How to run a custom command create in composer.json with options? - php

I'd like to use the Codeception bin file in project A from project B, so in project B's composer.json file I have added this script:
"codecept": "../projectA/vendor/bin/codecept"
With this, I can run a command from project B such as:
composer codecept bootstrap
However, if I add an option that can be used with the bootstrap command, such as:
composer codecept bootstrap --empty
Composer throws with the following error:
The "--empty" option does not exist.
This is my first time playing around with custom commands, so I'm not sure what I'm missing.

Okay, I found it, have to use an extra -- before passing the option, like this:
composer codecept bootstrap -- --empty

The error you see is from Symfony Console that is a dependency of Composer.
The underlying problem is that the command-line argument parser in Symfony Console is flawed (read: limited).
You can work-around that in many cases - but not for all - by using the -- argument delimiter and adding the commands arguments behind. E.g.:
composer codecept bootstrap -- --empty
However this does only work for command-line options that do not exist in Symfony Console as global arguments. E.g. this won't work for --help, it will show Composers' help text. Or --version, or --quiet and so on and so forth, e.g.:
composer exec codecept-the-foo-baloo bootstrap -- --version
Composer version ...
The command/package must not even be installed. As written this is flawed and introduces such and similar kind of limitation(s).


Symfony - can't run created console command

I've created a file called GenerateRandomUserCommand.php inside vendor/symfony/console/Command. Its namespace is set to: Symfony\Component\Console\Command it extends Command aswell. Clean composer and Symfony installation. The problem is, I can't make command working. I write: php bin/console mycommand (it is set of course in class) and I have a message: Command "mycommand" is not defined.
What's the problem? I did nothing in kernel or config, everything is default.
It's need to see that not working command file. But I can suggest to you use symfony maker bundle.
First, require bundle for dev env: composer require maker --dev
Then simply type in console bin/console make:command. After typing name it was generate command skeleton with some simple example. And I beleive that's all you need =)
The problem was, I must register command. Despite of autoregistering provided by Symfony...

vendor/bin/phpunit not working for Lumen

I'm new to Lumen (and Laravel). I've created a project with Composer and now I'm trying to get PHPUnit to work.
I'm following a book, where it should be possible to run a default passing test by typing vendor/bin/phpunit in the terminal, but it gives the error:
'vendor' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file
I've checked that the phpunit file is actually there and that phpunit is added as dependency in my composer.json file. I've also tried ./vendor/bin/phpunit and vendor/bin/phpunit/phpunit, but with the same result.
I've searched Google to find a solution, but everyone else seem to have issues when running phpunit (wihout vendor/bin) and the solution is to use the full path vendor/bin/phpunit, but since I'm already doing that, it does not fix my problem.
I'm using PHPStorm on a Windows machine and running the PHP server via PHPStorm. I've not modified the default Lumen project.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Trying php vendor/bin/phpunit gives the following error:
You need to set up the project dependencies using the following
php composer.phar install
I'm not sure what that means, since I've already installed Composer. I used Composer to create the project and I haven't changed the dependencies from the default.
I had the same problem, for Windows it's vendor\bin\phpunit ;)
It turned out that some symlinks and permissions were not installed properly in the default project. I tried deleting the entire vendor/ directory and run composer install.
Now I can run phpunit with the command vendor\bin\phpunit (because I'm running on Windows - thanks Nizarii)
try this:
php vendor/bin/phpunit
Try putting php in front of the phpunit path like so:
php vendor/bin/phpunit

Laravel 5 phpunit is not running tests

I'm been at this for days with no success. Running Laravel 5.1.
As I understand according to the Laravel doc.
An ExampleTest.php file is provided in the tests directory. After installing a new Laravel application, simply run phpunit on the command line to run your tests.
Ok so after running phpunit I found it is not globally installed and is located in vendor/bin/phpunit. Proceeding to run vendor/bin/phpunit gives me a screen with all the command options for phpunit. Its does not actually run any tests.
I searched more and came across a post that mentioned it could be a symlink issue. I followed the instructions in the post with no success. From memory I installed Laravel from composer so the symlink should not be an issue anyway.
These instructions involved deleting various files. I did notice that composer was pulling files from its cache when updating. So I cleared its cache and followed the process again. Still no success.
What are the tests not running? I'm at my wits end. Especially since its is supposed to run easily out the box.
In the end I was not calling the bat file correctly. I was running
C:\localhost\myProject\vendor\bin> phpunit
Instead I needed to run
C:\localhost\myproject> call vendor\bin\phpunit
Hence it now is referencing the phpunit.xml file with the test location information.
You need to install phpunit globally:
composer global require phpunit/phpunit
Then you can run phpunit from your project root.
You could just run the phpunit that comes with the project, just go to your project root and run ./vendor/bin/phpunit, that way the tests will execute the way they should be and you could get feedback in case it fails.
For some reason I haven't figure out yet if you install phpunit globally in your computer you won't get feedback of your tests.

Can't run phpunit tests from command line

I am trying to run unit tests in a new laravel 5 application, using the phpunit framework. In the root path of my laravel application I ru the following command:
./vendor/bin/phpunit /tests/ExampleTest.php
And then I get the following message:
You need to set up the project dependencies using the following commands:
php composer.phar install
I already have composer installed in may system and I install Laravel 5 using composer. Isn't phpunit installed when I install a new laravel 5 application? If not, how can I install it in a existent laravel 5 application?
I known that I can also install phpunit globaly and resolve the problem. But maybe it will be a duplication since I have all the phpunit code already in may laravel application.
I had the same problem and it had a specific solution that may apply to other people. I store my files in Dropbox, and the vendor/bin/phpunit file should be an symlink like this
$ ls -lo vendor/bin/phpunit
lrwxr-xr-x vendor/bin/phpunit -> ../phpunit/phpunit/phpunit
However, Dropbox will occasionally replace symlinks with the original file, and this will cause the error above. The behaviour is inconsistent, and with relative symlinks seems to break when 2 machines are accessing Dropbox at the same time. Fixing the symlink worked for me or you could make a new symlink directly to the vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit outside of Dropbox and run that.
Edit: Nowadays I exclude Vendor and node_modules from Dropbox - and simply run composer install when necessary. This works really well, and also deals with the hassle of syncing so many files on Dropbox. What you can do is go into the folder and delete all the files. Wait for Dropbox to sync. Then mark the folder as excluded. Finally, run composer install and you get the contents as you need. (Delete + composer install often solves other issues too).
Running composer install did nothing in my case. However, removing vendor folder and then calling composer install fixed it.
You need to have Composer installed and run composer install or composer update in your application to install the different packages listed in your composer.json.
When you install your Laravel application it doesn't install the packages right away.
You can verify the packages are installed by looking in the vendor directory of your application and check that phpunit is in there.
did you install phpunit globally? I recommend you do it.
just type in your laravel's root directory (e.g. /var/www)
cd /var/www
if you what to test just one file, you can do something like this:
phpunit tests/ExampleTest.php
Unit Test:
phpunit ../../tests/Unit/Company/CompanyUnitTest
Feature Test:
Please try this. its working fine.

Suppress "Ambiguous class resolution" warning on composer dump-autoload -o

I'm in the follwoing situation:
I want to deploy a php-app via "git push" on openshift. Dependencies are resolved via composer. The composer.lock file (locking the dependencies to the specific wanted version) is part of the repository.
Dependencies are loaded using the deploy hook script using:
${PHP_DIR}/bin/php $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/composer.phar update --prefer-dist --no-dev -n
${PHP_DIR}/bin/php $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/composer.phar dump-autoload --optimize -n
One of the dependencies (htmlpurifier) is a dependency of a subdependency. During the second command (dump-autoload --optimize) an error complaining about a "Ambiguous class resolution"-warning is written to stderr(I suppose), causing the deploy to fail. Code is tested locally using unit/integration tests and proven to work, even with this erroneous package.
remote: Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "HTML5" was found in both "/var/lib
fier/maintenance/PH5P.php" and "/var/lib/openshift/abc/app-
", the first will be used.
Is their a way to ignore this specific warning (e.g. an undocumented option), without ignoring all other warnings and/or messages generated by the command? Or is it possible to exclude a specific subdependency from autoload optimization to avoid the warning and let deploy succeed without ignoring all possible errors?
After a discussion on the composer-user list this has been fixed in
If anyone else runs into this, update composer to the latest version using
composer selfupdate
