Wp All Import Function Editor - php

I'm trying to import a csv file with wp all import set specific functions to set the sale price and the offer price.
Now I would need to call the function that forms the regular price, inside the function of the offer price, to work on the result and maybe apply a percentage discount.
$GLOBALS['$commissione_paypal_lm'] = 4;
$GLOBALS['$spese_spedizione_moto_lm'] = 10;
$GLOBALS['$spese_spedizione_autocarro_lm'] = 10;
$GLOBALS['$spese_spedizione_varie_lm'] = 7;
$GLOBALS['$pfu_moto_lm'] = 1.50;
$GLOBALS['$pfu_autocarro_lm'] = 4.90;
$GLOBALS['$pfu_varie_lm'] = 2.90;
// First function for regular price,i take variables from csv and global variables
function prezzo_finale( $price = null, $pfu = null, $diametro = null ) {
if ( !empty( $price ) ) {
// strip any extra characters from price
$price = preg_replace("/[^0-9,.]/", "", $price);
$pfu = preg_replace("/[^0-9,.]/", "", $pfu);
//price ommas and dots fix
$price = str_replace(",",".",str_replace(".","",$price));
$pfu = str_replace(",",".",str_replace(".","",$pfu));
// calculate percentage
$percent = 0;
if ($diametro != '') {
$term = term_exists( $diametro, 'pa_diametro', 0 );
if ( $term !== 0 && $term !== null ) {
$percent = get_field('percentage', 'pa_diametro_' . $term["term_id"]);
// final price
$prezzo_finale = $price;
if (empty( $percent ) ) {
// Se il campo percentuale è vuoto metto 20% automatico
$prezzo_appoggio_finale = round((($prezzo_finale + round($prezzo_finale * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu ) * $GLOBALS['$commissione_paypal_lm'])/100,2) ;
$prezzo_finale = ($prezzo_finale + round($prezzo_finale * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu + $prezzo_appoggio_finale);
}else if ($percent > 0){
$prezzo_appoggio_finale = round((($prezzo_finale + round($prezzo_finale * ($percent / 100), 2) + $pfu ) * $GLOBALS['$commissione_paypal_lm'])/100,2) ;
$prezzo_finale = ($prezzo_finale + round($prezzo_finale * ($percent / 100), 2) + $pfu + $prezzo_appoggio_finale);
// Se il campo percentuale è inferiore uguale a zero metto 20% automatico
$prezzo_appoggio_finale = round((($prezzo_finale + round($prezzo_finale * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu ) * $GLOBALS['$commissione_paypal_lm'])/100,2) ;
$prezzo_finale = ($prezzo_finale + round($prezzo_finale * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu + $prezzo_appoggio_finale);
// perform calculations
return $prezzo_finale;
function prezzo_finale_lm( $fifo_ponderato = null, $diametro = null, $settori_codice= null ) {
if ( !empty( $fifo_ponderato ) ) {
// strip any extra characters from price
$fifo_ponderato = preg_replace("/[^0-9,.]/", "", $fifo_ponderato);
//price ommas and dots fix
$fifo_ponderato = str_replace(",",".",str_replace(".","",$fifo_ponderato));
// calculate percentage
$percent = 0;
if ($diametro != '') {
$term = term_exists( $diametro, 'pa_diametro', 0 );
if ( $term !== 0 && $term !== null ) {
$percent = get_field('percentage', 'pa_diametro_' . $term["term_id"]);
// final price
// moto = 10; vettura 8; isole extra valutare; paypal 3%;
$prezzo_finale_lm = ($fifo_ponderato);
if ($settori_codice === 'MOTO' || $settori_codice === 'SCOOTER' || $settori_codice === 'CICLOMOTORI'){
$spese_spedizione = $GLOBALS['$spese_spedizione_moto_lm'];
$pfu = $GLOBALS['$pfu_moto_lm'];
}else if ($settori_codice === 'AUTOCARRO'){
$spese_spedizione = $GLOBALS['$spese_spedizione_autocarro_lm'];
$pfu = $GLOBALS['$pfu_autocarro_lm'];
$spese_spedizione = $GLOBALS['$spese_spedizione_varie_lm'];
$pfu = $GLOBALS['$pfu_varie_lm'];
if (empty( $percent ) ) {
// Se il campo percentuale è vuoto metto 20% automatico
$prezzo_appoggio_lm = round((($prezzo_finale_lm + round($prezzo_finale_lm * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu + $spese_spedizione) * $GLOBALS['$commissione_paypal_lm'])/100,2) ;
$prezzo_finale_lm_paypal = ($prezzo_finale_lm + round($prezzo_finale_lm * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu + $spese_spedizione + $prezzo_appoggio_lm);
}else if ($percent > 0){
$prezzo_appoggio_lm = round((($prezzo_finale_lm + round($prezzo_finale_lm * ($percent / 100), 2) + $pfu + $spese_spedizione) * $GLOBALS['$commissione_paypal_lm'])/100,2) ;
$prezzo_finale_lm_paypal = ($prezzo_finale_lm + round($prezzo_finale_lm * ($percent / 100), 2) + $pfu + $spese_spedizione + $prezzo_appoggio_lm);
// Se il campo percentuale è inferiore uguale a zero metto 20% automatico
$prezzo_appoggio_lm = round((($prezzo_finale_lm + round($prezzo_finale_lm * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu + $spese_spedizione) * $GLOBALS['$commissione_paypal_lm'])/100,2) ;
$prezzo_finale_lm_paypal = ($prezzo_finale_lm + round($prezzo_finale_lm * (20 / 100), 2) + $pfu + $spese_spedizione + $prezzo_appoggio_lm);
// perform calculations
return $prezzo_finale_lm_paypal;
// Second function for offer price,i would take regular price and work with
function prezzo_offerta_lm() {
if (prezzo_finale_lm()){
return prezzo_finale_lm();
// and for example apply discount as global variable
// perform calculations
This is shortcode i use for regular price:
Thank you all for any advice.
// First function for regular price,i take $price variable from imported csv column
function regular_price( $price = null) {
if ( !empty( $price ) ) {
// final price
$prezzo_finale = $price;
// perform calculations as example add markup or paypal commission
return $prezzo_finale;
// Second function for offer price,where i need to get returned value from first function
function offer_price($price = null)) {
if ( !empty( $price ) ) {
$offer_price = regular_price(); // i need to return here value from first function to perform discount calculation
// perform calculations
return $offer_price;


What code snippet is used to call a functions.php price change script in wp allimport

I have installed a PHP script into the functions.php file and now I need to call it from the price field for import have no clue on which code to use? Below is the function.PHP code\
I am new to this so I am learning have checked 20 allimport help posts but can not connect the dots Thank you in advance XMark
function price_increment( $price ) {
if($price <= 20){
$adjustment = .15;
$new_price = $price * $adjustment;
$finalPrice = $price + $new_price;
return round( $finalPrice, 2 );
} else if($price <= 50){
$adjustment = .12;
$new_price = $price * $adjustment;
$finalPrice = $price + $new_price;
return round( $finalPrice, 2 );
} else if($price <= 100){
$adjustment = .07;
$new_price = $price * $adjustment;
$finalPrice = $price + $new_price;
return round( $finalPrice, 2 );
} else {
$adjustment = .05;
$new_price = $price * $adjustment;
$finalPrice = $price + $new_price;
return round( $finalPrice, 2 );

formula to find for basic calculations of common loan types such as mortgages, auto loans, student loans, or personal loans

I'm trying to calculate EMI as per the attached screenshot. but there is a minor difference in my calculation. what I have done so far as below:
function interest($investment,$year,$rate=15,$n=1){
global $total_result, $total_interest, $totalamount;
if ($year > 1){
$accumulated += $investment;
$rateC = $rate / 100;
$result = $rateC / 12 * pow(1 + ($rateC) / 12, ($year * 12)) / (pow(1 + ($rateC) / 12, ($year * 12)) - 1) * $accumulated;
$result = 85.60;
for ($i=0; $i < 12; $i++) {
// echo round($accumulated,2).'<br>';
$accumulated = $accumulated * pow(1 + $rate/(100 * $n),$n);
$innntrest = ($accumulated - $investment) / 12;
$i_result = $result - $innntrest;
$accumulated = $investment - $i_result;
$investment = $accumulated;
echo '<br>***'.round($result,2).'***'.round($i_result,2).'***'.round($innntrest,2).'<br>';
$total_result = $total_result + round($result,2);
$total_interest = $total_interest + $i_result;
$totalamount = $totalamount + $innntrest;
return $accumulated;
Where $investment=1000(loan amount), $year=1 (loan term), $rate=5%(interest rate), $n=4 (compound)
So I want exact output as an attached screenshot, so can anyone help me with this code to find out the formula? Thanks in advance!
After a few days of research, I got the solution as below:
function interest($investment,$year,$rate=15,$n=1,$payment_frequency=4){
$accumulated += $investment;
$rateC = $rate / 100;
$total_i = 0;
if($payment_frequency == 1) {
$accumulated = $accumulated * pow(1 + $rate/(100 * $n),$n);
} else {
$rate = pow(1 + ($rateC/$n),($n*($year/($year*$payment_frequency)))) - 1;
$result = ($rate*$accumulated)/(1 - pow((1 + $rate),-($year*$payment_frequency)));
for ($i=0; $i < ($year*$payment_frequency); $i++) {
$accumulated = $accumulated * pow(1 + $rate/(100 * $n),$n);
$innntrest = ($accumulated - $investment) * 100;
$i_result = $result - $innntrest;
$accumulated = $investment - $i_result;
$investment = $accumulated;
$total_i += $innntrest;
return $total_i;

Calculate shipping discount per extra item

I am trying to create a loop in PHP where for each extra item in a shopping cart, the shipping gets a ascending 10% discount.
This is the result I want:
Quantity = 1: Shipping = 30;
Quantity = 2: Shipping = 30 + (30 x 0.5);
Quantity = 3: Shipping = 45 + (30 x 0.4);
Quantity = 4: Shipping = 57 + (30 x 0.3);
Quantity = 5: Shipping = 69 + (30 x 0.2);
Quantity = 6: Shipping = 78 + (30 x 0.1);
Quantity = 7: Shipping = 81 + (30 x 0.1);
Quantity = 8: Shipping = 84 + (30 x 0.1);
I don't know where to place my $quantity variable now.
$quantity = 10;
$shipping = 30;
for( $discount = 0.5; $discount >= 0.1; $discount - 0.1 ) {
$shipping = $shipping + ( $shipping * $discount );
echo $shipping;
you should iterate the quantity value, not the discount.
$shippingDefault = 30;
$discount = 0.5;
for ($i = 2 ; $i <= $quantity; $i++) {
if ($discount < 0.1) {
$discount = 0.1;
$shipping += ( $shippingDefault * $discount );
$discount -= 0.1;

I want to calculate electricity bill with units in php

This is my scenario:
if units are <= 100 then charge Rs 1 rupee/unit
if units are > 100 && <= 200 then charge Rs 2 rupee/unit
if units are > 200 && <= 300 then charge Rs 3 rupee/unit
if units are > 300then charge Rs 7 rupee/unit
if($units > 100){
$bill = 100 * 1;
$remaining_units= $units -100;
if($remaining_units > 100 ){
$remaining_units= $remaining_units -100;
$bill = $bill + (100* 2);
if($remaining_units > 100 || $remaining_units < 100){
$remaining_units= $remaining_units -100;
$bill = $bill + (100* 3);
if($remaining_units > 100 || $remaining_units < 100){
$bill = $bill + (100* 7);
echo $bill;
Use this function this function will work for you:
echo calculate_bill(210);
function calculate_bill($units, $multipler = 1, $oldBill=0){
if($units > 100){
$remainingUnits = $units -100;
$oldBill = (100 * $multipler) + $oldBill;
$a = ($units * $multipler) + ($oldBill);
return $a;
/*first level complete*/
if($multipler == 1){
$multipler = 2;
}elseif($multipler == 2){
$multipler = 3;
}elseif($multipler >= 3){
$multipler = 7;
return calculate_bill($remainingUnits,$multipler, $oldBill);
Ya its working fine now
if($units < 100){
$bill = $units*1;
}elseif($units > 100 && $units <=200){
$temp = 100*1;
$remaining_units = $units - 100;
$bill = $temp + ($remaining_units *2);
}elseif($units > 200 && $units <=300){
$temp = (100*1)+ (100*2);
$remaining_units = $units - 200;
$bill = $temp + ($remaining_units *3);
$temp = (100*1)+ (100*2)+ (100*3);
$remaining_units = $units - 300;
$bill = $temp + ($remaining_units *7);
echo $bill;

Find the nearest postcodes to given postcode using ordance survey easting and northing system

I have a database table of UK postcodes that has 4 fields:
Example values: ST1 6BQ, 388605, 349057,10
The primary key is postcodes and east and north are bothint(11)` fields.
Does anybody have an efficient MySQL query that will return the nearest 5 postcodes to a given post?
I have seen many examples using long and lat, but not northing and easting.
Convert your northings/eastings to lat/long, remembering that The OS grid is based on OSGB36 rather than WGS84.
I use the following class:
namespace OSGB36;
use \Geodetic\Datum;
class Converter
private $_osRef;
private $_fromDatum;
private $_toDatum;
public function __construct()
$this->_osRef = new OSRef();
$this->_fromDatum = new Datum(Datum::OSGB36);
$this->_toDatum = new Datum(Datum::WGS84);
* Converts easting/northing into lat/long
* #param integer $eastings
* #param integer $northings
* #return \Geodetic\LatLong
public function calculateLatLong($eastings, $northings)
$OSGB36LatLong = $this->_osRef->toLatLong(
$ecef = $OSGB36LatLong->toECEF($this->_fromDatum);
$WGS84LatLong = $ecef->toLatLong($this->_toDatum);
return $WGS84LatLong;
namespace OSGB36;
use \Geodetic\LatLong\CoordinateValues;
class OSRef
private $_northings;
private $_eastings;
public function __construct($northings = NULL, $eastings = NULL)
$this->_northings = $northings;
$this->_eastings = $eastings;
public function setNorthings($northings)
$this->_northings = $northings;
return $this;
public function setEastings($eastings)
$this->_eastings = $eastings;
return $this;
private function _sinSquared($x) {
return sin($x) * sin($x);
private function _tanSquared($x) {
return tan($x) * tan($x);
private function _secant($x) {
return 1.0 / cos($x);
private function _cosecant($x) {
return 1.0 / sin($x);
private function _cotangent($x) {
return 1.0 / tan($x);
public function toLatLong(\Geodetic\ReferenceEllipsoid $airy1830) {
$OSGB_F0 = 0.9996012717; // Central Meridan Scale factor
$N0 = -100000.0; // True origin Northing
$E0 = 400000.0; // True origin Easting
$phi0 = deg2rad(49.0); // True origin Latitude
$lambda0 = deg2rad(-2.0); // True origin Longitude
$semiMajorAxis = $airy1830->getSemiMajorAxis();
$semiMinorAxis = $airy1830->getSemiMinorAxis();
$eSquared = $airy1830->getFirstEccentricitySquared();
$easting = $this->_eastings - $E0;
$northing = $this->_northings - $N0;
$n = ($semiMajorAxis - $semiMinorAxis) / ($semiMajorAxis + $semiMinorAxis);
$M = 0.0;
$phiPrime = ($northing / ($semiMajorAxis * $OSGB_F0)) + $phi0;
do {
$M = ($semiMinorAxis * $OSGB_F0) *
(((1 + $n + ((5.0 / 4.0) * $n * $n) + ((5.0 / 4.0) * $n * $n * $n)) *
($phiPrime - $phi0)) -
(((3 * $n) + (3 * $n * $n) + ((21.0 / 8.0) * $n * $n * $n)) *
sin($phiPrime - $phi0) *
cos($phiPrime + $phi0)) +
((((15.0 / 8.0) * $n * $n) + ((15.0 / 8.0) * $n * $n * $n)) *
sin(2.0 * ($phiPrime - $phi0)) *
cos(2.0 * ($phiPrime + $phi0))) -
(((35.0 / 24.0) * $n * $n * $n) *
sin(3.0 * ($phiPrime - $phi0)) *
cos(3.0 * ($phiPrime + $phi0))));
$phiPrime += ($northing - $M) / ($semiMajorAxis * $OSGB_F0);
} while (($northing - $M) >= 0.001);
$v = $semiMajorAxis * $OSGB_F0 * pow(1.0 - $eSquared * $this->_sinSquared($phiPrime), -0.5);
$rho = $semiMajorAxis * $OSGB_F0 * (1.0 - $eSquared) *
pow(1.0 - $eSquared * $this->_sinSquared($phiPrime), -1.5);
$etaSquared = ($v / $rho) - 1.0;
$VII = tan($phiPrime) / (2 * $rho * $v);
$VIII = (tan($phiPrime) / (24.0 * $rho * pow($v, 3.0))) *
(5.0 + (3.0 * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime)) + $etaSquared - (9.0 * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime) * $etaSquared));
$IX = (tan($phiPrime) / (720.0 * $rho * pow($v, 5.0))) *
(61.0 + (90.0 * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime)) + (45.0 * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime) * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime)));
$X = $this->_secant($phiPrime) / $v;
$XI = ($this->_secant($phiPrime) / (6.0 * $v * $v * $v)) * (($v / $rho) + (2 * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime)));
$XII = ($this->_secant($phiPrime) / (120.0 * pow($v, 5.0))) *
(5.0 + (28.0 * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime)) + (24.0 * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime) * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime)));
$XIIA = ($this->_secant($phiPrime) / (5040.0 * pow($v, 7.0))) *
(61.0 + (662.0 * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime)) + (1320.0 * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime) * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime)) +
(720.0 * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime) * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime) * $this->_tanSquared($phiPrime)));
$phi = $phiPrime - ($VII * pow($easting, 2.0)) + ($VIII * pow($easting, 4.0)) - ($IX * pow($easting, 6.0));
$lambda = $lambda0 +
($X * $easting) - ($XI * pow($easting, 3.0)) + ($XII * pow($easting, 5.0)) - ($XIIA * pow($easting, 7.0));
$latLongCoordinates = new CoordinateValues(
return new \Geodetic\LatLong($latLongCoordinates);
function toGridRef()
$hundredkmE = floor($this->_eastings / 100000);
$hundredkmN = floor($this->_northings / 100000);
$firstLetter = "";
if ($hundredkmN < 5) {
if ($hundredkmE < 5) {
$firstLetter = "S";
} else {
$firstLetter = "T";
} else if ($hundredkmN < 10) {
if ($hundredkmE < 5) {
$firstLetter = "N";
} else {
$firstLetter = "O";
} else {
$firstLetter = "H";
$secondLetter = "";
$index = 65 + ((4 - ($hundredkmN % 5)) * 5) + ($hundredkmE % 5);
$ti = $index;
if ($index >= 73)
$secondLetter = chr($index);
$e = round(($this->_eastings - (100000 * $hundredkmE)) / 100);
$n = round(($this->_northings - (100000 * $hundredkmN)) / 100);
return sprintf("%s%s%03d%03d", $firstLetter, $secondLetter, $e, $n);
public static function createOSRefFromGridRef($gridRef)
$char1 = substr($gridRef, 0, 1);
$char2 = substr($gridRef, 1, 1);
$east = substr($gridRef, 2, 3) * 100;
$north = substr($gridRef, 5, 3) * 100;
if ($char1 == 'H') {
$north += 1000000;
} else if ($char1 == 'N') {
$north += 500000;
} else if ($char1 == 'O') {
$north += 500000;
$east += 500000;
} else if ($char1 == 'T') {
$east += 500000;
$char2ord = ord($char2);
if ($char2ord > 73)
$char2ord--; // Adjust for no I
$nx = (($char2ord - 65) % 5) * 100000;
$ny = (4 - floor(($char2ord - 65) / 5)) * 100000;
return new OSRef($north + $ny, $east + $nx);
combined with my Geodetic library.
It's pretty quick chundering through the entirety of CodePoint open to give me a database of postcode details including WGS84 lat/long coordinates for use with OpenStreetMap.
