I want to convert from dollars to Colombian pesos in PHP and that this is saved in a variable to use it in the paypal api, i have investigated and tested and I used this page https://free.currencyconverterapi.com/
Here's my code example:
function convertCurrency($amount, $from_currency, $to_currency)
$apikey = '*******';
$from_Currency = urlencode($from_currency);
$to_Currency = urlencode($to_currency);
$query = "{$from_Currency}_{$to_Currency}";
// URL para solicitar los datos
$json = file_get_contents("https://free.currconv.com/api/v7/convert?q={$query}&compact=ultra&apiKey={$apikey}");
$obj = json_decode($json, true);
$val = floatval($obj["$query"]);
$totalc = $val * $amount;
return number_format($totalc, 0, '', '');
//uncomment to test
echo "1 USD equivale a ";
echo convertCurrency(1, 'USD', 'COP');
echo " COP";
but for some reason that i don't understand, the next day the server went down or something and now i have to use something else
Researching i also learned that google has an api but so many blogs that i have read it is not clear to me how to implement it, can someone please help me?
(I know that there are questions before this one with the same topic, but I feel that they are outdated...)
I can't seem to find any code to display returned values from the call.
I am running the xml-lib from the software vendor at the following link
include 'xmlrpc/xmlrpc.inc';
function listAccounts()
//$params = array(new xmlrpcval(array("i_account"=> new xmlrpcval('14719', "string")), 'struct'));
$msg = new xmlrpcmsg('listAccounts');
/* replace here URL and credentials to access to the API */
$cli = new xmlrpc_client('https://DOMAINHERE/xmlapi/xmlapi');
$cli->setCredentials('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD', CURLAUTH_DIGEST);
$r = $cli->send($msg, 20);
if ($r->faultCode()) {
error_log("Fault. Code: " . $r->faultCode() . ", Reason: " . $r->faultString());
print_r ($r->faultString());
return false;
return $r->value();
// I need something here to write returned values to normal PHP variable
Ok thanks to the comment from halfer.
I managed to get the issue and digging through the code in the library I found a function that does the trick.
Thanks a million for your pointer it really helped.
I am new to php and xml and the learning curve is quite tall but thanks.
for someone else reference maybe in the future here is the corrected code with the last 2 lines that does the magic for me.
include 'xmlrpc/xmlrpc.inc';
// $params = array(new xmlrpcval(array("offset"=> new xmlrpcval("1", "int")
// ,"i_customer"=> new xmlrpcval("321", "int")
// ), 'struct'));
$params = array(new xmlrpcval(array("i_customer"=> new xmlrpcval("321", "int")
), 'struct'));
$msg = new xmlrpcmsg('listAccounts', $params);
/* replace here URL and credentials to access to the API */
$cli = new xmlrpc_client('DOMAIN');
$r = $cli->send($msg, 20); /* 20 seconds timeout */
if ($r->faultCode()) {
error_log("Fault. Code: " . $r->faultCode() . ", Reason: " . $r->faultString());
echo $r->faultString();
// now lets decode the xml response..
var_dump ($values['accounts'][0][username]);
I have a Discord servern with 1361 members and on my website I want to display a total number of joined users.
I have figured out how to get all online Members on the server using:
$jsonIn = file_get_contents('https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/356230556738125824/widget.json');
$JSON = json_decode($jsonIn, true);
$membersCount = count($JSON['members']);
echo "Number of members: " . $membersCount;
What should I do differently to get a total number of ALL users that have joined the server, and not just display the online members?
Now, I realize I am reviving a pretty old thread here, but I figure some might still use an answer. As jrenk pointed out, you should instead access https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/356230556738125824/members.
Your 404: Unauthorized comes from the fact that you are -you guessed it- not authorized.
If you have created a bot, it is fairly easy: just add a request header Authorization: Bot YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE. If you use a normal Discord account, the whole problem is a bit more tricky:
You will first have to send a POST request to https://discordapp.com/api/auth/login and set the body to {"email": "EMAIL_HERE", "password": "PASSWORD_HERE"}.
You will get a response with the parameter token. Save this token, you will need it later. BUT:
NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES show anyone this token, as it is equivalent to your login credentials!
With this token, you can now send a POST request to the same address: https://discordapp.com/api/auth/login, but now add the header Authorization: YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE. Note the missing "Bot" at the beginning.
Also, what you mustn't forget:
If you don't add the parameter ?limit=MAX_USERS, you will only get the first guild member. Take a look here to see details.
You have to count the number of online member
here is the working code
$members = json_decode(file_get_contents('https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/356230556738125824/widget.json'), true)['members'];
$membersCount = 1;
foreach ($members as $member) {
if ($member['status'] == 'online') {
echo "Number of members: " . $membersCount;
You need a bot on your discord server to get all members. Use the Discord js library for example.
First create a discord bot and get a token, see the following url:
As #2Kreeper noted, do not reveal your token publicly.
Then use the following code, replacing "enter-bot-token-here" and "enter-guild-id-here" with your own information:
$json_options = [
"http" => [
"method" => "GET",
"header" => "Authorization: Bot enter-bot-token-here"
$json_context = stream_context_create($json_options);
$json_get = file_get_contents('https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/enter-guild-id-here/members?limit=1000', false, $json_context);
$json_decode = json_decode($json_get, true);
echo '<h2>Member Count</h2>';
echo count($json_decode);
echo '<h2>JSON Output</h2>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
For anyone still interested, here's the solution I currently use using RestCord:
use RestCord\DiscordClient;
$serverId = <YourGuildId>;
$discord = new DiscordClient([
'token' => '<YourBotToken>'
$limit = 1000;
$membercnt = 0;
$_ids = array();
function getTotalUsersCount($ids, $limit, $serverId, $discord) {
if( count($ids) > 0 ) {
$last_id = max($ids);
$last_id = (int)$last_id;
} else {
$last_id = null;
$members = $discord->guild->listGuildMembers(['guild.id' => $serverId, 'limit' => $limit, 'after' => $last_id]);
$_ids = array();
foreach( $members as $member ) {
$ids[] = $member->user->id;
$_ids[] = $member->user->id;
if( count($_ids) > 0 ) {
return getTotalUsersCount($ids, $limit, $serverId, $discord);
} else {
return $ids;
$ids = getTotalUsersCount($_ids, $limit, $serverId, $discord);
$membercnt = count($ids);
echo "Member Count: " . $membercnt;
In addition to Soubhagya Kumar's answer comment by iTeY you can simply use count(), there is no need to loop if you do not require a loop.
I'm reviving this since it still seems to be relevant and the other answers seem a bit too complex I think (maybe the API used to be bad(?)). So:
Generate a permanent discord invite and keep the code at the end (https://discord.gg/xxxxxxx) and then all you do is this:
$server_code = "xxxxxxx";
$url = "https://discord.com/api/v9/invites/".$server_code."?with_counts=true&with_expiration=true";
$jsonIn = file_get_contents($url);
$json_obj = json_decode($jsonIn, $assoc = false);
$total = $json_obj ->approximate_member_count;
And there you go, that's the total member count. Keep in mind, this will also count the bots I think so you have to account for that if you want to refine it even more
I am using ipinfo.io for some simple lookups, but I have one little problem with echo $details->org; It outputs "AS15169 Google Inc.", but I want only the ISP part so "Google Inc.".
Example code:
function ip_details($ip) {
$json = file_get_contents("http://ipinfo.io/{$ip}");
$details = json_decode($json);
return $details;
$details = ip_details($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
echo $details->org;
Example output: http://ipinfo.io/
Need some help, anyone?
If you just want the org field you can query http://ipinfo.io/{$ip}/org which will give you the org as a string, which will save you from having to parse any JSON:
$org = file_get_contents("http://ipinfo.io/{$ip}/org");
We can split the org string into the ASN and name by exploding on the first space:
list($asn, $name) = explode(" ", $org, 2);
Putting it all together we get:
function org_name($ip) {
$org = file_get_contents("http://ipinfo.io/{$ip}/org");
list($asn, $name) = explode(" ", $org, 2);
return $name;
echo org_name("");
// => Google Inc.
echo org_name("");
// => Uninet S.A. de C.V.
echo org_name("");
// => Time Warner Cable Internet LLC
See http://ipinfo.io/developers for more details about the different endpoints, and rate limits.
Use regex to find anything between word boundaries that starts with AS and has one or more digits followed by a space and then replace it with a blank string.
I'm not great with regex so someone might come in with a better solution that this. But I tested it at PHP Live Regex and it worked for the few test cases I tried.
function ip_details($ip) {
$json = file_get_contents("http://ipinfo.io/{$ip}");
$details = json_decode($json);
return $details;
$details = ip_details($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$org = preg_replace('/\bAS\d+\s\b/i', '', $details->org);
echo $org;
I wrote this piece of script to get the conversion rates from Yahoo API . What it does is I have a config file which has currency details I have to make an array of rates of all the currency present in the config here is my script .
Please review it and let me know if there is a better way to do this .
$cur = $this->parent->parent->config->conversionCurrencies;
foreach($cur as $key=>$val){
$get_cur = str_replace("/","",$val);echo "<br>";
var_dump($array1 = json_decode($code, true));
$rates_array = array();
$myaskRate = $array1['query']['results']['rate']['Ask'];
$mybidRate = $array1['query']['results']['rate']['Bid'];
$rates_array[$key] = round(($myaskRate+$mybidRate)/2,2);
var_dump( $rates_array);
I would like to be able to extract a title and description from Wikipedia using json. So... wikipedia isn't my problem, I'm new to json and would like to know how to use it. Now I know there are hundreds of tutorials, but I've been working for hours and it just doesn't display anything, heres my code:
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$data = json_decode($json, TRUE);
$pageid = $data->query->pageids;
echo $data->query->pages->$pageid->title;
Just so it easier to click:
I know I've probably just done a tiny thing wrong, but its really bugging me, and the code... I'm used to using xml, and I have pretty much just made the switch, so can you explain it a bit for me and for future visitors, because I'm very confused... Anything you need that I haven't said, just comment it, im sure I can get it, and thanks, in advance!
$pageid was returning an array with one element. If you only want to get the fist one, you should do this:
$pageid = $data->query->pageids[0];
You were probably getting this warning:
Array to string conversion
Full code:
$url = 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extracts|info&exintro&titles=google&format=json&explaintext&redirects&inprop=url&indexpageids';
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$data = json_decode($json);
$pageid = $data->query->pageids[0];
echo $data->query->pages->$pageid->title;
I'd do it like this. It supports there being multiple pages in the same call.
$url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extracts|info&exintro&titles=google&format=json&explaintext&redirects&inprop=url";
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$data = json_decode($json, TRUE);
$titles = array();
foreach ($data['query']['pages'] as $page) {
$titles[] = $page['title'];
/* var_dump returns
array(1) {
string(6) "Google"
Try this it will help you 💯%
This code is to extract title and description with the help of Wikipedia api from Wikipedia
$url = 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=extracts|info&exintro&titles=google&format=json&explaintext&redirects&inprop=url&indexpageids';
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$data = json_decode($json);
$pageid = $data->query->pageids[0];
$title = $data->query->pages->$pageid->title;
echo "<b>Title:</b> ".$title."<br>";
// to short the length of the string
$description = mb_strimwidth($string, 0, 322, '...');
// if you don't want to trim the text use this
echo "<b>Description:</b> ".$string;
echo "<b>Description:</b> ".$description;