I want to change default download location in php
Using header function I cant' find a parameter for that
This is the definition of header
header(string $header, bool $replace = true, int $response_code = 0)
URL of solution
Save current page as HTML to server
// Start the buffering //
Your page content
echo '1';
file_put_contents('yourpage.html', ob_get_contents());
Instead of yourpage.html you specifiy the path and it works
Is there any solution for header or other alternative to just change default download location
URL of solution
Save current page as HTML to server
// Start the buffering //
Your page content
echo '1';
file_put_contents('yourpage.html', ob_get_contents());
Instead of yourpage.html you specifiy the path and it works
I'm kind of new to wordpress coding and I've been trying to get a variable from another file.
I have this variable $final_cat_url in /custom/last-category.php that I want to reuse in customtemplate.php.
I've read lots of explanations and the codex, but it's still not working.
I've tried to use the following code in customtemplate.php
get_template_part( 'custom/last-category', null, array('my_final_cat_url'=> $final_cat_url));
echo $args['my_final_cat_url'];
Can you help me with that? Thanks a lot.
Add this function to your functions.php file:
function includeWithVariables($filePath, $variables = array(), $print = true){
$output = NULL;
// Extract the variables to a local namespace
// Start output buffering
// Include the template file
include $filePath;
// End buffering and return its contents
$output = ob_get_clean();
if ($print) {
print $output;
return $output;
Instead of using get_template_part(), use this:
<?php includeWithVariables('file_to_include.php', array('final_cat_url' => $final_cat_url)); ?>
In the file you included:
<?php echo $final_cat_url; ?>
I've been working on a blogging system and I wish to receive information from external php files for a post's Title and Content, here is my code:
External (Blog Post's Content) File: 03-20-2018-This-Is-A-Test.php
$Title = 'This is a test!';
$Date = '03-20-2018';
$Content = 'Blog Post's content!';
Client Side Page For Viewing Blog Posts: Post Home.php
$Title = '';
$Date = '';
$Content = '';
$GetDate = $_GET['d'];
$GetTitle = $_GET['t'];
$postPath = "Posts/$GetDate"."-"."$GetTitle.php";
$postFile = fopen($postPath,"rt");
$postContent = fgets($postFile,filesize($postPath));
<!--Some HTML-->
<h2><? echo $Title; ?></2>
<b><? echo $Date; ?></b>
<p><? echo $Content; ?></p>
<!--Some More HTML-->
<? fclose($postFile); ?>
Client's Page URL: example.com/Post%20Home.php?d=03-20-2018&t=This-Is-A-Test
Reformatted as: example.com/03-20-2018/This-Is-A-Test
As you can see, I am using GET parameters to call the file that I wish to collect the information from.
I have tried using fopen which I wasn't able to get to work. Also include is forbidden with the particular server hosts I am using.
I am open to using file_get_contents if someone is able to help me get it to work.
Note: I have confirmed that my calling URL is correct and I get no errors from my php
So, I am trying to use fopen to collect the data of $Title $Date $Content from the file; 03-20-2018-This-Is-A-Test.php and use that information in the Client Side file; Post Home.php
I was able to find the answer using require().
I have php reading a text file that contains all the names of images in a directory, it then strips the file extension and displays the file name without the .jpg extension as a link to let the user click on then name, what I am looking for is a easy way to have the link that is clicked be transferred to a variable or find a easier solution so the link once it is clicks opens a page that contains the default header and the image they selected without making hundreds of HTML files for each image in the directory.
my code is below I am a newbie at PHP so forgive my lack of knowledge.
thank you in advance. also I would like a apple device to read this so I want to say away from java script.
// create an array to set page-level variables
$page = array();
$page['title'] = ' PHP';
/* once the file is imported, the variables set above will become available to it */
// include the page header
// loads page links
// readfile
// set file to read
$file = '\filelist.txt' or die('Could not open file!');
// read file into array
$data = file($file) or die('Could not read file!');
// loop through array and print each line
foreach ($data as $line) {
for ($i = 0; $i <= $x; $i++)
$link[$i]= "<a href=".$page[$i]."jpg>".$strr."</a>";
echo "<td>".$link[$i]."<br/";
// include the page footer
add the filename to the url that you want to use as a landing page, and catch it using $_GET to build the link.
<a href='landingpage.php?file=<?php echo $filename; ?>'><?php echo $filename; ?></a>
Then for the image link on the landing page
<img src='path/to/file/<?php echo $_GET['file'] ?>.jpg' />
I am trying to pull area of a page with AJAX.
In JS I have on click I pass href to PHP;
in PHP(located in tools):
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
$path = ($_POST['path']);
$page = Page::getByPath($path);
$a = new Area('Main');
$ret = $a->display($page);
echo json_encode($ret);
If I make:
echo json_encode($page);
I receive the page so everything working, But when I try to receive an Area I get this error:
concrete\elements\block_area_header_view.php on line 5
In this File I found this
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
$areaStyle = $c->getAreaCustomStyleRule($a);
So as I understand $c is null that why I have this error how can I fix this??
This line of code:
$ret = $a->display($page);
...does not do what you think it does. The "display" function does not return the content -- instead it outputs it to the browser. So your json_encode($ret) is just encoding and echo'ing an empty variable.
To capture the displayed content and put it into a variable, you can use php's output buffering feature, like so:
$ret = ob_end_clean();
I would like to load different .php page (the .php contain html and some php variable need to be replaced.
For example:
$output = '';
load the test.php and replace that $this->name with value.
store the html to $output
load the test1.php and replace that $this->name with value.
append to the previous $output variable
so at the end i would have a $output variable have all the updated html
Any suggestion is appreciated.
<?php echo $this->name; ?>
<?php echo $this->address; ?>
You likely want to use output buffering with a require or include statement:
$output = ob_get_contents();
$output should contain the contents of load.php with any variables processed.
To process multiple files (or anything else) just run it all between ob_start() and the last two lines, so you could grab two files like so:
$output = ob_get_contents();