How to get a part of the url?
query to be made:
$name = 'LeSant'; // (from url dinamic) //
$event = Dias::where('name', $name)->first();
How can I get name from the url? /event/LeSant
It depends on how you are declared this route. You can specify model parameter and with laravel route binding you can inject model in your controller method
In routes/web.php:
Route::get('/events/{event:name}', [EventController::class, 'show']);
And in EventController controller you can use something like that:
public function show(Event $event)
// do something with $event
Or if it not suits to you can get last element from request()->segments()
Multiple ways to do that. You can use request helper for it. Below two ways with requesthelper:
My routes:
Route::apiResource('courses', 'CourseController');
Route::apiResource('courses.classrooms', 'ClassroomController');
List: php artisan route:list
My question is: all my functions in classroom controller needs the course, something like that
public function index($course_id)
$classroom = Classroom::where('course_id', $course_id)->get();
return $classroom;
public function store($course_id, Request $request)
// ...
$classroom->course_id = $course_id;
// ...
public function show($course_id, $id)
$classroom = Classroom::where('course_id', $course_id)->find($id);
return $classroom;
// ...
Have some Policy/Helper in Laravel to accomplish this automatically?
I believe it's not necessary to add the property $course_id in all functions manually, what can I do?
You can use a group to enclose all your routes. Something like:
Route::group(['prefix' => '{course}'], function () {
// you can place your routes here
So all the routes that exist in that group will already have the course value in the url path and you don't have to "rewrite it" for every route.
If that field is set by you for example an env variable then inside your RouteServiceProvider you can put the prefix you want in the mapApiRoutes function.
protected function mapApiRoutes()
That way ALL your api endpoints will start with that prefix and you can have it in all the endpoints.
If the routes are registered correctly like you posted, your methods in the ClassroomsController should receive an additional parameter that's the course id fragment from the url.
For example if you request /api/v1/courses/1/classrooms route, the controller will receive the correct {course} parameter set to 1 as the first parameter.
You could then implement the index method of the ClassroomsController to use implicit model binding and get the Course instance with the given url id for the course.
To do so you have to type-hint the Course model for the first function's parameter and name the variable as the url fragment you want to use to retrive your model.
In your code example, you should do:
public function index(Course $course)
return $course->classrooms;
Note: I assume you have a relationship between Course and Classroom models to retrive the classrooms from the course model instance
You can read more about that on the official documentation here
I have seen other topics regarding this issue, didn't work out.
So in Laravel 5.4 Route Model Binding, we can bind a route to a model like:
define the route in web.php:
Route::get('/users/{user}', UsersController#show);
public function show(User $user){
// now we already have access to $user because of route model binding
// so we don't need to use User::find($user), we just return it:
return view(, compact('user'));
The above code will work just fine, so in our controller we can return the $user without finding the user, we already have it.
but imagine this:
Route::patch('/users/archive', UsersController#archive);
EDITED: now the above line makes a patch route and we don't have {user} in the route url, the user id is being posted via the form.
public function archive(Request $request, User $user){
// how can I access the $user here without using User::find($user);
// I get to this action via a form which is posting `user` as a value like `5`
dd($request->user); // this now echo `5`
// I can do:
// $user = User::find($request->user);
// and it works, but is there a way to not repeat it every time in every action
What I have tried:
in RouteServiceProvider::boot() I have:
Route::model('user', 'App\User');
The above is what i have found in Google, but not working.
I would appreciate any kind of help.
It seems it's not called Route Model Binding anymore since we don't have the {user} in the route and that's because my code is not working, the user variable is being posted to the controller and it's only accessible via $request->user.
this is route model binding:
Route::patch('users/{user}/archive', UsersController#archive);
this is not:
Route::patch('users/archive', UsersController#archive);
since we don't have {user} and it's being posted via the form and could be accessed only via $request->user.
(please correct me if I am wrong about the definition of route model binding)
what I want to achieve in a nutshell: in every request being sent to my UsersController, if I am sending user variable as a post variable, it must be bounded to User::findOrFail($request->user) and then $user must be available in my controller actions.
I want to achieve this because in every action I am repeating myself doing User::findOrFail($request->user) and I don't want to do that, so I want to check in every request if I have a variable name like a model name, they should be bounded.
There's no need to bind explicitly to the User class, so Route::model('user', 'App\User'); should be removed; type-hinting should be enough instead.
public function archive(Request $request, User $user) { ... }
should be working, just make sure you are importing the right User class at the top of the file (use App\User;).
Then the model is in your $user variable (method argument), try dd($user).
It's clear now that since the {user} variable is not in the URI, this is not a route model binding issue. You just want the User instance injected as a parameter based on the contents of the request.
$this->app->bind(User::class, function () {
$user_id = request('user') ?: request()->route('user');
return User::findOrFail($user_id);
You could add that to the register method in the AppServiceProvider (or any other registered provider) to have the model injected. I leave it to you to generalize this to other model classes.
You don't even need (Request $request) in your controller.
If you correctly imported User class, as alepeino said, you can access all user values from Model with this syntax $user-><value> for example:
public function archive(User $user) {
$userId = $user->id;
According to update.
If you use POST request, you can access it's data with such code request()->get('<variable you send as parameter>')
For example:
public function archive() {
$userId = request()->get('user');
$userInfo = User::find($userId);
//Or as you said
$user = User::findOrFail(request()->get('user'));
Can you try this;
public function archive(Request $request, $u = User::find($user){
//now variable $u should point to the user with id from url
I've had a quick look into the Laravel 5 request object, and it looks like input params is found using:
where foo would be either a GET variable (e.g. index.php?foo=bar) or a POST field.
What if I wanted to have my URL like so: Is it possible to access these via $request->input('input1')? Further, what if my POST is a JSON variable such as:
"input1" : "val1"
How would I access these parameters?
We can access like this, Hope this helps you
This is my route
Route::get('/group/{name}/{id}', 'GroupController#getGroups');
And controller method
public function getGroups($name, $id)
echo $name; //url parameter name
echo $id;
to pass data in the URL you need to define your route, and this vars will be in the parameter of your controller
See Dependency Injection & Route Parameters
Route::put('user/{id}', 'UserController#update');
and the controller ...
public function update(Request $request, $id)
If your post is a jSON string you can access the same way with $request
And see Retrieving JSON Input Values in the same link
If you need the 'id' in your middleware try to access with the $request
acess the parameters in the middleware
You can use
In Laravel, we can get route name from current URL via this:
But, how can we get the route name from a specific given URL?
Thank you.
A very easy way to do it Laravel 5.2
It outputs my Route name like this
Update: For method like POST, PUT or DELETE you can do like this
app('router')->getRoutes()->match(app('request')->create('/qqq/posts/68/u1', 'POST'))->getName()//reference
Also when you run app('router')->getRoutes()->match(app('request')->create('/qqq/posts/68/u1', 'POST')) this will return Illuminate\Routing\Route instance where you can call multiple useful public methods like getAction, getValidators etc. Check the source for more details.
None of the solutions above worked for me.
This is the correct way to match a route with the URI:
$url = 'url-to-match/some-parameter';
$route = collect(\Route::getRoutes())->first(function($route) use($url){
return $route->matches(request()->create($url));
The other solutions perform bindings to the container and can screw up your routes...
I don't think this can be done with out-of-the-box Laravel. Also remember that not all routes in Laravel are named, so you probably want to retrieve the route object, not the route name.
One possible solution would be to extend the default \Iluminate\Routing\Router class and add a public method to your custom class that uses the protected Router::findRoute(Request $request) method.
A simplified example:
class MyRouter extends \Illuminate\Routing\Router {
public function resolveRouteFromUrl($url) {
return $this->findRoute(\Illuminate\Http\Request::create($url));
This should return the route that matches the URL you specified, but I haven't actually tested this.
Note that if you want this new custom router to replace the built-in one, you will likely have to also create a new ServiceProvider to register your new class into the IoC container instead of the default one.
You could adapt the ServiceProvider in the code below to your needs:
Otherwise if you just want to manually instantiate your custom router in your code as needed, you'd have to do something like:
$myRouter = new MyRouter(new \Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher());
$route = $myRouter->resolveRouteFromUrl('/your/url/here');
It can be done without extending the default \Iluminate\Routing\Router class.
$route = Route::currentRouteName();
If you call Route::currentRouteName() after dispatchToRoute call, it will return current route name of dispatched request.
I am new to laravel and trying to figure out how to do the following:
I have a route that looks like this:
Route::resource('users', 'UsersController');
and it uses a query like this:
public function show()
$users = DB::select('select * from users WHERE Active = "Y"');
return View::make('')->with('users', $users);
And it shows fine. But above the results of the view, I have a form that allows someone to search by say first name or last name. I can not figure out how to do this in laravel. I am not sure if I need a different function that will expect those optional search parameters or if I can use the show function and just check for values?
Laravel strips all GET query parameters (/user?name=John) for security reasons, so you either have to use POST or pass them as route parameters (/user/John).
Using POST you'll have access to Input. You'll be able to provide default values like this:
Route::post('user', function()
return Input::get('name', 'John');
For route parameters you'll be able to define optional parameters like this:
Route::get('user/{name?}', function($name = 'John')
return $name;
You won't be able to use resource controllers with this, as they don't allow you to define custom endpoints, just the basic GET/POST by ID ones.
I know you don't like defining route handlers in the route definitions.
There's RESTful controllers for that.