I have a Discord servern with 1361 members and on my website I want to display a total number of joined users.
I have figured out how to get all online Members on the server using:
$jsonIn = file_get_contents('https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/356230556738125824/widget.json');
$JSON = json_decode($jsonIn, true);
$membersCount = count($JSON['members']);
echo "Number of members: " . $membersCount;
What should I do differently to get a total number of ALL users that have joined the server, and not just display the online members?
Now, I realize I am reviving a pretty old thread here, but I figure some might still use an answer. As jrenk pointed out, you should instead access https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/356230556738125824/members.
Your 404: Unauthorized comes from the fact that you are -you guessed it- not authorized.
If you have created a bot, it is fairly easy: just add a request header Authorization: Bot YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE. If you use a normal Discord account, the whole problem is a bit more tricky:
You will first have to send a POST request to https://discordapp.com/api/auth/login and set the body to {"email": "EMAIL_HERE", "password": "PASSWORD_HERE"}.
You will get a response with the parameter token. Save this token, you will need it later. BUT:
NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES show anyone this token, as it is equivalent to your login credentials!
With this token, you can now send a POST request to the same address: https://discordapp.com/api/auth/login, but now add the header Authorization: YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE. Note the missing "Bot" at the beginning.
Also, what you mustn't forget:
If you don't add the parameter ?limit=MAX_USERS, you will only get the first guild member. Take a look here to see details.
You have to count the number of online member
here is the working code
$members = json_decode(file_get_contents('https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/356230556738125824/widget.json'), true)['members'];
$membersCount = 1;
foreach ($members as $member) {
if ($member['status'] == 'online') {
echo "Number of members: " . $membersCount;
You need a bot on your discord server to get all members. Use the Discord js library for example.
First create a discord bot and get a token, see the following url:
As #2Kreeper noted, do not reveal your token publicly.
Then use the following code, replacing "enter-bot-token-here" and "enter-guild-id-here" with your own information:
$json_options = [
"http" => [
"method" => "GET",
"header" => "Authorization: Bot enter-bot-token-here"
$json_context = stream_context_create($json_options);
$json_get = file_get_contents('https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/enter-guild-id-here/members?limit=1000', false, $json_context);
$json_decode = json_decode($json_get, true);
echo '<h2>Member Count</h2>';
echo count($json_decode);
echo '<h2>JSON Output</h2>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
For anyone still interested, here's the solution I currently use using RestCord:
use RestCord\DiscordClient;
$serverId = <YourGuildId>;
$discord = new DiscordClient([
'token' => '<YourBotToken>'
$limit = 1000;
$membercnt = 0;
$_ids = array();
function getTotalUsersCount($ids, $limit, $serverId, $discord) {
if( count($ids) > 0 ) {
$last_id = max($ids);
$last_id = (int)$last_id;
} else {
$last_id = null;
$members = $discord->guild->listGuildMembers(['guild.id' => $serverId, 'limit' => $limit, 'after' => $last_id]);
$_ids = array();
foreach( $members as $member ) {
$ids[] = $member->user->id;
$_ids[] = $member->user->id;
if( count($_ids) > 0 ) {
return getTotalUsersCount($ids, $limit, $serverId, $discord);
} else {
return $ids;
$ids = getTotalUsersCount($_ids, $limit, $serverId, $discord);
$membercnt = count($ids);
echo "Member Count: " . $membercnt;
In addition to Soubhagya Kumar's answer comment by iTeY you can simply use count(), there is no need to loop if you do not require a loop.
I'm reviving this since it still seems to be relevant and the other answers seem a bit too complex I think (maybe the API used to be bad(?)). So:
Generate a permanent discord invite and keep the code at the end (https://discord.gg/xxxxxxx) and then all you do is this:
$server_code = "xxxxxxx";
$url = "https://discord.com/api/v9/invites/".$server_code."?with_counts=true&with_expiration=true";
$jsonIn = file_get_contents($url);
$json_obj = json_decode($jsonIn, $assoc = false);
$total = $json_obj ->approximate_member_count;
And there you go, that's the total member count. Keep in mind, this will also count the bots I think so you have to account for that if you want to refine it even more
I am trying to validate apple identityToken using API. I am using the firebase/php-jwt library.
I have done the below code.
$auth_keys = file_get_contents('https://appleid.apple.com/auth/keys');
$public_keys = JWK::parseKeySet(json_decode($auth_keys, true));
$keys = array_keys($public_keys);
$decoded = JWT::decode($access_token, $public_keys[$keys[0]], ['RS256']);
$decoded_array = (array) $decoded;
echo '<pre>' . print_r($decoded_array, true) . '</pre>';
When I run the code the first time it works successfully. but the second time it returns 'Signature verification failed'. so i just changed from $public_keys[$keys[0]] to $public_keys[$keys[1]] so it works. but if I am trying to login again it is not working.
There is any problem with the key selection? I don't know how to select it. I tried lots of searches but I didn't found any proper solution so I hope to get help from here.
Thank you in advance
list($headb64, $bodyb64, $cryptob64) = explode('.', $access_token);
$header = JWT::jsonDecode(JWT::urlsafeB64Decode($headb64));
$kid = $header->kid;
I am working on project in php with Google Photos API. i have an issue, if i pass optional parameters like pageSize, it doesn't work still get all images.
$optParams = array(
'pageSize' => 1,
$response = $photosLibraryClient->listMediaItems($optParams);
foreach ($response->iterateAllElements() as $item) {
$id = $item->getId();
$description = $item->getDescription();
$mimeType = $item->getMimeType();
$productUrl = $item->getProductUrl();
$filename = $item->getFilename();
echo '<br>';
echo $filename;
I'm not a 100% sure of this, but it seems the iterateAllElements literally iterates over all elements available in the account, ignoring your specified pageSize (even the default pageSize) by requesting everything from the API without any boundaries.
You can iterate over the returned pages replacing iterateAllElements with iteratePages, but it also doesn't seems to work properly without a albumId, the API returns an irregular page sizing, like the example below:
$optParams = array(
'pageSize' => 5 // Changed
$response = $photosLibraryClient->searchMediaItems($optParams); // Changed the method
foreach ($response->iteratePages() as $key => $page) {
echo "Page #{$key}<br>";
foreach ($page as $item) {
$id = $item->getId();
$description = $item->getDescription();
$mimeType = $item->getMimeType();
$productUrl = $item->getProductUrl();
$filename = $item->getFilename();
echo '<br>';
echo $filename;
if the search or list were called without providing a albumId, the example above would return something like this:
If you find a good solution for this specific problem, please let me know.
Ps.: Their API behavior and it's documentation are very weird and confusing.
I have php version 7.1 in my localhost. I have made changes in my php.ini file to run SOAP from my localhost.
I need to generate primary and secondary session token by passing login id and password to SOAP client API.
Once session token is authenticated it will return some rate chart. My code is generating session tokens. But when I am passing that token key to the next method in SOAP Client api its always giving me an error like "Invalid Session Token" or "Invalid Authentication". However the same tokens are working well in SOAP UI exe. I mean I have installed SOAP UI exe and by using wsdl "http://cnx.test.dat.com:9280/wsdl/TfmiFreightMatching.wsdl" and using method "Login" and "LookupRate" its working everything fine. The way i need that.
But whenever i am using that tokens in php localhost its always giving me an authentication error by SOAP Client.
I am sharing my code below.
$wsdl = "http://cnx.test.dat.com:9280/wsdl/TfmiFreightMatching.wsdl";
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl, array('trace' => true));
$params = array('loginOperation'=>array('loginId'=>'ryder_cnx1','password'=>'ryder1','thirdPartyId'=>'dl'));
$data = $client->__getLastResponse();
$p = xml_parser_create();
xml_parse_into_struct($p, $data, $vals, $index);
$token = [];
foreach ($vals as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $key1 => $value1) {
if($key1 == "value")
$token[] = $value1;
echo "Primary Token = ".$token[0];
echo "<br> Secondary Token = ".$token[1];
//echo "<br> Expiry Date = ".$token[2];
$params_session = array("sessionToken"=> array("primary"=>$token[0], "secondary"=>$token[1]));
$namespace = 'http://www.tcore.com/TcoreTypes.xsd'; // I am not sure about this namespace. Whether its correct or not.
$header = new SoapHeader($namespace,'sessionHeader',$params_session,true);
$params_data = array('lookupRateOperations'=> array(
$result = $client->LookupRate($params_data);
}catch (SoapFault $exception){
//or any other handling you like
enter code hereprint_r($exception);
if anybody have any idea, please share it with me.
Awaiting any response.
Thanks a lot in advance :)
I know this is very old, and most likely the OP figured it out. But in case anyone else comes along, I was able to get it working with two slight changes.
$namespace = 'http://www.tcore.com/TcoreTypes.xsd';
Should be
$namespace = 'http://www.tcore.com/TcoreHeaders.xsd';
$params_session = array("sessionToken"=> array("primary"=>$token[0], "secondary"=>$token[1]));
should be
$params_session = array(
"sessionToken"=> array(
The rest of my code is similar enough that if the above changes are made, it should work. I would also refrain from posting real usernames and passwords, btw.
I am trying to implement CommWeb on my PHP site. It isn't working. I am getting following error message:
HTTP Status - 400
E5000: Required field vpc_AccessCode was not present in the request
How can I fix this? I haven't found anything helpful in the documentation.
Here is my code:
//Merchant Admin URL: https://migs.mastercard.com.au/ma/CBA
//Merchant ID: TEST
//Operator ID: Admin
//Password: d#test
$session_id = 1;
$finalprice = 50;
$testarr = array(
"vpc_Amount" => $finalprice*100,//Final price should be multifly by 100
"vpc_AccessCode" => "AEFTEST",//Put your access code here
"vpc_Command"=> "pay",
"vpc_Locale"=> "en",
"vpc_MerchTxnRef"=> "CLI".$session_id, //This should be something unique number, i have used the session id for this
"vpc_Merchant"=> "TEST",//Add your merchant number here
"vpc_OrderInfo"=> "1A22FTESTTEST",//this also better to be a unique number
"vpc_ReturnURL"=> "http://localhost/test1/index.php/commweb/",//Add the return url here so you have to code here to capture whether the payment done successfully or not
"vpc_Version"=> "1");
ksort($testarr); // You have to ksort the arry to make it according to the order that it needs
$SECURE_SECRET = "d#test";//Add the secure secret you have get
$securehash = $SECURE_SECRET;
$url = "https://migs.mastercard.com.au/ma/CBA";
foreach ($testarr as $key => $value)
$securehash .= $value;
$url .= $key."=".urlencode($value)."&";
$securehash = md5($securehash);//Encoding
$url .= "vpc_SecureHash=".$securehash;
I can perform single requests using Guzzle and I'm very pleased with Guzzle's performance so far however, I read in the Guzzle API something about MultiCurl and Batching.
Could someone explain to me how to make multiple requests at the same time? Async if possible. I don't know if that is what they mean with MultiCurl. Sync would also be not a problem. I just want to do multiple requests at the same time or very close (short space of time).
From the docs:
For an easy to use solution that returns a hash of request objects mapping to a response or error, see http://guzzle3.readthedocs.org/batching/batching.html#batching
Short example:
An update related to the new GuzzleHttp guzzlehttp/guzzle
Concurrent/parallel calls are now run through a few different methods including Promises.. Concurrent Requests
The old way of passing a array of RequestInterfaces will not work anymore.
See example here
$newClient = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => $base]);
foreach($documents->documents as $doc){
$params = [
'language' =>'eng',
'text' => $doc->summary,
'apikey' => $key
$requestArr[$doc->reference] = $newClient->getAsync( '/1/api/sync/analyze/v1?' . http_build_query( $params) );
$time_start = microtime(true);
$responses = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\unwrap($requestArr); //$newClient->send( $requestArr );
$time_end = microtime(true);
$this->get('logger')->error(' NewsPerf Dev: took ' . ($time_end - $time_start) );
As suggested in comments and asked by #sankalp-tambe, you can also use a different approach to avoid that a set of concurrent request with a failure will not return all the responses.
While the options suggested with Pool is feasible i still prefer promises.
An example with promises is to use settle and and wait methods instead of unwrap.
The difference from the example above would be
$responses = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\settle($requestArr)->wait();
I have created a full example below for reference on how to handle the $responses too.
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise as GuzzlePromise;
$client = new GuzzleClient(['timeout' => 12.0]); // see how i set a timeout
$requestPromises = [];
$sitesArray = SiteEntity->getAll(); // returns an array with objects that contain a domain
foreach ($sitesArray as $site) {
$requestPromises[$site->getDomain()] = $client->getAsync('http://' . $site->getDomain());
$results = GuzzlePromise\settle($requestPromises)->wait();
foreach ($results as $domain => $result) {
$site = $sitesArray[$domain];
$this->logger->info('Crawler FetchHomePages: domain check ' . $domain);
if ($result['state'] === 'fulfilled') {
$response = $result['value'];
if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200) {
} else {
} else if ($result['state'] === 'rejected') {
// notice that if call fails guzzle returns is as state rejected with a reason.
$site->setHtml('ERR: ' . $result['reason']);
} else {
$site->setHtml('ERR: unknown exception ');
$this->logger->err('Crawler FetchHomePages: unknown fetch fail domain: ' . $domain);
$this->entityManager->persist($site); // this is a call to Doctrines entity manager
This example code was originally posted here.
Guzzle 6.0 has made sending multiple async requests very easy.
There are multiple ways to do it.
You can create the async requests and add the resultant promises to a single array, and get the result using the settle() method like this:
$promise1 = $client->getAsync('http://www.example.com/foo1');
$promise2 = $client->getAsync('http://www.example.com/foo2');
$promises = [$promise1, $promise2];
$results = GuzzleHttp\Promise\settle($promises)->wait();
You can now loop through these results and fetch the response using GuzzleHttpPromiseall or GuzzleHttpPromiseeach. Refer to this article for further details.
In case if you have an indeterminate number of requests to be sent(say 5 here), you can use GuzzleHttp/Pool::batch().
Here is an example:
$client = new Client();
// Create the requests
$requests = function ($total) use($client) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $total; $i++) {
yield new Request('GET', 'http://www.example.com/foo' . $i);
// Use the Pool::batch()
$pool_batch = Pool::batch($client, $requests(5));
foreach ($pool_batch as $pool => $res) {
if ($res instanceof RequestException) {
// Do sth
// Do sth