PHP - keeping the 0 non-significant in the sum - php

In the database I have a field with values such as C50003.
I have a function that divides this value into: C5 and 0003.
Now I need to add 1 to 0003, which would become 0004.
The problem is that when I do the sum (0003 + 1) the result is 4 and not 0004. (I have already tried doing 0003 + 0001, but nothing changes).
To fix this error I would have to count the number of initial 0's and put them back to the final result, but that would be a laborious check.
Is there any way to keep those 0's?

As easy way:
$value = '0003';
$intValue = (int) $value;
$newValue = $intValue + 1;
$formattedValue = str_pad($newValue, strlen($value), '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
echo $formattedValue; // 0004
$value = '0012'; // => 0013
UPD: Change strlen($value) - strlen($intValue) + 1 to strlen($value) on the advice of #user1597430.


Get the sum of all carried digits while performing addition on 2 or more integers

I've got this task, which I honestly don't understand what exactly to do.
It my be because of my English level, or mathmatics level, but this is really something I can not make sense of. Could you help be at least to understand the task ?
My php knowledge is very well, at least I thought so...
The task is this :
"Carry" is a term of an elementary arithmetic. It's a digit that you transfer to column with higher significant digits when adding numbers.
This task is about getting the sum of all carried digits.
You will receive an array of two numbers, like in the example. The function should return the sum of all carried digits.
function carry($arr) {
// ...
carry([123, 456]); // 0
carry([555, 555]); // 3 (carry 1 from ones column, carry 1 from tens column, carry 1 from hundreds column)
carry([123, 594]); // 1 (carry 1 from tens column)
Support of arbitrary number of operands will be a plus:
carry([123, 123, 804]); // 2 (carry 1 from ones column, carry 1, carry 1 from hundreds column)
Background information on "carry":
For this task, we don't actually need the numbers written under the equals line, just the numbers which are carried. Importantly, the carried numbers need to be used when calculating subsequent columns.
Before looping each column of integers, reverse the order of the columns so that looping from left-to-right also iterates the lowest unit column and progresses to higher unit columns (ones, then tens, then hundreds, etc).
For flexibility, my snippet is designed to handle numbers of dynamic length. If processing potential float numbers, you could merely multiply all number by a power of 10 to convert all values to integers. My snippet is not designed to handled signed integers.
Code: (Demo)
function sumCarries(array $array) {
$columns = ['carries' => []];
// prepare matrix of 1-digit integers in columns -- ones, tens, hundreds, etc
foreach ($array as $integer) {
$columns[] = str_split(strrev($integer));
// sum column values in ascending order and populate carry values
// subsequent column sums need to include carried value
for ($i = 0, $len = strlen(max($array)); $i < $len; ++$i) {
$columns['carries'][$i + 1] = (int)(array_sum(array_column($columns, $i)) / 10);
// sum all populated carry values
return array_sum($columns['carries']);
$tests = [
[123, 456], // no carries in any column
[555, 555], // 1 ones, 1 tens, 1 hundreds
[123, 594], // 1 tens
[123, 123, 804], // 1 ones, 1 hundreds
[99, 9, 99, 99, 99], // 4 ones, 4 hundreds
[9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9], // 10 ones
var_export(array_map('sumCarries', $tests));
array (
0 => 0,
1 => 3,
2 => 1,
3 => 2,
4 => 8,
5 => 10,
Since it's homework, I'm not going to fully answer the question, but explain the pieces you seem confused about so that you can put them together.
1 11 111 111 <- these are the carry digits
555 555 555 555 555
+ 555 -> + 555 -> + 555 -> + 555 -> + 555
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
0 10 110 1110
For a better example of two digits, let's use 6+6. To get the carry digit you can use the modulus operator where 12 % 10 == 2. So, (12 - (12 % 10)) / 10 == 1.
Thank you again. #Sammitch
I got it to make it work. Actually the problem was my English Math Level. The term "Carry digits" had no meaning at all for me. I was completely focusing on something else.
Here is my code : It may be far from perfect, but it does the job :)
function carry($arr) {
$sum_ones = 0;
$sum_tens = 0;
$sum_hunds = 0;
$arrCount = count($arr);
foreach($arr as $key){
$stri = (string)$key;
$foo[] = array(
"hunds" => $stri[0],
"tens" => $stri[1],
"ones" => $stri[2]
$fooCount = count($foo);
for($i=0; $i<$fooCount; $i++) {
$sum_ones+= $foo[$i]["ones"];
$sum_tens+= $foo[$i]["tens"];
$sum_hunds+= $foo[$i]["hunds"];
$sum1 = ($sum_ones - ($sum_ones % 10)) / 10;
$sum10 = ($sum_tens - ($sum_tens % 10)) / 10;
$sum100 = ($sum_hunds - ($sum_hunds % 10)) / 10;
return ($sum1 + $sum10 + $sum100);
$arr = array(555, 515, 111);
echo carry($arr);

Php getting ten's value

If I have values
2014 I need to get the 14,
2022 I need to get the 22,
2122 I need to get 122,
I could do:
$value = 2000 - $value;
But what if it's
1014? where I need to get the 14?
Is there any way to get the ten's value of any number? or 100's value? Thanks
Yes there is. Use modulus:
echo 2014%1000;
echo 2022%1000;
echo 2122%1000;
echo 1014%1000;
Yes, there is:
$result = $value % 1000;
If they aren't necessarily numbers and you just want the two left values, you could also use:
$result = substr($value, -2); // returns last two characters
Yes, If you use % , you can get the reminder value , if your value = 1234 , then 1234 % 1000 will return 234 , similarly it goes on.
$value = 1022 ; // your value
$tens value = $value % 1000;
echo $tens value ;

php function calling itself

Why is the answer, 13 as given. I just cannot get my head around it.
What does the following function return, if the given input is 7:
function foo($bar) {
if ($bar == 1) return 1;
elseif ($bar == 0) return 0;
else return foo($bar - 1) + foo($bar - 2);
Correct Answer: D. 13
nneonneo should have just posted his comment as the answer, but, this is is how the concept of recursion works:
= foo(6) + foo(5)
But wait, what're those equal to?
foo(6) = foo(5) + foo(4)
foo(5) = foo(4) + foo(3)
Hmm .. a pattern emerging ..
foo(4) = foo(3) + foo(2)
foo(3) = foo(2) + foo(1)
foo(2) = foo(1) + foo(0)
foo(1) = 1
foo(0) = 0.
So now you can figure out backwards back to the values, but (and this the more important question) what's really happening when you increase $bar by 1 again?
How does foo(8) compare to foo(7)?
And the answer is that foo (8) equals foo(7) + foo(6). In other words, it is equal to 13 + 8 - the sum of the two previous outputs of foo .. hey, that sounds familiar ... is there some famous sequence that is equal to the sum of the previous two numbers?
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 ...
That's right, this is how you can calculate the Fibonacci sequence recursively. And if you think about how you build up the Fibonacci sequence, it's really
1, 1 + 1, 2 + 1, 3 + 2, 5 + 3, 8 +5
Which is just
1, 1 + 1, (1 + 1) + 1, (2 + 1) + (1 + 1), etc.
By "seeding" the initial values (position "0" is 0, position 1 is 1) and then adding them together, you are able to derive each number in the sequence using just the original seeds and a lot of addition.
So in this case, bar represents the bar position in the Fibonacci sequence. So the 7th number in the sequence is 13.
It is very simple, just trace the sequence by hand. When using this type of recursion it helps to think of it more as a mathematical function than a programming procedure. If you want to get to know it more naturally, playing with a functional language *ML or some LISP would help you a lot and very quickly.
When you have a recursion on a data structure (Stack/Queue), then it is a bit different, but functional programming experience helps for that too.
foo(0) = 0
foo(1) = 1
foo(2) = foo(1) + foo(0) = 1 + 0 = 1
foo(3) = foo(2) + foo(1) = 1 + 1 = 2
foo(4) = 2 + 1 = 3
foo(5) = 3 + 2 = 5
foo(6) = 5 + 3 = 8
foo(7) = 8 + 5 = 13

PHP ordered Unique ID

Hello I hope someone could help me cus Iam little bit confused about task I have to do in PHP
I need php file that is unique registration ID with these parameters:
First is AA00001 and next one is DF00002.
So first letter + 3 and second + 5, but numbers going in +1 order.
Could someone give me hint how to achieve this?
Thank you!
In pseudocode:
get previous ID
separate first letter, second letter and number
convert first letter to number, add 3, modulo 26, convert back to letter
convert second letter to number, add 5, modulo 26, convert back to letter
add 1 to number, add zero-padding to reach 5 digits
concatenate them all together
set this as the new "previous ID"
Note that you'll need to ensure that this happens atomically - i.e. that you don't have multiple processes working on the same ID, else they'd get the same "next" ID. This will IMHO be the hardest part.
You can use substr to split the ID, dechex and hexdec to convert to/from decimal to hexadecimal, which gives you the A+3=D part, and you can use str_pad to front pad the integer with zeros, which gives you the second part, and then you just concatenate them.
ETA: Something like this:
$id = 'AA00001';
$first = dechex((hexdec(substr($id,0,1))+3)%16);
$secnd = dechex((hexdec(substr($id,1,1))+5)%16);
$int = str_pad(substr($id,2)+1,5,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT);
$newid = strtoupper($first.$secnd.$int);
ETA2: Unless you meant to go AA00001, DF00002, GK00003, JP00004, MU00005, PZ00006, SE00007 etc in which case you need
$first = chr(((ord(substr($id,0,1))-62)%26)+65);
$secnd = chr(((ord(substr($id,1,1))-60)%26)+65);
$lastid = 'AA00001';
$first = substr($lastid, 0, 1);
$second = substr($lastid, 1, 1);
$numeric = substr($lastid, 2);
$next_first = chr(((ord($first) - ord('A') + 3) % 26) + ord('A'));
$next_second = chr(((ord($second) - ord('A') + 5) % 26) + ord('A'));
$next_numeric = sprintf('%05d', intval($numeric) + 1);
$new_id = $next_first . $next_second . $next_numeric;
// DF00002
First you have to parse the last reg id.(using substr) Then,
store each value in a var corresponding to the place
$first , $second, $numberpart. then
$first = ($first + 3 ) % 16;
$second =($first + 5 ) % 16;
$number = $number + 1;
THen update the record accordingly converting$first, $second to their appro. letters.

PHP: find two or more numbers from a list of numbers that add up towards a given amount

I am trying to create a little php script that can make my life a bit easier.
Basically, I am going to have 21 text fields on a page where I am going to input 20 different numbers. In the last field I will enter a number let's call it the TOTAL AMOUNT. All I want the script to do is to point out which numbers from the 20 fields added up will come up to TOTAL AMOUNT.
field1 = 25.23
field2 = 34.45
field3 = 56.67
field4 = 63.54
field5 = 87.54
field20 = 4.2
Total Amount = 81.90
Output: field1 + fields3 = 81.90
Some of the fields might have 0 as value because sometimes I only need to enter 5-15 fields and the maximum will be 20.
If someone can help me out with the php code for this, will be greatly appreciated.
If you look at oezis algorithm one drawback is immediately clear: It spends very much time summing up numbers which are already known not to work. (For example if 1 + 2 is already too big, it doesn't make any sense to try 1 + 2 + 3, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5, ..., too.)
Thus I have written an improved version. It does not use bit magic, it makes everything manual. A drawback is, that it requires the input values to be sorted (use rsort). But that shouldn't be a big problem ;)
function array_sum_parts($vals, $sum){
$solutions = array();
$pos = array(0 => count($vals) - 1);
$lastPosIndex = 0;
$currentPos = $pos[0];
$currentSum = 0;
while (true) {
$currentSum += $vals[$currentPos];
if ($currentSum < $sum && $currentPos != 0) {
$pos[++$lastPosIndex] = --$currentPos;
} else {
if ($currentSum == $sum) {
$solutions[] = array_slice($pos, 0, $lastPosIndex + 1);
if ($lastPosIndex == 0) {
$currentSum -= $vals[$currentPos] + $vals[1 + $currentPos = --$pos[--$lastPosIndex]];
return $solutions;
A modified version of oezis testing program (see end) outputs:
possibilities: 540
took: 3.0897309780121
So it took only 3.1 seconds to execute, whereas oezis code executed 65 seconds on my machine (yes, my machine is very slow). That's more than 20 times faster!
Furthermore you may notice, that my code found 540 instead of 338 possibilities. This is because I adjusted the testing program to use integers instead of floats. Direct floating point comparison is rarely the right thing to do, this is a great example why: You sometimes get 59.959999999999 instead of 59.96 and thus the match will not be counted. So, if I run oezis code with integers it finds 540 possibilities, too ;)
Testing program:
// Inputs
$n = array();
$n[0] = 6.56;
$n[1] = 8.99;
$n[2] = 1.45;
$n[3] = 4.83;
$n[4] = 8.16;
$n[5] = 2.53;
$n[6] = 0.28;
$n[7] = 9.37;
$n[8] = 0.34;
$n[9] = 5.82;
$n[10] = 8.24;
$n[11] = 4.35;
$n[12] = 9.67;
$n[13] = 1.69;
$n[14] = 5.64;
$n[15] = 0.27;
$n[16] = 2.73;
$n[17] = 1.63;
$n[18] = 4.07;
$n[19] = 9.04;
$n[20] = 6.32;
// Convert to Integers
foreach ($n as &$num) {
$num *= 100;
$sum = 57.96 * 100;
// Sort from High to Low
// Measure time
$start = microtime(true);
echo 'possibilities: ', count($result = array_sum_parts($n, $sum)), '<br />';
echo 'took: ', microtime(true) - $start;
// Check that the result is correct
foreach ($result as $element) {
$s = 0;
foreach ($element as $i) {
$s += $n[$i];
if ($s != $sum) echo '<br />FAIL!';
sorry for adding a new answer, but this is a complete new solution to solve all problems of life, universe and everything...:
function array_sum_parts($n,$t,$all=false){
$count_n = count($n); // how much fields are in that array?
$count = pow(2,$count_n); // we need to do 2^fields calculations to test all possibilities
# now i want to look at every number from 1 to $count, where the number is representing
# the array and add up all array-elements which are at positions where my actual number
# has a 1-bit
# $i = 1 in binary mode 1 = 01 i'll use ony the first array-element
# $i = 10 in binary mode 10 = 1010 ill use the secont and the fourth array-element
# and so on... the number of 1-bits is the amount of numbers used in that try
for($i=1;$i<=$count;$i++){ // start calculating all possibilities
$total=0; // sum of this try
$anzahl=0; // counter for 1-bits in this try
$k = $i; // store $i to another variable which can be changed during the loop
for($j=0;$j<$count_n;$j++){ // loop trough array-elemnts
$total+=($k%2)*$n[$j]; // add up if the corresponding bit of $i is 1
$anzahl+=($k%2); // add up the number of 1-bits
$k=$k>>1; //bit-shift to the left for looking at the next bit in the next loop
$loesung[$i] = $anzahl; // if sum of this try is the sum we are looking for, save this to an array (whith the number of 1-bits for sorting)
break; // if we're not looking for all solutions, make a break because the first one was found
asort($loesung); // sort all solutions by the amount of numbers used
// formating the solutions to getting back the original array-keys (which shoud be the return-value)
foreach($loesung as $val=>$anzahl){
$bit = strrev(decbin($val));
$ret_this = array();
$ret_this[] = $j;
return $ret;
// Inputs
// Output
var_dump(array_sum_parts($n,$t)); //returns one possible solution (fuc*** fast)
var_dump(array_sum_parts($n,$t,true)); // returns all possible solution (relatively fast when you think of all the needet calculations)
if you don't use the third parameter, it returns the best (whith the least amount numbers used) solution as array (whith keys of the input-array) - if you set the third parameter to true, ALL solutions are returned (for testing, i used the same numbers as zaf in his post - there are 338 solutions in this case, found in ~10sec on my machine).
if you get all, you get the results ordered by which is "best" - whithout this, you only get the first found solution (which isn't necessarily the best).
to forfil the desire of some explanation, i commented the essential parts of the code . if anyone needs more explanation, please ask
1. Check and eliminate fields values more than 21st field
2. Check highest of the remaining, Add smallest,
3. if its greater than 21st eliminate highest (iterate this process)
4. If lower: Highest + second Lowest, if equal show result.
5. if higher go to step 7
6. if lower go to step 4
7. if its lower than add second lowest, go to step 3.
8. if its equal show result
This is efficient and will take less execution time.
Following method will give you an answer... almost all of the time. Increase the iterations variable to your taste.
// Inputs
// Output
// Let's try to do this a million times randomly
// Relax, thats less than a blink
$z=array_rand($n, mt_rand(2,20));
foreach($z as $x) $total+=$n[$x];
// If we did less than a million times we have an answer
foreach($z as $x){
print("[$x] + ". $n[$x] . " = $total<br/>");
One solution:
[1] + 8.99 = 8.99
[4] + 8.16 = 17.15
[5] + 2.53 = 19.68
[6] + 0.28 = 19.96
[8] + 0.34 = 20.3
[10] + 8.24 = 28.54
[11] + 4.35 = 32.89
[13] + 1.69 = 34.58
[14] + 5.64 = 40.22
[15] + 0.27 = 40.49
[16] + 2.73 = 43.22
[17] + 1.63 = 44.85
[18] + 4.07 = 48.92
[19] + 9.04 = 57.96
A probably inefficient but simple solution with backtracking
function subset_sums($a, $val, $i = 0) {
$r = array();
while($i < count($a)) {
$v = $a[$i];
if($v == $val)
$r[] = $v;
if($v < $val)
foreach(subset_sums($a, $val - $v, $i + 1) as $s)
$r[] = "$v $s";
return $r;
$ns = array(1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 5, 8, 9, 3);
print_r(subset_sums($ns, 11));
[0] => 1 2 5 3
[1] => 1 2 8
[2] => 1 7 3
[3] => 2 6 3
[4] => 2 9
[5] => 6 5
[6] => 11
[7] => 8 3
i don't think the answer isn't as easy as nik mentioned. let's ay you have the following numbers:
1 2 3 6 8
looking for an amount of 10
niks solution would do this (if i understand it right):
1*8 = 9 = too low
adding next lowest (2) = 11 = too high
now he would delete the high number and start again taking the new highest
1*6 = 7 = too low
adding next lowest (2) = 9 = too low
adding next lowest (3) = 12 = too high
... and so on, where the perfect answer would simply
be 8+2 = 10... i think the only solution is trying every possible combination of
numbers and stop if the amaunt you are looking for is found (or realy calculate all, if there are different solutions and save which one has used least numbers).
EDIT: realy calculating all possible combiations of 21 numbers will end up in realy, realy, realy much calculations - so there must be any "intelligent" solution for adding numbers in a special order (lik that one in niks post - with some improvements, maybe that will bring us to a reliable solution)
Without knowing if this is a homework assignment or not, I can give you some pseudo code as a hint for a possible solution, note the solution is not very efficient, more of a demonstration.
Compare each field value to all field value and at each iteration check if their sum is equal to TOTAL_AMOUNT.
Pseudo code:
for i through field 1-20
for j through field 1-20
if value of i + value of j == total_amount
return i and j
What you seem to be having is the Subset sum problem, given within the Wiki link is pseudo code for the algorithm which might help point you in the right direction.
