Can't run phpunit tests from command line - php

I am trying to run unit tests in a new laravel 5 application, using the phpunit framework. In the root path of my laravel application I ru the following command:
./vendor/bin/phpunit /tests/ExampleTest.php
And then I get the following message:
You need to set up the project dependencies using the following commands:
php composer.phar install
I already have composer installed in may system and I install Laravel 5 using composer. Isn't phpunit installed when I install a new laravel 5 application? If not, how can I install it in a existent laravel 5 application?
I known that I can also install phpunit globaly and resolve the problem. But maybe it will be a duplication since I have all the phpunit code already in may laravel application.

I had the same problem and it had a specific solution that may apply to other people. I store my files in Dropbox, and the vendor/bin/phpunit file should be an symlink like this
$ ls -lo vendor/bin/phpunit
lrwxr-xr-x vendor/bin/phpunit -> ../phpunit/phpunit/phpunit
However, Dropbox will occasionally replace symlinks with the original file, and this will cause the error above. The behaviour is inconsistent, and with relative symlinks seems to break when 2 machines are accessing Dropbox at the same time. Fixing the symlink worked for me or you could make a new symlink directly to the vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit outside of Dropbox and run that.
Edit: Nowadays I exclude Vendor and node_modules from Dropbox - and simply run composer install when necessary. This works really well, and also deals with the hassle of syncing so many files on Dropbox. What you can do is go into the folder and delete all the files. Wait for Dropbox to sync. Then mark the folder as excluded. Finally, run composer install and you get the contents as you need. (Delete + composer install often solves other issues too).

Running composer install did nothing in my case. However, removing vendor folder and then calling composer install fixed it.

You need to have Composer installed and run composer install or composer update in your application to install the different packages listed in your composer.json.
When you install your Laravel application it doesn't install the packages right away.
You can verify the packages are installed by looking in the vendor directory of your application and check that phpunit is in there.

did you install phpunit globally? I recommend you do it.
just type in your laravel's root directory (e.g. /var/www)
cd /var/www
if you what to test just one file, you can do something like this:
phpunit tests/ExampleTest.php

Unit Test:
phpunit ../../tests/Unit/Company/CompanyUnitTest
Feature Test:
Please try this. its working fine.


symfony bridge isntalling phpunit to bin directory

I have a fresh symfony project and I need to install phpunit, so I run composer require --dev symfony/phpunit-bridge to install it. It creating symlink to phpunit executable in bin/ folder. But when I'm running tests using bin/phpuinit tests/ command I'm getting message "No composer.json found in the current directory, showing available packages from
" and it starting phpunit installation into bin directory and at the end I have bin/.phpunit folder and all the phpunit related files there. Why it installing php unit there and not into vendor, why it's not see composer??? what I'm doing wrong ? Thanks in advance!
What you are using is the symfony/phpunit-bridge
It basically is way more flexible than just phpunit in the vendor folder, allowing to adapt to multiple versions of PHPUnit based on your environment.
Please read the documentation linked above for more details. You're not doing anything wrong!
Another way would be a plain composer require phpunit/phpunit, which would work the "basic"/"standard" way.

Is there a place to get the laravel `vendor` folder in one spot?

I realize that this is what composer is used for, but I don't particularly like it. It makes sense, but it annoys me that laravel5's github doesn't work out of the box because it's vendor directory is somewhat large and isn't necessarily laravel5, although laravel does require it.
It also puzzles me why composer doesn't get it itself.
I would expect to be able to
git clone the_laravel5_github_url
composer install
and be able to run as it seemed like you were able to do at one time, but for some reason now, the vendor directory isn't there. I feel like this makes laravel harder to set up as it isn't so obvious.
Is there a place where someone can get an recent version of this? I find it disappointing that there is no mention of it on their readme and that you were able to do it before and still can't despite using composer install.
Install Composer on your OS using this command
curl -sS | php.
Move the composer.phar file to /usr/local/bin/ with this command
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer. This will enable you to access composer globally.
git clone your project.
Make a vendors folder in the root of your project.
cd to root of your project and run composer update. This command will look for vendors folder in the root and will install all the packages required by your project in it.
Happy Coding
Thank you :)
Use composer install in the same folder of your app. Try composer update. And install composer globally in your OS.

Problems installing laravel with composer [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory in your PATH?
(22 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Problem: I'm wanting to explore laravel 5, and failing miserably at installing it. I'm using this guide: and need someone to help me understand the instructions.
Background and What I've Tried
I'm running Mac OSX 10.10.2 (Yosemite) and MAMP.
So far, I've downloaded Composer to my home folder using terminal. There is just a composer.phar file sitting there.
When I run:
composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
I get the message:
Changed current directory to /Users/MYUSERNAME/.composer
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
I assume that is ok because when I run the following in terminal, I get the composer logo and a list of options
~ MYUSERNAME$ composer
I'm not 100% sure what the following means, from the Laravel Docs:
"Make sure to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory in your PATH so the
laravel executable can be located by your system."
Because I can't figure it out, the following steps throw errors, such as:
-bash: laravel: command not found
I've been going through a few forums, and it's suggested that I need to update my PHP.ini file - this seems more related to Composer install, and not specifically Laravel. Because composer is working, this seems to be a dead end.
Ideally, I want to install Laravel 5 to the directory
because Composer.phar is in my home folder, I think the command should be:
php composer laravel new sites/test
or just
composer laravel new sites/test
As mentioned, it just (correctly) throws errors.
If anyone can help solve my total user error, by explaining what "Make sure to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory in your PATH so the laravel executable can be located by your system." means to a n00b, that'd be really appreciated.
Many thanks!
Laravel is a PHP framework (makes writing PHP applications easy)
Composer is a PHP package and dependency manager. (makes installing and updating third party code libraries easy)
When you run
$ composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
You're using composer to install the laravel/installer=~1.1 package into composer's "global" project folder (usually ~/.composer). This is what installed the command line program named laravel.
The command line program named laravel is a shell script for installing the PHP framework (Also named Laravel).
Your "Unix Path" is a list of folders where a command line script will search for an executable. Usually is has folders like /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, etc. This is why when you run ls, you're actually running /usr/bin/ls -- the shell knows to check each folder in the path for a location. You can view your current path by typing
$ echo $PATH
So, the problem is composer installed the laravel command line program to a folder that's not in your unix path. You need to add this folder to your unix path. You can do this by running the following (assuming you're using bash, which is OS X's default shell)
$ PATH=$PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin
If you run that, you should be able to run the laravel command line program and continue your installation.
Most people add this to their .bash_profile or .bashrc files. The Unix Stack Exchange has a lot of good information if you're interested in learning how to do this.
You can add the directory to the PATH variable by editing /etc/paths.
Here's a tutorial on how to do that.
Just add a line with:
Then the laravel new command should work fine
If everything fails you can still use the composer create-project command to make a new laravel instance:
composer create-project laravel/laravel sites/test --prefer-dist
I added C:\Users\Leon\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin instead of ~/.composer/vendor/bin to the Path variable.
Here is instructions on changing the path variable on Windows 10:

Running PHPUnit in Laravel's Homestead

I'm using Homestead to serve my Laravel application. I'm trying to run PHPUnit. According to the docs:
An example test file is provided in the app/tests directory. After
installing a new Laravel application, simply run phpunit on the
command line to run your tests.
Well, when I'm "simply running" phpunit in my project root (inside the Homestead environment) I get this:
The program 'phpunit' is currently not installed.
Do I need to install PHPUnit separately then? The documentation does not mention it. What am I doing wrong?
You can install it globally on the system using.
composer global require phpunit/phpunit
However, if you need different versions for different projects this can cause issues.
The alternative option is to use the version installed as part of your dependencies by referencing the path to your vendor directory.
You could even add an alias to your aliases file in your ~/Homestead directory. That way you're always using the phpunit version that is installed with your project dependencies.
alias phpunit=./vendor/bin/phpunit
You'll need to restart the homestead box to make use of the alias.
You can install it globally with:
$ composer global require "phpunit/phpunit=4.4.*"
# then use
$ phpunit
or you can use it with your local composer:
$ composer require "phpunit/phpunit=4.4.*"
# then
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
Since it's a package required for development, Laravel provide PHPunit(require-dev section in composer), you should find it in vendor's folder :
$ your_app/vendor/bin/
You can run the command from the root of your app folder by typing :
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
I hope it will help !

Using Composer PHP on Shared Space

I'm using Bluehost and do have access to SSH, thankfully. I've also set my PHP to 5.4 in the Control Panel settings. Now, here's the two big questions that I can't seem to grasp: how do I install Composer and furthermore, after installing Composer, how do I get the dependencies included?
In this case, I am attempting to use the official Tumblr PHP Library, which has dependencies -- all of which can be found on Packagist.
I've referred to this question in which the OP is using HostGator. I have attempted to install Composer in a similar fashion and have done so with seemingly successful results. The issue, however, is that I don't know where to install it on Bluehost so I now have Composer installed in several random places on the server simply because I don't know how to navigate to find where to put it in this shared space.
I know this is the issue (i.e. it's installed in the wrong place) because when I use the composer phar files and syntax to install the packages, I get errors saying the commands don't exist.
I really hate asking for hand-holding assistance, but if someone could walk me through the proper installation of Composer on a shared space and the proper installation of a Composer package from Packagist on the same shared space, it would be much appreciated. I've dug through the Composer documentation and can't seem to find a proper guide -- if one can even exist -- for this case. At this point, I'm wondering if it's going to be different for every web host.
Once you install composer as mentioned by KLVTZ. In the bluehost environment, use the php-cli instead of php.
php-cli composer.phar install
When installing composer, the biggest problem I ran into was that Bluehost's command line php was 5.2 and composer needs 5.3+.
Fortunately, Bluehost does give you access to 5.4. You can find it at
I ended up setting up an alias to call composer.phar using the above php command and it's worked great. You can see more details on how to install composer on bluehost.
You should probably not use Composer on the remote host, but instead install it on the local machine that is used to upload your project to Bluehost. There you can manage all the stuff that is needed to fetch the dependencies, which might include having the ZIP extension enabled or having a ZIP program available, having GIT or Mercurial installed if you have to grab a version from a branch, and so on.
All these dependencies of using Composer might not be available on that remote host, and frankly: You really do not want to install these development tools on a production machine anyway, I think. Any software that potentially helps an attacker shouldn't be present if it can be avoided.
The issue, however, is that I don't know where to install it on Bluehost...
In order to fix this problem, you need to figure out where exactly your project folder is. Composer needs to be installed in that folder. If you have access to a UNIX shell, I recommend that you change your directory to that project folder
cd $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']/project_folder/
Generally, your remote server will follow the same file directory tree as that on your local machine. However, if you are unsure as to how your file structure may be organized, you can always print working directory of your local machine:
After you have successfully located the correct file path on your shared space, simply install composer:
curl -sS | php
This will report back something like:
All settings correct for using Composer
Composer successfully installed to: /var/www/my_project/composer.phar
Use it: php composer.phar
You now have access to your composer.phar in your project. Let me know if you need any further help.
One problem on Bluehost is that the php command on Bluehost does not execute php-cli. So I "bypass" that by having my own php script earlier in the PATH and then forwarding the arguments to php-cli. In the same process I made script named composer which calls php-cli composer.phar directly.
So, this setup has worked for me on Bluehost:
In ~/bin I have the composer.phar and two bash scripts called php and composer. In ~/.bash_profile I have prepended ~/bin to my PATH.
~/bin/php looks as follows:
php-cli "$#"
~/bin/composerlooks as follows:
php-cli ~/bin/composer.phar "$#"
And the additions to ~/.bash_profile are these:
export PATH
(I have also added ~/.composer/vendor/bin as can be seen, this is handy for global access for some composed applications (for me that is laravel)).
Remember to source ~/.bash_profile. (Or reconnect)
I think you should do something like this.
In console
echo $PATH
Use one of these pathes
mv composer.phar {selected path}/composer
chmod +x {selected path}/composer
Now you can simply call composer everywhere
If you have composer installed in your root directory (under public_html), might be something related to PHP version. As Bluehost when chosing PHP version "Be aware that this only modifies your ~/public_html/php.ini file. If you choose to use PHP 5.4, you'll want to make sure your crons use "/usr/php/54/usr/bin/php" instead, as otherwise it will use PHP 5.2."
So you can try with the command
/usr/php/54/usr/bin/php-cli composer.phar install
