I have installed a PHP script into the functions.php file and now I need to call it from the price field for import have no clue on which code to use? Below is the function.PHP code\
I am new to this so I am learning have checked 20 allimport help posts but can not connect the dots Thank you in advance XMark
function price_increment( $price ) {
if($price <= 20){
$adjustment = .15;
$new_price = $price * $adjustment;
$finalPrice = $price + $new_price;
return round( $finalPrice, 2 );
} else if($price <= 50){
$adjustment = .12;
$new_price = $price * $adjustment;
$finalPrice = $price + $new_price;
return round( $finalPrice, 2 );
} else if($price <= 100){
$adjustment = .07;
$new_price = $price * $adjustment;
$finalPrice = $price + $new_price;
return round( $finalPrice, 2 );
} else {
$adjustment = .05;
$new_price = $price * $adjustment;
$finalPrice = $price + $new_price;
return round( $finalPrice, 2 );
I'm trying to import a csv file with wp all import set specific functions to set the sale price and the offer price.
Now I would need to call the function that forms the regular price, inside the function of the offer price, to work on the result and maybe apply a percentage discount.
$GLOBALS['$commissione_paypal_lm'] = 4;
$GLOBALS['$spese_spedizione_moto_lm'] = 10;
$GLOBALS['$spese_spedizione_autocarro_lm'] = 10;
$GLOBALS['$spese_spedizione_varie_lm'] = 7;
$GLOBALS['$pfu_moto_lm'] = 1.50;
$GLOBALS['$pfu_autocarro_lm'] = 4.90;
$GLOBALS['$pfu_varie_lm'] = 2.90;
// First function for regular price,i take variables from csv and global variables
function prezzo_finale( $price = null, $pfu = null, $diametro = null ) {
if ( !empty( $price ) ) {
// strip any extra characters from price
$price = preg_replace("/[^0-9,.]/", "", $price);
$pfu = preg_replace("/[^0-9,.]/", "", $pfu);
//price ommas and dots fix
$price = str_replace(",",".",str_replace(".","",$price));
$pfu = str_replace(",",".",str_replace(".","",$pfu));
// calculate percentage
$percent = 0;
if ($diametro != '') {
$term = term_exists( $diametro, 'pa_diametro', 0 );
if ( $term !== 0 && $term !== null ) {
$percent = get_field('percentage', 'pa_diametro_' . $term["term_id"]);
// final price
$prezzo_finale = $price;
if (empty( $percent ) ) {
// Se il campo percentuale è vuoto metto 20% automatico
$prezzo_appoggio_finale = round((($prezzo_finale + round($prezzo_finale * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu ) * $GLOBALS['$commissione_paypal_lm'])/100,2) ;
$prezzo_finale = ($prezzo_finale + round($prezzo_finale * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu + $prezzo_appoggio_finale);
}else if ($percent > 0){
$prezzo_appoggio_finale = round((($prezzo_finale + round($prezzo_finale * ($percent / 100), 2) + $pfu ) * $GLOBALS['$commissione_paypal_lm'])/100,2) ;
$prezzo_finale = ($prezzo_finale + round($prezzo_finale * ($percent / 100), 2) + $pfu + $prezzo_appoggio_finale);
// Se il campo percentuale è inferiore uguale a zero metto 20% automatico
$prezzo_appoggio_finale = round((($prezzo_finale + round($prezzo_finale * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu ) * $GLOBALS['$commissione_paypal_lm'])/100,2) ;
$prezzo_finale = ($prezzo_finale + round($prezzo_finale * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu + $prezzo_appoggio_finale);
// perform calculations
return $prezzo_finale;
function prezzo_finale_lm( $fifo_ponderato = null, $diametro = null, $settori_codice= null ) {
if ( !empty( $fifo_ponderato ) ) {
// strip any extra characters from price
$fifo_ponderato = preg_replace("/[^0-9,.]/", "", $fifo_ponderato);
//price ommas and dots fix
$fifo_ponderato = str_replace(",",".",str_replace(".","",$fifo_ponderato));
// calculate percentage
$percent = 0;
if ($diametro != '') {
$term = term_exists( $diametro, 'pa_diametro', 0 );
if ( $term !== 0 && $term !== null ) {
$percent = get_field('percentage', 'pa_diametro_' . $term["term_id"]);
// final price
// moto = 10; vettura 8; isole extra valutare; paypal 3%;
$prezzo_finale_lm = ($fifo_ponderato);
if ($settori_codice === 'MOTO' || $settori_codice === 'SCOOTER' || $settori_codice === 'CICLOMOTORI'){
$spese_spedizione = $GLOBALS['$spese_spedizione_moto_lm'];
$pfu = $GLOBALS['$pfu_moto_lm'];
}else if ($settori_codice === 'AUTOCARRO'){
$spese_spedizione = $GLOBALS['$spese_spedizione_autocarro_lm'];
$pfu = $GLOBALS['$pfu_autocarro_lm'];
$spese_spedizione = $GLOBALS['$spese_spedizione_varie_lm'];
$pfu = $GLOBALS['$pfu_varie_lm'];
if (empty( $percent ) ) {
// Se il campo percentuale è vuoto metto 20% automatico
$prezzo_appoggio_lm = round((($prezzo_finale_lm + round($prezzo_finale_lm * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu + $spese_spedizione) * $GLOBALS['$commissione_paypal_lm'])/100,2) ;
$prezzo_finale_lm_paypal = ($prezzo_finale_lm + round($prezzo_finale_lm * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu + $spese_spedizione + $prezzo_appoggio_lm);
}else if ($percent > 0){
$prezzo_appoggio_lm = round((($prezzo_finale_lm + round($prezzo_finale_lm * ($percent / 100), 2) + $pfu + $spese_spedizione) * $GLOBALS['$commissione_paypal_lm'])/100,2) ;
$prezzo_finale_lm_paypal = ($prezzo_finale_lm + round($prezzo_finale_lm * ($percent / 100), 2) + $pfu + $spese_spedizione + $prezzo_appoggio_lm);
// Se il campo percentuale è inferiore uguale a zero metto 20% automatico
$prezzo_appoggio_lm = round((($prezzo_finale_lm + round($prezzo_finale_lm * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu + $spese_spedizione) * $GLOBALS['$commissione_paypal_lm'])/100,2) ;
$prezzo_finale_lm_paypal = ($prezzo_finale_lm + round($prezzo_finale_lm * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu + $spese_spedizione + $prezzo_appoggio_lm);
// perform calculations
return $prezzo_finale_lm_paypal;
// Second function for offer price,i would take regular price and work with
function prezzo_offerta_lm() {
if (prezzo_finale_lm()){
return prezzo_finale_lm();
// and for example apply discount as global variable
// perform calculations
This is shortcode i use for regular price:
Thank you all for any advice.
// First function for regular price,i take $price variable from imported csv column
function regular_price( $price = null) {
if ( !empty( $price ) ) {
// final price
$prezzo_finale = $price;
// perform calculations as example add markup or paypal commission
return $prezzo_finale;
// Second function for offer price,where i need to get returned value from first function
function offer_price($price = null)) {
if ( !empty( $price ) ) {
$offer_price = regular_price(); // i need to return here value from first function to perform discount calculation
// perform calculations
return $offer_price;
Let's say we have a code:
$maximum = 10000;
$minimum = 5000;
$size = 10000;
$step = 0.0001;
$total = 0;
$counter = $maximum;
while($counter >= $minimum)
$counter -= $step;
$total += $size / $maximum * $step / $counter;
echo "Total is: $total\n";
How to express $total variable as a formula? The code acts as an integral where step is infinitesimally small.
Your integral is:
$total = integral(x from $minimum to $maximum; $size / $maximum / x);
$size / $maximum is constant and thus simply scales the integral. The closed form of the integral is therefore:
$total = $size / $maximum * (log($maximum) - log($minimum))
= $size / $maximum * log($maximum / $minimum)
Assuming that both $maximum and $minimum are positive.
I'm trying to round off following figures:
Case 1:
round( ((4/6) * 100), 2 ) . '%'; = 66.67%
round( ((1/6) * 100), 2 ) . '%'; = 16.67%
round( ((1/6) * 100), 2 ) . '%'; = 16.67%
Total % = 66.67 + 16.67 + 16.67 = 100.01%
Case 2:
round( ((5/11) * 100), 2 ) . '%'; = 45.45%
round( ((3/11) * 100), 2 ) . '%'; = 27.27%
round( ((3/11) * 100), 2 ) . '%'; = 27.27%
Total % = 45.45 + 27.27 + 27.27 = 99.99%
Can anyone tell me how would I make it perfect 100%
If a prefect 100 is 100.00, use this case:
round( ((4/6) * 100), 3 ); = 66.667
round( ((1/6) * 100), 3 ); = 16.667
round( ((1/6) * 100), 3 ); = 16.667
round(66.667+16.667+16.667, 2); = 100
echo round( ((5/11) * 100), 3 ); = 45.455
echo round( ((3/11) * 100), 3 ); = 27.273
echo round( ((3/11) * 100), 3 ); = 27.273
echo round(45.455+27.273+27.273, 2); = 100
You can make it more prefect by increasing rounded precision, e.g. use 15 instead of 3 for double values ;).
$a1 = (4/6)*100;
$b1 = (1/6)*100;
$c1 = (1/6)*100;
round($a1, 2);
round($b1, 2);
round($c1, 2);
round($a1+$b1+$c1, 2);
$a2 = (5/11)*100;
$b2 = (3/11)*100;
$c2 = (3/11)*100;
round($a2, 2);
round($b2, 2);
round($c2, 2);
round($a2+$b2+$c2, 2);
[PHP Demo]
I am trying to create a loop in PHP where for each extra item in a shopping cart, the shipping gets a ascending 10% discount.
This is the result I want:
Quantity = 1: Shipping = 30;
Quantity = 2: Shipping = 30 + (30 x 0.5);
Quantity = 3: Shipping = 45 + (30 x 0.4);
Quantity = 4: Shipping = 57 + (30 x 0.3);
Quantity = 5: Shipping = 69 + (30 x 0.2);
Quantity = 6: Shipping = 78 + (30 x 0.1);
Quantity = 7: Shipping = 81 + (30 x 0.1);
Quantity = 8: Shipping = 84 + (30 x 0.1);
I don't know where to place my $quantity variable now.
$quantity = 10;
$shipping = 30;
for( $discount = 0.5; $discount >= 0.1; $discount - 0.1 ) {
$shipping = $shipping + ( $shipping * $discount );
echo $shipping;
you should iterate the quantity value, not the discount.
$shippingDefault = 30;
$discount = 0.5;
for ($i = 2 ; $i <= $quantity; $i++) {
if ($discount < 0.1) {
$discount = 0.1;
$shipping += ( $shippingDefault * $discount );
$discount -= 0.1;