForValidation()
'new' => true,
add this method in your AlbumRequest class and see if it works
I am afraid you cannot do that because the incoming form request is validated before the controller method is called. Now if you want to know whether the request is for creating something new or updating something, you can do it by accessing the route parameters and method type
public function rules()
$rules = [
'something' => 'required',
if (in_array($this->method(), ['PUT', 'PATCH'])) {
//it is an edit request
//you can also access router parameter here, $this->route()->parameter('other thing');
$rules['somethingelse'] = [
return $rules;
You can enter the requested class as URL params.
class AlbumRequest extends FormRequest
public function rules()
I have the following route defined:
Route::put('/{organisationId}', 'OrganisationController#update');
And I have the following FormRequest for the update request:
namespace App\Http\Requests\Organisation;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
class UpdateOrganisationRequest extends FormRequest
public function authorize()
return true;
public function rules()
return [
'required|min:3|max:60|unique:organisations,name,' . $this->get('organisationId')
And I am trying to use it like this in my controller:
public function update($organisationId, UpdateOrganisationRequest $request)
$organisation = $this->organisationRepository->byId($organisationId);
if (!$organisation) {
return $this->error('Organisation not found.', $this::Bad_Request);
$this->organisationRepository->update($organisation, $request->validated());
return $this->success(
fractal($organisation, new OrganisationTransformer())
This appears to trigger the unique validation error, because it doesn't appear to exclude the id I am trying to update.
Any ideas why this isn't working?
Before using FormRequest, this is how I implemented the same functionality above and it was working fine:
I was able to update the same organisation with the same name and the unique validation rule didn't trigger an Validation exception.
All rules defined in a FormRequest's rules method should be in form of a key / value pair that corresponds to an input name and it's validation rule respectively. You missed key here so chances are validator looks for a field named 0 that doesn't exist.
Add name and test result:
return [ 'name' => '....' ];
Let's say I'm building a small application, where a small part of it is responsible for sending an email when a contact form is submitted. I only want to do that if the contact form passes some simple validation.
In the following controller the ContactRequest $request parameter is unused inside the method, although Laravel used the type-hinting to automatically apply the ContactRequest logic to the request.
Is it possible to achieve the same thing without leaving an unused variable in the controller method?
// Route
Route::post( 'contact', 'PageController#submitContactForm' );
// PageController
public function submitContactForm( ContactRequest $request ) {
return redirect()->back();
// ContactRequest
public function authorize() {
return hasNotSubmittedContactFormRecently();
public function rules() {
return [ 'message' => 'required' ];
Yes, you can write your controller method like so:
// PageController
public function submitContactForm()
return redirect()->back();
and it will have same effect. However for me it's better to use it as you used it before.
Also probably you somehow use data you receive, so it might be more reasonable to use it like this:
instead of probably injecting request into sendContactFormEmail method.
I found method Request::replace, that allows to replace input parameters in Request.
But currently i can see only one way to implement it - to write same replacing input code in every controller action.
Is it possible somehow to group code, that will be executed after request successful validation, but before controller action is started?
For example, i need to support ISO2 languages in my api, but under the hood, i have to transform them into legacy ones, that are really stored in the database. Currently i have this code in controller:
// Controller action context
$iso = $request->input('language');
$legacy = Language::iso2ToLegacy($iso);
$request->replace(['language' => $legacy]);
// Controller action code starts
I think what you're looking for is the passedValidation() method from the ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait trait
How to use it:
Create custom Request: php artisan make:request UpdateLanguageRequest
Put validation rules into the rules() method inside UpdateLanguageRequest class
Use passedValidation() method to make any actions on the Request object after successful validation
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use App\...\Language;
class UpdateLanguageRequest extends FormRequest
public function authorize()
return true;
public function rules()
return [
// here goes your rules, f.e.:
'language' => ['max:255']
protected function passedValidation()
$this->replace(['language' => Language::iso2ToLegacy($this->language)]);
Use UpdateLanguageRequest class in your Controller instead Request
public function someControllerMethod(UpdateLanguageRequest $request){
// the $request->language data was already modified at this point
*And maybe you want to use merge not replace method since replace will replace all other data in request and the merge method will replace only specific values
This solution worked for me based on Alexander Ivashchenko answer above:
namespace App\Http\Requests\User;
class UserUpdateRequest extends UserRequest
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* #return array
public function rules(): array
return [
Our parent UserRequest class:
namespace App\Http\Requests\User;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
abstract class UserRequest extends FormRequest
* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
* #return bool
public function authorize(): bool
return true;
* Handle a passed validation attempt.
* #return void
protected function passedValidation()
if ($this->has('password')) {
['password' => Hash::make($this->input('password'))]
public function validated(): array
if ($this->has('password')) {
return array_merge(parent::validated(), ['password' => $this->input('password')]);
return parent::validated();
I am overriding validated method also. If we access each input element individually his answer works but in order to use bulk assignment in our controllers as follow we need the validated overriding.
public function update(UserUpdateRequest $request, User $user): JsonResource
This happens because validated method get the data directly from the Validator instead of the Request. Another possible solution could be a custom validator wit a DTO approach, but for simple stuff this above it's enough.
Is it possible somehow to group code, that will be executed after
request successful validation, but before controller action is
You may do it using a middleware as validator, for example:
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
class InputValidator
public function handle($request, Closure $next, $fullyQualifiedNameOfModel)
$model = app($fullyQualifiedNameOfModel);
$validator = app('validator')->make($request->input(), $model->rules($request));
if ($validator->fails()) {
return $this->response($request, $validator->errors());
return $next($request);
protected function response($request, $errors)
if($request->ajax()) {
return new JsonResponse($errors, 422);
return redirect()->back()->withErrors($errors)->withInput();
Add the following entry in the end of $routeMiddleware in App\Http\Kernel.php class:
'validator' => 'App\Http\Middleware\InputValidator'
Add the rules method in Eloquent Model for example, app\Product.php is model and the rules method is declared as given below:
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* #return array
public function rules(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
return [
'title' => 'required|unique:products,title,'.$request->route()->parameter('id'),
'slug' => 'required|unique:products,slug,'.$request->route()->parameter('id'),
Declare the route like this:
$router->get('create', [
'uses' => 'ProductController#create',
'as' => 'Product.create',
'permission' => 'manage_tag',
'middleware' => 'validator:App\Product' // Fully qualified model name
You may add more middleware using array for example:
'middleware' => ['auth', 'validator:App\Product']
This is a way to replace the FormRequest using a single middleware. I use this middleware with model name as argument to validate all my models using a single middleware instead of individual FormRequest class for each controller.
Here, validator is the middleware and App\Product is the model name which I pass as argument and from within the middleware I validate that model.
According to your question, the code inside your controller will be executed only after input validation passes, otherwise the redirect/ajax response will be done. For your specific reason, you may create a specific middleware. This is just an idea that could be used in your case IMO, I mean you can add code for replacing inputs in the specific middleware after validation passes.
Use merge instead of replace
$iso = $request->merge('language');
$legacy = Language::iso2ToLegacy($iso);
$request->merge(['language' => $legacy]);